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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest BaKeRzHuNnI

Ideal Asian Guy Look, for me, that is.

From each person, this is what I think is ideal. I cannot try to put them together to fit just one criterion so I just improvised on what I think is endearing from each character below.

Shim, ChangMin’s: Cheekbones, Jaw Line, and Height

Kim, JunSu’s: Smile and Jaw Line

Kim, JaeJoong’s: Hair, Flawless Skin, Style, and Eyes

Jung, YunHo's: Height

Park, YooChun's: Style

Shun, Oguri's: Style, Hair, Height, and his Piercings (for some reason, they really, really look appealing to me)

Therefore, overall, it is really, what everyone already said.

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Guest HaneSorano

I don't know about a lot of you, but I really dislike the half-short, half-longish flat asian guy hair.



I also think that those scrunchy jeans I see a lot of hk-ers wearing are really tacky.



Faux-hawks are always nice =]

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Guest I_broke_a_nail!

IDEAL Asian guy

****GONG YOO IN COFFEE PRINCE but I like it if the guy would have lighter skin. Gong yoo has a tanned complexion. But I LOVE the way he dressed!!!!!!!!!****

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Guest Saebin :D

Two words:

Lee Donghae. :]


Kim Jaejoong.


ok lemme stop haha

ahahahah! two guys i like too =)

guess we share the same taste lol

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Guest latina

For a guy's stature and get-up, I like this:


i just took screencaps from zipia. :sweatingbullets:

for looks:

i'd always go for the adorkable-but-hot type.. like Micky Yoochun, Donghae, Eunhyuk.

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Guest Lachesis

Tablo from Epik High. He's got the entire what-I-look-for-in-an-Asian-guy package. Cute while still managing to be a total dork, and insanely brilliant and fashionable.

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Guest niki_k

Hmm, just typical type...


+Nice skin

+Nice face (good balance with tall nose, and cute smile)

+Taller than me~ (I'm 5'4"... T^T;;)

+"Built" but not buff and gross...


+Nice style- Mm I guess standard Korean style, "clean-cut" or preppy-punk...~


+"Standard" Hairstyle: -medium length shaggy layers (with or without "volume-wave perm"), and gel/wax/etc~

+[NOT spikey short hair... or flat...eww... >.<;;]

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Guest pachia

my ideal guy would be Takashi Tsukamoto!


but really i would like my asian guys:

1. clear face

2. nice smile (braces on guys are so HOT)

3. taller than 5'6

4. slim/average (not too muscular), big guys are cute too.

5. emo style, hip hop, guys who love dressing in layers

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tall ---> 180 cm or even taller <3 (I'm weak when it comes to tall guys)

nice teeth ---> can also be called nice smile

gorgeous nose ---> I'm obsessed with noses xD

good fashion sences ---> from clothes to hair.

And that's all of my ideal asian dude!

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I try to be open minded when I see asian guys and check them out, but some of them are so skinny!! I mean, I have never known that guys can actually be THAT skinny!! >O<;;

But to the topic of the subject:

Taller than me, but not too tall (Kinda hard - I'm 155cm. TT_TT)

Not too toned - like, *I-work-out-in-the-gym-but-don't-make-best-friends-with-the-weights* muscles, if that's possible. XD

Nice eyes - black. Very, very black eyes. They're actually harder to find than you think they are.

Nice skin - so on and so forth. *laughs*

COOL HAIR!!! I swear, without the hair -or without ANY hair- it doesn't work. XD

I don't really muind what clothes they wear as long as it suits them, you know? ^^ Some goes with accesories and basic highlighting makeup - hey, some guys look hot with eyeliner. ^__^

Someone like my beloved Shinya.... *giggles*

Fun thread though. ^^

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Guest Suslee730

My Ideal Asian Man would HAVE to be Jung Ji Hoon (Bi/Rain):



1) Tall

2) Broad strong shoulders (Which is a definate must :P)

3) Muscular with nice 6 pack (yummy!) but not scary muscular so its perfect


4) He has a nice small proportioned face to his body

5) Love the no double eyelid eyes (so cute- love this imperfection in a guy)

6) Nice supple lips (Thick but not too thick)

7) Love the Hair! kinda messy with a bit of highlights and styled so it looks like its not really styled

8) Bad boy image with a rugged sex appeal

Love the rugged look:


Clothes wise, I loved the outfits that he wore on the drama, love to kill (He came out super fine!). But hated the outfits he had to wear on the drama, full house though...(it looked a bit gay). I wanted to post more picture of this fine man of mine but there were too many good pictures so I will stop here. If you haven't already, check out the drama "love to kill" to understand the ultimate definition of an Ideal Asian guy look.

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Eh as much as my friends love them, I just can't get myself to like the long-haired, skinny, pale, somewhat effeminate SuJu/DBSK guys everybody's in love with.

My ideal Asian guy is at least 6', muscular, and somewhat tanned...a manly, chiseled face and a six-pack wouldn't be bad, either :sweatingbullets:

I absolutely agree with you. Muscly, tanned guys FTW! lol

Spiked hair would be okay (errm, just not TOO spiky) and style would have to be like, branded (not too baggy, def. not too tight) jeans and a tee or something. Something casual-looking.

Mmmm. XD

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Guest Freshh

-clear skin

-no skinny jeans

-a rough kind of look

-lose casual clothing

or if they wear jeans, tshirt & blazer together

-black hair preferably


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Guest fatcupoftea

^ ho ho ho! totally agree w/ the dislike comments. Gackt is too pretty...he'd make me look ugly. >.<


+ doesn't have to be Yao Ming, but taller than me by 4 inches..so 5'9-ish (175?)

+ nice skin is always lovely

+ cute smile

+ slim, but not skinnier than me (PLEASE!)

+ (not looks but...) plays well w/ children + animals + good sense of humor (like Aiba from Arashi!) :D


- fried hair

- blonde hair (depends...some guys can pull it off)

- B.O.

- sweats excessively

- too many accessories + "bling"/"ice" >.<

These don't actually define exactly what I like...I dunno ideal asian guys can range from jrockers to pop star peep look + style wise. So ehhhh

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Guest smile-jw

-Nice skin (Does NOT have to be as nice as Kim JaeJoong though xD Thats like one in a million o_o)

-Nice Hair (cough*LeeDongHae)

-Don't care what height, as long as its 5 or more cm taller than me. xD

I dislike super buff guys. Thats just....sick. -.-^

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Guest aznpridegurl=_=


- taller that me! =]

- has broad shoulders, not too muscular

- nice hair style (* refers to Kim Junghoon)

- fairly good skin

- nice fashion sense

- smile that makes me melt :blush:

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