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{yg} Official Seungri Thread! (승리) Seungri

Guest xxUntilwhenever

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by godlovesrice:

I finally realize that I am nobody at all

I went to film that programme very enthusiatically at the beginning but I started to get wearied after several months of commuting between Gwangju and Seoul. Not only did I feel physically tired but I had also lost my confidence.

Yes, I was very famous in Gwangju for I was good at dancing but when I went to the captial, I realzed that I was nobody but a boy from the countryside. It seemed that I could not even handle my dancing steps well, not to mention my singing. I had only been thining about how to dance well all over the time but I had never been trained how to sing well.

I wanted to go to attend some vocal training classes but it was not possible since I had already spent so much time travelling between Gwangju and Seoul. I could only spare my free time on watching the videos of my favourite seniors, Rain, Saiben Daeng (transliteration). I tried hard to observe their dancing steps, singing techniques and costumes,etc. I jotted the details down, too. As the old saying goes, ’ imiatation is the mother of creation’. Although I did not know how to create my own style at that moment, I believed by imitating them I could find my own path one day.

However, I did not undergo much improvement with these practices. The cold comments given by the judges did hurt me. Yes, I started to doubt my intention of going there to film such a programme, I just liked dancing a lot, I had not thought of singing before but I decided to go there just because I wanted to appear in a TV programme. I was really disgusted by myself at that moment. I could not cheer myself up with my ‘do whatever I want’motto either. Therefore, I did not persist on winning in this programme and I was elimiated after several months. Since I had already expected that in advance, I was okay with the result but it was the clips which the programme showed to the publich hurt me.

One episode of the programme was asking us to be a model at a fashion show for the disabled people. The whole process of preparation was filmmed for the judges to have their final evaluation. The cameraman happened to film the moments that I was sleeping. It was not the whole picture. I was just taking a little nap in the middle of my journey to Seoul and I woke up very quickly to continue my work. However, it was the scene of my sleeping which was broadcasted… I felt it was very unfair so I said to the judges, ‘I was only doing that for making people laugh. Actually, I strive very hard for my goal.’ But it all came out like I was finding excuses for my laziness. Although I knew that I was not as competent as other contestants, it was very unfair to me since the judges used it as the major reason to elimate me.

I did feel really bad about this but the worst was yet to come. When I was back to my hometown, my friends started to tease me. Many of them said to me, ‘ Aw, here comes the kid whom cannot sing…’ It was really torturing that I cannot forget it up til now. I had been treating them as my friends but what they did to me were teasing and bullying. I felt really sad about all of these.

‘Seunghyun ar, you are not the singing materials anyway, how about thinking of other paths to walk on?’ I was madly crazy with what they said to me. They did not believe in me but I believed in myself since I had been working so hard to achieve what I had, I knew I could do it. On my way home, I could not hold bak my tears, I even weeped like a child.. ‘wu..wu.’ That day was the day that I shedded the most tears but at the same time, I promised myself, ’ I have to show them how successful I am one day. I am not the kind of useless person that they descibe me!’

If I was a celebrity, I would not have this empty feeling anymore. I had decided,

‘even if I could not be a celebrity, I have to be a singer.’

[Note: If you want to repost it elsewhere, please include the following disclaimer:

I am not doing close translation of every word in the book, just quoting here and there from the sections. And I have paraphrased and summarized so it might contain errors. I am just sharing to spread the love, not hate. If you don’t feel comfortable reading it, please ignore me.And my works has nothing related to any profit making purpose. You are not allowed to reproduce it in any material forms for such a purpose. Thanks for your understanding.

The odd-numbered chapters are being translated by jwalkervip.tumblr.com, please hover to her page to read them =].]

