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Posts posted by multiloverssss

  1. 5 hours ago, multiloverssss said:

    i glad we got happy ending....i so happy that pilgu change his name to hwang go un....i thought it would be happen and the writer do that.

    this writer truly gem.

    i will wait for this writer next drama.

    i just remember.

    go un is hyangmi name.maybe DB and YS  got a daughter....i hope for next 2 special episode, we some new scene like DB and YS new family.

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  2. 22 minutes ago, lollyminx said:
    • What a great series. This is the best drama this year for me. It's unforgettable. Also, I feel like this drama has satisfied my need to watch an unforgettable and meaningful story that I can manage not to watch anything more for the rest of the year and early next year until the few dramas I'm keeping my tabs on start airing. 

    i agree....this drama the best drama in this year.All element we found in this drama....:heart:

    i hope this drama would won awards at KBS drama award at the end of this year.

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  3. 3 hours ago, stroppyse said:


    Yes, but that would be out of character, at least for DB, but also for YS since he's been hanging around DB. DB is an emotional sort who feels that she needs to give up the man she loves so that she can be the mother that she wants to be for PG. The tears are for PG who had thought that he was a burden to her and tried to do something about it at his young ate and for herself for being a mother who caused her child to feel that way, as well as having to tell the man she loves that she can't be with him any more.


    Plus, YS is the person that DB can cry in front of without holding back.


    As for YS, he knows that he can't PG is the most important to DB, and he wouldn't want it any other way since he respects motherhood. He also knows that as things stand that he and DB won't be together for the time being. And, watching DB cry causes his tears to come out as well because of all the emotions that he has and the conflicts that he and DB have weathered up till now, but now have reached an insurmountable wall.


    Actually, both DB and YS are written as emotional, instinctive people, so the scene didn't strike me as that odd. It's a bit unusual for a Korean man to be as emotional as YS was, but I thought within his character in this case, watching the woman that he loves so much crying.

    i agree about DB and YS is written as emotional.DB is raised as orphan, that why she try very hard to raised PG well but when she said, PG is like her during childhood, its really break her heart.that why she choose to break up with YS even they can date until PG agree. that DB  personality,she worried PG would be affected with her love story....

    For YS, he is raised by single mother.when DB said want to be happy as mother not woman, he understand.he can relate with DB situation.



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  4. 19 hours ago, htk9207 said:


    As you rightly pointed out she is new to the whole romance thing. And putting your child's interest over a man is not a sin. It never was. That's why I'll just be waiting for the last two episodes to see how it would work out. I am watching Camellia because I really love the story and how some of the characters reminds me of people I know. ^_^ 


    The writers wrote her characters very well and made the characters endearing, most especially YS. I both like YS and DB very much. There is something about DB's quiet resilience that made me like her character. Just not a fan of said breakup.:P

    I cry very easily which is why I try to stay away from angst filled dramas as much as possible. One drama I watched in the past got so unnecessary frustrating that I was feeling emotionally numb by the time the series ended. 

    i agree both DB and YS character is well written....they really understand each other even without telling anything they really does not mean.

    that why when DB said " she already know what to said to made this kind hulk give up", its cleary know YS.

    I still cannot move on from their break up....:bawling:

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  5. 6 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

    The ending of ep.18 is so heartbreaking :bawling:


    Well, PG expressed it clearly why the adults only think about marrying. He also accused DB of lying to him because she once told him she only needs him in her life, that's all, nothing else, yet now she wants to be with YS too. DB decided that she wants to be first and foremost a good mother to PG, not a woman to another man.


