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Posts posted by multiloverssss

  1. 28 minutes ago, yumoreo5 said:

    From what I've seen from her previous projects as she has grown up, KYJ has never really been a strong crier. Her eyes would well up and right emotions expressed in her eyes but there are no tears. I know Korea loves and adores her, so there are very little criticisms about her acting. Yes, she's a child actress and has a lot of experience but perhaps due to age? She may not have gone through certain feelings or things in life yet especially in the relationship department, so I feel like her acting isn't up to par to Bo Gum's. Sometimes, she draws blanks or it should have been better or seemed a bit forced. That's why as much as I adore KYJ and she has done a great job so far no doubt, but when it comes to these heavier emotional scenes, she lacks. She has been doing a great job so far with the comedic and cute side of things but now that we're entering a more serious and heart breaking tone like the past 4 episodes, I just don't feel like she's mature enough in the love department to act out certain scenes. She's trying but it's sort of dry. There were many scenes she should have cried, but couldn't. Like when she chose to go with the Qing envoy and said her goodbyes to LY, when LY saved her on time, and the list just goes on. I don't know if she was asked not to cry...I don't know but she needs some heavy tears right now because it's so hard to see Bo Gum so invested in the emotions and she's so so. That's my honest opinion. Please don't hate. I adore her and I'm not bashing her. I'm just thinking out loud here. Hehe.

    Maybe her character doesn't need her to cry because at that time she is man....but I agree with you that her acting in emotional scene is not at the par of bogum acting especially at the scene she taken by qing envoy...at that scene bogum emotion is too good. Ability of bogum can't be deniable....

    • Like 9
  2. 8 minutes ago, honeywell said:

    Well the title of the episode is "Promise" so it's either about the two of them making a promise to each or breaking a promise.  But seriously though when is this wedding taking place.  Ra On will never ask Yeong to choose her over Josepn.  She knows Joseon needs him more than her.

    I agree with that raon will never ask Lee yeong to choose her over joseon....

    Raon had said Lee yeong is seja of joseon.his need to be strong for his people

    • Like 14
  3. Just finished watching ep 9 n 10.....

    Waaaaaa.....park bogum really know how to made me fluttering.when he pull raon closer to him.....park bogum nailed his character+ kim you jung acting is well presented


    when he interact with his sister , princess....he look really cool as the caring brother:grin:

    This storyline getting better as the story will be revealed one by one.about prime minister Kim kill CP mother , evil queen with her plan and lastly unexpected twist regarding head eunuch.....

    • Like 18
  4. 18 minutes ago, Naruto_7th_Hokage said:

    one of the reason why i like this drama is bec. Bo-Gum & Yoo-Jung portray those emotional scenes even just with their eyes, those expressive eyes,  they can easily deliver all the feels trough the bones.


    I agree with you...both of them portraying the emotion very well.I always get tear up when they had emotional scene plus  with the sad bgm that blend very well with the scene

    The writer n director deserve the praise as they able to show the best quality of acting for the actor and actress..


    • Like 18
  5. This drama had moon embraces the sun feeling.....i can feel the emotion by bgm and it still make me teared up by their interaction.

    still not watch the latest but by reading the recap make me want to watch it badly......

    park bogum and kim you jung deserve the praise. saeguk drama really need to casting the actor rich with emotion and this drama success cater that part by the awesome cast for lead and supporting roles


    • Like 20
  6. First post in this thread....bogummy is the reason I see this drama and is worthy. I like this drama BG music.it blend very well with the scene....

    Lee yeong and ra on look good together.can't wait for the new ep....the dance in ep 4 is detailed directed by PD. The  emotion is convey from the eyes by both lead very well.it so breathtaking.....I impressive because the young actor can make this scene look good.....

    Bogum is one of younger actor that I look forward....

    • Like 11
  7. 7 hours ago, vu_hoa1983 said:

    Soldiers always live with a shroud on. When you die in a nameless land for the sake of your country the place of your death becomes your grave and your uniform becomes your shroud. This should be your mind-set whenever you put on your uniform. If you have put it on with such mind-set. be honourable at every moment. There is no reason to fall short.


    I solemnly take an oath to spend the rest of my life volunteering to save people's lives. I will think about my patients' health and lives first and foremost. Regardless of race, religion, nationality, or social status, I will fulfill my obligations to my patients. Even if I am in danger, I will not misuse any of my knowledge. This oath I take, of my own volition, I devote my honor to it


    These are oaths that SJ and MY took. They didn't just say it, they meant it sincerely. It's who they are. MY might temporarily forget her oath when she compromised with her reality and climbed the social ladder but she always has the doctor's conscience in her (unlike the bratty fellow doctor in the hospital). For each, their profession means the world to them.


