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Michelle Tang

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Posts posted by Michelle Tang


    33 minutes ago, 4evgbogummy said:

    This episode is really really daebak!!! Cried bitterly and then cried again in celebration of friendship so so beautiful...until...

    why??? My Crown Prince ah......I know PDnim, you are bent on torturing me till tomorrow.....be warned that you will have no end from me if you dare to harm my Crown Prince!!!!


    I love this look...priceless !!


    Yes this ep is really daebak!!!! finally our CO kick some bad richard simmons today!!!!!! And today the best scene goes to CP and BY!!!!! BY's dead scene is so touching!!!! sob sob sob luckily he did not die. 

    • Like 2
  2. 44 minutes ago, 4evgbogummy said:

    Folks, there's news that because the team wants MDBC to have a solid ending, they will be filming till noon tomorrow!

    For this reason alone, I am very happy that the end of MDBC is here. I can't bear to see this kind of schedule any more. My maternal instincts is causing me to want to write a petition to the production team if not for the fact that it is finally coming to an end! Our Bogummy deserves a good, long rest..though I would love to see him not too long from now, for his own good, I do want him to go back to his university life, finish all his modules for this academic year and complete his university studies without deferment. Also want him to spend time with his family and friends. Fame and career should never take precedence over his well-being. 

    Sigh...this is the mother in me talking to son...

    @getting2dreamy @Michelle Tang Haha incidentally, we belong to the majority group of Bogummy's fans. I married rather young and my son is just a tad younger than Bogummy haha..



    oh my god, film till noon tomorrow? What a killing schedule the cast and crew have. Please PD-nim, no matter how tight the schedule is please feed our Bogummy well. His needs snacks on top of main course and his snacks are hamburgers , rice cakes and cookies. Bo Gum has slimmed down a alot. Please!!!!

    @4evgbogummy haha  i am happy that i belong to the majority group of Bogummy's fans. Opposite of you, i married late and my sons are way younger than Bogummy. Eventhough Bogummy is so called my 3rd sons now but he is the tallest and eldest!! 

    • Like 6
  3. 35 minutes ago, 4evgbogummy said:

    According to the Moolmang poll of netizens results released today, the top 3 male stars who evoke love from maternal instincts of females are: 

    1. Kim Soo-Hyun at 39.5%

    2. PBG at 25.4%

    3. Lee Jong-suk at 12:7%

    haha, don't know about you but I have seen all 3 but the only one that evokes maternal instincts love from me is our Bogummy. And I'm entitled to take a stand as I have a rather grown up son haha...! 


    Bogummy for sure. i have 2 sons and Bogummy is very much like my 3rd son now. 

    • Like 4
  4. Quote


    I am a new fan of BoGummy and  knew nothing about him before MDBC. Frankly speaking i waited for the competitor drama for quite a long time but i changed my mind and clicked on MDBC after looking at the poster. It showed a very romantic love story feel to me and make me clicked on ep 1 and start watching the drama until now. Then i met the handsome and smart prince and now i am totally in love with BoGummy. He has brilliant acting skills and with angelic character. MDBC storyline is simple compared to the competitor drama. But the crew, the cast, the OST and scenery compliment each other and it turns out to be a good drama. i recommended the drama to my friends and colleagues to watch. Even though they have complaints at the later episodes but they will still continue to watch till the end because of crown prince. 

    No one expects MDBC would turn out this big before and because of the rising popularity of the drama, the casts were being attacked because the stakeholders of the competitor drama do not want to lose their shares. I feel so heartache to read the comments on weibo about our Bogummy because of the advertisement issue. Some people can just do anything because of money. But true fans stay and continue to support him which i am glad. I did not know that Singapore media did the same to MDBC. For those people who mistreated the drama and casts, i hope they will be given a change to change their mind and realize they wrongdoing and rectify.

    I will continue to follow this thread and support Bogummy and witness his growth until he becomes world star. 






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  5. 1 minute ago, peishi0408 said:

    actually i dont think that RO choose to be with her family and pushed away CP.

    RO's background and status is a big wall between CP and RO,this little girl know what will happen and the reality for life..

    I think if she can choose ,she will like to with family and CP also..remember she said outside and inside the palace ,there is someone she love(that time she dont know she is HGN daughter)

    I think she force to make that decision too cos she love CP so much until dont want him suffering.

    Yet ppl will say CP without RO is most suffering,but I think sometime we need to make a decision and let our life  move on.

    sorry,just share some thought..

