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How Do You React To Morning Calls?

Guest bbyxwinnie

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Guest soompier1

Depends. With work related calls I pretend I'm still partially asleep. I've done the act so many times it's 100% believable. With friends I yell at them and hang up before they can answer. Usually 'you woke me up with you piece of crap !#$ bother me again in two hours got it ?!'

I don't know how some of you manage to not answer it. I wouldn't be able to sleep through the ringing.

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Guest wh0-care5

i turned the ringer off my phone so i will ignore it if i'm still asleep. leave amessage on the machine. lol

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Guest sugarrr

Ew, morning calls! Big EWWW to morning calls that are from telemarketers and people who randomly call for no reason.

I don't pick up unless it's a certain someone I'm expecting calls from <3

Everyone else can just leave me a message or text me. (:

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Guest o_o;;

This is one of the reasons as to why my phone is always on silent.

So I just let it uncomfortably vibrate under my pillow. But when I answer the phone, I speak in a really, really pissed voice.

I'm also the type that wakes up angry.


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before I sleep, I set my phone to silent. My boyfriend texts me good morning and while he's at work, he'll text me randomly. When I wake up, I turn up the volume so I can hear when I receive messages. After I go to my boyfriend's place, I turn my phone on silent or if it's battery is low and am expecting no calls, I'll turn it off. My phone is almost always on silent. This may be because I'm used to working and leaving my phone on silent. I am screwed whenever I lose my phone. I usually find it, but it takes awhile. ><

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I'm usually not a very nice person when someone's disturbing me, haha, but in that kind of situation I can be really drowzy and lost since it's in the middle of the night/very early morning. It usually goes like this, " ... ... ... Huh? What? ... Hello? What? Eh?" in a really confused voice, lol. I also don't even bother checking who's calling and just answer like that regardless.

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Guest mentalfiction

Depends on the person.

But mostly I'll either shriek angrily or whine before answering the call so that I'm not disrespectful or anything to whoever's on the other end :wacko:

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Guest ReiRaa

4) - I would turn off my phone immediately... Then next morning, I would turn it on again, and scold whoever called me in the middle of the night. xD

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Guest xindi

haha my phone is my alarm so I get these XD

usually a zombie hello, yes, yea, etc ... sometimes I fall asleep on the phone HAHAHA

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Guest ssarahlee

#1 no matter what the situation. need my beauty sleep, the call can wait if not then i would pick up the call the third time the person called.

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Guest kisschu

LOL what a impossible situation for me because I barely ever get calls that early. But, if that ever did happen, I prolly would either:

-Never hear it because I sleep as if I'm dead and I shut off all my surroundings

-Or I answer it in a very obvious tired tone and tell them what they want to hear and make it short and snappy.


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Guest Fubble

If it is important that I answer it, I will not be angry at the person who calls... even if I am mad when I wake up... before I answer the phone.

If it is not crucial that I answer it, I will be angry that they do not have the manners and decency to call at a more appropriate time.

Either way, I hate phone calls.

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Guest AznDreamers

Haha... that's a conscience question.

I had a call today in the morning.

I hear it ring but I...

  • Ignore it
  • pick up if it keeps ringing
  • I try to clear my voice
  • Speak as if I am awake
  • I try to keep clam when they ask me if I just woke up

That is what I do all the time.

I call back later on though LoL...

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Guest daradiridaraduu-

I answer the phone, "WHAT THE john tesh DO YOU WANT?@!?!?!!!!?!?SDLGokjrgiorgioregklrgokqeroWERJGTLDA;KRG!@?!"

They get scared and are like, "Ehh, err im ...im sorry...."

Then i laugh and say, "hehe. Just kidding. How are you?^__^"

Im generally a nice person :3

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Guest WoopieDaDoo

Simple Question and simple answer.

I don't.

Just kidding.

I tend to be lazy in the mornings to pick up phone calls, but I have to.

Because my mother calls me basically everyday, and there has been days that I did not pick up because It was too early. And them oldies wake up at like 5/6 in the morning, as you guys know.

So what I do is I hang up or also as shameful as this may sound, I have even said: "THE **** DO U WANT!". But then she comes home and she gives me this whole preach saying: "WHAT HAPPENED IF I WAS IN ACCIDENT???? OR WAS ON THE VERGE OF DIEING?"

I hate to say it, but I have to admit =.= She's right. So after she said that, I am picking up all phone calls now whether its in the morning, afternoon, or night. =.=

Btw, have u guys experienced when you pick up a phone call early in the morning and you start to scream on the phone to one of your family members, and when you wake up, you end up regretting it?

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Guest qutiepye4

usually pick it up and then get really pissed. especially if ive just fallen into that border line of deep sleep and still slightly awake. UGH its awful and especially when im already dreaming. i get suuuper pissed

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