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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Guest ztech24

^ No, I thought it was more like a hole. A portal or something...

I LOVE THE NEW ALBUM COVERS!!! They look so different from all the previous ones, but I love it! Haha~

The new OHP design is smexy... *drool*


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^ the colors are so random.. xD

I was expecting them on the cover xD

gazette and alice nine. going superhero on us P:

haha i thought same thing

gazette and alice nine recent covers are really random and totally different from their other ones

I honestly don't really like it, i prefer their other nice pretty backgrounds but it's ok xD

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Wow I dunno what to say about the covers. . . hmmm I guess they're okay hahaha I like Zekkeishoku's cover the most though. . . but oh well. . .

Sucks though I think the regular version has a better cover than the limited edition <_< But oh well. . . can't really do anything 'bout it anymore I guess i'd just order the regular version next time. . .

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Guest strawberrylove

^ yes yes. zekkeishioku cover is the best :D

vandalise are alright. bit random.. but much better then the fantasy cover. i never liked the fantasy cover >_>"


i just went back to the site thingo. andd heyyy. the boy moved positions @__@ LOOL.

yay~ its counting down ^^

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Guest 三日のモリっ&#

hello people :) random post but..

.. i just can't stop listening to the mirror ball piano version.. x)

& wow, the covers are not the usual alice nine. style, but it's pretty abstract, in a good way

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Guest ztech24

^ The one that I can't stop listening to is 9th Revolver. Every time they start in with the acoustic guitar I just wanna break down and cry! ROTFL~

I think he live version is many times better than the recording. It has [even more] emotion to it.

Whenever I'm playing A9 for people I always have to add in, "...and they're a great live band! You really have to hear them live!"

I didn't even like A9 until I heard "Q." live!! Once I heard that I was like an overnight fan, but before that I was more, "Meh~ They're okay~~"

It was the same way with Dir en grey. I wasn't even interested until I heard them perform Dozing Green live at hide's Memorial Summit.


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Guest strawberrylove


^ you read my mind @__@" i was like on the 7th day. oh mini cooper i should have ahve print screened it to make GIF.



i dont like DBSK >.>" (excludes 1 or 2 songs and jaejoong is hot) >D

but bleh >>"

Alice nine over DBSK anyday (:

WAITING WAITING WAITING for release. T______T" HURRRYY. why wont my days go faster.

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Guest mika-chan

I'm not a dirty person or anything, but if one did not know of DBSK's "MIROTIC," one would think the "HIROTIC" is a conjunction of "hiro" and "erotic" (that pose is rated at least PG-13).

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Guest ztech24

^ HAHA!! OMG~ That's so funny, but only because you're right!

Hiroto's all hot now~ Before he was just cute, but now he's smexy and people can't quit swooning over him. XD I liked him just fine without the eyeshadow & "HIROTIC" effect, but some people...

It's like Hiroto stole Saga's sexy {"Give me your sexy aura!! Great~ Hey, here's a fugly flower shirt you can wear in return, Saga..."}. Harhar~ I wonder if Saga's jealous of all the attention Hiroto's getting? ROTFL~!!

Maybe Hiroto will start licking his guitar!! (o_o) I hope so I hope so


PS> I actually like Saga's flowery shirt, but I also like to make fun of it.

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LOL @ HIROTIC, i didnt even notice that until Jing mentioned it xD i used to be HUGE DBSK fan :3 until i discovered Jrock and alice nine xD but yeh i still love Yunho and Jaejoong <3 haha but of course Hiroto most of all xD

ah so late but i FINALLY watched Aquarian Age xD LOL i was lost.. didn't really get much of it >< i was just too hyped when i saw alice nine in the beginning and when Takeru showed up xD though my friends all thought Takeru was creepy xD

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