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[Drama 2008] The Great King Sejong 대왕세종 大王世宗

Guest huangsy

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aah..yeah Lee Joon..! thank you kind people!

That Prince is so full of angst..he has seen too much bloodshed..This drama is so intriguing..i have to keep looking up for the past history to keep up tho. :P

Oh Dear....Prince ChoongNyeong will be tortured in the next episode.. :o ..

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Hwang Hui is an incorruptible chief royal counselor during Sejong. he is indeed neutral before Sejong's reign.

Queen Won-Kyeong's sons: 1. Grand Prince Yang-Nyeong (oldest), Grand Prince Hyo-Ryeong (2nd), Grand Prince Choong-Nyeong (3rd, Sejong), and Grand Prince Seong-Nyeong (4th):



Lady Hyo-Bin's only son: Prince Kyeong-Nyeong

cool ... incorruptible chief royal counselor eh?? if only king tae-jong listens to him more~

thanks for the clarifications~ i forgot about the baby the queen held in her arms in episode 1 so that must be the youngest prince. and i thought there were only 3 princes because the image of the 3 boys huddled together watching their father slaughter their enemies is in my head so i just assumed that lady hyo-bin's son is one of them~

ke dramaok is always so good..how does she knows i want to know the royal prince's actor name ..^^

was he ? that baseball guy in little bride ..? ...i checked up his data it doesnt seem to have that in his list .~ anyway he leave an impression on me ...a royal prince who does seem to have a mind of his own ...but he appeared to be quite adaptable to political games too ....now i am interested to see how this prince turned out to be in adult hood ....did he really marry the princess from china ? .....how did he give up his heir rights to King Sejong then ?..

dramaok knows everything!! keke

i think i might have gotten him mix up with another actor then~ sorry ... :blush: i think that was park jin woo? no idea why i thought they looked the same! :wacko:

i'm dying to know what's going to happen next too. but i don't think he will marry the princess from china? the father already negotiated with the envoy for them not to have to send the crown prince to live in china as hostage under the guise of marriage? otherwise we won't be seeing park sang min since he'll be in china ... :lol:

but it's gonna be sad isn't it? i was so touched that the brothers seems closed & will stick out for each other. but now ... political rivalry is going to come in...

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Guest dramaok

Ep. 5 stream (raw):


Ep. 6 stream (raw):


or http://andu.hanafos.com/home/play/playgw.asp?conkey=156594

he leave an impression on me ...a royal prince who does seem to have a mind of his own ...but he appeared to be quite adaptable to political games too ....now i am interested to see how this prince turned out to be in adult hood ....did he really marry the princess from china ? .....how did he give up his heir rights to King Sejong then ?..

supposedly he was great warrior but because he was rejected or did not do well in confucian ideas, Taejong deposed his crown prince title, however there is also the story that he recognized his younger brother Sejong's talent and skills to rule, so he pretended to be mad in order to give up his position to his younger brother.. will see how the drama plays out.. Park Sang-Min is very good. almost scary in some scenes, just like his character's father, King Tejong.. so smiliar father and son.

btw Shirley the most annoying character from Hansungbyulgok is here again...


i think his name is like Bae Seong-Woo or something. musical actor. the most annoying grin ever.

i forgot about the baby the queen held in her arms in episode 1 so that must be the youngest prince. and i thought there were only 3 princes because the image of the 3 boys huddled together watching their father slaughter their enemies is in my head so i just assumed that lady hyo-bin's son is one of them~


these are the 4 sons from the queen. i think Hyo-Bin's son, Kyeong-Nyeong was not allowed to participate in the royal upbringing, and spent most of his childhood outside the palace.


oh i don't think we will see too much of Queen Won-Kyeong's youngest son, Seong-Nyeong after episode 4, since the young boy

dies at age 14 from measles. he was treasured son of Taejong and Won-Kyeong because they had him at a very late age.

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*Waves Back at Dramaok*

Caught Ep. 2 on KBS World..missed Ep. 1 - wedding dinner to attend aisahhhhh.

1. Grand Prince Yang-Nyeong (oldest), Grand Prince Hyo-Ryeong (2nd), Grand Prince Choong-Nyeong (3rd, Sejong), and Grand Prince Seong-Nyeong (4th):

Young prince Choon-Nyeong (Sejong) - so enjoying seeing his development, wanting to right the whole world, and that in the world 1+1 = 2 with the right mind, intellect, learning from books - wisdom to undo all the wrong in the world would be possible. He would see that what he has been taught and learnt from books are not the only things needed to get him through life successfully and overcome obstacles and gain the love of his people. .... and boy does he have the pure hearted courage of the young! Guess even princes have to learn things the hard way....everything he goes through would be a learning...he needs it to survive in the palace - aiyo the politics - keeps me scratching my head sometimes wondering what the heck are they cooking up, all the talk with double, tripple meaning, gets me confused and guessing and LOLing....

