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[drama 2009] The Return Of Iljimae 돌아온 일지매

Guest cutiepie

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HI elcipse,

Hahaha....no the "thing" has not happen yet. We hear from fans in Korea, that it will be epi 22....the Director must has like him alot to "spare his life"...... :lol::lol::lol:

Cutiepie, thank you so much for the GJM + BM bears...... :)

Did you said the bears are shown every week after every episode? :blink: l seem to have miss them..... :unsure: l have never see them at all. :tears:

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Guest hjkomo

Ep. 19 - A Loyal Subject and A Traitor or A Faithful Retainer and A Treacherous Retainer

Iljimae implies to Bak Su Dong that he's like a dog loyal to his master because the master feeds him, despite the master being a thief. Bak Su Dong wants to hear more, but Iljimae says he has to go.

Bak Su Dong excuses himself early from the festivities.

Gi Seon Nyeo foresees that Iljimae will appear tonight.

Kim Ja Jeom checks in on Wol Hee and says Iljimae will be coming soon. WH says it's because of the secret emissary, and Kim Ja Jeom chides her for knowing too much. He's confident that he'll catch Iljimae.

The Ocean's Iljimae crew go over their plans. Tonight's the night.

Iljimae says he's always worked alone, but this time, he can't succeed without their help.

Iljimae appears that night, and the armed hunters give chase. They track Iljimae in the mountains and into the next day. The hunters think they have him, but he takes one of them hostage.

Iljimae tells Bak Su Dong of Kim Ja Jeom's treachery against Joseon in selling his country out to the Qing.

Bak Su Dong returns what Kim Ja Jeom paid him and leaves.

Kim Ja Jeom, the only one with the key, has his steward open the storeroom to find it stripped of its contents, including Wol Hee.

The Ocean's Iljimae crew had dug from Bae Seon Dal's house to Kim Ja Jeom's to rescue Wol Hee while Iljimae kept everyone distracted. BSD takes credit for the idea due to his extensive knowledge. Geol Chi and Cha Dol speak out that they were the ones who dug tirelessly. WH worries that Kim Ja Jeom will figure out what happened, but BSD explains that they move around the drainage conduit in order to make Kim Ja Jeom think they tunnelled in from elsewhere.

WH looks over BSD's work with Iljimae's story and tells BSD he'd better hurry before all the food is gone. She wonders aloud where Iljimae could be, and Iljimae's voice behind her says that he's beside her. She was afraid, wasn't she? WH says she knew that he would come for her...and breaks down into sobs. He tells her it's all right now and holds her. :tears:

Since they don't have proof of Kim Ja Jeom's treason, Bae Seon Dal suggests that Iljimae meet with Choi Myung Gil. He may be able to help.

Choi Myung Gil is drinking heavily and asks his friend for 10,000 nyang...while Iljimae eavesdrops.

Iljimae sneaks into Choi Myung Gil's house and reads a secret letter from the king. (Something about secretly obtaining explosives ????)

Two policemen spot Iljimae as he's leaving CMG's house, but they're too scared to attempt to catch him.

Wol Hee accidentally pricks her finger on a sewing needle, and Iljimae scolds her for getting hurt. (So cute!)

WH starts crying, and Iljimae asks if it's because he got angry or if she's sick.

It's because she's glad that he's concerned for her. He says she should smile then. He tells her not to cry because he's beside her.

WH takes a bath and returns to find Iljimae already asleep. She tries to wake him by blowing on his face...and in his eye :lol:....to no avail, so she gives up and goes to sleep. The next morning, she awakens to find him already gone.

The police question Choi Myung Gil because Iljimae was spotted at his house last night. CMG jokes that he has nothing of value to steal...then suddenly remembers the letter. There's a note from Iljimae wanting to meet him that night. CMG keeps this information from the police and tells them nothing was stolen.

GJM wants to know why Iljimae would to to CMG's house, and he orders a watch to be posted.

Choi Myung Gil asks why Iljimae wanted to meet with him, and Iljimae says he has some hidden property.

First, Iljimae asks forgiveness for secretly breaking into CMG's room. Then, Iljimae talks about the royal command. He's about to tell CMG the name of the traitor, but CMG stops him short and asks if he has proof of the treason. Iljimae tells him that he was short-sighted and had gotten rid of it. If CMG wishes, he will not reveal the name of the traitor.

Iljimae says he'll help develop the ???, but he also has people to entrust in CMG's care.

Iljimae informs BSD, GC, WH, and CD of their plans to move on out. WH will be in charge of cooking for a large group, and Geol Chi will help her. WH asks if Iljimae is coming with them. He says he is, but he'll be going secretly. This is important work for the country, and he's a thief on the run. Things could get complicated if it's known that he's part of it.

