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Posts posted by adelinetew

  1. “Superman Returns” Cameraman Captivates Song Triplets’ Attention


    A “Superman Returns” cameraman has discovered the way to the hearts of the Song triplets.

    On June 23, a smile-inducing picture of Dae Han, Min Gook, and Man Se sitting around a “Superman Returns” cameraman on his phone was uploaded to the triplets’ Facebook page. Stuck like gum to the cameraman’s side, the triplets focus intently on the phone while looking adorable in their matching green, blue, and red striped outfits. A caption uploaded along with the photo reads, “Fixated on cameraman-uncle’s phone.”

    Meanwhile, triplets Dae Han, Min Gook, and Man Se are loved nationally and internationally as stars of KBS 2TV’s “Superman Returns.”




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  2. @adelinetew I know that SIK doing a great job being a superman dad but we are all human beings. I have met a lot of  that cases where I work where parents offered a nice high paying job but they always ended up sacrificing their happiness and time for their family. ROS is a great show that while SIK is working he can still spend his time with his children, that's why he is in torn between drama and ROS, because it's like choosing your good opportunity for a greater job offer. Let's face it that he needs to provide for his children, but ROS and CF is enough for the future education of the children. So if he choose the drama it's highly possible that he will quit ROS. Like I said I rather not see him very tired knowing that he is making a big sacrifice for everyone and his health will be affected. He needs to stay healthy for the sake of his family.

    Agree with your viewpoints on the toughness to handle two jobs. Just to share my experience as a working mother travelling extensively for the past 10 years and have to manage two kids, it was hard but one could benefit of getting stronger with those hardship.

    Back to SIK, whatever his final decision is, my best wishes to him. I will sure have hard feeling if he can't continue with ROS as I can no longer seeing lovely Daehanie appearing on scene. I know that day will come eventually but hope this would only happen at the end of this year.

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  3. Good day SIKers, good news about SIK receiving drama offers, hope things go on smoothly!

    A bit of spamming with GIFs of appa SIK with sweet Daehanie...




    Daehanie is so delighted to be able to serve appa SIK...



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  4. TSR ep.83...another heart-warming interactions from my perfect duo, Prince Daehanie and SIK appa... :wub:

    Still amazed with my sweet little angel, Daehan-ah...how can a 3+ years old little boy be so gentle, supportive, loving, caring and responsible to his daddy and his younger brothers ????

    Together with SIK appa, Song Daehan will always have a very special and beautiful place in my heart... :wub::wub:

    Angel Daehanie...:wub:


    I am particularly touched for the last part, Daehan knows his main mission is to hand appa the bottle of water, the love note comes later...he is such a loving and caring son!




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  5. Lovely weekend my dearest SIKers!

    I'm too excited for tomorrow's episode...:wub:


    Song Triplets and Song Il Gook Have Precious Triathlon Experience on “Superman Returns”

    The upcoming 83rd episode of KBS 2TV’s “Superman Returns” will feature the Song triplets accompanying their father on a difficult triathlon. Previously, the triplets tried out various sports to see which suits each of them best. Now, they are embarking on the real triathlon which has special importance to Song Il Gook.

    While discussing the cycling portion of the triathlon, Song Il Gook talks about life and shares, “When I cycle, I’m not very fast so there are many times when others pass by me. It’s similar to a person’s life. It was like that for me.”

    He encourages his sons and says, “It’s okay if you’re a bit behind! Precious experiences remain.” The triathlon experience with his sons prove to be a valuable memory for the father.

    Min Gook, who accompanies his father for the cycling portion of the triathlon, cheers his father as he sings, “Have strength dad.” There were also many fans who came to the triathlon to show support to the family.

    This heartwarming episode of “Superman Returns” will air on June 21 at 4:50 p.m. KST.



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