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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest sundaiie

- i have a thing for guys with small eyelids eg. LJK, MinHwan, EunHyuk, SeungRi & Junsu. Not rain though :|

- small, petite and almost very delicate guys, but they have to be taller than me.

- sweet, cute and alluring smile.

- long man hair, like up to the shoulders or something.

- very good style, honky & japanese street.

- has the asian cute/sexy model look.

- happy and hyper-active personality.

- funny.

- guys who like to winge and argue.

- i have a thing for guys with small eyelids eg. LJK, MinHwan, EunHyuk, SeungRi & Junsu. Not rain though :|

- small, petite and almost very delicate guys, but they have to be taller than me.

- sweet, cute and alluring smile.

- long man hair, like up to the shoulders or something.

- very good style, honky & japanese street.

- has the asian cute/sexy model look.

- happy and hyper-active personality.

- funny.

- guys who like to winge and argue.

- i have a thing for guys with small eyelids eg. LJK, MinHwan, EunHyuk, SeungRi & Junsu. Not rain though :|

- small, petite and almost very delicate guys, but they have to be taller than me.

- sweet, cute and alluring smile.

- long man hair, like up to the shoulders or something.

- very good style, honky & japanese street.

- has the asian cute/sexy model look.

- happy and hyper-active personality.

- funny.

- guys who like to winge and argue.

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Guest sunnydays.

Hrrm... ideal look, so the physical appearance only? (:

- Tall. DEFINITELY. <3

- Built & toned, but more on the skinny side (think of a basketball player's body. LOL. Too specific? XD)

- Nice arms & broad shoulders. (:

- Long legs. haha

- Skin - clear & smooth complexion. More on the tanned side.

- Short, dark hair, but not buzz cut. Not a big fan of long hair on guys.

- Very minimal or no facial hair.

- Genuine, sweet/cute smile. Straight pearly whites. XD;

- Strong facial structures - so, guys who are more described as "handsome" or "manly" rather than "cute".

- Strong jawline. :D (Kinda goes with the previous bullet.) Yumm. LOL.

- Clothes... casual, yet classy. Like... Lee Minwoo? I like his style. (:

Uhh... yeah, I guess that's it. LOL. I know, it's pretty picky, but hey, the topic asks for "IDEAL." This is definitely my ideal. XD;

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Guest jrho x3

someone that looks like either like: TOP from bigbang, Choi Jong Hoon from FT Island, or Lee SeungGi...

yeah, they all may be different types...but what do they all have in common? they're all TALL & CUTEEE(hot in TOP's case)

am i asking for too much?


-asian (korean preferably)

-tall (180+cm)

-athletic (plays a sport)

-plays a "cool" instrument

-intelligent/can carry on a conversation

-dresses fob, but isnt fob (cultural difference doesnt work <_< ...but i dig the style.)


-has charisma

-has a nice voice

-has good manners


-likes taking pictures

-good skin

-nice smile

-i like them either toned or teddy bear like

-not prettier then me

-nice bridged nose

-eyes dont really matter

-smells good

-has a job and drive hahaha :sweatingbullets:

-the list...actually goes one :ph34r:

example of clothes!


...havent met a guy like my list yet.. :(

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Guest Namine

holy ^ long lista o_o

if i had my ideal guy : ... he'd look like this :

- single lids xD

- tallll boy (:

- good fashion sense for him

- rather not too tanned

- rather have virgin black hair (:

- wears cologne thx x_x

- glasses / no glasses - doesnt matter . x]


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Guest DarkAngelInLove


-long black or brown hair (to the chin)


-clear face

-glasses (i think guys who were glasses are cute)





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Guest IlikeChicken

man people's standards are too high >____>;

Hahas let the girls dream. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if most of them are single :phew:

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Guest -яöłεpłaў-

lol, wat a interesting topic.

~Sharp eyes/teh sleepy look

~Cute smile

~Anime style hair






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Guest momo08

my ideal asian man: My Boyfriend =)



-toned, but not buff

-at least 1/2 head taller than me (so i can wear heels and still be shorter than him)

-faux-hawk hair or korean hairstyle

-still look hot with whatever style he sports

-tuff on the outside, but buttery soft on the inside :)

-DEFINED jaw lines turn me on :)

-its a bonus if he has dimples

i'm so glad i found a guy that meets up to my expectations, and we've been together for almost 6 years. definitely a keeper! =)

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Guest `Niiie

my ideal asian.....?

hm...let's see.


+ chinky eyes {kim junsu/park micky yoochun}

+ nice skin

+ slender

+ long hair {kim jaejoong}

+ korean style {dont have to be fashionable but have to at least know how to dress}

+ kewl personality

+ understandable

+ look good in anything he sport


+ dimples {lee eukteek}

+ korean or japanese

+ speaks with a bit of accent

+ trim and groom what's needed to be done -lols-

hahhahaha. i guess ima be single for the rest of my life then. hahaha.

but hey some of the girls standard in soompi's arent any lower then mine.

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Guest dandandan

my question is...

how many of you guys are single and those that aren't... are actually dating a guy with their "ideal asian guy looks"?


your boyfriend is a lucky guy to have a girl who is that madly into him even after 6 years! :)

my ideal asian man: My Boyfriend =)



-toned, but not buff

-at least 1/2 head taller than me (so i can wear heels and still be shorter than him)

-faux-hawk hair or korean hairstyle

-still look hot with whatever style he sports

-tuff on the outside, but buttery soft on the inside :)

-DEFINED jaw lines turn me on :)

-its a bonus if he has dimples

i'm so glad i found a guy that meets up to my expectations, and we've been together for almost 6 years. definitely a keeper! =)

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ooooOOOoooOoOoOoohh i like this thread!`` :D

ideal asian guy::

-taller then me by at least a head^^ [who isnt -.-;; im freaking only 153cm!!]

-nice face doesn't have to be jaejoong quality though

-as long as the hair suits the head shape then its ok (preferable japanese-ish)

-similar interests in styles for clothing

-knows brand names for shoes therefore wearing them :)

-smellss yummy

-pretty eyes

-nice build so they can piggyback me and you know like prince charming gallop in and save me from the evil minions of darkness :blush:

my bf is most of the above qualities except he's like..skinnier then me =.= i want him to gain muscle LOl

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