WH is upset that Iljimae promised not to leave her, but he's sending her off again. He says he's going, too, but she reminds him of his words that she won't be able to see him. Iljimae says it's for the country, but WH says the country has never done anything for him. It abandoned him and only caused him pain. Why is he doing this for the country?

Iljimae tells her how when he was young, he saw Joseon people displaced in an instant because of war. He had seen it as a problem of someone else's country, but now it's his own country...his own people. Those that suffer most are the powerless...like his mother. Even if he can't help them become happier...at least, he can help prevent them from becoming more miserable.

Lying in bed, WH asks when they (she and IJM) will attain happiness...when will they be able to live like others...will that day ever come?

Iljimae says it will.

BSD and CD see Iljimae as the hope for the future...that he can save the nation.

CD shows BSD what he wrote:

- Kim Ja Jeom [is] dog richard simmons

- Iljimae [is] the best

Wol Hee and Geol Chi do some shopping in town. Baek Mae prepares to leave Hanyang with a group of merchants. While waiting, she goes to the market and sees WH trying to choose ginseng. She advises WH on the best ones to buy.

GJM tells Soo Ryun and Jung Tae to keep Iljimae's meeting with Choi Myung Gil a secret.

Yang Po comes to see Wang Hweng Bo and enlists his help to take Iljimae back to Qing. Yang Po was sent by Mo Ran's father to retrieve Iljimae.

Yang Po knows Iljimae's weakness - that he's powerless when he hears the sound of drums. In exchange for WHB's help, Yang Po will help him return to Qing.

Iljimae advises Yeol Gong not to come to this area because it's dangerous.

Yeol Gong reminds Iljimae that he mustn't kill Kim Ja Jeom.

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Guest Jill4675

Ep. 19 - A Loyal Subject and A Traitor or A Faithful Retainer and A Treacherous Retainer

thankyou.gif Thanks as always for a detailed and useful summary! Are there more than 24 hours in your day?! Just wondering... ;)

As this is drawing to a close, I'm feeling kind of sad! Sad_861.gif I wonder what I'll be watching next? Nothing as good as this probably... <_<:rolleyes:


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A big hello to everyone here!!...

finally decided to crawl out from under my rock to gush over this amazingly wonderful drama and show it some lurrve! :)

ahhh, return of iljimae... whats not to like about it?!... i haven't been so in Love with a drama in such a loong time... if i start listing all the reasons why, it would get reaaally long-winded here :P

One of the first things that attracted me to ROI was how much it seemed like a live-action anime... in a good way of course... i was reminded of some of my favourite anime when i saw those beautifully shot scenes filled with little instances where the camera would seem to linger lovingly on things, or spaces, or people performing seemingly unimportant everyday tasks... which i think really adds to the atmosphere, giving it a sense of peace and calm... add to that some very nice background "noises" (birds chirping, marketplace hustle and bustle, etc)... and a lovely background score... making everything so "rich" and appealing to the senses :)

Oh, and that fight scene early on in episode 8 (i think) where iljimae took out a bunch of guys from the bongsuni gang with a single blow to each, all in one "lightening speed" move ...hehe that is just classic anime-style martial arts

And then we have the whimsical side characters, and the somewhat weird-yet-strangely-enjoyable narration (sounds enjoyable to me, but then i don't understand korean so... ^_^ ), and the cool sketches just before the ending credits... all very comic-booky... and i'm loving it all!

So thanks to all the wonderful folks on this thread, keeping it alive and happy... much love to all of you :)

And thanks so much, hjkomo, for another one of your excellent recaps (hahaha "ocean's iljimae")... am utterly dependent on your recaps to make sense of the plot as i've been watching most of the episodes raw... which is sort of a first for me, but then this drama is so beautiful that it really is well worth it :)

Haha, actually i feel very anxious every wednesday and thurs night, waiting on this thread to get a glimpse of what'll happen next.....

Sigh, and now there's only four more eppies left (Jill, i'm starting to feel the sadness too)... what will we all do after ROI???......

... rewatch of course :)

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Guest Jill4675

(Jill, i'm starting to feel the sadness too)... what will we all do after ROI???......

... rewatch of course :)


Hi, yskj, welcome and thanks for making your first post here! :)

Yes, with gratitude to hjkomo and the rest of the haru2s2 team working on ROI, we can rewatch—as you say—and we'll have subs, too! I think that the subs are definitely going to help spread the word that this drama is in a special class! ;) I agree with you about the narration; I became used to it right away and I find her voice quite soothing.

