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Posts posted by Cuckooya

  1. Maybe not so soon....I feel there's a very good reason she's avoided verifying what her actual due date might be.  But yeah, I'm thinking she'll either have that baby really 'premature' or wayyyy 'overdue'...~snark snark~

    HJ is the real victim.. She just playing as a victim in this situation.

    "We need "CSI agent" for this psychopathic drama.

    I can't believe I will see a true version of CSI scene.

    Attorney LJM is Horatio Caine...



    • Like 11
  2. Thank you  NYCG @ for all updates.

    Look at the development of the  timeline  make me think of Kang Ho Dong who is once said in a variety show i forgot which one. He said Hyun Joong 's mind is too simple. I understood much more now what he mean by saying that. hyun Joong is too pure and his mind is too simple. He said what he think and never hide what he feel. He probably has never thought that somebody who he thinks can be a friend will deceive him or betray him very badly since he  is sincere to her/them.. KE is also the one he trusted but also abandoned him. It's so sad to witness that his pure and simple mind has harm him so badly. I hope HJ will maintain his pure heart and be an honest man he is after this nightmare end.  It makes me even want to do more to support him . What happen to him and his family should never happened to anyone.. .

    I hope our energy will keep  refreshing at the least every time we heard his music and re-watch his dramas and variety shows. We knew for sure we have never wrong about him. I understood some of us might feel tired because the negative they kept injecting to us either from the psycho-Choi , her tricky lawyer , the haters and those disgraced medias . However i believe if we keep working on supporting HJ and ATT.Lee with patient and determent we will see the blackmailer , gold digger woman and her associates fall in their own trap and go to jail. These people really deserve a jail time for what they did to HJ and his family. choi deserves to be punished for the crime she did whether she is pregnant with HJ's child or not. 

    The lies choi created and her actions not only ruin KHJ;s career but also has affected so many lives who care for him. It has been psychologically and emotionally harmful to not only to KHJ but those who care for him and also those  who care for justice.. I'm sure we can still find justice in this world.


    Agree with you.. yes.. yes.. Kang Ho Dong got said that.. that was on Barefoot Friends Diving Competition episode.

    he is a man with naive, kind, simple, honest and straight forward attude. Nothing can change this because he is born with it.

    He has been manipulate for so long time...

    stay strong and don't give up Kim Hyun Joong...

    just a few peoples want to bring you down.. but.. billions of peoples wish you win and live a happy life...

    Hyun Joong... Hwaiting!!

    • Like 11
  3. Now.. I can see the plot clearly.. no wonder it is not like a normal scandal.

    No wonder KE back off from HJ's case.

    WOW!! so good isn't it to DESTROY SOMEONE LIFE!!!

    to Choi!

    please.. be a woman with a pride and dignity not a woman who loves money and luxury the most. Have a kind heart is the key to live happily. I still can't believe this man is abuser not because i'm his fan but it is not parallel with his attitude.

    please Choi.. be a woman with a heart.. woman is precious when has a kind heart.

    • Like 11
  4. It's really not 'he said she said' - hasn't been for months.  It is SHE says, SHE accuses, his side reacts.  Often w/concrete evidence (you know, like MEDICAL statements).  She responds w/what SHE says, plus easily doctored 'evidence' ie text messages - reveals personal/private conversations that show nothing relevant to the case, and then whines about how KHJ's side are being mean & causing her stress.
    Yeah.  I see who the one keeping this case in the spotlight is - definitely not KHJ.   I really am hoping for a gag order on her - that will stop all the articles.

    Teleri.. i mean for this "he said she said" is from the other side nor Choi or KHJ, been read a lot make me feel so uneasy..

    • Like 3
  5. Totally unpredictable case.. today said like this.. then a few days later like this.. then next week.. another changing facts come out like that...

    so.. the progress? the conclusion? the evidence? the witness?

    tiresome with she said, he said.. but bring this case nowhere. If HJ truly guilty that prove it till last breath... it is easy.. no need to dragging like this. aiggooo.. I'm feeling so frustrated and angry for no reason.

    hiding behind the media but not face it with her own Face! Be straightforward.

    This case like she actually trying to blackmailed HJ. want to expose this and that.. when HJ give money she withdrawal her lawsuit.

    before hearing in court for this month.. what they do now? any progress besides telling media? can somebody clear about this? because I can't understand korean (yet) just based on translation.


    • Like 6
  6. I know - although I've defended KHJ from the beginning, I thought she had just blown everything out of proportion due to her being upset the relationship not working out.  I read some of the 'wilder' conspiracy theories & thought they couldn't be true.  But how wrong I was!!!  I left a message over on LZK's sight apologizing LOL  It just seems unbelievable, what she's done & still doing.  Poor KHJ :(

    Hi teleri,

    can u share that wilder conspiracy theory? just want to read it..