    Until now, i can accept both HE AND BE ..i just want CP and RO will happy in their life..


    One thing that we know for sure now is either HE or BE their love will not change. But as you mentioned RO forced to make the decision coz she loves CP so much and don want him to suffer (but still suffer actually) so being separated is highly possible. As you said both of them just need to move on and find their happiness in their life separately. 

    Whatever the ending is, the credits go to all actors and the crew. 

    • Like 14

    That is why whatever the ending is i will still accept.

    Ending with Ra On and CP not be together because of their unwind status and that is what CP accepted RO's lies and agree to break up. I do not know how they could get back together unless RO changes her mind and wants to be with CP again. This is just not her. She wants to be with her family and does not want to endanger CP so she choosed to leave and pushed away CP. I think this is why the Knetizen splits into 2 groups now.

    Of course i hope Yeong On couple can be together. But you need 2 hands to clap. Ra On decision will be the key because CP respected RO's decision and he kept a distance with her despite they still love each other very much. 

    Hope Writer and PD can gives us a miracle ending. But personally either they are separated or be together i believe their love for each other would not change.

    Why i feel like crying already......sob sob sob~~~~

    • Like 16
  7. @chocolatepie   you can rant here. Don't need to keep it to yourself.  Bo Gum will continue to grow and he will be famous not only in Korea but out of Korea as well. I think it is unavoidable that he will know about anti-fans and 2-faced reporters. Even though he is kind and angelic but i think he understand the realistic world well yet he still choose to treat people well and be grateful all the time. That's why we like him. 

    We just need to continue to support him and may god bless him all the time. 

    • Like 11

    26 minutes ago, ruka18 said:


    Close doors would be nice since chances of spoilers leaking will be slim.;) I'm already so excited on how they gonna wrap up all the fiasco that happened on last episode I do hope all issues will be resolved by episode 17 so we get the whole last episode full with lovey dovey scenes from our OTP.:wub:  :lol: aigooo, this drama always makes me eager to see some spoilers for the next episode though  but I will gladly restrain myself and be more patient as long as they give us the happy ending that we want then  I'll have no complaints at all.:) :D


    CLose doors????? omo omo omo..... would we finally have THE SCENE that we all wanted to watch???? hahahahahhahaahha i hope CP will become the prey to RO in the close doors scene after all issues settled. 

    Cannot help to imagine further!!!

    • Like 16
  9. 2 hours ago, dahae2006 said:

    @4evgbogummy thanks for the translation and i always worry that bogum is too humble when answering interview question. i hope people will not take advantages for his sincerity.....

    i found one of his old picture (Mountbell shop opening? credit to heyfen ) ...we can see how he behave / considerate taking picture with other people who is a bit shorter height than him....:):)

    welcome all bogum new fan:) I also mostly " like " and "enjoy" all of bogum hardcore fan comments and updates eventhough i join bg thread since canabile and i remember you time. 




    he even do this at public? really the more we know about him the more we like him not only for his acting but his true self. 

    @4evgbogummy    i came across those 'shippers' on weibo and tieba too but decided to close my eyes and skip their comments. They are being unreasonable for blaming BoGum causing the drop in ratings. We all know the reasons of the drop please. 

    The true fans will always stay and support Bo Gum. I am glad this thread is peaceful and i really enjoy reading the update and post here. Thanks to all Bogummers!!


    • Like 7
  10. 7 hours ago, mellinadear said:



    Congrats to Park Bo Gum on the account of 3 successes recently. First for achieving high rating for his first leading drama; second for topping 8 various musical charts since the release of his first OST ‘My Person’ this morning, and third for a new CF, as the model of cosmetic VPROVE. He is going to be an even more hot potato in the CF industry once he completes Moonlight Drawn by Clouds, and officially free from hectic filming. I don’t even doubt that right now Blossom Entertainment may be receiving drama and movie scripts and more CF offers left, right and centre.



    Congratulations to Bo Gum. His hard works are being recognized now.

    Firstly, i hope he can have enough sleep and eat more to gain back his lost weight.

    Secondly, time to go back to school to catch up his studies. 

    Thirdly, he will have tonnes of interview after MDBC finished as well as CF shoot.

    Fourthly, choose his next project either movie or drama and come back around spring time next year. 