    We always say MY is not SJ's everything. But exactly what "everything" means? That she will always be his top priority, that he needs to do all he can to not make her sad or worry, that he will dedicate his life for her and does everything to make her happy? That he will choose her over his country?

    But is that the "everything" that MY really needs when it means SJ will not fulfill his oath and fails as a personr?

    SJ and DY are very much alike, they are true soldiers. They don't just have an instinct of saving people: they also have a deep, unbroken love for their country  - a country they believe strives to protect its citizen at all cost. See what happens when DY tries to give up his military career for a chance to be recognized by MJ's father and to be with her: that's not MJ wants because it means he gives up his life and his nature as a soldier. In the end, DY can't give up himself.

    SJ won't do the same but even if he does, MY won't let him. 

    Before MY knew SJ, he has always been doing what suits him best. He has already swore to give up his life for a great cause. And he has already owned his life to the captain who saved him so he is even more determined to pay it forward.


    When I listen to DOTS' OST, the word "my everything" comes up a lot.  Now that DOTS is over and I think back about it, I do believe MY is SJ's everything. Just that "everything" does not mean the same for a normal person and someone like SJ. He will always be sorry for making MY worry but there are things that need to be done and she knows that.  By being a solider, SJ believes he is doing what is necessary to bring peace for people, including MY's family.

    Ever since he knew MY, his life really revolves around her. He helps her find back her true self. He cares about what she cares. He helps her uphold her oath as a doctor by telling her to save Argus. He always has his eyes on her, even during the earthquake: he  looked for her first and foremost when he came back to Uruk, smiled while listening to her conversation on the radio channel, exchanged eyes with her before going to the ruin. He saves and protects her. He lets her know beautiful, charming and special she is. In their relationship, he lets MY have the upper hand. And he just loves her so much that he asks her to forget him soon when he is gone. He has complete faith in her. The fanboy incident with Red Velvet is just a minor one - when he has her in his heart, she is the only one.

    Because of how SJ loves her, MY comes to accept what his "everything" means, It is something he never promises but she knows it. It is the price she accepts for loving a honorable man like SJ.

    I agree with you about "everything" truly meaning to SJ and MY....both of them really compatible with each other

    Still in WITHDRAWAL MODE FROM DOTS...:dissapointed_relieved::dissapointed_relieved::dissapointed_relieved:

    • Like 4
  8. 2 hours ago, angelicXD said:

    SJK has that boyish yet manly charm that's why the role worksarrow-10x10.png for him. He doesn't makearrow-10x10.png the character overbearing.. He could act serious and yet a jokester in one scene. His eyes come alive when he's playful with KMY or anyone in this drama. His eyes really speak. 

    Won Bin is really good looking! If he was younger, I would say it worksarrow-10x10.png because he could play the boyish charming playboy style similar to Autumn in my Heart. But due to him being older now, SJK is going to be above him in the age and young look. 

    I think SJK is actually tan. I dont know if they have to recolor him but he actually looks tan compared to SHK. It's the lighting that makesarrow-10x10.png him lighter than he is. 

    I don't know how the other actors will act in this role as everyone has different acting style. However, SJK has show us that the way he portrays YSJ has capture ladies heart. Those cheesy lines he makesarrow-10x10.png them sounds romantic. 

    His boyish look with his serious deep voice is one of the highlight as YSJ. 

    Also, regarding they did it or not in DOTS. I would think the way they wrote the characters, seems like they did it. Cuz YSJ was craving and begging for it. I think i read it somewhere or someone told me that a if a guy got it once, they will crave for more. Lol! And he keeps saying how he was stuck with crew cut men for too long. Unless they just meant the innocent makeout and nothing further than that. So YSJ just want a kissing session? In my mind i dont think they did it, but the way it was portray, it makes it sounds like they did it because YSJ keeps begging and referencing it.

     i agree with you.....his boyish style,eyes and voice is the main point of SJK charm to highlight YSJ character....i really like his voice since nice guy.


    • Like 8
  9. 1 hour ago, CatWhiskers said:

    I just rewatch Ep 15 & 16 with Eng subs. And I have to tell you. Ep 15 is one of my FAVOURITE episode. Despite crying every single time through the 2nd half of it. 

    Here are some of my takes on my favourites of this episode:-

    1. YSJ's letter to KMY. It was so heartfelt. One could feel his anguish and how sorry he was that he has to leave her (after working so hard to start a relationship with her). I cry so hard when YSJ read the lines, " You shine brightly in my life. I am glad I met you and I fell in love with you (another sub was "that I love you")"  

    2. The part where KMY hugged the doll and walk past the cafe and immediately the music starts with a flashback. (Really good directing there!) And I know that song the moment I heard it. It was a really good song choice.

