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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest Peachdoll_Ocean

Open minded



Not too tall, but not short [YeSung's height]

Just be fit [Or I'll lend you my pass lol]

Not too attached




Who enjoys the O C E A N


1 woman type of guy [don't/can't tolerate cheaters]

Knows that it's okay to LIVE HIS OWN life with or WITHOUT ME =]

I don't mind about tatts, peircings, I have some myself.

yeahhhh that's about it...someone like YeSung from Super Junior.

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Guest starrydreamer

haha this thread is so funny. My ideal asian guy:

- 6' or taller

- tanned (at least not pale skin)

- small eyes (i'm not sure why, but i like small eyes)

- not buff, but definitely has muscles

- either musically talented or athletically gifted

- smart

- confident

- respects his parents

I mean, the key word here is "ideal," right? =P

Well, I guess I can lower the height to 5'10" if I really have to ;)

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Guest annabeelee

someone who is confident in his own skin but not cocky about it

a mature look over the same old A&F..AE.. Hollister etc.

adorable smile

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Guest adorkablexasian


-not too emotional and pissed at the world at every little thing


-taller than me


-good attitude

-a little more talkative than me but not overly talkative

-decent dresser (not all out abercrombie/ hollister)

-smells nice

-loves me for who i am


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Guest naxseoriexdah

Okay, I'm like super bored

and just finished watching 27 dresses

<3 [its a cute movie.]

so, i will post too.

look, i'm not going to go all unrealistic like wishing for some prince charming who looks and dances like xiah junsu.

haha, but if i had a ideal asian guy he'd be:

at least 2inches taller than me. I'm around 5'5"

i am not trying to be shallow, but i'd want him to look at least like good. you know,

clear skin, a nice smile, like i want him to look attractive.

his build i don't mind, as long as he's not a stick or like a body builder, just somewhere in the middle?

nice toned arms and stomach.

and i really like guys who can hold a good conversation,

clever, and really sweet. smart and ambitious. has manners

thoughtful, kind. i like to laugh, and i like people who make me laugh, so hopefully funny.

not shy, because i like hugs, and kisses, and holding hands whether someone sees it or not.

it'd be a turn on if he played basketball or soccer, or breakdanced. [i think that's like the coolest thing ever]

but if he doesn't, its cool too.

I know everyone says chivarly is dead, but i really hope not. I like the idea of a knight in shinning armor but,

i don't want him to go overboard with this "being a gentlemen" thing.

like him paying for dates, or if i'm cold he'll wrap his jacket around me, holding a door open, like thats it. corny yes but

i think its so romantic. :blush:

& most of all, someone i'm comfortable around. someone i can trust, and someone who'll trust me.

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Guest T0FUchan

- hair is definitely the first thing i look at. i like asian hair :)

- nice skin

- not skinnier than i am..(im 110) i like hugging guys who have a bit of meat in them hehe, or else it'd be like hugging a stick =X

- taller than i am even when i'm in heels (i'm 5''4)

- a dork :P

- good sense of style

- plays piano/can sing is a bonus *drools

- well mannered, good hygiene

- ..i don't like nice guys..well not TOO nice

- athletic

- loyal, honest, you know all that stuff a guy ssshouullddd be anyway

- willing to pig out with me!

- and probably most important thing, that he won't turn into a psycho if we break up

if anything else, jaejoong is soo my ideal guy!

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Guest Vagabond.

█ █ e u p h o r i a . b l i s s █ █

Jung Yunho or Shim Changmin


EDIT: Eh, I'll be more specific..

Basically, my ideal guy would be someone who's a bit like me.

Dorky, funny, somewhat stands out from the crowd, witty, a little sarcastic, yet at the same time... must be a good listener and able to hold up a good convo.

Good style, must be taller than me, CANNOT be a stick (best if athletic), willing to pig out with me, nerdy/smart, interest in all kinds of music.

Absolutely bonus if he can play the piano, can cook and clean.

Guys who wear glasses turn me on for some reason O_O

And... this is starting to get a little off but... a guy who can lead me in the right direction :)

To sum it all, a guy who is like a best friend to me yet he likes me just as much as I like him.


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interesting thread....

all i want in a guy is someone who likes me for me

who has to be a good height (arnd 175+)

a nice smile

not a flat nose! (is a must!..i get all ><' abt this one)

and short-ish hair...not too long

and knows how to dress...any style is fine as long as he suits it XD

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ummm as long as there's an aura around or just something about him that makes me attracted to him...like for example...Chris Brown..I wouldn't consider him hot or even to the point of good looking BUT then i heard him sing and I'm like "I think I'm in looovvveeee~" Ok maybe not in love TT

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Guest heineken.

Ooo.. fun.....

Ideal Asian guy looks? So only physical traits rai rai?

-I am mostly attracted to Viets

-Nice tan but not too dark

-They have fat around their waist AKA spare tire

-They can't be skinnier than me

-TONED BICEPS are soooooo hot

-5'10" or taller.. (because I am 5'6" and I want to wear heels) which is kind of hard to find in viets?

-Plump butt

-Either short short hair or cool japanese looking hair

-medium-big lips.. I don't want to swallow their mouth when I kiss them..

-pretty eyes

-looks damn good in beaters

-Face can't be too oily or dry all the time

-clear skin

-straight, white teeth

is this too much? o_O

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Guest bLufurBaLL

█ █ e u p h o r i a . b l i s s █ █

Jung Yunho or Shim Changmin


EDIT: Eh, I'll be more specific..