    • Like 2
  11. 12 hours ago, sara2908 said:

    I am tired of CP being in the dark and people betraying him left and right. Hope against hope it will be an epic finale next week. I need my happy ending. If not I can't rewatch the episodes


    I hope what happened in ep16 were all planned before the interrogation by CP and white clouds clan.

    I am sick of looking CP knows that actually there is no person which is 100% on his side. 

    Can Kim clan be wiped off next ep 17? I can't bear another episode to see the bad richard simmons Kim PM and his minion to torture CP further. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, salz said:
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     those angry shipper seriously annoy me when they blame Bogum like wth he don't live as actor just to promote one ship only and ignore past costar just for sake of current still sailing ship..he is very close with many of his past costar and Hyeri one of them you like it or not

    and he appear in TVN award as Park Bogum not as Lee Yeong so he can do fanservice as much as he want with whoever he want it doesn't matter what costume he wear but he is there as Park Bogum celebrating his role as Choi Taek and greeting his wife and friends from Ssamundong :P

    those angry shipper so freakin immature over the top delulu forgetting who the actor really is they are people who work creating chemistry and giving fanservice is their job and it will definitely not limited to one costar only..just because they only start liking Bogum through MDBC and don't care about his past works so feeling betrayed when he still love being part of his past drama&costar and GTFO lol because im sure Bogum will continue disappointing you shipper because he will forever be nice to EVERYONE not just one specific costar only

    as much as i do ship Suntaek/Gumri im not gonna be butthurt whenever Bogum gonna be friendly with every other costar man/woman/girl because he just that type of person extremely friendly and nice to everyone..even Hyeri herself is friendly with a lot of people that what i love about both of them.

    even the ahjusshi sunbae actors all already fall head over heel for Bogum, the ahjumma already book him to be their son in law, other girls wanna his as boyfriend/husband but at the end who Bogum wanna choose for his real life partner is his own business...

    Bogum happiness>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>any ship including mine(my feeling and my otp doesn't matter since Bogum can choose what he want himself)

    Bogum is not the only actor that people love to ship with many costar, there others like PSH, LJS etc who is really great at creating chemistry with every costar they have just look at their shipper thread with different actor/actresses lol so if you wanna be part of their ship whoever it is just be prepared for a heartbreak because they won't just pleased you in that one ship only :P

    Bogum is the prince/fairy of fanservice and he is loved by many people, pretty much all of his costars and he also love many people back since he have huge heart and spaces to put many people in :P

    so yeah from now on Bogum just gonna created bigger and bigger harem from various ages and gender to created Bogum's ark where everyone can board leaving haters drowning with their butthurt lol since Bogum not gonna leave anyone he love behind since he gonna bring every single ship he have create with him you like it or not :P

    above just harmless rant :D

    anyway i wanna congrats Bogum ALL KILL yesterday 2016 is wonderful year to him which hopefully continue for longer since the man deserve it with his talent, great personality, charm and hard work in everything

    his OST is so beautiful and it great i can enjoy both wonderful acting and haunting voice at same time :P

    im sure from now on he just gonna continue rising and improving his craft





    the one who stays are the true fans. Ignore those hot headed shipper who can't even understand BoGummy's angelic character. 

    He will continue to grow and glow. Looking forward to it. 

    • Like 5
  13. Our Bogummy is national crown prince in Korea now? I would love to order this product if can interact with him. hahahaha Good marketing strategy. 

    1 hour ago, mellinadear said:

    What the music director had to say about Gummy.

    Gaemi said "the strong point from Bogum is he can express the feeling well. There is a part that he doesn't have enough technique, but its covered by his strong point in expressing. It is like he isnt singing but talking to Raon".

    In Other news, Sung Sikyung(one of mdbc's OST artist) spoke to Park Jiyoon on KBS Cool FM.

    SSK: It's good even if just watching PBG and KYJ. I think I know why many people like watching them. Elder people like watching them as their granddaughter and grandson."

    PJY : I like watching them too, my husband said "do you like them that much". PBG is just like my own son, so just watching him its already good.

    SSK: did you really think of him just like a son? so if you arent married, he comes and wants to kiss you, can you reject him?"


    Trans ©: @rynn_peace 

    Me: Gummy comes to kiss me,there would be no rejection in my dictionary. LOL.