    Here is part of the lyrics:-

    How long will I love you?

    As long as stars are above you & longer if I can....

    How long will I love you?

    As long as the seasons need to, follow their plan...

    And the song connects to KMY. She tried so hard to live on but she could not help missing him and loving him. And the song says it so nicely that she will love him forever and there would always be a special place in her heart for him. How long will she love him? Forever. The stars are always in the sky, and seasons always change. Therefore, forever.

    3. The candle scene in KMY's house. How KMY maintains a stoic front in front of her colleagues n friends and works like normal. But alone at home, she breaks down thinking about him. And we know throughout the whole year, she could not let him go. (She admitted in Ep 16, the camp scene where she tried to let go of the stone, and to YSJ, how often she thinks of him.)

    4. The desert & her miracle (which I mentioned earlier in my post) Come to think of it, YMJ got her miracle too. It snowed for the first time in 100 years in Uruk and SDY came back to her. 

    Btw, did anyone notice the repeated reference to stars? 3 times the writer uses it. When KMY cried and YSJ comforted her by showing her stars in the sky,  YSJ letter to KMY where he said she came to his life brightly and in EP 16, on the ship, YSJ said he caught a star (referring to KMY) and she is beside him, shining brightly and how his life has brighten up. Interesting. Stars have always been use as metaphors for love,beauty and is always symbolic for eternal. Stars also serve as guides for sailors in the sea, in particular the Northern Star.

    YSJ uses the stars to describe KMY. Like the stars, she brings warmth and light to his life. And like the stars, she is his guide and reason to come home. He seek her out immeditely as soon as he is able after being MIA and I think the 1 year separation has given him deeper appreciation and if not, love towards her.  Being a soldier is tough and how KMY come into his life and stay, you can see how grateful he is in Ep 16. It's like he still can't believe KMY is his after the things he put her through. It is so romantic and heartfelt. 

    Sorry for the long post. I cannot cannot get over how awesome is Dots. I have never come across a Kdrama written with a poetic taste to it. My Weds n Thurs will never be the same again.  And like how the KMY shine for YSJ, Dots has shine for me. 




     the candle scene in moyeon house is so heartbreaking to see....SHK nailed this scene as she really misses himm

    she may appear strong infront others but when she back to home only sijin that her think...

    • Like 21
  10. after see with eng sub..this drama ending  really good and heartwarming 

    not only main couple got happy ending but also the others couple got it

    it drama so it will has the flaw, nothing perfect....,but it still the best story-line

    soldier and doctor can mixed well if they become considerate and understanding...

    the oath of the soldier and doctor is a good scene....watching with sub or not. i still think this scene so touching...




      i did not when i will watch this kind of drama again....gonna miss this thread.



    • Like 16
  11. 17 minutes ago, Wanderlust said:

    Sergeant Fish Nose at the Red Velvet concert was HILARIOUS! Don't care if the plot was useless because it's a reflection into the lives of a South Korean soldier. Aren't girl groups refreshing entertainment for them? I loved SDY dancing..and SJK! OMG..the bromance game in this drama is STRONG. 

    the sergeant fish nose scene so hilarious....idol performance in army is trend in seoul korea...so this scene is fun actually

    • Like 6
  12. ep 15 is like rollercoster.at first it fun but slowly enter the sad parts when sijin meet moyeon for last time....

    i cried along with moyeon n myeong jun when  they received news about their man death. how can the writer even think to put this scene???this scene so heartbreaking...:bawling:

    this drama really show the facts what a woman  need to face as her date man from special forces....it sad but it done beautifully by moyoen and myeong jun. 

    Shk really nailed her crying scene...she my favourite actress that really beautiful when cry and it happen naturally....

    anybody can give me the link for watching live tonight???i don't think i can wait for eng sub.....

    • Like 13
  13. can't wait for tonight ....hope for the happy ending although i not really sure about it. tonight will be lovey dovey but i scared about ending of ep 15.hope not the sad preview for ep 16....

    KMY character is the best for me...as her character always growing.i like her  become considerated to YSJ and try her best to understand him.she not only love  him but also his job...


    • Like 13
  14. after watch ep 14 with eng sub....I feel is quite interesting. as we know what the army doing and their perception in the work.i like imteraction btween sijin and NK guy....they trust each other...

    MY see become more understand about sijin although she need to control herself.it what she need to paid by dating sijin and it worthy as she happy with sijin.

    sijin charcter is consistent.he do not want MY worried but still do what MY dislike till the end.her nagging show a development in their relationship.they complete each other...

    hope DY MJ will reunite....their love is soo deep

    .:heart: :heart:

    next week is last ep....I will had syndrome withdrawal from this drama...

    • Like 10
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