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Posts posted by sight_stv

  1. @Giann_Kim thank you!! its not the same, its just we fated to be together as ddong shipper LOL LOL!! :D 

    @xexe aww thank you!! *hug*

    @Farfalle yaaa :( we still have next time though, they decorate it so others can come in right? lol so excited to see today episode :D 

    @zurah90 im so touched :') yess!! thats the point of my video the progress of their skinship and comfortable around each other because i see so many people doubt it, they not like us who always believe in them lol :D because korean drama is so romance and fantasy so they expect more than enough but its gonna look not real right? but we feel our couple do this with real feeling and not just to make some fantasy about their relationship so their skinship rather slow.. its just us the real shipper who can understand it :) btw fighting to your interview!! i cant wait today eps too lol :D 

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  2. @ryuseolnims awww thank you so much!! yes i use that on the last part after Eric sing that part, its not coincidences, its just we as shipper is fated to be together LOL LOL!! omgg cant wait to see your FMV! we soulmate indeed *fist bump* noooo dont feel shy mate, we can express our feeling just by FMV and we made it for everyone as Ddong shipper so HWAITING!!!! make sure you post it when you done upload it key? :wub: i cant waitt to see yours! i just happy with everyone in here, more FMV means more content to spazz over LOL LOL!! once again HWAITING :D 

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  3. @Farfalle yeah thats my purpose :wub: thats a good reason too! maybe because of that they feel kind of awkward, a good thing is as you said, their comfortable with each other is enough for now and we still have housewarming and eric comeback episode, im pretty sure on that episode they'll get much close.. we just have to wait their great moment and hope the PD not cut it lol :D   

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  4. OMGG thank you guys!!! *hugs*  @Farfalle @gureentea seriously you guys! this video is made my day! i wanna shout "LOOK AT THAT" to everyone who againts our couple, as you said chingu i think that gesture is "Solar Mission" or "Solar Revenge?!" LOL LOL :D:D yeah you right, he somehow very nervous and very energetic today, you can see his face is very nervous on early minutes and when Jin rap you can see Eric dance so energic! and come on guys im sure you can hear it he say "come on" when he never be that energic or say "come on" when the rap session lol lol Eric-sshi i can see you very happy today haa?? :D 

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  5. @Farfalle the real fans is the one who support whatever that make their idol happy, im sure you got what i mean :) we can see the reason why Eric face is so brightly today :D whenever we get down, Eric always give something that make us feel happy again lol just like his interview yesterday :phew: as you said he's the captain of this ship lol, i gonna believe in him on their married life *fist bump*

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  6. @ryuseolnims just think about it makes me happy aww :D:D i dont think the PD-nim its the one who plaster it coz the picture is Eric official cover album and its againts the law to damage it values lol but i dont know if that can happen or Eric is the one who told the PD to plaster it, i still have high hope that Solar is the on who againts it LOL LOL *delulumode* i just wish the PD wont cut the scene where they both argue about it if solar is really the one who againts it :wub: or im gonna be angry with the PD :angry: 

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  7. thank you for all the updates! how can i move on right now lol lol :wub: i think this eps gonna aired after 2 eps ahead! finally our shippers hope is come to reality lol!

    @ryuseolnims thats it! a little jealousy is good to improve the trust in relationship! i hope its solar who plastered it, its gonna be epic though! HAHAHA! and i agree with @gandaako05 , i feel they are the one with sincerely and the honest couple as you said if 2 people attracted to each other they will feel shy and its gonna be a long progress in their skinship but i can't lie to my self, i still feel Eric is the one who more fall to Solar, as you can see when Eric do the interview he told everything that he really felt, he told at first its kinda awkward but now its like wife and getting more close to his ideal type but when he is with solar he kinda shy isnt it? just as you said :) and as solar herself said that she cant express her feeling that good :) still they journey is just a quarter way i hope Solar can feel Eric charm in many ways and gonna feel that Eric is hers as soon as possible, happy shipping! :D 

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  8. @Farfalle and so many mother want Eric to be their son in law because of that and his good manners, im proud of it! lol wife fool, they right indeed :) aww thank you for your support! im so excited to make this :D

    @zurah90 awww dont mention it chingu! *hug* , you guys always give us the newest update about them! and always made our day lol, at least i can make this to cheer you guys up :D  

    @ryuseolnims thank you for the support chingu! *hug* :D i'll make it as soon as possible so you guys can spazz all over lol lol


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  9. @Farfalle o.m.g im back from work and open this thread and i found you already translate it!!! woahhh and the contents is so so so so make me happy! thank you very much!! *hug100times* how can Eric be bold on every interview and gentle in front of her? lol Eric-sshi, you got me now browwww.. now you can say she very close to your ideal type ha? just say it your ideal type is her already Eric! lol :wub: and why your face getting red when you talk about her? everything is just perfect right now, today is our day indeed! once again thank you very much! :D 


    @ryuseolnims gonna upload it on this friday or on saturday morning if i dont stuck at work! thank youu!! yeah today is so perfect and today is our day indeed :D Eric-sshi, your da man! just grab her already :phew:

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    @ouki im already tired with the PD, they always cut our couple precious moment and just show a glimpse of it, what a shame. i dont know if they want to maintain our couple status image coz they both idol, but please PD-nim this cut action just going too far lol even every single scene where they holding hand, they cut it right away hmm.. im sure there is a lot of interaction when they bought couple bracelet, but the PD didnt show it :) 

    @Farfalle thank you so much for your support chingu! :D yaa i will post it right away when im done, thats what im talking about, its better if in the housewarming the guest are Eric friends, as you said Solar will depends a lot on Eric coz she dont know them very well so its kinda awkward lol


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  11. 2 hours ago, LaBelle said:

    @sight_stv hahaha i want amber to come like seriously though xD

    I hope after like 6-7 more eps they will be comfortable enough to do skinship (see how i jump 7 eps lololol)

    yeahh!! even amber already be the judge panel on WGM as Eric's friend right? lol lets hope so! i think 2 eps ahead will be about their housewarming and after that 2 eps air, the next eps is already recorded after Eric comeback lol im so curious about what they gonna think about each other MV :D ( i dont even know if they gonna discuss about it, just thinking about it make me feel sick lol )

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  12. 1 hour ago, LaBelle said:

    @Farfalle tbh they shouldnt feel burden cos their rel is virtual esp in public eyes while yoona one was real, so those 2 couldnt be compared though, the feeling being asked must be different too.

    I just want them to enjoy the experience, just be light and relax cos none will judge them for being "together", ppl wanted to enjoy their cuteness like watching a drama but in reality show, and seohyun finally got the courage cos yonghwa did the 1st move, if eric keep being super "gentleman" then the intimacy of their "rel" wont go anywhere lol and though I'm ok so far with them being like this, but let's be real we dont want to see they finally able to hold hands in episode 40 and ugly scenerio they end their marriage at ep 45 lmao

    Anw not trying to bring down the mood guys, just share a thought :)

    im sure they will get much closer on the upcoming housewarming :D , i think its gonna be Eric's friends or both friends, its gonna be better if its Eric friend, so Solar can know actually Eric thinking about her lol! and i agree with you, that gonna be the worst scenario ever..

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