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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest tn.serendipity

I cried so much in the end..when the family reunites and DC standing outside dropping tears and smile :(

Why he has to die? That's just wrong and it ruins everything about happiness, justice and fair.

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Guest tn.serendipity

I believe there will be enough complaints to make the production team and MBC realize their mistake.

But may be they do not care anymore, this is done. Changing anything will not not hurt their %.

However, I hope more people would cancel their orders to make it really hurt.

Someone made a comparison with Sad Love Song, I could not agree more. People died unnecessarily.

At least, we knew it was supposed to be a sad drama.

There are other drama that is sad but viewers (like me) would accept the outcome.

For example, in "the Devil", both main characters died, but you get the point and understand why that happened.

About the ending, in addition to all the great points already made, I felt it was really unnecessary to kill LDC.

What point was the writer trying to make?

The storyline tried too hard on "Blood is thicker than water". I do not buy this.

LDW was raised in a different way, there is just no way he would change so abruptly.

I have not seen the final 2 episodes yet, but if he was the cause of his brother's death (knowing his brother saved his life more than once),

any decent human being will not be able to face himself, forget about be part of that family happily.

They could have made the storyline more sophisticated and interesting by portraying more on LDW's struggle

between how he was raised and the temptations from his bloodline father.

LDW gave up too easiely and changed too unpredictably. His changing back was not plausible either.

I will be more careful to watch any ongoing drama from now on.

THis had so much potential but the writer had definitely ruined the end.

I cant disagree with you. The drama starts so nice and touching, till the middle they changed the writer which makes the plot draggy and lots of unneccessary parts. The sudden change in DW is really stupid and there is no point to kill DC. This drama makes a lot of mistakes, from LDH having no characteristic, to bringing the new girl in for DW's love interest to the long and draggy plot in the middle, and then the biggest is to kill DC and the ending with DW smilling. Human cant live like that. I'm happy that DW realizes his faults in the end, which is good, but then knowing that DC is killed bc of him (he is the reason for the whole protesting between companies and DC's casino collapse). YCH loses her son, YR losses her husband again, the whole family losses DC...how the heck are they gonna be happy?????


I read this on viikii.net and this person gave a perfect ending for EOE even before ep 55 is released. Check it out! Not only it's a happy ending, but it also make DW suffers from his guilt and of course, still be welcolmed in the family Lee. Even though I love the part that Rebecca makes DW understand how innocent DC is in the real drama, but this ending sounds nice too. Combining between these 2, awesome drama:)

Although Mr.Guk is dead before he died he and Rebecca had form an alliance to bring down STH, using secretary Chun whom they had both buy information from they had began to gather evidence on STH. After Mr.Cuk’s death Rebecca continue the work along buying her time until she had enough information to destroy STH. When Secretary Chun told Rebecca about STH plan to destroy LDC using Jackie and drugs, Rebecca decided to let the plan happen for two reasons: first given STH’s character Rebecca knew that he would renege on the deal that he made with Jackie and in doing so put the finishing touch on his down fall. Second Rebecca knew that in order to bring STH down completely she would also have to destroy LDW, but as long as LDC was around no matter what happen Rebecca knew there was no way LDC would just stand by and let and thing happen to LDW, so Rebecca decided it was better to have LDC lock up for the moment were he could not get involve, when all the evidence came out then he would be cleared. After LDC found a safe place for Grace, he turns himself believing that LDW would come to his senses and do his job as a DA and find the truth, unfortunately LDW is at this point is much more preoccupied with his growing fame than finding the truth, so he decide to hold a press conference announcing that he has captured LDC and that he will not rest until all corrupt are brought to justice.

