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BIGGEST TURN OFFS on the opposite sex?

Guest StylishAzNx07

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Guest VioletSauce

1 word, immature

So so true.

Also the fact that alot of guys are sex crazed thing.

Also bad Hygiene

And that whole "gangster/player" persona

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Turn offs for me from guys

1) Rudeness. --- Ugh, I hate it when a guy is rude like belching and farting and not saying excuse me

2) Bad Hygene --- PLEASE SHOWER

3) Know-it-alls --- I hate those guys that talk as if they know everything

4) Chest Hair --- Ewe . . . just ewe

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Guest obs3ssive

This stuff turns me off...:/

- Smoking (totally disgusting)

- Stupidity (hey, you gotta be smart!)

- Humor-less (he needs to be able to laugh)

- Bad Hygiene (he needs to smell nice and not like he hasn't showered for days)

- No Confidence (I want him to look at me and not at the floor)

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  • 6 months later...
Guest kimmie.xoxo

Mine would definitely be:

1) Bad Hygiene ... i dont think i coudl stand a guy whos dirty looking

2) No sense of humor ... it would b dead boring..

3) Stupidity ... it would annoy the heck out of me

4) Emotionless ... showing barely any emotion is a big turnoff

LIST URS and explain~ ^O^

you pretty much nailed my list.

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-Big nose

-flat richard simmons


-dark skinned

-curly hair


-bulging eyes

-strong chin

-low forehead


-big boned

-big teeth

-in your face

-gangsta wannabe


-big lips

-thin lips

-potruding mouth

-wide jaw

-hooked nose

-wears make up a lot

-wars uggs

-uses large earings

-perms hair

-colors hair


-nasty attitude

-tans too easily

-stuck up

-hot tempered


-overly curious

-too many friends

-talks too much on cellphone

-smelly richard simmons

-hairy nipple

-saggy breasts

-big feet

-big hands

-long limbs


-too old

-big mouths

-watches too much tv

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Guest mangchilo

-Stupidity, especially if it's obvious

-Total lack of a sense of humor...or a painful sense of humor that barely deserves to be called one

-Meanness that's definitely not joking

-Immaturity for his age

-Lack of motivation, too much laziness, doesn't care about anything much

-Selfishness, being a spoiled brat, or self-absorption


-Too much aggression, extreme hotheadedness

-Lots of body hair, or a pretty long hairstyle

-Bad manners

-Posturing, posers, fakes, braggarts, guys who act self-righteous or superior

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when they belittle me

have really creepy laughs

constantly stare at you not in a "oh your so adorible way" but the more " im gonna rape you" way :ph34r:


bad teeth

way too brandcrazed

all about sex

long finger nails, the ymore freak me out than anything really


1. Bad Breath

2. Ash marks

3. huge deposits of plaque on thier front teeth, or something that looks like that

4. Corns

5. Hermorroids

6. Foot Fungus

7. When a girls PH level is so high they smell mildly of vineger

8. Does too much drugs

9. Hasn't/Isn't willing to try drugs

10. CLose minded

11. quiet in bed

12. doesn't like sex

13. cannot cum

14. emotionally fridged

15. Doesn't do brazillian wax

16. hair

17. pit stains

18. over compensates for her lack of whatever it may be in some other area of her life, EI she's a super i can't read because she has low self-esteem this comes up a lot

19. boy hair cuts when they can't pull it off

20. If a gurls name was Randall some guy names are a turn on like Kris, imagine in bed OOH yea randall thats it feel so good, I would feel soo gay

21. STD's

22. girls who have bastard children

23. girls who have had abortions

24. when they lack modesty from the get go, its ok later on but don't fling out your tampon in front of a bunch of poepel you don't know

25. when they are a gold digger

26. when they live in their own world and whine and pout like a kid when they dont' get thier way

27. when they play dumb games

28. when you get tested, like "oh my ex never took me on a date"...HA maybe there's a reason you whiney

29. when a girl doesn't know how to cook,

30. girls who dont' foot the bill now and then

31. girls who lack class

damn i could go on for days....

your post made me laugh alot, if your serious, then buddy, your never gonna get laid by being such a little richard simmons :)

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Guest takki_fanatic

1. bad hygiene

2, feminine (wouldn't want a guy that cares more about their looks more than I do)

3, talks a lot or loud

4, immature

5, no sense of humor

6, brags a lot/self-centered

there's a lot, i'll save the rest

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Guest crystallizedtear

i think i replied here b4? oh well, maybe there are new, lol

-clingy, desperate for attention <-- I notice I REALLY dislike guys like this... even if they are the nicest guys in the world...if they cling like clingwrap it's such a turn off

-no goals in life

-too sarcastic

-overweight (sorry im just not attracted)

-superficial and stuck-up

-cold-hearted/does not feel anything

-too dirty-minded (all guys are corrupt...but when all they think about is ***...@___@)

-too serious (i actually don't mind guys who are somewhat immature... because it's not like im a wise mature old woman myself)

i have a thing for funny guys, who make me laugh. almost all my crushes have been funny lol. not the goofy stupid funny or the mean funny but the funny funny...if you know what i mean LOL. some other crushes have been more serious but they aren't snobby in their attitudes

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Guest JuWon6o

girls who look too skanky. i mean its ok if youre like that in private, but in public?

girls who smoke.

girls who think they know everything

girls who think that they've been through worse than you.

girls who are stubborn.

girls who don't get hints.

girls who play games with you.

girls who hang out with too many guys.

can't think of more...

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--wangsters (wanna-be gangsters)

--ugly hair (urgh...I'm a major hair person)

--players (talks to many girls...I hate that...>_>)

--cursing (OMGoodness...I'm a major MAJOR biggie on that!)

Basically...anything that doesn't pertain to a quote unquote "goody-two shoes!" :P

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