Source: Shout To The World (Chinese Version)

Translated by: godlovesrice@tumblr.com/rice@bbu

[sO2TW: SEUNGRI] ~THREE~ NO FIFTH REASON by jwalkervip click this to read


by jwalkervip

some photos credit to fyeahseungri.tumblr.com




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Guest prorunawayer

110822 Hwangssabu's Twitter Update : Seungri working out again at gym~


Trans :  The Loneliness of Self-Discipline (solitary self-management),106 session!^ ^


source : Hwangssabu @ twitter 

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Guest samosvetleee

{INFO} Seungri spotted @ ''Street LIfe'' Musical on 19 aug  at Pop Art Hall in Yeongdeungpo ::

SEUNGRI was spotted at the CGV Pop Art Hall in Yeongdeungpo on Aug19 watching the musical, 'Street Life'!

 It's based on the life & times of hip hop group DJ DOC. 

After watching the musical, he went to the waiting room & said "I like musicals very much" .

Via http://news.nate.com...20110823n08203)

Transhared via mystifize @ twitter

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Guest prorunawayer

[NEWS] BIGBANG’s SeungRi watched the musical “Street Life”


[enews24 - Park HyeonMin] Bigbang’s member, SeungRi, ‘observing’ the musical “Street Life” which drew fan’s curiosity.

At August 19 around noon, SeungRi was watching “Street Life” musical at CGV Pop Art Hall in Yeongdeungpo. He kept himself seated and watching the performance through the whole musical, and in the end, before anyone else, he rose and applauding greatly and cheers a lot. The satisfactions of the works were also revealed (exposed).

That day, SeungRi has a tour through the musical theater because of Jeong WonYoung and some of his friends. In 2008, in the musical “Sonagi” where SeungRi have starred, SeungRi obtained Hyung-Dongsaeng relationship with Jeong WonYoung and other friends (I found out that Jeong WonYoung, in google it’s ‘Jang Won Young’, is a band). 

After watching the performance, he personally find the waiting room. He told them, “What a really great show”, “It’s a very good musical”.

The news that SeungRi was watching a musical rises the fans’ expectations such as, “If SeungRi will in the musical once again, I’ll definitely watch it”, “I just want to see SeungRi on the stage of musical again”.

(omitted news related to the “Street Life” musical)

source : enews24 via Nate

trans : @vVIP_6819 aka V // bigbangforlife 

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shared by xtlover15 @bigbang thread

[Extract] Quoting Day 5 [seungri’s Shout To The World Chapter 10]

<If you love yourself, you have to be responsible to yourself>

At the end of 2007, I have hurt myself quite seriously 2 times. When I was rehearsing the prize giving ceremony of Inkigayo, I twisted my foot for a wrong step. I was so painful but for the fact that our concert was approaching, I could not give up but took some painkillers instead.

In the middle of rehearsing for our concert, we also had to attend other activities. My foot had been swollen to an extent that I could not even wear my shoes. When I was standing on the stage, I could not concentrate on singing my songs.

Another accident happened when I was performing on the stage. The fireworks had splashed on my face. Although I was not hurt, I was pretty stunned by what had happened. When I walked down from the stage, a lot of people came to me and asked, ‘are you okay?’ I just kept saying, ‘yes, I am, please don’t worry.’ Since I knew that no matter what happened, we could not give up the concert which we had been preparing for such long time. However, despite of my strong will, my body still collapsed. When I was waiting for my turn at the backstage, I fainted suddenly and when I woke up, I found that I had already been taken to a hospital with my parents accompanying me. There was also a staff,too.

‘What happened?’

‘You have just fainted.’

‘Is the concert going well?’

‘They are still doing their parts, just take a rest today.’

When I was heading back to the dormitory, I could not hold back my tears since I felt so desperate that I could not stand on the stage which I love and perform for the thousands of people whom love me. I blamed myself. ‘What can a physically-weak person do?’ Whenever I thought of it, my tears could not be dried.

The hyuns came back when I was still crying. They did not ask me anything other than my condition. My anger towards myself had been growing when they treated me like this. We had been practicing as a team and without me, all of our efforts had been wasted. I felt so sorry for my hyuns who must had been angry and sad.

