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What Sport In Your Opinion Is The Most Wimpiest?

Guest Some person

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  • 3 weeks later...

I play badminton XD ... I don't absolutely love it. Sometimes it's a pain in the richard simmons, literally. :huh: Well practice at our school is hectic, and by the end of the season, it's almost close to military training. But being a whimpy sport, is far from it once you've actually did some serious stuff with it. -_-

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Kyung-Ho

i personally think badmitton is HOTT lol XD

hmmmm either golf or ping pong haha = wimpy sports lol

golf is a wimpy sport..name one tough golfer lol

if john daly is considered an athelete, then u got problems.

idk i always here people dissing golf... it seems easy but the pros just make it look easy.... ur lugging like 30-40 idk lbs around, up and down mean hills for like 4. something miles.... and u have to perfect ur swing... i spent hours just hitting golf balls, and the next day i couldnt move.....

i say every sport is masculine, yet wimpy in its own form.... no sport attracts all.... just depends on the persons likes...

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Guest Chioster

The lamest sport is probably car racing. I love to race (I hope there aren't cops here reading this hahaha), but it's not really a sport. You can't work out...unless you almost crash, and then-well-you certainly get your heart racing! Hahaha.

Lets see you do what a normal racing driver does and lets see who is calling it wimpy. :P a normal race car driver loses 5lbs of sweat per a race. You have to endure hot temperatures inside the cockpit and have total concentration for 2 hours. The fact that they need to be able to still have a sense of direction and thoughts after 2 hours is amazing. Also, you definitely have not felt powerful G-force as well. Not to rag on you but without real research in your case, it needed to be ragged.

watch this video

Shows what a normal F1 driver has to go through.

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Guest abcdefghijkLOL

Football (soccer). Without a doubt. since I suck at it, although I suck at any sport.......

But seriously...The most girly sport would have to be netball, since you would not see any self respected man playing it, nor any naked people running through the field. :) :) :) :)

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Guest lollypops

synchronized swimming and colorguard are mostly dominated by females, but that doesn't mean they're wimpy in the least.

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Guest Jamieâ„¢


I don't think poker is a sport.

at least I hope it's not a sport. :mellow:

I don't think any sport is wimpy (at least those that I account as a 'sport')

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  • 4 weeks later...

^ poker is a sport..

Cheerleading is soooo WHIMPY! You only get injuries from your 'teammates' dropping you on your face.

Badminton is not bad. Pros can get pretty scary,.. it's like a mix of Tennis and Volleyball..

Volleyball isn't whimpy. It's pretty scary when a volleyball is in your face.

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Guest sugarrrxxx

because I'm a cheerleader, naturally, i have to defend myself.

cheerleading isn't easy. To most people, cheerleading

is just throwing your arms in the air and shouting and jumping up and down, correct?

but can you jump up in the air and touch your toes with a skirt on?

haha. that was dumb, but i hope you get the point.

besides, i got sore during the first day of practice, and my arms and thighs hurt from constantly being slapped.

anywho, i don't really think there is much a wimpy sport, but if poker is considered a sport...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest marasshi

"Girliest" sport? That's easy, it has to be CURLING. Any sport that combines ice skating and CLEANING (ie sweeping) wins hands down. Yikes, don't flame me :vicx:

OMG YES I was thinking of curling as I read the replies.

I'm sure badminton at a professional level looks very powerful. But every time I see amateurs playing...
LOL. Yeah, it can get annoying when people just lob the shuttlecock back and forth. Slowly...

I play badminton and table tennis (decently) so I don't consider them girly sports (even if I am a girl) because I know they can be really hard.

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Guest suki_*

"Girliest" sport? That's easy, it has to be CURLING. Any sport that combines ice skating and CLEANING (ie sweeping) wins hands down. Yikes, don't flame me :vicx:

curling is so HARD! eventhough it's the only winter olympic games that has a smoking area for their players, it's actually alotta fun when i tried it, and very challening.

wimpy sport would have to be bridge or poker... but dang it's soo funny watching hardcore bridge players.

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Guest negitoro

Lawn bowling is like the wimpier version of curling.

So that automatically takes curling out of the running.

What about darts?

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Guest Mellz-

i think the most 'girliest' sport is 'Korfball',

dont know if u ever heard of it, but it's some dutch game (:

aaah google it or something ;P

don't know why, but i think its kinda girly >__<

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Guest Chioster

Lawn bowling is like the wimpier version of curling.

So that automatically takes curling out of the running.

What about darts?

Anything with sharp objects is not wimpy. Ask Richard Zednik from NHL Hockey about it, got his neck sliced open by a hockey skate.

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