    Please.... if he comes and wants to kiss, can you reject SSk sshi? no one can reject PBG for now. hahahahaha

    • Like 2
  14. 43 minutes ago, denarvie said:

    My answer is they need a separation but the love is not over,

    what I want is them to separate, think about each other perspective , accept the separation, have faith on each other and then promise to be reunited ,

    both of them doesn't have the courage to separated and united, they both thinking that leaving will grow them further apart, ra on accept it if that's the consequences and yeong's doesn't so they both need to accept that there are such things as loyalty that transcend time, then gather the courage to put everything back to where it is,

    ra-on almost got no paused to think , she always get yoon sung said something, mum suggest something, head eunuch said something, what she needs is someone that can back her and crown prince, she already chooses to leave and he is to get married to someone else, then leave to the choice until a better choice appeared/found.

    Everyone wants Ra-on to do something for themselves and not for herself, either head eunuch with the Mockingjay will, yoong ssung for the little hope, yeong's for his love , her mum for their freedom but she needs to have something for herself, which is not become the burden of yeong, not become his poison, that's why she is leaving, so no one can use her, 

    love journey is important but the stake here are the crown prince life, her life and the nation, her existence is the bane of him

    if this the real a saeguk, my plot is going time skip or teacher dasan come to the rescue but since it's not, they have the preview already told it, that Ra-on can do something if she has the capabilities, if she has the chance and do it for herself, 

    wanting her to sacrifices her lives for yeong is probably worth it but when her own existence is the things that will kill him, her thought of leaving is for him, ,

    it's like when your mum didn't buy you ice cream the second time cause you have shown the fever's symptoms for week, yes you can treat it later but isn't avoiding things is better when you can have the ice cream later when you are stronger , and how do you know that you'll be healed later?


    love and ice cream...... i can't understand the logic.......

    we have different perspective anyway. Personally i think love is somehow 2 parties have to stay together to cherish especially at difficult time. Leaving is the last option or not an option. 

    Enjoy the discussion with you. Let's continue to enjoy the remaining 3 episodes. Cheers.

    • Like 13
  15. 2 minutes ago, bogummylove said:

    I dont know what is 'love'

    people say 'love is blind'

    well, i think i felt that one right now..

    my love for uri OTP really big and blind that i can't see any sad or open ending for their future.

    uri otp love each other, their love is the strongest..

    they're made from heaven to complete one another.

    no matter what happen, at the end, fate will bring them back together. 



    hahahahahah i like your post!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart::heart::heart:


    • Like 11

    11 minutes ago, denarvie said:

    I think she already said this, they had the conversation,  she said it better to not meet again , she said it's bad for him and her, and the head eunuch also said that it's dangerous 

    even byeong yeon and yoon sung agree that the last thing yeong's need is his name linked to the traitor, the things her dad afraid the most and the rumour that can make the people turn their back to him, not to mention others, neutral minister, 

    she never said she didn't love him at all, she already confessed the night before she leaves and he knew it ,

    she just said it better not to be together when it brings nothing but he keeps on asking to meet, 

    they are young, and they just have one love stories, realistically people hardly ended up with their 1st love (damn Cha Tae Hyun is the 1%) and it's quite far fetched to hope Ra-on to be his mistress that no one knew, heart is a heart, it gonna heartbroken and selfish if Yeong keep Ra-on and marrying Ha Yeon (this is because ra on and yeong  assumed that nothing can change the marriage, the kings fainted is the cupid miracle)

    it's always the heart, Ra on can believe his heart but the reality is he gonna marry someone and it wasn't her, 

    maybe I am too far but this is exactly what I didn't like in the moon that embracing the sun when yeol is hidden by the kings just because the kings love her, 

    she has her life and if she chooses going away to trade the freedom for both of them, then that's can be fair, 

    personally, I like them to be together but Ra-on has been shown throughout the series as someone who is practical than the dreamer Yeoung 

    that's why they are a good matched, 

    if the situation is reversed and we got a lot of Ra-on point of view as the central, like when she always gets attacked, get afraid, can't sleep at night, crying under the blanket, dreaming about her mom and dad getting murder, we would probably asking her to leave too,



    haha yes i totally understand what you said and understand Ra On's feeling. Yes then , please break off and never meet again. Love is indeed over. 

    Is this what we want? My answer is NO. What about you? 

    • Like 12
  17. 16 minutes ago, cloud92 said:

    ep 16 preview is out and as I have learned the lesson, now i'm like 'DON'T TRUST THE PREVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

    i'm finally relieved that the wedding didn't push through as u can see HY is wearing her usual costume but not the crown princess's one.