I surely had to bear the responsibility since if I love myself,then I have to discipline myself to be a better person too. It is just the same case as the parents treating their children harshly in order to lead them to the right path of life. Instead of forgiving myself so easily, I have to face the mistakes I make squarely and solemnly. This is the real way of loving myself.

I do not only need to train up my performing skills but also my physical fitness since skills would be of no use if I did not have good health to support me.

[Note: If you want to repost it elsewhere, please include the following disclaimer:

I am not doing close translation of every word in the book, just quoting here and there from the sections. And I have paraphrased and summarized so it might contain errors. I am just sharing to spread the love, not hate. If you don’t feel comfortable reading it, please ignore me.And my works has nothing related to any profit making purpose. You are not allowed to reproduce it in any material forms for such a purpose. Thanks for your understanding.

The odd-numbered chapters are being translated by jwalkervip.tumblr.com, please hover to her page to read them =].]

Source: Shout To The World (Chinese Version)

Translated by: godlovesrice@tumblr.com/rice@bbu

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Guest prorunawayer

Netizens on Seungri's old audition video, "Who are you?" [NEWS]

VIDEO : Seungri battle shinhwa solo*3 (chi eng sub)

The episode of  Mnet  'Superstar K3' which was aired on 26th started with the story of  a judge, Kim Wan Sun. She told us about her judging experience in an audition programme, 'Battle Shinwa' in 2005.

She said, ' the nature of "Superstar K3' is as same as that of 'Battle Shinwa'. My friends, like G.NA, Brown Eyes Girls'Gain and Seungri of Big Bang all have participated in this programme before. '

Instead of sexy and attractive, G.NA had a different look in the past. On the other hand, Gain did not wear her trademark dark eyelines in the past either which enables us to feel her pure charm. Seungri was skinny and wearing a pair of glasses when he did the audition. 

Kim Wan Sun recalled her stories with these 3 artists and said, 'I am thankful to them.' After seeing the old video clips of the artists, netizens commented, ' who are you?' , 'you look really different now.' 'you have changed a lot ever since the audition', etc. 

Source: Nate

Translated by: Rice @bigbangupdates.com

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Guest rj_1905

[Photo] Seungri and Friend in YG Studio!



Translation: Visiting Seungri's workroom. Seeing him working hard in his field shows quite a different side of him. The job of a singer seems rather cool too.

Credits: @actor_0205 + me (translation)

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Guest prorunawayer

[Fan Account] Totally cute Seungri: “Noona….” (110905)

LOL a fan and her friend went to YGE today to give presents to Kush but also saw Lee Seung-hyun.

He was looking to see what was going on and when her friend finished giving Kush her stuff, Seungri stared at the fan.

She was looking bewildered and then he asked her, “Noona….you don’t have anything to give me?”

The fan then….gave Seungri her chuseok present intended for Kush :D 

Source: 贤爱07@weibo

Translation: jwalkervip.tumblr.com 

Hahaha cute Seungri.. wanna bite him lol 

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Guest JiAhUiis


SeungRi kept going to the Gym! He's gonna be soooo fit. Oh Baby, you're all grown up now. Happy Happy! ^^*

I notice he's been going to Musicals lately. Is he gonna be acting in one soon? That's why he is attending musicals to observe or? Hmmmm.. Let's hope he gets to act in one of the musicals! I totally wanna!!


GDTOPVI Is coming to SG for F1!! ^^ Anyone excited much? I so am. It's like them visiting every 3 mths or so to SG. It is so gonna be a hella great heart stopping experience for me! I think they MIGHT come SG for the MAMA Awards too. I certainly hope so! Who's with me on this eh? Heehee.

Anyway you guys,, I am considering chasing GDTOPVI on 23rd September for the F1 event. Would anyone wanna join me?

If anyone is interested, please do contact me via Email! TokJiahui_89@ymail.com. I don't usually see my DM. Or can Twitter me! @PinkCessHui.