The Crown Prince Yang-Nyeong - I think I've seen him before in another role - also as crown prince in The Immortal Admiral Yi Soon Shin! He certainly has that regal good looks about him, here he is depicted (Ep. 2) so far as short tempered, cares for his sibling (Younger prince Choong-Nyeong), not very wise nor very clever....I look forward to seeing more on him too.....This actor, in IAYSS had a different backbone about him, but that could be because that other crown prince was supposed to be respected for his matured intellect even from a young age (teenager)...I'm happy enough to see him again.

The story so far, great pace, unfolding well for me - where dialogues are abundant, they were intriguing, where it was dramatic, had my heart pumping...what a great start...I'm going to regimentally stick with it!

.....Can't wait for Kim Sang Kyung to appear! *Shallow* LOL

P/S Baduy - I've read many of your thoughts at the INSOON IS PRETTY thread and many people there (myself included) enjoyed having you around as you contributed loads in terms of thoughts and interpretation of the drama, story, cast crew and all, you have that no nonsense style about you..that is quite enlightening....and sometimes a wee bit alarming..LOL..LOL but once I got used to it LOL...it was a great ride!... and so I hope that well, regardless on what has happened here - how you had somehow struck on certain sensitive cords on this thread on your beliefs on the Korean Language based on your investigation/knowledge. how it was depicted on the front page and how it came about whether created by King Sejong or his scholars...I hope you would stick around here still on this thread.....how about letting bygones be bygones everyone and let us all just enjoy what looks to be a GREAT SAGUEK drama, together? - you gals and guy if i am not mistaken (baduy) seems to be a smart and interesting lot, how about we all put our energies into happily watching our K-dramas and rant and gush away......AJA

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supposedly he was great warrior but because he was rejected or did not do well in confucian ideas, Taejong deposed his crown prince title, however there is also the story that he recognized his younger brother Sejong's talent and skills to rule, so he pretended to be mad in order to give up his position to his younger brother.. will see how the drama plays out.. Park Sang-Min is very good. almost scary in some scenes, just like his character's father, King Tejong.. so smiliar father and son.

btw Shirley the most annoying character from Hansungbyulgok is here again...

i think his name is like Bae Seong-Woo or something. musical actor. the most annoying grin ever.

yikeS!!! . that man with that annoying smirk! .did he quit that in here .! otherwise i will want to strangle him everytime i see him.

Park Sang Min has a certain charisma but i never see him in period drama before though .! that is rare to give up his position as heir to someone whom he think is more suitable, ..compared to the power struggle of brothers to get the throne ..

...gosh ...i am actually patiently waiting for KBS world screening .` but now you make me want to watch the raw version ...has our Sub Byeon appeared as king yet ? :blush: i misses his voice .~~ ..and his screen presence .

i'm dying to know what's going to happen next too. but i don't think he will marry the princess from china? the father already negotiated with the envoy for them not to have to send the crown prince to live in china as hostage under the guise of marriage? otherwise we won't be seeing park sang min since he'll be in china ... :lol:

ah ya . so they actually meant to send the crown prince over to china and remain there as a sort of hostage .? ..no wonder the king will do anything to stop that from happening ....

btw at least they get someone who speak decent enough chinese as the china envoy . at least it was 90% understandable chinese .

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Guest korean-girl

gosh that kid (hyun woo) is good at acting!! the only thing that bothers me is that he is 7 days older than me...o wells he gonna do good when he's older. Haha <3

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thanks so much dramaok for your clarifications~ =)

the pix you posted ... all those 3 girls are companions for the 3 princes? the one in yellow or is it green ... is going to be the grown up lee yoon ji right? king se-jong's queen? it's interesting that they already had partners picked for the princes at such a young age.

Park Sang Min has a certain charisma but i never see him in period drama before though .! that is rare to give up his position as heir to someone whom he think is more suitable, ..compared to the power struggle of brothers to get the throne ..

