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Twilight The Movie

Guest yurikah

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Okay, sorry, I'm a bit slow, but who exactly is Tom Sturridge? :huh:

And although I think Rob looked smoking hot at the VMA's, his shoes are a different story.

Taylor's in an upcoming show? I'm so excited, I can't wait to see him on TV. That picture of him is adorable.

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Guest spuddevaughn

I just got this over at Rob's thread at IMDb and although this girl said a lot of not too nice stuff about Rob's looks, she did also say a lot of nice things about Rob that by now a lot of Twilighters already know especially those who had the chance to meet him on the set. Thanks to joannady for this one.


"but Needless to say, if you are a fan, you want to know most about the cast. Kristen Stewart plays Bella – perfect selection. She’s pale, she’s pretty but not stunning, and she has a certain innate teenage sullenness about her that jives remarkably with the mental image you had when reading the book.

Same goes for Rachelle Lefevre who plays Victoria. Rachelle is GORGEOUS. Saw her before makeup heading into the hotel. She was barefaced, her hair was wild, skin was incredible, piercing eyes… the girl is stunning. And very well liked. Easy to work with, grateful for the opportunity, so excited about the fact that her career is taking off – many on set think she has a good chance at upstaging Kristen Stewart as the break out star… and deservedly so. 

Because Kristen Stewart actually has a bit of a reputation – one that preceded her before this film. Widely regarded as super super talented, she’s also supposedly kind of a pinkberry. Professional, does her job, but not particularly an overly warm person, lacks charisma, the least engaging of all three interviews, and perceived by many before joining the Twilight cast as the girl with a mild attitude problem. Like she’s an “actor”, she has a “craft”, she’s just so not down with fame and celebrity, and rumour has it, she’s crusty a lot of the time. 

My impression? Though she gave off a few “faces”, her hag factor didn’t come close to Jessica Alba. But compared to the others? One word: dull. 

So Bella and Victoria are all good. Jasper’s ok too. The other choices however are far more controversial. Especially Edward. Sorry. But the Edward I pictured is NOT Robert Pattinson though I suppose I’m less opposed to him now having met him …and still, my mind’s Edward is not as slight, with features that aren’t so… animé. Some of you have written to express your loin quiveration for the young fellow. Forgive me… I can’t see it. Not at all. To me, he’s only handsome the way a cartoon is handsome. It’s kinda creepy, actually. And he’s too slight. Tall…ish. But thin. And you know how Edward was supposed to look in clothes? Hot in clothes? “Rob”, as they call him, looks alright in clothes, but the gait…the gait isn’t good. The gait is more of a shuffle with a slouch. 

Taylor Kitsch… or Jamie Dornan. I’m just sayin’… 

Before the fan girls start tossing darts though… Rob is lovely. Very unassuming, totally unaware of what’s about to hit. Completely oblivious to the fact that he’s about to become Orlando Bloom. He’s relaxed on set, he doesn’t complain, not even after standing in the freezing cold rain for hours and hours because the light is messing with the shot, he’s friendly, he has no personal security detail, he has no demands, he’s not extra shielded from the riffraff, he doesn’t have a driver on stand by solely for his purposes… fast forward a year, wonder if that’ll change.

As for what he’ll add to Edward’s sexy factor – has to be the accent. He almost buries it for the role, leaving just a hint of Edward’s old school lilt, and the effect will definitely quiver you if you were a fan at the start anyway."

So, I guess it is really true..that Rob is not only smoking hot but he's really a great and cool guy. About Kristen, I've heard that she is kinda snobbish.....I don't know if it's because she's shy or maybe what's written here may have some grain of truth. We will never know.

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Guest eternaldarkness4

is it just me or does her dress just look awful...

amost like a grey curtain off the simpsons kitchen without corn

i do like her shoes though....alot

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Guest jessyjess

Okay, sorry, I'm a bit slow, but who exactly is Tom Sturridge? :huh:

He's a British actor and APPARENTLY, Rob used to date Tom's sister. As well, people thought Tom would make a good Edward before Rob was casted.

And Twilight Tuesday!



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Okay so wait..



I do not understand myself.

Someone enlighten me.

Twilight's 160th page is MINE!

no unfortunately Rob won't be composing the lullaby

instead a composer i forgot his name wrote a song for Rob and he supposedly learned it in one day!!

he totally has Edward down!! HAHAHA

i thought for Twilight Tuesday they would have something of Rob Kristen Taylor or Cam...

like interview before the VMA's....

huh.. i guess not...oh well i still love Peter


UPDATE: My audio recorder is malfunctioning and doesn’t have the interview saved!!!! No!!!!!! I’m so sorry!!!! I’m going to try to get another interview for you guys. My apologies!!!!!

i guess we won't be able to know what Jared said to Rob...

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Guest oneimmortalsoul

OMG that article about all the furious fans pissed off at Russell Brand for cutting off Robert is just stupid.

It was rude on Russell's part, but it's not that big of a deal.

Gosh. Those pissed off fangirls need to get a life.

Besides that, the cast looked great at the VMA's.

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OMG that article about all the furious fans pissed off at Russell Brand for cutting off Robert is just stupid.

It was rude on Russell's part, but it's not that big of a deal.

Gosh. Those pissed off fangirls need to get a life.