    The end of ep.18 we see a grown-up PG in suit talking on the phone with his mother. He was answering her questions whether he has eaten or not. But we don't know whether DB actually is with YS or not. I thought we have a time jump already, but preview still showing present time, mostly about DB's mother and surgery.

    don't tell me we got time jump...DB and YS meet after a long time.no writer-nim...i believe in you. i hope when you show a adult pilgu, at that time he not kang pilgu but hwang pilgu.its' too much if i asking like that????

    how came DB and YS break up feel soo realistic???that thing really happen in real life:bawling:


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  6. this drama really made my emotion up and down....we got sad, happy and funny at the same time.

    i think it writer-nim style to keep mysterious about joker until the last time. 

    the last scene during PG talk with YS  really hit me......i sad for PG but at the same time i feel bad for YS.

    I hope YS would had proper talk with PG.

    YS like DB with an eight years old son but not just DB herself.

    • Like 8
  7. 2 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

    I'm so glad that DB didn't capitulate to the "bad luck" narrative... I was nervous that she would do her "Woe is me... it's all my fault... I'm responsible for all the bad stuff that's happening" shtick when she got out.

    Instead she directed her ire at the right source... the killer who from the looks of things has a tendency to blame others for his problems. It looks like he subscribes to the "bad luck" narrative and tries to self-fulfil those sorts of ominous "oracles".


    And yes, I agree that it was really silly of DB to wander around an abandoned building on her own. It's one thing to get to the location but it's another to go inside the building on her own. Especially when she's already had more than one near death experience. She really should have called YS straightaway. But then it's been established that DB isn't terribly bright. Afterall the PIN on her front door was 2580.  :astonished: LOL.


    I was impressed that the first thing she said to YS was "HM's dead, isn't she?" She wasn't thinking about how she suffered even though I have little doubt that she was scared out of her mind. Looks like the Joker has unleashed a sleeping lion. Good. 


    As for Jessica/ Sang Mi... what the heck is she complaining about? First world problems I'm afraid. It bugs me so much that there are people out there with real problems and all she's capable of is whining about the loss of her minor celebrity status. Doesn't she even care about the fact that she hit someone with her car? She's exactly like one of those girls that DB was describing to YS from her school days.


    All this self-absorption is quite scary. It turns people into killers.


    HM won me over at the end. She was really determined to turn over a new leaf. The really telling part is that she told GT she would pay DB back and then pay him back. She felt as if she had been given a new lease on life and a second chance... but so sad... her life was cut short.


    I always knew that there was some hope for Gyu Tae and Ja Yeong... :P;)  I love how GT sweetly, pathetically and desperately clings on to little signs that JY still has some measure of affection for him. "Why did you drift like that if you don't love me?" Ack! Why couldn't he have been like this at the start? The show is obviously having so much fun with him and that dynamic.


    The more I see KHN in this drama the more I wonder why he hasn't been the male lead before. He was almost the male lead in Moon Lovers... he was fantastic there as well. I still think of his performance at the end as an older, sicker Wang Uk and shake my head in awe. In Angel Eyes he was the younger version of the male lead so that doesn't quite count. But yeah... it's hard to believe. I suppose his versatility sees him getting picked for darker characters more often.

    I adore his YS... YS is often goofy and childish but there's also an edge to him which comes through so effectively when he gets serious. It reminds me of his guest role in Missing Noir M where he played a murder suspect. He was so good in that too. Honestly I've never seen him put a foot forward wrong.

    All that said, it's true that YS isn't quite the typical Kdrama ML either. He feels more like a composite of MLs and 2MLs that I've seen from the past. 


    As for the OTP... as a unit they're as strong as ever. The more DB enjoys being in that relationship and the good things that it brings, the more she craves for it and is unwilling to let go. That makes so much more sense than the usual claptrap we get from the dramas. This is such a special relationship between two people who like each other and who aren't afraid to say so... not just to each other but to the world. Watching them play house was a delight.


    "I have the engine of a 4 wheel drive and I have the manners of a sedan." Who comes up with stuff like this? :lol:

    "Why is there no middle ground with you?"

    "How can there be in this situation?"

    "If this river is not meant to be disturbed don't dip your feet into it" 

    Gold... all gold.
    YS should have just had a cold shower.