I'd like to see something else put together by the team that did ROI, because they definitely know their stuff. applause.gif


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Guest cutiepie

Cutiepie, thank you so much for the GJM + BM bears...... :)

Did you said the bears are shown every week after every episode? :blink: l seem to have miss them..... :unsure: l have never see them at all. :tears:

jojo, after the previews are shown, wait til the next set of commercials are over, the teddy bears will then show up, they come on very quickly though maybe for only 10 seconds or so

Jill4675, hehe, glad you like the first post...there are too many wonderful contributors in this thread so it was easy :)

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Guest hjkomo

Thanks, cutiepie! I also want to give a shout out to you. The first post looks great! :D

thankyou.gif Thanks as always for a detailed and useful summary! Are there more than 24 hours in your day?! Just wondering... ;)

I only wish there were!!! ;)

My sleep schedule has been all ****ed up this week. :wacko: But I don't mind...when it's because of this drama. :)

A big hello to everyone here!!...

finally decided to crawl out from under my rock to gush over this amazingly wonderful drama and show it some lurrve! :)

ahhh, return of iljimae... whats not to like about it?!... i haven't been so in Love with a drama in such a loong time... if i start listing all the reasons why, it would get reaaally long-winded here :P

Welcome, yskj! :D Please continue sharing your thoughts with us!

And thanks so much, hjkomo, for another one of your excellent recaps (hahaha "ocean's iljimae")... am utterly dependent on your recaps to make sense of the plot as i've been watching most of the episodes raw... which is sort of a first for me, but then this drama is so beautiful that it really is well worth it :)

Haha, actually i feel very anxious every wednesday and thurs night, waiting on this thread to get a glimpse of what'll happen next.....

Sigh, and now there's only four more eppies left (Jill, i'm starting to feel the sadness too)... what will we all do after ROI???......

... rewatch of course :)

The "Ocean's Iljimae" actually comes from the first pages of the book shown in the beginning of the episode.


^ The great operation to rescue Wol Hee - Ocean's Iljimae.....^Joseon's Superman - Iljimae.....^Superman's woman - Wol Hee

^Chasing after the nation's destiny - Goo Ja Myung

In addition to the beauty and emotional draw of ROI, there's actually quite a lot of humor in this drama. It's just that the humor is subtle and well-done...like everything else in the drama. I would love to see this team's next project, too.

I also quickly got used to the narration...her lines add much to the narrative flow.

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Guest hjkomo

Such lovely scenes...





This scene was cute and funny...



thereturnofiljimaee19kos.jpgthereturnofiljimaee19koc.jpg:lol:Wonder how many NG's were made? :lol:







In this next scene, it felt like the scene in Ep.13, where they were on opposite sides of closed doors.

Although they are in the same room this time, it's like there's an invisible wall between them. Well done!!! :D






And the same goes for the beginning of this scene...BRAVO!







No comments necessary! :wub:

None, whatsoever! :D







I'm going to be so sad when it ends... :tears:

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jojo, after the previews are shown, wait til the next set of commercials are over, the teddy bears will then show up, they come on very quickly though maybe for only 10 seconds or so

Arh....now l know why l have not seen them before. l watch lljimae on files download from torrent....no commercial after the drama and definitely no bears.

Thanks cutiepie for being so patient with me.

Btw, l wonder why my old avatar is still on. l have donwloaded my GJM + BM bears as avatar but so far it is not updated at all. wonder why?

hjkomo, thank you for your summary, it has always been a great help for me.

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Thanks for the really warm welcome guys! :)

Jill, yes the subs!... was simply overjoyed the day i heard about haru2subS taking on this project... a million thanks to the group!! :wub:

The "Ocean's Iljimae" actually comes from the first pages of the book shown in the beginning of the episode.

^ The great operation to rescue Wol Hee - Ocean's Iljimae.....^Joseon's Superman - Iljimae.....^Superman's woman - Wol Hee

^Chasing after the nation's destiny - Goo Ja Myung

In addition to the beauty and emotional draw of ROI, there's actually quite a lot of humor in this drama. It's just that the humor is subtle and well-done...like everything else in the drama. I would love to see this team's next project, too.

I also quickly got used to the narration...her lines add much to the narrative flow.

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Guest Jill4675

Haru Haru Subs Presents,

Return of Iljimae

Episode 2 *ENTAL*

Main Translator: ahsa

Spot Translators: hjkomo, haywires

Timers: mclvene, blog234

Editor/QC: mapikan

Coordinators: sayroo, cute girl

Many thanks, sayroo, hjkomo, and the rest of the team! :)


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Yeyy sub eps2 is coming!! Thanks a bunch to Haru!!

Uhw..Jojo, so they just delayed "it" huh...Uhww...looks like the ending might be sad...(please don`t tell me yet if anyone already know, i like it to be a surprise..just for the ending i mean...i`m preparing a lot of tissue, just in case...).

Yskj, "the amazing adventures of iljimae" :P Yeah i would like that also...And it`s so cute and funny that the opening turn out to be written that way...i thought it`s only a brief explanation of who they are.