It'll be fun!!It'll be fun!! But definitely not like those crazy fans. Those are weird. Totally.

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Guest prorunawayer

110909 Seungri's Me2Day Updates [PHOTO]


Original message: 오늘밤 12시 SBS에서 대한민국 을 미치게한 그남자 PSY싸이 의 콘서트 의 모습을 생생하게 보실수있습니다 ^_^ 즐거운명절맞이 싸이와함께하세요 

Tags: YG막내 전국투어 싸이 실황 명절 추석특집 싸이콘서트 닥본사

Translation: At 12:00am tonight, we can see the guy who made the Republic of Korea go crazy, PSY's live concert. ^_^Happy holiday and please celebrate it with PSY.

Tags: YG Maknae, National tour, PSY, Live, Chuseok Holiday, PSY concert, Dakbonsa 

Source: me2day.net/viofbb

Translated by: Rice @bigbangupdates.com

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[extract] quoting day 6 [seungri’s shout to the world chapter 12]


<Create a ‘dream’ which can change your life>

‘It is okay. Although you have been eliminated in another audition before, if you keep trying, you can do it. Son, Do it until you succeed. We believe in you.’

When I returned to Gwangju after the selection of Big Bang members, my parents had not said anything to me besides encouraging words. I was sure they were disappointed at my failure but they did not show any traces of it. I always reminded myself that ‘I cannot let the efforts that I paid to be in vain.’ so I relaxed a bit. My mum had prepared some good dished for me at the late night for me since I was heading to Seoul again very early on the next year. She showed her support by providing me with good food.

I cannot give up since I don’t want to disappoint such a pair of good parents. ‘In order to repay what my parents have given me, I have to work really really hard. I have to try again ’ I promised myself.

I guess all parents support their children like how my parents do but my parents are especially supportive. When I was small, I did not put studying at the top of my list of priority but they never complaint. They knew that I was very interested in singing and dancing, they just supported me to do whatever I want and have never, ever blamed me once for this.

’You can do whatever you want but I want you to work hard on them.’ I am really thankful for having them as my parents. Even after I was accepted by YGE to be a trainee, they had been helping me out too. They asked the school to allow me to take leaves for training even though I was only a junior school student. On the other hand, I was stressful for their support so I worked very hard to achieve what I promised them.

When I was still a student, I once met some classmates whom did not pay any attention to schoolwork. I went to the game rooms and comics stores with them every day after school. It was the time before I had met the dancing team that I later enrolled in. At that time, I did fight with people sometimes, too. However, one day, I suddenly saw the sad faces of my parents and from there, I discovered deep disappointment. At that very particular moment, I knew that what I had done was wrong since I thought, ‘if even parents could not place their trust in me, who would ?’ And I am so glad that I also started to dance at that time.

Ever since I was small, I have a dream, ‘I have to be a person who can repay the trust and love that my parents have been giving me.’ Although I did not know what I should do in order to make them happy, I was so determined to do so. I want to try my best in every aspect and be the son that my parents can always be proud of.

This is the dream which motivates me to work very hard throughout the course of my life.

[Note: If you want to repost it elsewhere, please include the following disclaimer:

I am not doing close translation of every word in the book, just quoting here and there from the sections. And I have paraphrased and summarized so it might contain errors. I am just sharing to spread the love, not hate. If you don’t feel comfortable reading it, please ignore me.And my works has nothing related to any profit making purpose. You are not allowed to reproduce it in any material forms for such a purpose. Thanks for your understanding.

The odd-numbered chapters are being translated by jwalkervip.tumblr.com, please hover to her page to read them =].]

Source: Shout To The World (Chinese Version)

Translated by: godlovesrice@tumblr.com/rice@bbu

[extract] quoting day 5 [seungri’s shout to the world chapter 10]


<If you love yourself, you have to be responsible to yourself>

At the end of 2007, I have hurt myself quite seriously 2 times. When I was rehearsing the prize giving ceremony of Inkigayo, I twisted my foot for a wrong step. I was so painful but for the fact that our concert was approaching, I could not give up but took some painkillers instead.