...gosh ...i am actually patiently waiting for KBS world screening .` but now you make me want to watch the raw version ...has our Sub Byeon appeared as king yet ? :blush: i misses his voice .~~ ..and his screen presence .

ah ya . so they actually meant to send the crown prince over to china and remain there as a sort of hostage .? ..no wonder the king will do anything to stop that from happening ....

btw at least they get someone who speak decent enough chinese as the china envoy . at least it was 90% understandable chinese .

personally ... i think park sang min exudes charisma on screen more so than from his pictures~ :lol: it's my first time seeing him in a period drama too. and i'm certainly eager to see how they are going to depict the brothers relationships later on~ i think the queen must have done a great job in bringing up her sons if they are somewhat united rather than going at each others throat in a power struggle to get the throne~ i do wonder though what prince choon-nyeong would have done if his brother did not depose his crown prince title ... since he seems to be quite an ambitious little fellow from his speech to his mentor in episode 2.

hehe ... guess what? i'm already downloading the raw for ep 3 & 4. :lol: ... i'm wondering too when the adults will start appearing~ the last time i watch sageuk without subs is haeshin~ haha

as to the hostage thing ... i'm not 100% sure but isn't that usually the case last time in political marriage to ensure the other party do not break their alliance pact? we see it all the time in chinese historical drama. and it was inferred as such during king tae-jong's conversation with the envoy who was sent to negotiate? king tae-jong offered the sword he used to build the country instead of having to send his son over to be 'fu ma'~ i don't think how that would be acceptable though~ :mellow:

oh oh ... it's true ... i could actually understand what the envoy said without reading subs~ :lol: impressive~ haha

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Guest kdramafanusa

Rating for Episode #5 - 2008.01.19

King Sejong (KBS1) - 19.7% (#5), 19.2% (#5)

Winter Bird (MBC) - 13.0% (#6), 12.5% (#8)

First Wives Club (SBS) - 20.5% (#4), 22.4% (#4)

Rating for Episode #6 - 2008.01.20

King Sejong (KBS1) - 21.2% (#4), 20.4% (#5)

Winter Bird (MBC) - 13.7% (#10), 13.2% (#9)

First Wives Club (SBS) - 21.1% (#5), 22.3% (#3)

source: TNS Media Korea

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Guest rainy75

yeah!! finally there's some group doing Csubs for this ..!!

I had a hard time watching the raw. @@ ..

was hoping to catch the repeat this Friday night /Sat early morning .. on KBS World.

Now tht Ep1 c subs is out already i dont have to watch it!

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and ep. 3 was soooooooooooooooo sad TT.TT,,,, my heart broke for the young prince.

omg ... i just saw ep 3 & i was bawling my eyes out although i'm just guessing at what happened since i was watching the raw version. such a harsh and cruel lesson for the young prince~ can't wait for the subbed episode on kbs world tomorrow~ the little boy who played young king se-jong is simply amazing in his role for someone so young~

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king tae-jong & the queen doesn't seem to have the most amiable relationship do they? because in episode 2 i remember him saying sarcastically to her if i remember correctly that she's partly to blame for what he has become when she accused him of being heartless and not caring about what happened to his own son (ie. choon-nyeong who was kidnapped). sounds like she pushed him to the kingship or something?

and the queen seems rather cold for a mother who should be

relieved that her son was released from the crime he was framed for? i know she's upset that one of her brother had to pay the price for choon-nyeong's release but still ... he was just an innocent young boy who had gone through a lot? and why would the uncle do something like that to his own flesh & blood nephew ... paranoia that choon-nyeong could be used by another party to usurp the current crown prince? i could understand it if the brothers have different mother ...

who is the lady that the adult crown prince ie. park sang min was flirting with? she seems to be the consort of some important person? i was holding my breath at the crown prince's behavior as he's obviously playing with fire~ why was the ship & village being attacked? the general who hesitated before charging to aid the crown prince who charges into the fight all on his own is also his mother's brother right? i wonder how many brothers does the queen have. lol ... and i think father king is obviously not happy that his crown prince is in the spotlight for being a hero who recklessly came to the villagers rescue instead of looking displeased because he was actually worried the son put himself into danger?

and it's interesting to see mr ma from war of money in here too ... is he going to play an important role in this drama?

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king tae-jong & the queen doesn't seem to have the most amiable relationship do they? because in episode 2 i remember him saying sarcastically to her if i remember correctly that she's partly to blame for what he has become when she accused him of being heartless and not caring about what happened to his own son (ie. choon-nyeong who was kidnapped). sounds like she pushed him to the kingship or something?

Queen Won-gyeong is famous for making her husband (Yi Bang-won) to the kingship. She was an excellent political partner, and her family (Min clan) also worked devotedly to make him sit on the throne.

