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How Do You React To Morning Calls?

Guest bbyxwinnie

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if someone called me.

i usually have my eye shut searching for the phone.

so i don't check caller.

i'd sound dead going "heeellloooooo? why so early...."

and my friend would be like "GET UP IT'S 7 you were SUPPOSE TO wake up half an hr ago!"

ME: uh.... okay...?


ME: yeah...i will...just yeah....-hangs up-

and then i sleep for another 15mins

until she calls again and threatens to do something to me

and i scream at her and then i'm : D awake!

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Guest littlemayie

1. 3. and 4.

i love my sleep

because im always sleep deprived.

i can sleep for hours non stop

and my phone has this bad loud vibration thing!!!! so annoying!

and wake up with bad headaches from too much white brain cells! LOL

4. other: chuck the phone somewhere else, happens drops under the bed, :)

sometimes when soemone calls i think im dreaming LOL and go back to sleep

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i answer them with a voice that sounds like it comes from the depths of the sea. usually nothing understandable comes out of my mouth. xD

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Guest Pink_Bubbles

I'm usually really pissed and stoned. I wait until it rings atleast twice (incase other people pick up) then I answer it. I get annoyed because I can't get back to sleep.

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I'd just answer it XD and try to start talking in my morning grumpy voice calmly? :P

I always answer my calls, incase it's important.

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Guest babybubjazzy

i always answer it nicely.

im not a grumpy person,

unless someones doing something annoying

calls in the morning i can always take

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest rinabella

depends who is calling but if it is a significant other, i would likely to answer it but if its random and i was hella wanting to sleep. ill ignore it. haha. my bad

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Guest dreamingfantasies

me: Helllloooooooooooooooo? *super slur with a tint of grogginess*

friend: er...are you still asleep?

me: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

friend: Dude...its 12 in the afternoon.

me: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

friend: go back to sleep.

me: okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. byeeeeeeeeeeee

Its the only time I say bye before I hang up! :o

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Guest youngjae01

I'd pick up but it would be a "hello...?"

the person would probably say "oh sorry were you sleeping?"

I'd say "no, i just sound like this on occasion at 8AM... it's my new hobby..."

then everything else would be blah, blah, uh huh, blah, right, blah, oh ok, blah, no way, blah, see ya later.

Good times, good times.

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Guest ohfcuksara

well, i am not in school any more, but i rise very early in the morning still.

when someone calls my house (b/c the cell is off after 9), i NUT up!!!

i have a one year old baby and any of you with children know how precious sleep is!

espically YOUR BABY sleeping! haha.

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when someone calls me in the morning, I would switch the mobile to silent mode and try to sleep again.

I feel such a bad person when I ignore the caller but I can't help that I am too sleepy :P


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Guest KateLove

If it's my boyfriend I'll pick up, and be nice. BUT he's always sleeping at that time,

I'm usually the one to bug him by calling early :sweatingbullets:

If it's my parents/sister or something .... I'll pick up but be like "what?"

If it's just a friend/random ... I don't pick up at all.

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i'd take the phone and answer it with closed eyes...

usually my voice sounds like a boy right after i wake up...

so i'd just answer the call and say 'hello' in a mans voice...LOL...

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