In the middle of rehearsing for our concert, we also had to attend other activities. My foot had been swollen to an extent that I could not even wear my shoes. When I was standing on the stage, I could not concentrate on singing my songs.

Another accident happened when I was performing on the stage. The fireworks had splashed on my face. Although I was not hurt, I was pretty stunned by what had happened. When I walked down from the stage, a lot of people came to me and asked, ‘are you okay?’ I just kept saying, ‘yes, I am, please don’t worry.’ Since I knew that no matter what happened, we could not give up the concert which we had been preparing for such long time. However, despite of my strong will, my body still collapsed. When I was waiting for my turn at the backstage, I fainted suddenly and when I woke up, I found that I had already been taken to a hospital with my parents accompanying me. There was also a staff,too.

‘What happened?’

‘You have just fainted.’

‘Is the concert going well?’

‘They are still doing their parts, just take a rest today.’

When I was heading back to the dormitory, I could not hold back my tears since I felt so desperate that I could not stand on the stage which I love and perform for the thousands of people whom love me. I blamed myself. ‘What can a physically-weak person do?’ Whenever I thought of it, my tears could not be dried.

The hyuns came back when I was still crying. They did not ask me anything other than my condition. My anger towards myself had been growing when they treated me like this. We had been practicing as a team and without me, all of our efforts had been wasted. I felt so sorry for my hyuns who must had been angry and sad.

I surely had to bear the responsibility since if I love myself,then I have to discipline myself to be a better person too. It is just the same case as the parents treating their children harshly in order to lead them to the right path of life. Instead of forgiving myself so easily, I have to face the mistakes I make squarely and solemnly. This is the real way of loving myself.

I do not only need to train up my performing skills but also my physical fitness since skills would be of no use if I did not have good health to support me.

[Note: If you want to repost it elsewhere, please include the following disclaimer:

I am not doing close translation of every word in the book, just quoting here and there from the sections. And I have paraphrased and summarized so it might contain errors. I am just sharing to spread the love, not hate. If you don’t feel comfortable reading it, please ignore me.And my works has nothing related to any profit making purpose. You are not allowed to reproduce it in any material forms for such a purpose. Thanks for your understanding.

The odd-numbered chapters are being translated by jwalkervip.tumblr.com, please hover to her page to read them =].]

Source: Shout To The World (Chinese Version)

Translated by: godlovesrice@tumblr.com/rice@bbu

[extract] quoting day 9 (how do other see seungri)


<The world is so beautiful when you are a hardworking person>

Seungri was taken to the hospital in the middle of the concert which they held in 2007. In fact, before the concert, his foot was already sprinkled but he still insisted to participate in the concert. During the concert, he fainted because of the fireworks which jumped to his face accidentally, coupled with the foot pain. When he was taken to the waiting room, he cried, ’ it is our own concert, how can I be as weak as this? What should I do now?’ He did not cry for his pain but the troubles that he had brought to his members and his absence from the rest of the concert. I really think that it was a painful facial expression. When the president visited him at the hospital afterwards, he said he would certainly join the concert held on the next day. It was very obvious that he was wearing a worrying and painful look at that very moment.

In the early morning of the next day, Seungri phoned me. I thought he was going to ask me how he could relieve his foot pain but what he asked when he first picked up the phone was, ‘Ssabu, can I have some fried rice?’ etc. It seemed that he had already forgotten he was hurt. ‘Is your foot okay now?’ I asked him. ‘Ah… my foot? Yes, it seemed to be okay now.’ He did not feel painful anymore and immediately he thought of food.

This is the world of Seungri, and his world is so beautiful for he is such a hardworking person.

