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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest lucie_x3

My ideal guy look:

-medium length hair, above shoulders

-mature and intelligent

-at least 3 inches taller than me (im 5'6") but preferably 6'

-good sense of style, fobby & classy, metro

-quite but not like a mute, just not loud

-Not white washed or cocky

-wears mufflers, and can pull of skinny jeans (but should avoid wearing them)

-prominent jaw line... :)

-cute face and smile

-biggish eyes (eyelids don't matter)

-athletic/skinny body type

-really cute laugh is a must

-eats a lot :D

i'm not picky... just really specific.. >.<

but essentially


han geng or....


changmin <3

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Guest BattleRoyale

hrmm.. my ideal type of guy look :/

- if he has nice stylish hair, that's a start. i like the nice kinda messy or as ppl would say 'fobby' type of hair. dyed hair looks really hot but i prefer natural colour (: OH YEAH! you can make hair stylish without using too much gel can't you? O_o - i don't like sticky or hard hair =S i like soft hair (:

- makes himself presentable no matter what style he wears. i love the ganji style! yet i like the cool preppy style too. if he wears them both thats a PLUS! :wub:

- has a cute smile AND likes to smile :D^_^

- tall & fit! cause i'd like someone to play tennis with T^T

and yeah thats it. well all i can think of atm (:

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Guest xCandeex

ohh let me see..my ideal asian guy would be:

-cute! (like max from dbsk or hankyung from S.J.)

-taller than me even when i wear heels so maybe 5'9" and above

-athletic - doesnt sit around all day and do nothing

-clothing style - button up collared shirts, sweaters, jeans, hoodies, anything with nice style (but not chick pants)

-not girly - maybe a little feminine is okay but there is a limit

-kind of medium long ish hair

-really cute smile

-i like cute guys over handsome :]

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wow.. I wasnt gonna post on here until I read 10pgs of "Ideal Asian Girl" LOLLLLL

my ideal asian guy would be..

- Korean cause I want a guy that can communicate with my parents LOL

- TALL at leastt 5'11" but I loveeee 6'2"

- long legs

- broad strong back

- MUST be good at dancing.

- nice chiseled jawline

- I dont really like big eyes on asian guys.. i like eyes like Lee Jun Ki xP

- nice smile.. eyes go like ^^ LOLL

- athletic [snowboarders are SO HOT]

- nice style

- smart

....I think that's about it x]]]]

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Guest bLufurBaLL


because i'm 115lbs

I don't want to feel fat around that guy LOL

lol, actually, I was being sarcastic.

cuz come on, you have to literally go to a preschool or something to get a guy that small

like it's more reasonable to say uhh "weighs over 150" lol

yea .. but I know what you mean =]

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Guest JJ no Baka

my ideal guy look:

my boyfriend. :wub::lol:

i dont have an "ideal" look for guys. :P

is it me or do i see a few post where they want their "ideal guy" to look korean? o.O

oh wells. :P

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Guest ilovejaejoong

my ideal guy:

-is cute/good-looking but NOT prettier than me

-is talkative. i dont like distant guys. or they could be quiet but then could hold really interesting conversations with me, yknow?

-is smart. he has to be able to keep up with how i think, HAHA

-must not be skinny. medium build? yeah.

-must be able to speak good english.

-does well academically. someone i can study, and i mean really STUDY, with.

-is sweet but not too sweet. sweet once in a while but just does the little things that are sweet yknow? oh god im not making sense! haha

-dresses nicely. he must at least dress decently most of the time. he can be a bit sloppy too of course! so i can pick up after him sometimes ;)

-is not too tall. i am short i dont want to look like a dwarf next to him.

-will teach me to exercise.

-loves long walks haha.

-does not smoke.

-is musically-inclined. he could play the piano while i sing to him. *dreams* ahh that would be so nice, wouldnt it?

yeah. good luck to me!


i noticed i'm not very picky with the looks. i mean, in general, he's just cute. haha. but i'm a bit picky with the height and weight cos i dont want to feel self-conscious around him. or i dont want us to look weird together. but in truth, i'm really much more picky on the personality. but of course, if he really loves me and i really love him it wouldn't matter, no? but this is the 'ideal' guy, i wouldnt want to restrict my imagination haha

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damn it after seeing the guys thread i feel

like i shouldn't be so damn shallow with

all these freaken standars. My ideal guy

is someone who loves me. i dont' care

what he looks like or how tone his muscles

is. as long as he's loves me and care about me.

i don't care about the rest.


even though I listed quite a few things for the physical aspects of guys I like, I would like any guy that fit most of my personality standards, which I am not very picky with ^_^

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Guest eastsea_sarang

ideal asian guy (look):

-his own fashion sense (whether it be casual, street, etc..)

-black hair

-single lids, or deep set eyes

-at least 5'7''

ideal asian guy...celebrity wise: TOP from Big Bang<333

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- short spiked hair ( it's been a long time since i've seen guys with nice hair)

- a quiet guy who can hold his conversation with me

- Funny and cheeky

- toned body

- can cook

- looks good even in casual clothes (major turn on)

- great smile

- well mannered (i don't like guys who curse all the time)

- do not smoke

My ideal guy is actually Gongyoo but he doesn't fit some of the criteria here.hahaha!

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mine would be..


-not cocky/arrogant but confident

-able to look after me like a brother..

-non smoker


-has a good sense of humour


-average but nice eyes. they dont need to be big nor small

-nicely dressed and has a good style

-is taller than me

-has a nice smile

-dont mind hair.. just as long as he manages it well and suits him

-slim built. doesnt have to whip out the 6 pack or whatnot LOL

someone like choi jonghun :)


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wee this is for you liya :P

- taller then me

- good sense of humour

- understanding

- respects me

- non smoker

- able to dress nice (as long as he doesnt look like a bum off the streets ><)

- some sort of dancer *drools*

- athletic build

- nice smile

- sweet but not too sweet that it makes me gag...

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Guest mikamoui

oo :D my Ideal Asian Guy Look

-Must be better than me [ Piano, Guitar, School work, singing, tennis, dance so he can teach me XD]

-Pretty hair is nice (: doesn't matter what color as long as it looks natural

-funny and interesting to talk to

-a non druggie

-has my interest [jpop,kpop,cpop games, anime]

-taller than me [i'm 5'1 and a half XD]

-nice enough to give me his food :D [i eat a lot at times]

-let's me cheat off of him in school

lawl x]

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Guest xcrystal


-can speak korean/english fluently


-preferably 180cm

-toned, but not REALLY buff



-not TOO nice

-good style

-good hair style

-fair/clear skin

-not hairy, lol

-tall nose

-defined jawline

-high cheek bones! :D



-goes out, but not too much

-has some nunchi (witt?) but not too much

-interesting, knows how to keep a conversation going

-straight teeth

-good smile

-doesn't smoke/drink

-can dance, preferable breakdancing (:

-isn't really cheesy

-plays piano or drums ^^


-good hygiene

-no facial hair/shaved

-pierced ears

-doesn't pms on me

-smells good naturally, but still wears cologne (:

-warm hugger ><

-has warm hands

-can cook


-can fight, hehe

-plays games, but not like 24/7

hahahaah.. i'm hopeless >w<

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