    RO SNEAKS INTO THE PALACE AND MEET LY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT HIS TONE SEEMS LIKE HE'S BLAMING HER :bawling:


    i think she goes in to check out her father. What he said to her is: do you think it makes sense for you to show up in the palace at times like this?? 

    CP is back to his cold heart now and this happens when people is being realistic. 

    • Like 10

    15 minutes ago, denarvie said:


    I think Ra On is more realistic, 

    there's nothing she can do, so rather than keep stay together and make the pain deeper, just cut it all, 

    it's CP imo that quite stubborn, 

    she already branded as criminal and already legalised with her picture everywhere so it makes sense for her to run before they get any other solution, 

    it kinda complicated but that's how it happen before and I think that's the best decision even it broke people hearts, 

    reality is hard and I think if he wants her to stay, he needs to find some solution cause her solution is to leaves, 

    how can you face the man that gonna marry with someone else even if they said they loved you, 

    the knife is because she wants LY to stop trying, stop hoping without knowing what to do and accept the condition, 

    kinda the same when she doesn't instantly accept his confession, the point is not about being a couple since the nation and life of people is way important, 

    having her beside him will just make him and her have a rougher path, 

    that;s how I understand Ra-on, 

    I just hope we get more view on her life regarding the situation than LY cause imo she did the right things, 

    they just young and need more assurance, like making 5 years promised 


    All you written make sense and realistic. But love involves emotion which you cannot control. It will be perfectly fine if she talks things out and have a nice break up instead of hiding her heart and stab his heart with lies. 

    In life, people always regret for not revealing their true heart to the love one but choose to hurt instead. 

    I hope a cupid will appear somewhere and remind her what she has done for the eunuch and the maid. Confess your love and so you could live with it even though both of you can't be together. 

    • Like 12
  19. 14 minutes ago, syeramy said:

    Ok calm me down...huuu haaaa.. take a breath..huuu haaa

    I'm so maddd at RO! Wrong and stupid move!

    Girl, I know you want to protect him, but using a knife? girl? What are you thinking? 

    Oh, my the precious bracelet! Look for all the falling beads and fix the d*mn bracelet! 




    I am with you. I am so mad at Ra On. That is all she can do to her love one? I think this sin can only be re-payed if she being aggressive to win back CP's broken heart and fix back the bracelet in the next 3 episodes. Yeong has done so much already. Please Ra On. Show us your true heart and love towards CP. Not using the knife again. 

    • Like 14
  20. 13 minutes ago, mellinadear said:

    I'm gonna Rant here.

      Reveal hidden contents

    I'm getting a little Ticked off after visiting shipping thread. "If ratings go down, its bogum's fault" What? "Bogum should be feeling sorry over what he did" excuse me? "If he's already dating and is being chumny with so and so then he's not a good BF". OMG!!!!

    First and foremost, intl fans do not contribute to the ratings no matter how much we want to. We can't even help in the online ratings because we are limited by KBS so we watch on illegal sites. Even if ratings take a dip(it won't, I have faith) it will be because of Baseball or maybe because people don't want a sad storyline(like we saw with d ratings last week). It will never be because of shipping.

    2nd, Bogum feeling sorry because he called hyeri wifey? Huh?why would he feel sorry? It's all fan service.

    Borene is fan service.

    Gumri/suntaek is fanservice

    BoYoo is fan service.

    One group will be happy, another will not. It will always rotate.

    We are allowed to go a little delulu But once we go deep into it, we lose sight of the purpose of shipping in the first place. BL

    Bogum is a private person. He might be dating someone now who we don't know or isn't in the Ent-industry but are we gonna get angry because of that? No!

    As a PBG fan, his happiness is Top priority.

    Actors are allowed to have chemistry with their co-stars and the only way to do that is to be comfortable with each other that way, the audience will be sold(and also make us delulu). 

    I have been reading a lot of posts and it's ticking me off.

    Word of Advice: Don't ship Bogum with his costars in reality. You "might" get your heart broken.

    There will be other ships in the future and it's gonna be more headache with defending him(the blame might be placed on him if their ships don't work out). 




    speechless for those who think like that....... And we get more and more ppl like that since Bo Gum is getting very famous now. 

    Let's enjoy Bo Gum's acting in MDBC and hope he can get a good rest after 18th Oct. Since he will join 21st Oct trip to Philippines, hope he will eat, sleep and play well there. 


    5 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:




    only have 1 more week to go.... i cannot believe it....... omona


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