Forgetting the things which depress himself or hurt their self-confidence most at a lightning seed, this is our Seungri. He is good at encouraging himself with a ‘fighting’ shouting to himself. It was hard for him to get used to the life as a trainee in this team at the very beginning but he has overcome these with his optimism and self-confidence!

<The trainer, Hwangssabu>

<Seungri ah, I think what you have done at your 20 are very scary>

We have said to Seungri, ‘what you have done at your 20 are very scary.’ He wanted to do so many things in the past and now he wants to do more. When chances come, he wants to do this and that. And of course, he tries his very best to seize every opportunity that comes to him.

If we say that Taeyang transforms the negative comments into his nutrients for growing, then, we can regard Seungri as that kind of person which motivate themselves by praises. He can even distinguish which compliments are good for him and which are not, for example, he will say, ’ these comments are left by a small group of people only, they just have not understood me thoroughly.’

Seungri loves to hear praises from others but he also compliment others a lot. Even when he is so tired, he will still encourage and praise the people around him. He is especially thankful to the staff who are very hard working.

How to gain the ‘victory’? Be positive towards all the people and things around you. No matter what, just say, ‘let me do it, I want to do it!’ Just like how Seungri always does. When he knows that there is something that he is not able to complete, he will be very sad and his world seems to have collapsed at that very moment.

He is very positive towards everything. If he has to film a TV progamme which he has not watched before, he will try his best to understand the running of the programme beforehand. He will prepare everything in advance and always stuns us by his extraordinary performance.At the same time, the people around him will also be influenced by him and be as hardworking as him.

Seungri devotes all of his efforts to his works and he works very hard to strive for his goals. He does not care whether his energy will be drained, he will be successful or not or whether he will suffer because of being too hardworking, he just wants to give his best under all circumstances.

<The president of YGE, Mr Yang Hyun Suk>

[Note: If you want to repost it elsewhere, please include the following disclaimer:

I am not doing close translation of every word in the book, just quoting here and there from the sections. And I have paraphrased and summarized so it might contain errors. I am just sharing to spread the love, not hate. If you don’t feel comfortable reading it, please ignore me.And my works has nothing related to any profit making purpose. You are not allowed to reproduce it in any material forms for such a purpose. Thanks for your understanding.

The odd-numbered chapters are being translated by jwalkervip.tumblr.com, please hover to her page to read them =].]

Source: Shout To The World (Chinese Version)

Translated by: godlovesrice@tumblr.com/rice@bbu

credit jwalkervip

[so2tw: seungri] ~eleven~ enjoying criticism because of my passion and love

[so2tw: seungri] ~thirteen~ so what if it’s difficult? so what if it’s humiliating?

[so2tw: seungri] ~fifteen~ progressing powerfully for my goal

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest samosvetleee

{FANACC} Meeting Seungri in real life @ Singapures Tiger Sky Tower - The story of a lucky vvips ::


So I work at Sentosa(a popular tourist attraction site in Singapore) and I always work the morning shift because I hate to be the one couting the money and doing the report.

Oh, I work as a Photographer btw. Nothing fancy, just take pictures of guests who enters the ride aka Tiger Sky Tower. Yep, that very tall 110m rotating viewing platform.

I was alone at that time because 1 of my colleague went to open the back door for the guests to exit and from a far I could see a group of young Koreans heading to the entrance. I was like, “Woaaaah Koreans are early today.” Because usually the Korean tour group would arrive in the late afternoon. (Time check: Only 11am)

When I looked closer, I saw like 7 people? 1 carrying a camera+microphone thing, 1 pulling a small luggage and 1 FINE HANDSOME MAN IN A WHITE TEE AND BLACK JEANS WALKING LOOK DOWN. When he looked up, JSNFJDKSGNDUHF LEESEUNGHYUN HOLY MOTHERF IT IS HIM SEUNGRI V.I BABY MAGNAE.

So I was still alone and I directed them to join the queue and wait for a lil while. So there I was, and there he was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. All that flawless 170ish-metre of him in front. So he smiled, I smiled back.