    JR... waxing philosophical and being self-reflecting was a rare outing for him. But his son turned him down... and rightly... so he must be thinking straight for a change. Who does he think he is? He is still behaving in a disrespectful way to DB.

    His timing is always bad except for his career. But did he never try to look DB up if he missed her that much?


    I imagine this show will win a swag of awards at the next KBS do. With ratings like that... 

    Manner of a sedan.....this is truly gold. i thought HYS firstly annoying because he always follow DB but he very warm and innocent. his character fit with someone that can even love and treat his step children better than anything. 

    i agree with you, this drama will sweep many awards at KBS DRAMA in the end of this year.:heart:

    • Like 12
  8. 1 hour ago, htk9207 said:

    After watching this episode I'm quite upset as to why Dongbaek would enter a building that seems to be eerily vacant and not a single person in sight? The entrance was plastered with For Lease ads and the door is even locked with chains so how did she get in?


    I would have not minded it so much if it happened right before the fire incident. But she had just recently experienced being locked inside a room and nearly died from the fire. She also know that the killer, who after several years of silence, is now after her.  She must be out of her mind to go there on her own. I would probably understand if Pilgu or DB's mom was kidnapped or missing, and was told the only way to find them alive is to come alone. But for a mere scooter, a used one, I don't think it's worth putting her life at risk at all.


    The only good thing is that she walked out of the building on her own. But if it weren't for YS and the rest of the police squad arriving at the scene, I don't think she could have gotten out there alive. The killer is now seriously intent in finishing her off. 


    Sorry for the rant but being genuinely kind at heart doesn't mean you also lose your common sense. 

    I think i got the reason why DB still enter the buildings even the environment look like that. DB can sense the danger but she choose to faced it even she not prepared herself. this is because sometimes we tend to do something even we know the danger but still cannot stop from going there. something like curiosity or instinct that trigger the feelings.

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  9. 1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

    Apparently the show runners didn't think that making Camellias was much of a challenge at this point, so they added another layer of complexity by introducing the Rashomon element to it. :P "Who killed Hyang Mi?" Round up the usual suspects. ;) Even though she's presumably dead... the spectre of who she was and what she got up to is still very much with us. And now I imagine we'll see a whole parade of unreliable witnesses being wheeled out while we're being misdirected as to how HM actually died. It wouldn't surprise me though if nobody actually killed her but one thing after another led to her demise. Sort of like JB Priestley's An Inspector Calls.


    Episode 14 was chock full of stuff. A lot of it was depressingly realistic but most of it was about the important parenting choices. I can't imagine the challenges of being a single mother bringing bubs into the world... whatever the circumstances... it's a mammoth task. Thus it's a good thing that we're far more understanding these days about the plight of single mums and their children. Everyone has a different story and it's good to hear what the individual stories are before making judgments about why people get to the place that they do. The script undoubtedly does a good job with that. It's usually between a rock and a hard place that many women have to navigate.


    I'm glad we caught a glimpse of why Ms Kwak was so unusually compassionate towards Dong-baek. Whether or not she knows or thinks that this is the same DB she saw while she was preggers with Yong-shik, I can't say. But her own struggles and experience helped her see things beyond the prevailing socio-cultural narrative. Which (in a fascinating way) does make it more compelling as to why she lapses into the old default positions at the first sign of trouble. 


    In many instances when we don't understand why things happen to people, it is easy to victim shame. I know that that word gets thrown around a lot these days... sometimes rather inappropriately... but it doesn't  take away from the fact that communities and societies often can't cope with or explain why outliers occur so it's easier and convenient to just blame the downtrodden for their own predicament. Or accredit it to angry supernatural forces meting out punishment or targeting individuals at whim. Often people do reap what they sow but there are also other times when people reap what other people have sown. Life is hard... sometimes it's tragic... inexplicable things happen and we have a propensity to hurt each other. On top of that the ways of supernatural forces are inscrutable. So words like "luck" and "lucky" get bandied around superstitiously. 


