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Albino Asians.

Guest classic x

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Guest rice_rice

i've seen an albino girl in her 20's in a shopping centre in an asian country before.

at first i thought she was just a white person, since there aren't many whites in asian countries she stood out alot. and her skin was really pale with pink undertones and her hair was really white, she was also very pretty. i thought she was just a regular white person until she spoke in the fobbiest accent and thats when i had a proper look and realised she was actually asian.

it's be so wierd reading this thread if i was an albino. everyone here is so excited about spotting them. it's like 'I Found Wally!"

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Guest LemonMud

woooow! that's so weird and cool!!!

ive never seen anyone albino... but thats weird to think about!!! asian albino!! haaa~ love it ^^

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Guest OukaKioshi

o-o it would be nice to have naturally like brown hair as an asian LOL XD and grey eyes sound cool haha ><'

but hah asorry useless post ><" i havent seen any albinos in real life =O im so deprived =(

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Guest dr jung

When I was in elementary school, my neighbor siblings were albino.

It can happen to anyone, not just white or black people.

A famous example is always used in textbooks, of a native American albino girl among normal native American girls.

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Guest hwaiting

I saw an Albino baby in the city. It was the sweetest lil' thing, she was just sleeping on her mothers shoulder. Her mother was asian, i think Chinese.

I remember reading a thread on soompi a while back, she posted her baby cousin that was albino, she was so cute !

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  • 5 months later...

Having grey eyes or red, and not brown doesn't necessarily make them Albino. This is like people tho think Asians are the only ones with Epicanthic folds.

albino means they lack pigment all over their body. that's what makes their hair white. red eyes is super rare, like literally a handful of people in the entire world. you have to be an albino to have red eyes because it requires you have 0 melanin in both the inner and outer layer of your eyes PLUS your eyes must have a specific density to reflect light to make it look red even with no melanin. even among albinos red eyes is like being 7 feet tall.. you basically have to have 1 in 10,000,000 freak genetics

News flash for those who think Asians only have brown eyes or black hair, there are indeed Asians who have different colors eyes as well as non-black hair.

news flash to you: Asians DO only have brown eyes. anyone with green or blue eyes simply has caucasian racial admixture.. and more specifically northern european admixture.

anything but brown eyes are recessive. that means that you have to get the recessive gene from both your mother and your father. the people in those pictures that everyone shows of central asian chinese with green/blue eyes are simply those people who happened to basically hit the genetic coin flip "heads" for a couple hundred years. basically on BOTH their mother and father's side it means the recessive gene just happened to pass every generation like flipping a coin 25 times and getting heads every time... the chances are very rare but at the same time given enough people flipping coins it does happen

since the genes for blue eyes only come from a single source:europe it means that every one of those asians with blue eyes have a white ancestor on both their mother and father's side if you go back far enough AND they've won the coin flip every generation for the recessive gene. ONE bad flip and you lose the blue eyes. asians with blue eyes even in areas like outer mongolia are very very very rare like 1 in a million. and those areas are places where there's been race mixing for thousands of years along the silk route.

you get to a place where the genetics are more pure like korea which has hardly any race mixing and it's even rarer. there might be 0 "koreans" in korea who have natural blue eyes. it basically doesn't exist. to claim a 1 in a 100,000 or 1 in 1,000,000 outlier makes it so there "are" blue eyed asians like saying "asians are born without feet" because there's some mutant out there 1 in a 10000000 who is born with conjoined legs

on the other hand. because so many korean girls in the US marry white and black dudes. there's as many HALF-asian children being born to asian women as asian children in the US. and someday the US will be like south china, India or the Philippines where it's as common to see an "asian" with mixed blood as it is to see pure strain mongoloids. in that case you will see "asians" (part asians actually) with blue and green eyes as uncommon occurrences (1 in 100 or 1 in 1000) rather than rare occurrences. in korea or japan though where it's impossible to have a full blooded asian with no race mixing with anything but brown eyes

of course there are albinos in korea and japan and albinos do have (most commonly) blue eyes. they can also have green, violet or red eyes. this however isn't a symptom of the eye color gene but the lack of melanin. that means albinos with blue eyes dont actually have the blue eye gene mutation that white people have... so they wont pass along that gene to their children. they have the same brown eye color gene template the rest of us have... their bodies simply do not have melanin so their eye shade appears light

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Guest ohhlalakelly

That's interesting. But yes, I didn't think Asians could have blue eyes either.

My little brother has blonde hair and his eyes are grey in the sun, but when he's indoors, his eyes are blue. He's Asian.

Nope, I have not. But I have seen an Albino Mexican baby, he was adorable.

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Guest J i j i - n e k o

I didn't know there could be one... (or rather, I never really thought about it at all, ha;; )

It'd be really cool to meet an Albino Asian in real life instead of just seeing exemplary pictures. :o

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Guest chopstick^^

albino people are interesting looking, i think their eyes look kinda asian. they are the palest people in this planet.

I've seen some albino people before. & i saw a "white" albino boy. He is proper white eyebrows, hair.. (not blonde)

happyboy: u seem to know alot, wow i never knew there were red eye people. kinda scary to imagine.

This just made me thought of those white mice, with red eyes. are they albino mice? .. >< ..

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Guest lol^_^

i have seen black and white albinos but not asians

that connie girl is interesting

i did know that you had to have 0 melanin in your eyes to be red

i do know that some ppl have purple eyes like elizabeth taylor~

btw- american is not an ethnicity -.-

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