I was john teshin shaking my hands were cold my legs were jelly ADRENALINE RUSH HEART PUMPING. I was still calm and composed because ultimately I am a staff hahaha so I initiated a convo,


Me: Lee Seunghyun.

Ri: O_O Eh, you know me? (Yes all the way we were both conversing in ENGLISH.)

Me: Of course!! Lee Seunghyun, Seungri, V.I……

Ri: Really? (He was like trying to deny kinda thingggg very sheepish look)

Me: Hahahaha yes yes!

Ri: Woww! *shakes my hands and does a hi5 and camera man starts to film stuff. He turned back to look at the camera and was saying something like, “Fan!!”*

Ri: Ohhhh, so who is your favorite member in Big Bang?

Me: Ummm…. you? Haha really! Strong Baby!!!! *I did the crack crack crack hand movement thing*

Ri: Really!!? *smiles and gives me a Hi-10* (Yes THAT usual, “JEONGMAAL?!” face!!!)

Me: Okok now you stand here, smile take a photo. (Yes, it’s part of my job to  take photos for ALL the guests, and then he poses the Muscle Man pose)


Me: Ahhh me, you photo? Okay? Together, ok!


Ri: Ahh okay okay come come! *and places his hand on my shoulder he poses the THUMBSUP sign and me  looking like a mess then shake my hand a gave a very little(haha), fast hug)

Me: Alright!!! Thank you!! Enjoy your ride~~~


So the ride is 7mins long and we had to print the photos to sell before the ride is down. So yep I printed his photo and the other photo of me and him. There were only him+crew in the ride plus another Chinese couple or something. It was very calm and not packed and not busy.

So ride down, crew filmed him exiting and filmed me and my supervisor selling the picture to him. Yup, we take photos and we sell.

So we showed him is photo and he was amazed with the background and all and told him we were selling it for $15 (shib-uu dolla) and he was like mumbling something like “Ahhh lesser lesser!” And we sold it at $10 for him hahahaha the film crew recorded the whole selling thing OTL.

So the staff/coordi noona took out $10 and asked for the receipt. While waiting, I asked Ri, “Ahhhh Seungri ahhhh, sign-juseyo!!” He was like, “Ok!!” He had this positive vibrant aura around him or something and he offered to shook his hand again.

So he signed the photo, only I can see it becausewe used a pen not a marker hahaha and marked - V.I next to his shirt(on the photo).

After that, they left. :DDDDDDDD


Heard news that they were from the museum(Images of Singapore) but the staff there didn’t really approach him because they were unsure of who he really was.  And then up the Sky Tower and then idk where else.

It took me hours to be composed at work hahahaha was still spazzing and shaking and smiling so widely the whole day. It’s like after seeing him, he erased off the hunger and tiredness away hehehee. :3


So heard he’s staying at Sentosa’s Shangri-la Resort at Siloso? And there were a few fans around. Glad they all got to see him after seeing Twitter explode with my tweets and twitpic hahaha.

GOODBYE BABY GOODBYE. Hope you enjoyed Sky Tower and thanks for everythaaaang~

Source&Credit : psydough @ tumblr (@shiddough)

Origianlly posted : psydough@tumblr

Shared via fyeahseungri @ tumblr

NOTE : Credit properly with full credits  if taking out,please !!!

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Super awesome fan account thanks for sharing with us I can just die right now SERIOUSLY we in Spore are all super close to him but school prevents me from searching for him! Is he really staying till 12th October?! HAHAHA what kind of crazy rumor is that! But it would be kind of AWESUM :D

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Guest sweet_ain93

OMG! i worked at Sentosa too but under retail! My supervisor was at the Palawan Shop & she serve him! But I was in another shop at Siloso! I try to look for him at Palawan beach aftr i receive a call frm my supervisor abt him coming in the shop. But didnt saw him & just found out he actually at Siloso, the place i working at!!! :( i'm very sad! Such a waste!

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