Chosun dynasty kings

Founder (reign 1392~1398) : King Tae-jo 태조 太祖 (Yi Seong-gye)


2nd King (reign 1399~1400) : Jeong-jong 정종 定宗 (Yi Bang-gwa, Tae-jo's 2nd son)


3rd King (reign 1400~1418) : King Tae-jong 태종 太宗 (Yi Bang-won, Tae-jo's 4th son)


4th King (reign 1418~1450) : Se-jong 세종 世宗 (Yi Do, Tae-jong's 3rd son)


King Se-jong's father, Yi Bang-won (later King Tae-jong), was the 4th son of the Chosun dynasty's founder King Tae-jo.

In 1398, Bang-won killed the then crown prince ‘Bang-seok’ (his youngest half-brother) and pushed his elder brother ‘Bang-gwa’ (later King Jeong-jong) to the throne. This coup is called "The first war of princes (1398)".

Bang-won's another elder brother 'Bang-gan' was discontented with his position, so he rebelled against Bang-won in 1400. As depicted in the drama (take a look at crown prince Yang-nyeong's memory in ep. 1), Bang-won successfully defeated his brother Bang-gan in “the second war of princes (1400)".

King Jeong-jong, knowing the acting king of the kingdom was his younger brother Bang-won, appointed him as a crown prince, and abdicated a few days later. The ex-king lived in comfort and luxury for the rest of his life.

Queen Won-gyeong and her brothers spared no effort to help Bang-won. They were kingmakers in reality and in name. After usurping the throne, however, Yi Bang-won (King Tae-jong) returned their kindness with ingratitude. He favored other concubines over the queen, and neglected her brothers intentionally to weaken their political power. It was natural that Min brothers threw their eyes upon the heir to the throne (Prince Yang-nyeong). King Tae-jong seemed to accept it as a threat to his kingship.

As depicted in ep. 1~5, the Min brothers were

sent to exile and finally killed by the king. What is worse, the rest of the queen's brothers would be killed in the upcoming episodes.

and the queen seems rather cold for a mother who should be

relieved that her son was released from the crime he was framed for? i know she's upset that one of her brother had to pay the price for choon-nyeong's release but still ... he was just an innocent young boy who had gone through a lot? and why would the uncle do something like that to his own flesh & blood nephew ... paranoia that choon-nyeong could be used by another party to usurp the current crown prince? i could understand it if the brothers have different mother ...

If a prince wants to sit on the throne, the first thing he should do is to find a power base from which he can get the most support. Crown prince Yang-nyeong and Prince Chung-nyeong were born of the same mother, but Prince Yang-nyeong was

on more intimate terms with his uncles (Min clan). Meanwhile, Prince Chung-nyeong was backed up by his wife's father (Shim clan). If Chung-nyeong usurps the current crown prince, Min clan will lose their power and Shim clan will replace them. That's why the Min brothers tried to do something to their little nephew. The queen loves her children, but she also belongs to Min clan. She needs to protect her power base. This is politics.

who is the lady that

the adult crown prince ie. park sang min was flirting with? she seems to be the consort of some important person? i was holding my breath at the crown prince's behavior as he's obviously playing with fire~

Her name is

Cho-gung-jang. She is a gisaeng girl favored by the abdicated king Jeong-jong (the current king's elder brother). That is, the crown prince can be blamed for flirting with his uncle's mistress.

why was the ship & village

being attacked?

The village was

attacked by Japanese pirates called "Wako".

See wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wak%C5%8D

the general who

hesitated before charging to aid the crown prince who charges into the fight all on his own is also his mother's brother right? i wonder how many brothers does the queen have. lol ...

Yes, the general is

Min Mu-hyul... one of the queen's four brothers. The name of her brothers are Mu-gu, Mu-jil, Mu-hyul, Mu-hwe. The first two brothers were executed. (Look at the ep. 6)

and it's interesting to see

mr ma from war of money in here too ... is he going to play an important role in this drama?

Yes he's going to do an important role.