Uhww...it`s only 4 eps. to go... :tears:

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Yeyy sub eps2 is coming!! Thanks a bunch to Haru!!

Uhw..Jojo, so they just delayed "it" huh...Uhww...looks like the ending might be sad...(please don`t tell me yet if anyone already know, i like it to be a surprise..just for the ending i mean...i`m preparing a lot of tissue, just in case...).

Yskj, "the amazing adventures of iljimae" :P Yeah i would like that also...And it`s so cute and funny that the opening turn out to be written that way...i thought it`s only a brief explanation of who they are.

Uhww...it`s only 4 eps. to go... :tears:

Yay! many thanks to the wonderful HaruHaru folks!! :wub:

Hiya Eclipse and Jojo! :)

Gosh, it would be so heartbreaking when "it" finally happens... and that would truly make that particular relationship so bittersweet and tragic, especially after so many years of longing :tears: ...well at least their love did not go unrequited forever...

Jojo, thanks for sharing that really cute pic of the bears... haha CD bear is hanging from BSD's arm! :P

Hmm the production company seems to have a thing for teddy bears eh... :D

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Guest hjkomo

Ep. 20 - Great Explosion (first half)

Bae Seon Dal, Cha Dol, Geol Chi and Wol Hee arrive at their destination, a hidden compound in the mountains. They are startled by a caucasian man, named Weltey {edit: Jan Janse Weltevree}, from the Netherlands.

Choi Myung Gil asks where Iljimae is, and WH and BSD tell him that he's watching over them but is keeping his distance because he's a wanted criminal.

They get to work on building what looks like a canon.

Geol Chi chops wood, and Wol Hee cooks, but WH says she'd rather go back to being a hostage in Kim Ja Jeom's storeroom. At least then, the waiting was interesting. Geol Chi scolds her.

Choi Myung Gil sees WH working hard and says everyone else will starve if she overworks herself. WH says she won't get sick while waiting for IJM. So, she immerses herself into her work.

As WH does laundry, two men attack her for information about what's going on inside the compound. WH refuses to talk, and the men are hit with rocks from a hidden Iljimae.

The men report back to Kim Ja Jeom, and one remembers that the woman is Wol Hee. IJM sneaks into KJJ's room and leaves him a threatening note. IJM would have killed KJJ, if it weren't for Yeol Gong.

IJM throws down a roof tile to get the attention of everyone at the house, and KJJ finds IJM's note - Kim Ja Jeon, stay away from the compound, or you'll end up like this pillow. Leave Wol Hee alone, or suffer the consequences.

KJJ decides he must meet with IJM.

Gu Ja Myung meets with Choi Myung Gil. He asks CMG what his relationship is with IJM. If CMG doesn't reveal it, then GJM has to discover the truth on his own. CMG denies ever meeting IJM.

GJM tells CMG that he must keep his promise that he will reunite IJM's mother with her son. CMG says how can GJM reconcile the two opposing tasks - to catch IJM for his crimes and to reunite mother and son.

GJM warns that his pursuit of IJM will also probe into CMG's activities. CMG says what he's doing is under Royal command, and GJM should not interfere.

CMG leaves GJM with some parting words - If, perchance, IJM is involved, wouldn't his help to the nation result in him being pardoned for his crimes?

Soo Ryun says it should be good news that IJM could be forgiven for his crimes. GJM agrees but says that doesn't change the fact that he must still continue pursuing IJM until that time comes. GJM sends a letter to Baek Mae but spares her the full truth of what's going on, for now. He tells that IJM is doing important work on behalf of the country and looks hopefully towards the day when the three of them can live together.

A woman approaches the mountain compound with a letter for Wol Hee from Kim Ja Jeom. It contains a letter for IJM, and WH is at a loss at what to do. She can't open it, and she can't tear it up.

IJM sneaks into her room that night to retrieve the letter. WH is not asleep and is upset that he was going to leave without seeing her. He explains that other people must not know he's there, but WH can't understand why it's the good people who aren't allowed to see him. He stays for a while and then must leave, but WH is reluctant to let him go.

Yeol Gong pays a visit, even though IJM asked him not to go there.

Speaking of humour, i just skimmed through ep20 and laughed out loud at the scene where GC and CD were introducing themselves to the white dude :lol:

Yeah.....I don't know Dutch, but how is Weltey pronounced as Veltery? :huh: I get the W->V, but that's about it. :lol:

Jojo, thanks for sharing that really cute pic of the bears... haha CD bear is hanging from BSD's arm! :P

Hmm the production company seems to have a thing for teddy bears eh... :D

The PD also directed Goong. There were bears and the bear museum in that drama, too.

They're cute.

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