    One of the things I love about YS is that he lives with dogged clarity and personal honesty. And it seems to me ridiculous that he is mollycoddled to the extent that he is even though he's in his early 30s. Still I understand that to some degree. He is the son that Ms Kwak raised entirely without her husband. She's super sensitive to his life trajectory and to how she was perceived and treated while pregnant with him. Her dynamic with him probably became defined largely by her determination to buck the shaman's pronouncements and the perception of her neighbours. Being the strong-willed woman that she is, she was hugely successful in overcoming prejudice in that quarter. I suppose she wants the best for YS because he was "unlucky not to have grown up with a father". He missed out. No matter how good a mother Ms Kwak has been, she has always felt acutely that YS was "unlucky" not to have grown up with his dad. It wasn't their fault. The choice was taken from them and yet I suspect a lingering guilt remains because Ms Kwak wonders from time to time when she's all alone at night, if it weren't her "unluckiness" that led to YS growing up without his father. Even though the shaman was most likely a charlatan.

    According to that logic she doesn't want YS entangled with DB because he doesn't need more "bad luck" in his life attaching himself to a woman whose life is fraught with trouble. Although YS himself doesn't see things in those terms. In his mind, I believe, he sees himself as a free independent agent while acknowledging that some things might be beyond his control. The show itself certainly affirms that. It is the age old, Human will vs Heaven's will issue played out in the small town context. The perennial question since time immemorial.


    This begs the question of what being "lucky" or "unlucky" means. Is DB "unlucky" because she almost got burnt to death? But then some might argue that she's the luckiest woman in the world when a decent man proposed to her as a result of it. She survives because someone is watching over her. It seems to me that "luck" is merely shoe-in for the inexplicable workings of life.


    I don't really think DB's mother came back to get a kidney from her. I believe she came back to say goodbye and as she says herself says often enough... "to do one thing for her". I really wanted to know what that is but DB... sigh... cut her off. My own wishful thinking is to help her find a good man but the pragmatist in me thinks it's just about leaving behind all her life savings. That would explain a lot of her odd behaviour and admonishments to YS. 


    There's hope for NGT yet. When he said he loved JY, I believed him. Underneath all that bravado, is a timid man who is looking for affirmation. If there's anyone he should divorce, it's his mother... who has been IMO instrumental in stunting his growth. Of course that's not possible ;)  but it's clear that her meddling and coddling of him had a part to play in the deterioration of his marriage and more importantly his lack of resilience. In a real enough way, becoming a murder suspect in HM's death will be his redemption and baptism of fire if he can find his way out of it. He's become less a caricature and more human as the consequences of his choices strip him bare of the things that he value.


    I'm less sure about KJR although becoming tabloid fodder could do the trick. The ensuing humiliation and exposure might finally make him see the light, putting things in perspective. If he really cares about his son, he should actually think about what is best for Pil-gu.


    The best thing about this drama is that the people in it aren't caricatures. They are all too human and I think the script is doing a stellar job fleshing them and giving them dimensions. For those who get their second chance, let's hope they don't waste it.

    the writer is really good at making story about average lifestyle but still realistic...actually what happen to DB is really happen in society about the view or orphan and single mothers.

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  10. I like how the writer gradually shown to audience the real personality of pilgu' dad.

    he really a jerk, how come he constantly state how pathetic DB life when she try very hard

    to achieve that level by her own. :triumph:

    I feel bad for YS to feel small in front KJR when he keep mention 

    about money and how YS  can support DB and PG.

    i understand for YS mom to feel frustated when her son keep treated like that by KJR.


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  11. can't wait for fansign meeting and wrap up party.....:heart:

    still don't watch the last 2 ep but reading all the recap already made me happy... THANKS TO ALL MOONLIGHT LOVERS:blush:

    park bogum will be the actor that i look forward for his project in future ...same goes with kim yoojung as she earn my attention since in TMETS. i glad they meet in MDBC...



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