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thanks so much homura!!! things are making a lot more sense to me now. am enjoying the historical lessons a lot and it's making the drama even more interesting than it already was to me. tonight they will be screening episode 3 on kbs world & i'm excited to know the actual gists of what's going on since i was doing a lot of guessing when i was watching the raws~ :)

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Anyone can rips this show from KBS WORLD, I have thought to do so but my TV the chanel is always not good. :wacko: (It's very bad):sweatingbullets: (and doesn't clear...):tears:

Therefore, anyone can do..., then please share yours and pls show your mercy here, lol.

and I will wait you... :rolleyes:

here are my very LQ rip from ep.01 rerun on Friday, look at the letters and subs...that is why I come here and I don't want lo let this show be like Dae Jo Young... :blush:


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Guest kdramafanusa

Rating for Episode #7 - 2008.01.26

King Sejong (KBS1) - 18.0% (#5), 16.9% (#5)

Winter Bird (MBC) - 13.7% (#8), 12.8% (#10)

First Wives Club (SBS) - 20.2% (#3), 22.2% (#3)

source: TNS Media Korea

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Guest kdramafanusa

source: TNS Media Korea

Rating for Episode #8 - 2008.01.27

King Sejong (KBS1) - 20.0% (#4), 19.1% (#5)

Winter Bird (MBC) - 14.6% (#7), 13.7% (#8)

First Wives Club (SBS) - 22.6% (#2), 24.6% (#2)

TNS Media Research - [01/21/2008 ~ 01/27/2008]



1. I Hate You But It's Fine <미우나고우나> (KBS1) - 40.2%, 38.7%

<Monday-Friday 8:25pm>



2. New Heart <뉴하트> (MBC) - 28.7%, 29.8%

<Wednesday/Thursday 9:55pm>



3. Yi San <이산> (MBC) - 27.9%, 29.6%

<Monday/Tuesday 9:55pm>



4. Infinite Challenge 무한도전 (MBC) - 27.0%, 26.8% (#5)



5. Golden Bride <황금신부> (SBS) - 26.8%, 27.2% (#4)

<Saturday/Sunday 8:45pm>



7. Ah Hyeon Dong's Madam <아현동마님> (MBC) - 23.2%, 24.4%

<Monday-Friday 7:45pm>



8. First Wives Club <조강지처클럽> (SBS) - 21.4%, 23.4%

<Saturday/Sunday 9:45pm>


9. Kimcheed Radish Cubes <깍두기> (MBC) - 20.0%, 20.0%

<Saturday/Sunday 7:55pm>



13. King Sejong <대왕세종> (KBS1) - 19.0%, 18.0%

<Saturday/Sunday 9:30pm>



15. Even So Love <그래도좋아> (MBC) - 16.7%, 16.6% (#17)

<Monday-Friday 7:50am>



17. Thirty Thousand Miles In Search Of My Son <아들찾아삼만리> 2 (SBS) - 16.3%, 16.2% (#18)

<Friday 8:55pm>


19. That Woman Is Scary <그여자가무서워> (SBS) - 15.9%%, 15.9% (#19)

<daily drama>


20. Hong Gil Dong <쾌도홍길동> (KBS2) - 15.4%, Below_Top_20

<Wednesday/Thursday 9:55pm>


King And I <왕과나> (SBS) - Below_Top_20, Below_Top_20

<Monday/Tuesday 9:55pm>



Bad Love <못된 사랑> (KBS2) - Below_Top_20, Below_Top_20

<Monday/Tuesday 9:55pm>



Robber <불한당> (SBS) - Below_Top_20, Below_Top_20

<Wednesday/Thursday 9:55pm>


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omg ... i just saw ep 3 & i was bawling my eyes out although i'm just guessing at what happened since i was watching the raw version. such a harsh and cruel lesson for the young prince~ can't wait for the subbed episode on kbs world tomorrow~ the little boy who played young king se-jong is simply amazing in his role for someone so young~

:tears: esp 3 was sad . the king had to let him witness such cruelty..the little boy is really great as young se jong . you feel as if he understand the little prince's heart ...how do they get such young actors to be able to understand their roles so deeply !! ...but the queen was indeed quite harsh with him too~~

die. i missed esp 4 on KBS ..gosh now i had to dl the raw one --;;..

Queen Won-gyeong is famous for making her husband (Yi Bang-won) to the kingship. She was an excellent political partner, and her family (Min clan) also worked devotedly to make him sit on the throne.

Yes he's going to do an important role.

thanks homura.

now i get a clearer picture of the politics and how sejong's father come to the throne . ....the queen indeed has a lot of brothers and .the min clan is just trying really hard to retain it .

captures from the drama repost from koreanwind.net



lol it 's really quite strange to see Mr Ma in here -;;~~




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Guest zachposh

could someone tell me what happened in episode 4 and 5?

i sorta missed episode 4 on kbs world and i really wanna know wad's going on in episode 5


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