As LDW is in the process of making his self-righteous speech a phone ring and STH picks up, on the other end is Rebecca: she ask him is he watching LDW speech, he says yes he’s full of his evil self satisfaction, Rebecca tell him to continue watching because just as he had destroyed her child she was going to destroy his. Rebecca hangs up the phone in walks into the press conference, she gives a signal and a report gets up and start asking LDW question, about his use of dirty evidence and his relationship with STH, suddenly on a speak in the recoding between STH and Mr.Hang making a deal over evidence, that recording is followed by one of STH talking about sending to letter of the recoding to DA’s office and setting up LDC with Jackie’s drug: this whole time secretary Chun working for Rebecca and Mr.Guk had been recording all of STH conversation. At once the realization hit LDW that not only had it been STH who sent the letter to the DA, but that he had betrayed everything he stood. All at once all the reports started asking LDW question about being a dirty DA, confused and hurt LDW runs out of the conference room, as he walks to the door, Rebecca steps in front of him, she ask him how does it feel to betray the brother who love him so much that when his father STH sent him to prison for murder that LDC dirty his soul and delivered dirty money so that you could walk in the light, seeing the devastating truth finally hit home for LDW, Rebecca toast her head back and starts to laugh her evil laugh.

At this point, LDW is openly crying, coming to tern with all he had done and as a result lost. At the same time STH office is being invaded by the DA who hates LDW, who had also been working with Mr.Guk and Rebecca. Knowing he had nothing left STH decide to make a run for it, at the same time LDW is heading toward STH to confront him, seeing STH get in the car to make a run for it LDW give’s chase, un-be-known to them Jackie’s has been waiting for the chance to get his hand on STH, so he also give’s chase, last but not least the DA who hate’s LDW also gives chase. Finally reaching his secret emergency hide out STH gets out of the car a second later LDW is on him screaming about how could he have betrayed him, STH tries calming him, saying he was only doing what was best for as they argue Jackie gets out of his car with a gun and takes aim at LDW, STH seeing the threat to late to warn LDW does his first selfless act in his life and jump in front of the bullet saving LDW, Jackie is then capture by the DA.

As STH lay dying LDW holds him in his arm, STH looking up at his son and repents at last, he tells LDW that he had live a wasted full of evil and greed in search of power, he tells LDW that he was sorry for bring that darkness into his life, and he beg LDW for favor as he takes his last breath, he ask LDW not to live his life as his son, but to live as he was meant to as LKC sons.

The next day as LDC is being release from prison, having been cleared of everything and receiving a public apology from the DA, Grace, his family and friends are all waiting for him to welcome him home. At the same time LDW is in the DA’s office being charge with a list of crime. Fast forward five years later, The Lee family are having a birthday party for Mrs.Lee, the whole family is there, Mrs.Lee sit at a table surrounded by her grandchildren. LDC walks into the room and two kids, twin boy and girl run up to him calling Appa: a gift from his night with Grace, a moment later Grace walks out of the kitchen holding her new born son in her hand followed by a very pregnant JR. The Lee family surrounded by friends are laughing and joking, out of the corner of his eyes LDC see’s a shadow at the window, he go out side where he see’s LDW, who after spending three years in jail, had drop off the face of the earth.

LDW can raise his head to look at LDC, seeing his discomfort LDC ask him if the gift in his hand was for their mother LDW shakes his head yes, LDC ask why don’t he go in and give it to her. LDW and LDC walks into the room and one by one very one became really quiet until Mrs.Lee looks up and see LDW. Her eyes instantly waters up and she walks up to him holding his face in her hand she ask him if he eaten his dinner yet, not waiting for an answer she grabbed his arm and walk him to a table to sit down. Grace walks over to LDC and he puts his arm around her, their son walk up to them and ask who’s that man with grandma, dropping down to be on eye level with his son, LDC tells the little boy, that’s your uncle his been away for along time, but now his home.