    • Like 7
  7. If she present a posetive DNA test the family should request their own re test and should be a different institution. I feel something fishy now. If she doesn't look nine months pregnant who knows ???she has already gave us so many drama episodes. If her att hasn't seen her for sometime where is she???.

    HJ may God keep you safe under his grace ur case has reached a boiling point now. We read and seen somuch but now you need God more than anyone. I old but I have never seen what u are expiriancing. 

    I'm shedding tears to read your phrase...so touched.

    He live a very hard life to achieve what he has right now..


    • Like 12
  8. [NEWS UPDATE-5] {8.7.2015}
    1) Choi before suing in August last year gave materials 4 pregnancy/ miscarriage by assault to MediaA, which informed KHJ's Agency of possesion of materials.
    2) KHJ, informed of fact, felt blackmailed by Choi/MediaA & gave 600MW. Then, MediaA didn't report it further & Choi withdrew the case.
    최 씨 측이 김현중을 고소하기 전, 지난해 8월 임신, 폭행으로 인한 유산에 대한 관련 자료를 A매체에게 넘겼다. 그 후 이 매체는 김현중의 소속사에게 최 씨가 건네준 자료가 있단 걸 알렸다”고 전했다.
    cr translation: @sunsun_sky

    iframe&gt;<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/135650061" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I call it threatened with the intention to get something in exchange . KE's answer is so coward. ATT.Lee is right about choi and media A. Please Korean public and the Korean justice system you do not need this ma-practise that harm to your citizens..

    Hi Vivian6686,

    I'm getting confuse right now.. Now Media A also involve? (mean Allkpop?)

    sorry for this lateness of understanding.

    I think Dispatch . the trash tabloid media in Korea. I'm sure they read our post .How come Dispatch wants to be a criminal rather than a trash media.

    Pity to HJ... :(

    Things that he afraid of.. now it is happen for real...

    • Like 3
  9. What is going on? Key East does not agree with him about Media A threat? This does NOT look good to me!



    A rep from Key East claimed, "We didn't feel that we were threatened by 'A' but just thought of it as routine coverage," making a firm distinction between what Kim Hyun Joong had deemed a "threat." 'A' also denied the lawyer's claim, stating, "It was simply routine coverage.


    yes.. since beginning.. HJ only fight it with his lawyer and family..

    KE doesn't bother this case.

    • Like 4
  10. [NEWS UPDATE-5] {8.7.2015}
    1) Choi before suing in August last year gave materials 4 pregnancy/ miscarriage by assault to MediaA, which informed KHJ's Agency of possesion of materials.
    2) KHJ, informed of fact, felt blackmailed by Choi/MediaA & gave 600MW. Then, MediaA didn't report it further & Choi withdrew the case.
    최 씨 측이 김현중을 고소하기 전, 지난해 8월 임신, 폭행으로 인한 유산에 대한 관련 자료를 A매체에게 넘겼다. 그 후 이 매체는 김현중의 소속사에게 최 씨가 건네준 자료가 있단 걸 알렸다”고 전했다.
    cr translation: @sunsun_sky

    iframe&gt;<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/135650061" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I call it threatened with the intention to get something in exchange . KE's answer is so coward. ATT.Lee is right about choi and media A. Please Korean public and the Korean justice system you do not need this ma-practise that harm to your citizens..

    Hi Vivian6686,

    I'm getting confuse right now.. Now Media A also involve? (mean Allkpop?)

    sorry for this lateness of understanding.

    • Like 6
  11. Judging from the pics, she's attractive - if you just forget WHO she is LOL - and available.  Good enough to play w/...  But yeah, her heart & soul are diseased.  

    Judging from the pics, she's attractive - if you just forget WHO she is LOL - and available.  Good enough to play w/...  But yeah, her heart & soul are diseased.  

    yes... agree with you.. She is quite pretty for me..

    HJ life becoming upside down .. after this statement release on April 2014

    "During his interview with news portal Newsen, he was asked to share his thoughts on marriage, to which he answered, "I don't think I can get married."

    He continued, "By the time I finish my army duties, I will be 35 years old. I used to think that it's a must to get married, but over time, I changed my mind. I don't think I can commit to the responsibilities of having a family because I love working too much. I think I would consider marriage only when I stop being an actor."

    On dating, he admitted, "I would be lying if I said I didn't date. In fact, I was secretly dating last year, but I'm currently single."

    "At my age, I only want to date freely. I don't want to hold someone back with an immature love. Instead of planning over-the-top events and surprises, I want to just have meals with her and hold hands while walking. Ordinary relationships are better," he added.

    He also said, "I will never go public with a relationship unless I plan on getting married to the woman. She will lose so much if we admit our relationship but then break up. This is a way of showing my respect to the other person."

    Kim Hyun Joong is currently preparing to meet fans through a world tour and a new studio album."




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  12. The more revealed.. the more trouble.

    the more speak out.. the more trouble..

    the more silent.. trouble remain trouble..

    haters remain haters...

    once has been hated.. people will forget all the goods deeds.



