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Posts posted by bakegyamon

  1. The desert scenes maybe take place in greece, while the camp (when YSJ eat apple) was in korea. We can see that sometimes YSJ wear cast and sometimes not.

    Any for the last scene, daniel and ye hwa wedding, didnt it being shoot in korea? joong ki was freed of his cast.

    3 minutes ago, windofwar said:


    I just doubt Kim KiBum could become sergant in one month. But who knows. I need re-watch it to be sure. 


    He was still an officer. There are 2 groups in army. One group that goes to university (officer, lieutnant, captain, major, until general) and one group that doesnt go to university (private until major sergaent). CMIIW.

    • Like 3
  2. Overall, episode 15 is the peak of this drama. "Descendants of the sun", its YSJ who come out from the light of the sun in the setting of desert.


    I wonder why KMY was asked to sign the letter for YSJ regarding of his death, not YSJ father. Im looking forward also to see KMY interaction with YSJ father.


    In ep 15, if YSJ has recovered for 1 year, why did he come out with dust and blood in his body? I think they have had pretend to die, and did another mission. Also, when YMJ said to her soldier patient in Urk "tell the commander officer that you cant work too hard for a while". Who was in charge to be captain and sergaent major after YSJ and SDY death? I am curious also about their position after they come back today.

    • Like 12
  3. 4 minutes ago, pranx said:

    This episode was a big improvement over last week's episode. I have problems with the last five minutes, but before that..

    Kang Mo Yeon!! (SHK I bow to thee) Such a wonderful character arc and SHK slayed it with her acting today. So much so that I didn't miss YSJ at all!

    The initial denial, the soul crushing grief, anger, acceptance, attempting to move on, all was shown so realistically. Despite her grief, she didn't lose her grip on the world and climbed back to her original post. This shows her resilience. I loved that the writer had her go on with life, rather than renounce it. The volunteer mission in Albania to commemorate his death anniversary was also a nice touch. But I think something got lost on the editing table. Was YSJ's mission in Albania? Which brings me to the final scene..

    It was beautifully shot. No question about that. But the writer better have a good explanation up his/her sleeve. Is it that he heard her call sign over the radio and hence rushed to meet her? Is he in some deep undercover op? What made the army declare them dead? I am assuming YSJ must have checked in with his superiors over the year. Unless he is now a spy, there is no need for him to strike out on his own in a foreign country. I can't wait for the explanation and I have a bad feeling that I'll be sorely disappointed. 

    PS: The shot of KMY and YSJ running towards each other in the desert, did anyone else notice the symbolism? Or maybe I am over analyzing the scene. What came to my mind was God reaching out from above giving hope to mortals who are seeking it. YSJ, the flawless perfect soldier who has a God complex and KMY the poor mortal who is looking for a way to deal with her grief. 


    Did the albanian shooting scenes also take place in urk?

    • Like 4
  4. I liked the life saving plots at Urk, esp scenes where YSJ ask KMY to choose, who to be saved, Manager Go or his employee. This is very hearttouching. Somehow, manager Go played a very good role in this drama.

    26 minutes ago, enzek said:


    she crack me up:lol: it seems she has good sense of humor haha. jin goo said the ending will be refreshing, manager genie (sorry i don't remember his real name) said it will be lovey dovey and now the writer herself told us not to worry so even there's some sad/suspense scene in the upcoming episodes before ending i will watching it while repeating "happy ending, happy ending" mantra:glasses: 

    it won't make sense that this drama will end with sad ending tbh. the tone for this drama from eps 1-14 are mainly romantic and funny with a bit of suspense so how weird that suddenly it end with sad ending:huh: although actually i'm hoping for a wedding military style for my otp but i'm still happy if nobody dies or my otp don't separated in the end.


    I afraid that this is not YSJ, but KMY dream. hahaha.

    • Like 4
  5. For sure, the medical aspect of ep 14 was a little bit weird.


    1. CPR is done 30 compression:2 breath for asystole patients (flat ECG shown at the monitor).

    2. There were 2 conditions for cardiac arrest 1. shockable (Ventricular fibrillation and Ventricular tachycardia pulseless) and 2. non shockable (asystole and PEA). In the drama, we were shown that his heartbeat was asystole. In real condition, doctor will start to do CPR (without DC shock).

    3. KMY showed a hopeless try after only 6-9 CPR, in real condition, this must be done 10-15 minutes before stopping it.

    4. Did you see that the cast in YSJ arm was not at there when he saved the NK soldier? In real condition, we must have use a drill to break the cast.

    5. YSJ got many of gun shots and he was not being operated at all?

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