Basically, my ideal guy would be someone who's a bit like me.

Dorky, funny, somewhat stands out from the crowd, witty, a little sarcastic, yet at the same time... must be a good listener and able to hold up a good convo.

Good style, must be taller than me, CANNOT be a stick (best if athletic), willing to pig out with me, nerdy/smart, interest in all kinds of music.

Absolutely bonus if he can play the piano, can cook and clean.

Guys who wear glasses turn me on for some reason O_O

And... this is starting to get a little off but... a guy who can lead me in the right direction :)

To sum it all, a guy who is like a best friend to me yet he likes me just as much as I like him.


ooooh what a pretty post =]

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-Nice hair. Definitly not long "fob" hair though. I don't like it when a guy has hair framing his jaw or something O_O. He has to put effort in his hair though, and by effort i don't mean the tiny little spikes (eww).

-Nice style. Even if he's wearing a t-shirt and jeans, they should look somewhat stylish.

-Nice eyes. I don't know how to explain this one.. but not BIG eyes, or squinty small eyes...

-Skin. It doesn't have to be super smooooth and soft, as long as it's mostly clear.

-NOO facial hair. I can't stand facial hair on guys. Esp. asians

-Has to be funny & make me laugh all the time =)

-A bit tanned i guess. I don't want a snow white guy.

-TALL. I'm 5'1 1/2, so 5'7+ would be good. Under 5'11 though.

-NO tiny skinny frame. His frame has to be bigger than mine obviously LOL

& I'm pretty sure my expectations aren't impossible =) heeehe~

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Guest skittles*

Ideal Asian Guy

-Funny, but not so funny that they're annoying and can never be serious

-Witty and smart

-Tall (at least 180 cm)

-A little bit of build (I don't want a walking stick, but not a meaty guy)

-Strong jawline

-No mustaches, beards, etc.

-Gentle eyes

-Good taste in style

-I hate girly looking guys. It's cute, but I prefer my man, well, manly ;)

When I looked over my post, I realized those descriptions fit Changmin. 0_0

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ahh we're too picky girls ! :lol:

here's my description of my ideal asian guy look; (not only asians but any other races)

- HAS TO BE TALLER THAN ME (this is hard for me =x i'm 5'7 [not THAT tall] but it seems like where i live, i rarely see any asian guys taller than me)

- GOOD SENSE OF HUMOUR/CAN TAKE MY MEAN JOKES.. because im a girl who likes to laugh and do stupid things and jokes.. and tease and be mean :)

- i dont care if you have small eyes or a big nose.. as long as your overall face attracts me. having big eyes, tall nose and nice lips doesn't necessary make you good looking..

- nice style ! -> white shoes (converse, nikes, wtv), jeans, polos and jacket and a hat (caps, etc) :blush: that always attracts me for some reason :lol:

- smells good !

- strong physically and mentally..

can't think of anything else right now xd

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Guest trishaa01

ahh we're too picky girls ! :lol:

lol, sadly, yes xD;;

but the guys are quite...selective in their "ideal girls thread" so :P

Height: at least 5'7" (my height)…preferably 5'11"-6'3"

Ethnicity: 1/2 east asian, 1/2 european.

Intelligence: IQ>140. must be in enrichment :P . creative, interesting, organized.

Style: slightly preppy, or jrock style. dresses nicely, but not too fashionably.

Hair: chin-length tousled brown hair that smells like strawberries and conditioner

....shouldn't spend more time on his hair than i do....but if he does, at least do my hair too xP

Eyes: brown, hazel, gray, whatever, as long as they're expressive

Skin: clear, pale skin.

Piercings/Tatoos: ears & lip :]..a small tat is nice, but the big ones like all across his arm or something, are gross.

Blood type: O

Face: all natural because i don't want no fugly babies. (jk)

nice teeth..? lol

i like guys that are not generic looking...has unique, pronounced features, like Yuu Shirota?

a little bit pretty, but not to the point where he looks like Jaejoong

Build: tall, lanky. fit but not muscular.

Personality: fun to be around, but sensible and knows when to be serious. confident, but not cocky.

Education: majors in biology


-can play piano duets with me.

-can cook food. ex: can make chicken noodle soup when I'm sick, and chocolate cake for special days

-can do some form of martial arts.

-knows how to ice-skate and ski

-must be artistic and/or musical

-can speak mando, french, spanish, English of course xD, and japanese. no canto...because it sounds ugly

-listens to gackt, An cafe,and JJ Lin..but doesn't spend more time listening to his iPod than listening to me

Humour: dorky sense of humour, and laughs at my jokes.

Ambitions: knows where he is going in life (*coughneurosurgeoncough*)

Other (AKA I can't come up with a catagory):

-doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs. (exception: drinking soju with my dad)

-has, lol a semi-deep voice

-has warm hands..because mine are always cold

-has enough manners to get along with the parents

-caring and kind

-smells like musk and strawberries!

-is agnostic or christian. none of that super-religious crap

-drives an Audi...and is a SAFE driver, lol

-somewhat romantic, but not too corny

-doesn't try to look "macho"

-doesn't play video games

-will carry grocery bags and help with chores (AKA isn't lazy)

-is steadfast in his beliefs, and doesn't do things just because people tell him to.

-and, er, other physical aspects i won't bring up due to the PG13-ness of this thread. xD;;

LOVES ANIMALS (and small children) xD



damnit..I'm a sucker for guys and cute animals x_x;;

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