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Michelle Tang

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Posts posted by Michelle Tang




    5 minutes ago, mellinadear said:


    Huhuhu...he won't be able to attend/maybe he will.

    Awww....Domino Pizza sent a food truck to Gummy. How sweet of them.:)


    really?????? oh my god!!!!!! will he get an award??????? i hope he will!!!! which drama? reply 1988 or moonlight or both????

    • Like 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, yoohoo84 said:


    I totally see your point but the fact is he's always been that way toward HY, cold/distant or borderline rude. I love that he was upfront about his feelings and didn't string her along, but I wanted to see him being the gentleman that I know he is, not just to RO but to all girls, especially to one who doesn't mean him harm. 


    CP is not a gentleman to all girls. He only opens up himself to RO. Besides, from the scene i feel that CP has been trying his best to deal with HY in business tone. He needed to be alone to heal his wound and he could not then she interrupted at the wrong timing. Sigh...... i feels sorry for HY but she can't expect a wounded lion that will bite anytime be considerate enough to smile and escort her out the cave and say goodbye sweetly. 


    • Like 23
  3. 1 hour ago, 4evgbogummy said:

    There's an interview of PD Kim Sung Yoon on Naver published today. Translation below is from the Chinese translation.

    PD Kim attributed a huge part of the success of MDBC which, to him is a drama with little plot line and a tried and simple romance story, to the current Bogummy craze. He said he still finds it hard to believe the level of success MDBC has achieved.

    According to PD Kim, they had decided from the beginning that Bogummy will be the CP. There was no other actor in their minds. Because they wanted Bogummy, they had little difficulty getting funding investment and screening slots. To be frank, he had his doubts and anxiety as a director. He wondered if the Taek in R88 could be transformed into CP. 

    Now that the truth has been shown, he is happy he had worried for nothing. Not only has Bogummy successfully turned into CP, he has also created a new Park Bogum craze. PD Kim said the next 4 episodes will be very interesting and he asks audience to anticipate it (at this point I understood the timing for the interview haha.., yes PDnim, don't worry, we fans will continue to support MDBC because of Bogummy and we are here to stay for his sake alone.)

    He said MDBC's popularity is now unstoppable. Bogummy's eye acting has captured the hearts of all female audience. PD Kim said a huge part of the MDBC success (80%) is due to Bogummy alone, so much so that people are now calling MDBC 'Bogum's drama' and not a Sageuk drama or a romance drama.

    However it was not all smooth sailing right from the beginning. Initially, Bogummy struggled as the compatibility between the real person and CP did not immediately appear. PD Kim got Bogummy to practise the script and to get guidance from sunbaenim (I think it was the finance minister in MDBC, I can't be sure). Sunbaenim Kim felt that Bogummy lacked self confidence and had to build up his confidence. Thankfully, Bogummy's acting took off 2 months later and the transformation became complete. From that point onwards, Bogummy became fully CP. As episodes 1 and 2 had already been filmed and PD Kim felt he should put in more Bogummy's part, they re-filmed the two episodes and this was during the Olympics period. As a result, we audience could see the full brilliance of our Bogummy's acting.

    PD Kim then went on to talk about KYJ and how he and she also had to struggle with the transformation of a child actor into an adult role capable of exhibiting romance. ( won't fully translate this part)

    PD Kim then ended off by saying that MDBC was able to achieve a 20% rating because they have on board actors who are willing to take up the challenges and to work hard and better themselves in order that the audience can enjoy their performance. 

    (Incidentally, I just found out that this same PD directed School 2015 which had a good start but ended rather off color due to various reasons.)



    Thanks for sharing this. PD-nim's interview released at the right time. Thanks for recognizing the hard work from our Bogummy. Bogummy deserves an acting award for the CP transformation. 

    • Like 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, sara2908 said:

    Moonlight Drawn By Clouds Ep 13


    tv Report  - Naver: 'Moonlight', Park Bogum learns that Kim Yoo Jung is Hong Gyeong Nae's daughter...love is over?