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I cant disagree with you. The drama starts so nice and touching, till the middle they changed the writer which makes the plot draggy and lots of unneccessary parts. The sudden change in DW is really stupid and there is no point to kill DC. This drama makes a lot of mistakes, from LDH having no characteristic, to bringing the new girl in for DW's love interest to the long and draggy plot in the middle, and then the biggest is to kill DC and the ending with DW smilling. Human cant live like that. I'm happy that DW realizes his faults in the end, which is good, but then knowing that DC is killed bc of him (he is the reason for the whole protesting between companies and DC's casino collapse). YCH loses her son, YR losses her husband again, the whole family losses DC...how the heck are they gonna be happy?????


I read this on viikii.net and this person gave a perfect ending for EOE even before ep 55 is released. Check it out! Not only it's a happy ending, but it also make DW suffers from his guilt and of course, still be welcolmed in the family Lee. Even though I love the part that Rebecca makes DW understand how innocent DC is in the real drama, but this ending sounds nice too. Combining between these 2, awesome drama:)


Wow that is great...it would have been so much better and sold more box sets......At first I read it wrong as fan fiction and thought it was a recap...I thought I had "missed something" but seriously that would have been so much better. I am trying to cleanse my brain of the ending today...still depresses me. What does help though is the outrage...I hope most people all over feel that way. Thank you

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Guest shinhwa89

MBC posted the BTS of Episode 55's wedding scene. Dont have a MBC account. Maybe someone can post a link for YouTube or download link to see it. Thanks

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Guest savingwork

Everybody should read the fanfiction ending in previous page. It's way better than the “writer’s” ending. It gives justice to everyone and remains true to eoe focus on revenge, and brother love:) :D

There are other drama that is sad but viewers (like me) would accept the outcome.

For example, in "the Devil", both main characters died, but you get the point and understand why that happened.

About the ending, in addition to all the great points already made, I felt it was really unnecessary to kill LDC.

What point was the writer trying to make?

I could not agree with you anymore.

After watching eoe 56, this is the summary of EOE for me: or let’s say this is what I felt the writer wanted to convey to us:

As she was writing EOE, only one thought was in her mind and one character was in her heart. Yes that is DC:

EOE depicts the “tragical” journey of a man called “Lee Dong Chul” from childhood to adulthood: all the struggle

he went through for his family and the setbacks/problems he had to face including “birth switch secret”. And how

his family, his enemies, his lover all dictated and changed his faith in life. The revenge plot was not really the main

focus; it was just used as a propelling plot. And so, we see EOE started with LDC promising his father to care for the

family and ended with DC returning back to the arms of his father. As soon as DC closed his eyes, EOE ended; thus,

we were deprived of what really happened to the rest of the characters. And we were left with a beautiful image of what

the “hero” DC wished for. Then The End.

It seems true that it was the writer’s intention from the beginning to kill DC. How disappointing…I know! At least tell us ahead of time so that we might…not ..invest our time.. ;) But anyway what’s done is done. :phew:

The storyline tried too hard on "Blood is thicker than water". I do not buy this.

LDW was raised in a different way, there is just no way he would change so abruptly.

I have not seen the final 2 episodes yet, but if he was the cause of his brother's death (knowing his brother saved his life more than once),

any decent human being will not be able to face himself, forget about be part of that family happily.

They could have made the storyline more sophisticated and interesting by portraying more on LDW's struggle

between how he was raised and the temptations from his bloodline father.

LDW gave up too easiely and changed too unpredictably. His changing back was not plausible either.

I am so relieved to see someone sharing the same view. I’m not alone in this. :D

How I really wished the focused was on that. "portraying more on LDW's struggle"

I agree with you that the change in DW and the complete mistrust in DC is a big fault of the writer. At the beginning I understood why DW took that path, feeling abandoned and all, but then it was exaggerated so much that it became unbelievable!! But then again, remember the writer is focusing mainly on how DW's changes is affecting DC's life, not how the Lees affected DW. This is the only way for me to understand why the story was portrayed as such.