Besides that, the cast looked great at the VMA's.

but i understand where the fans are coming from...

i mean MTV dedicated a whole Twilight Tuesday saying that they would be presenting an award...

but then we see that the cast was cramped up in the aisle and barely got any air time...

also the part where Russell cut Rob off was the icing on the cake to set the fan girls off

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Guest lovebum4life

I'm kind of annoyed at how pissed the fangirls were about Russell cutting off Rob. It was rude and I know where they're coming from but I think they're overareacting a bit and they make Twilighters look a bit bad from a public perspective..anyway I feel as if Twilight'sa becoming the new fad. I remember reading it when no one else knew what it was and now it's everywhere..my friend's grandmother is obssesed with it now.

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i don't know the movie is starting to kind of disappoint me. basically i had high expectation for the movie but...it kind of made me go the complete opposite and i haven't even seen the movie yet :( ! its typical and not shocking when the movie is kind of different from the original story but i can't believe they changed so much. i mean i saw some clips and previews of the movie and it totally let me down. i thought the movie was going to be more dark *sorry i'm going to compare it to other movies but...* i wanted to see it like "Underworld" or "The Covenant" but the way they directed and produced it...it felt like it was just too...plain. i mean i don't want it to be exactly like those other movies i just disclosed before i just thought it was going to be more dark and gothic. *shrugs* maybe its just me -_- .

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I'm kind of annoyed at how pissed the fangirls were about Russell cutting off Rob. It was rude and I know where they're coming from but I think they're overareacting a bit and they make Twilighters look a bit bad from a public perspective..anyway I feel as if Twilight'sa becoming the new fad. I remember reading it when no one else knew what it was and now it's everywhere..my friend's grandmother is obssesed with it now.

Yeahhh I knoww . . I was thinking that too.

It reminds me of


when they go crazy XD .

They obviously overreacted.

Like, I got pissed off and irritated but I wouldn't go as far as they did ...

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Guest spuddevaughn

I know some people think the reaction to what the VMA host did to Rob was a bit over the top. Some even commented on it over at the MTV blog but I do understand where these fans are coming from because I was one of them. I was totally pissed when I saw it. I know that the show is live and all that...but the host could have at least allowed Rob to say his piece after he interrupted him. Some said that maybe the host was trying to hurry the introduction but it would only take a few seconds for Rob to say what he had to say. Overreaction or not....what the host did was rude and if a lot of Twilight fans reacted like that, I think it's out of frustration because they were expecting a lot from the appearance after all the hype MTV did. Also, a lot of the fans just love the actors of the movie especially Rob that maybe at that time they felt his embarrassment in the situation. But this gaffe only made Rob more endearing to the fans because if this happened to some other actor we would definitely see some attitude right away...but Rob took it in stride and was a good sport all the way. So, in a way I want to thank the host....what he did just showed a lot of fans who have not had any encounters with Rob that he is a cool and nice guy.

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is it just me or does her dress just look awful...

amost like a grey curtain off the simpsons kitchen without corn

i do like her shoes though....alot

yeah...i don't like kristen's dress either. i think it's ugly. :x


when that dude cut off rob, i was like :mellow:

seriously though...i thought that was really rude.

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Guest jessyjess

I know some people think the reaction to what the VMA host did to Rob was a bit over the top. Some even commented on it over at the MTV blog but I do understand where these fans are coming from because I was one of them. I was totally pissed when I saw it. I know that the show is live and all that...but the host could have at least allowed Rob to say his piece after he interrupted him. Some said that maybe the host was trying to hurry the introduction but it would only take a few seconds for Rob to say what he had to say. Overreaction or not....what the host did was rude and if a lot of Twilight fans reacted like that, I think it's out of frustration because they were expecting a lot from the appearance after all the hype MTV did. Also, a lot of the fans just love the actors of the movie especially Rob that maybe at that time they felt his embarrassment in the situation. But this gaffe only made Rob more endearing to the fans because if this happened to some other actor we would definitely see some attitude right away...but Rob took it in stride and was a good sport all the way. So, in a way I want to thank the host....what he did just showed a lot of fans who have not had any encounters with Rob that he is a cool and nice guy.

Hahahaha, I bet you Rob didn't even care that Russell cut him off.

I hope everyone knows this that he actually HATES playing Edward btw.

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I'm kind of annoyed at how pissed the fangirls were about Russell cutting off Rob. It was rude and I know where they're coming from but I think they're overareacting a bit and they make Twilighters look a bit bad from a public perspective..anyway I feel as if Twilight'sa becoming the new fad. I remember reading it when no one else knew what it was and now it's everywhere..my friend's grandmother is obssesed with it now.

some people wasted their night watching the vmas only to see the twilight cast. I for one, am one of them. I was waiting for this night and then right when ROBERT, only robert, not others was about to speak gets cut off by the annoying host. hes the freaking MC, he has so many other rubbish lines to say but just when the only person i wanted to hear from speaks like 2 words, he gets cut off. he tried to speak again once more, but russell brand kept talking. how embarrassing is that? :( however, it did show how classy and cool robert was for us so thats good lol. i know its live and all and theres nothing you can really do about it, but still you know? and mtv has been promoting twilight cast every tuesdays and then they get cramped up in the aisle presenting couple of lines .. its like wtf. im not "attacking" you or anything, just saying how i see it. i guess theres many twilighters that just wanted to see and hear rob :sweatingbullets: your friends grandmother??? LOL thats so cute =)

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