    1. [+8,161, -124] When the background noise receded after hearing Ra On's name..Poor Lee Youngㅠㅠㅠㅠ

    2. [+7,043, -139] His world fell apart when he confirmed Ra On's name... Then it started pouring ㅠㅠmy heart sank when he lost the grip on the braceletㅠㅠ So sad

    3. [+5,886, -138] They looked so pretty on the bed with the prince offering his arm as a pillow and Ra On staring at him with her bright eyes.. And the kiss ㅠㅠ The bracelet scene in the end is really sad

    4. [+5,083, -120] Ah now he knows. What's gonna happen to them? ㅠㅠ

    5. [+4,974, -127] My heart burst at the kiss, the ending made me tear up ㅜㅜㅜ Only wanting Ra On and Lee Young to be happy ㅠㅠ I'm so in love with the OST and cinematography. Every episode is epic

    6. [+1,709, -16] He had a mental breakdown the moment he heard Ra On's name, I thought the screen was frozen. His acting is legendary, his facial muscles didn't move. Woah!

    7. [+1,625, -14] His mental breakdown upon hearing Ra On's name... Park Bogum's acting is daebak ㅜㅜㅜㅜ


    Osen - Nate: 'Moonlight', Park Bogum♥ Kim Yoo Jung, sad farewell kiss
    1. [+201, -4] He's like a puppy when with Ra On but he's a manly protector from behind. Knowing Ra On left, he didn't act like a hurt puppy but a hurt manㅠ Ra On is all smiles in front of the prince but cries behind him.. Seems cliche but both Yoo Jung and Bogum are expressing those emotions so well ㅠ

    2. [+199, -5] The sounds disappearing and the raindrops falling on his royal robe ㅜㅜ I'm so amazed with the directing. They leads are expressing sorrow very well but it's the directing and music that accentuate that heartbreaking feel

    3. [+178, -4] The rain symbolizing the prince's sorrow, it made that scene even sadder

    4. [+30, 0] Acting and directing were on point today!!!



     thanks for sharing the comments from Knet. And the bedscene really shows that CP is so manly and RO is so feminine. Just looking at 2 of them. So beautiful. 

    • Like 18

    9 minutes ago, plumblossom3 said:

    Omg. I can't. I really can't.  Don't know if I can watch tonight's episode. Still feeling so sad. And now starting to be very angry with Raon. How can she do that? How can she take away the choice the right to choose from CP? Like what he yelled at her when he rescued her from the Qing envoy. Who are you to decide what is good for me? 

    I'm so angry with her that she has so little faith in their love. That her first choice is to run away and condemn the person she supposedly love the most to such pain, such regrets (because he didn't even know it was goodbye) , such bitterness, such bewilderment. That she already made the decision on both their behalf without even the other person knowing. 

    Of course it's all for dramatic effect but I hope their first meeting after this CP will refuse to forgive her because she hurt him so deeply. Not because she's a traitor''s daughter, but because she's a traitor to their love. 


    i side you this time. CP should refuse to forgive when they reunite but...... knowing our CP, he can do that for 10 seconds? nah..... i think only 5 secs


    • Like 12
  6. 1 hour ago, limitedsin25 said:

    despite i also love the death glare he had, but it's also got me angry, HOW DARE MINISTER KIM GLARE AT OUR CP AND MAKE HIM ANGRY !!! HOW DARE HEEEEEEEE:angry: *breath lol*


    PM Kim is way too strong and he treats the king and CP like stupid. How can he did such thing in front of the CP? and sadly CP can't kill him!!!

    Kim Clan must be destroyed!!! He has no respect to the royal family anymore!!! i was so angry watching this scenes!!!!!

    CP, please crash Kim Clan soonest possible. You have to get married to gain more power!!! I approve!!!!!

    • Like 12
  7. 6 minutes ago, 4evgbogummy said:

    There's also a report that Park Kyunglim (hope I got the right name), a TV host, (I gather she's rather famous in SK and she's a good friend of many top Korean actors including  JIS) had predicted way back in 2014 after Coinlocker Girl that our boy will be a mega star. In fact she felt it took a bit longer than she expected.


    It is good that the fame comes when Bogummy is all ready. He is still young. He still has long way to go. root for him all the way :)

    • Like 7
  8. @ilwoo_aein   i feel the same too. If SJ accepts the Hwarang offer then i will support him. 50 episode really long and hope the production can cut short. The problem is the drama will be on showing concurrently in Korea and China since is a combined production. I believe he would made a wise choice. He knows what he wants to do and he knows his direction and position well. 

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