    Hi cuckooya, I completely agree with you - At the end of the day there are lessons learned for both in the hardest way. Celebrity is also a human being, so they're not perfect. They can say all they want but I will still support him. Ye, I'm disappointed and I know KHJ himself isn't the cleanest guy so, I'm still a fan. I'm still taking his side. :P


    Hi willenette, This case already beyond the limits, wrong interpretation will give wrong conclusion and wrong thoughts to billion of peoples (which has so many degree level of comprehension.

    HJ is human being not an angel. He tend to make mistake. He didn't perfect. People see him as perfect because see him as 4D prince. seen him in drama as a romantic , charming and perfect prince. Why can people don't understand. he is only a human being who can suddenly make mistake. In Drama, how many NG they will have to get a perfect shot? agree with you.. he isn't that cleanest guy like people see.

    At least.. support him and differentiate between right or wrong. If Choi is a victim. he is also the victim right now. and the effect for him is much bigger. I can't say anything. but..

    Wish him will strong to face this hard situation in his life. He is living with a hard life before this. but this is his the most hard situation. A destiny to change him to a better life and better person in the future.


    too much hypocrisy at these netizen, bloggers, media !

    when they dare to insult an artist with dirty and hardest words, what they are !?
    when they dont like an artist they throw dirty words on him/her, on actresses more which they don't like to destroy a drama or to control the artist destiny !

    when you get angry you can talk whatever you want, and to be malicious is the easiest thing ! 

    Hi slaura83, Yes.. I also think the same as you.. How can they insult with all those bad words continuously. even it is on the net. but it show their true inner also.


    • Like 8
  13. Did I miss something? She broke his door? When? His house door?

    Can someone elaborate on that? Thank you.


    This case is so complicated, I am frustrated as we don't have direct information, most of us have to rely on ENG translate ...also we can't have all the news because we don't live in Korea.


    Hope you are not as frustrated as I am.  I plan to not reading news until the result of trial in end of September.  Everything released now until then is basically not evident in court.  I think KHJ will win because there is no medical proof of anything she said so I am not worried about the trial, I am just frustrated of all the BS  coming from nowhere....with no real explainations/facts/proof/too much of he says she says....

    I totally agree of what you saying...

    I wish could somebody give direct information to remove all the bad thought that has been viral now.

    HJ's side remain silent. need to wait until september (baby will born)

    for me, the only thing can prove those message is true or not. It is from Kim Hyun Joong's phone

    if it is sync to Choi's text. then it is true.

    telecommunication center will have the records for all old messages ( i don't know in SK either they kept it or not)

    In the situation like this, not all people will be positive, as we now the negative aura is more stronger than positive.

    it's so frustrated and shocked . Frust because Only Choi "talking out loud no response from any HJ's side (friends who back up him). I'm shocked with the words using in KHJ's text. even still denied it is not true. but when read at first time, still shocked with the rudeness and harsh words.

    How can this woman, still happy even it is rude? Aigo.. if asking also there will be no answer...

    That's make this situation complicated because Only Choi text messages talking. None from HJ's side.

    This thing happen between both parties. so media should expose both parties messages (just to be fair enough). so.. Choi is win in media right now.

    Sorry... I hope his family stay strong with this tired situation. and their life definitely in hardship , especially to face community





    Concerning the case I mainly read update news from here and 2 other sites. At the kpop sites I Just read roughly mainly i read the comments. People who believe the psycho text message because mainly they want to believe anyways. The one with logic thinking will ask what the message is going to do with the pregnancy and miscarried she claimed and will question about the motives. However even it did affect HJ's image but it does not make any good for the one who exposed to the public either. It just showed clearly that she wants a medias play since she has someone in the medias to back her. for the text message whether it edited or not as long as HJ is O.K and can deal with it I'm O.K too. personally I.m not surprise if she made it more favorable to her story. 


    I think now HJ is more focus on the truth rather than a nonsense text message and wants the truth to be revealed especially  about the pregnancy and miscarried of last June which choi keep threatening him for the past 7-8 months.  I believe in his story and will be patient till the court day as his father said.. In the meantime keep supporting him and encourage him to make the best out of his military 's time in PAJU.

    yes.. roughly people will believe it..

    because the media keep on and repeatedly show how bad HJ is.. repeated messages can influence other people like an advertisement. especially who is don't bother and just believe what they read.

    all media on net expose what come from Choi.. they highlight about the text message exclusively as breaking news.


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  14. Become worse everyday..

    She using a dirty attack..

    playing with media...

    If she is really professionally want to lawsuit HJ. suppose all document must be submitted and proceed the trial. and settle it ASAP.

    What she is doing more to revenge, manipulate, destroy and humiliate Kim Hyun Joong.

    Even (if ) all the evidence is true. She should submit all..

    Aigoo.. tired and sick with this soap opera...

    Keep pray and hope.. Kim Hyun Joong and family.. stay strong.. to face this situation till last..



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