But it breaks my heart how DW was crying for DC after realizing his mistake..How can DW ever continue with his life when DC was his everything before being manipulated by STH. DW killed his brother… The End..No escaping from the writer’s fact. That is so harsh!! someone needs to jump off a cliff,,DW!! :sweatingbullets:

More importantly, how is YR going to survive after DC has left, wasn’t she in an asylum before!! Ok so the baby (if not imagined) would make her feel better!!(how cheesy and cliché)

Also, I’m sorry to feel that YR has been a curse in DC’s life. I know many would disagree and it was not meant to be portrayed as such, but the facts point to that. Had DC not met YR and Guk, he’s head would not be hunted by all those gangsters.

YR was once, in the beginning, the sunshine in DC dark/hard world. She made him happy with her childish and bright attitude.

But the gang involvement and Guk really was bad for DC.

And with his mother YCH and DW pleading with him the entire show to leave Guk,I also was pleading. But DC was as stubborn as DW in wanting to stick with his job in the sense that his doing the “right thing”. Both brother are foolish in that sense..

I will be more careful to watch any ongoing drama from now on.

THis had so much potential but the writer had definitely ruined the end.

I know, I learned my lesson as well.


I’m done with eoe analysis, it’s tiring and pointless. But I love this forum because it’s a way to vent our frustration or justification regarding the drama… :) Thanks everyone for all the caps, torrent, links and discussion; it was such an exciting and joyful ride though ended disappointingly. I really enjoyed the experience with all of you. And I must say how much I enjoyed the acting; this is definitely one of the best cast, acting-wise, I’ve ever saw, especially with the wide range of emotions each character underwent. :D

Please take care and I hope you have a splendid experience with another drama. :lol:

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I just watched the part which Dong Wook and DC's mother had a conversation. DW said: "Human beings are all the same. In front of money, fame, success, they all become the same. Lee Dong Chul and Shin Tae Hwan, they are all the same when it comes to money." Hearing this really makes me angry. Dong Wook is too stupid since he can't realise that he is the one who likes Shin Tae Hwan and because of power, he ignores his own family. The more i watch, the more i think that the screenwriter must have something wrong with her brain. She is somewhat stupid. :tongue2:

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Can you post the youtube link as well? I want to save a copy of it even though the quality is not very good.

I cannot save the file posted on baidu. Appreciated.

thank you^^

i also happened to find it on youtube.

too bad we wont be seeing the BTS moments again

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Thanks for the link.

there you go

A few thoughts here:

-I agree that the fanfiction ending is much better as well and also has the effect of bringing closure. I don't know why the scriptwriter cannot give us a good ending yet also brings closure. Thanks to tn.serendipity for posting it. Didn't manage to locate it on viikii.net earlier.

-Come to think of it, like someone said before, the ending can also be a fantasy or the last wish DC has before he leaves this world. He hopes he leaves YR with a baby so that at least part of him is lived through the baby and can also be viewed as part of him still by YR side. He also wants the whole family be happy together - DW/YR bury their hedges. But in reality, the ending never tells us it was a 2 years jump anyway. If this is a fantasy, right after DC died, YR probably won't be able to live and may follow DC without finding out she is pregnant. DW who indirectly caused her father's death, I don't think she can forgive him so easily. And how can the family be so happy when DC is gone? Even if times passes, I think when they look at the baby, they will still reminisce DC with sadness not with the kind of happiness that is shown. So it is possible MBC treat us to another fantasy again ;). So I guess we can say the ending is really open-ended and the writers leave it up to us to determine how we want to make out of this.

-Although nothing can be done at this point, but I do hope this will impact the DVD boxset sale. I for one decided not to purchase it.

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Guest OneSky.

Based off of the preview:

My Speculation - Dongchul dies while taking a bullet for Dongwook. Yeonhee is pregnant with Dongchul's son/daughter. Dongwook realizes the evils of STH, etc. T.T

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Guest valmylove

LDW can raise his head to look at LDC, seeing his discomfort LDC ask him if the gift in his hand was for their mother LDW shakes his head yes, LDC ask why don’t he go in and give it to her. LDW and LDC walks into the room and one by one very one became really quiet until Mrs.Lee looks up and see LDW. Her eyes instantly waters up and she walks up to him holding his face in her hand she ask him if he eaten his dinner yet, not waiting for an answer she grabbed his arm and walk him to a table to sit down. Grace walks over to LDC and he puts his arm around her, their son walk up to them and ask who’s that man with grandma, dropping down to be on eye level with his son, LDC tells the little boy, that’s your uncle his been away for along time, but now his home.

sorry to cut your post short, thanks for your ending...it brough tears to my eyes ^^^^^^^ i love that last paragraph as i can picture the whole scene...why couldn't you have been the PD??? or assistant??? an intern PD?

thanks everyone for their contribution to the end of EOE... till next time

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this is how the drama ends?????!!!!! realli??? why??? i dont get it!!! why couldnt be a better happy ending!!! i mean didnt he go through enough through out this drama!!!!!!???? come on please!! i am so mad at this drama, i cant even stand it!!! i am so mad...!!!!!

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Guest Xingz

wow the longest drama i have ever watched, the ending is so typical kdrama though. but nevertheless sad.

i think this really teaches us that blood is thicker than water ...coughcough DW -.-

and for a second i thought they would see DC in human form, but of course there's that badly enhanced "heaven" backdrop...

i don't think anyone will live happily after his death, a miserable bunch indeed

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wow the longest drama i have ever watched, the ending is so typical kdrama though. but nevertheless sad.

i think this really teaches us that blood is thicker than water ...coughcough DW -.-

and for a second i thought they would see DC in human form, but of course there's that badly enhanced "heaven" backdrop...

i don't think anyone will live happily after his death, a miserable bunch indeed

I so agree what a miserable drama.....I am so ticked off this was such a waste of time to me. I really am so disappointed. Mostly if he had to die, I think they could have made the two brothers be as close to each other as they where in the stat of this drama. they could have at least given me that . But must say these actors sure could do some real crying....and the acting was great....well off to next one , sure hope its better then this mess.

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I have to pronounce it to everyone that comes along this block, I am so so so so so so sad, I want to cry but tears won't come out, but I feel so so so sad............................I feel like dying, what an ending, can't they just make it beter.......Gosh,,,,,,,,,I feel so sad (silly right)

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Guest jimmylee78

wow the longest drama i have ever watched, the ending is so typical kdrama though. but nevertheless sad.

i think this really teaches us that blood is thicker than water ...coughcough DW -.-

and for a second i thought they would see DC in human form, but of course there's that badly enhanced "heaven" backdrop...

i don't think anyone will live happily after his death, a miserable bunch indeed

same here this is the firs drama that i watch this long too man cant believe the ending was so sad curse EOE writer for having mine hope so high only to see it broken with that say am still a little happy aleast YR-DC have a kid together

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Guest Crichton

I just watched episode #55 and it made me that much more frustrated with the ending. The whole resolution was just so badly crafted.

It's just so ridiculous, the sudden villifying of Dongwook's character was so poorly written. That scene at the end of #55 where Dongwook pretends to give in to his brother only to hand cuff him - I mean, how did any viewer take it seriously? It was almost like a bizarre parody of a scene...DW comes off as a clownishly evil clown and DC reacts like a stupified child. To see those actors go from the reunion scene at the end of episode #11 to the scene at the end of #55...it's enough to make you wince in embarrasment...for them.It rang so false.

Not only that, but DC, has like, 5 seconds of happiness before YR gets kidnapped AGAIN! Really...the production behind this series couldn't think of anything else but another kidnapping. Dozens and dozens of educated, skilled adults, and this was all they could think of?

It's really a crime. Those beautifully well crafted characters that were so enganging in the first episodes are so utterly wasted. LDH must have seen what was coming.

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