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Posts posted by bORicha.

  1. ^ maybe it's connection problems? it works for me.. hm.

    AH i finally started watching this; i wanted to just wait until all the eps with hardsubs were out but i couldn't help myself. hahaha

    love this drama. it's so cute. (:

    and yayy subs are out! man, i wish i were japanese. lol

    thanks for the link. :)

  2. bORicha.: ahaha don't lie! I know if given the chance, you'd totally jump kick me in the face, and then take my flowers!!

    aww come on. i'm not that mean.

    i'd atleast put one flower in your hair then run off. ;DD LOL

    i love the girl with knife thing. hahaha poor guy. =P

    and in the third comic, is the guy touching the girls BOOB?! O: oh, the violation.

    that would earn a guy a nice slap in the face and kick in the ballllls. lolll



    - Well... I was mostly lazy AHUAHUAHAUAH. ;D. Plus I was getting too comfortable with summer. And you know what they say, distance brings people closer together. So I hope this brought us closer ;D

    oh, man, you are corny. :P

    update soon! =D

  3. ..... i'll pedal once you put that whip down and apologize!!

    how dare you whip me. :tears:

    i bet you're not THAT much older than me.. considering you live with your mom still. haha

    either that or you could be going to a nearby college...

    if you're in college then.... :mellow: *bows*


    ooh! another pic.

    tsk, you should take a high quality pic where we can see you fully.

    you like being mysterious? aahahah

    nice shirt btw.

    thanks for the pm. ^^

  4. got your pm!

    LOL two seater bike? hottt. :P

    and no, unfortunately, i can't drive. T__T

    i wish i could though. not legal yet. (yes, i'm that young.)

    aahahaha the trivia. cute.

    you really like smiles. =)

    ooh. i'm part of the 13%. =P

    not a surprise. i can't een drive yet. hahhahahaha

    besides, i prefer that 13%. i'vealready pledged my purity until i get married anyway.

    how about you?

    the poor boy.

    i don't think i've witnessed such a cruel rejection before..

    but nonetheless, that's really cruel. aahahaha

    what a jerk.! she rejected him AND messed his hair up. :crazy:

    nice update. and thanks for the pm. ;)

  5. ^ it's perfectly normal.

    usually your voice turns out to sound different than what you think when you listen to a recording of yours

    it's because you dont really listen to yourself sing

    youre too busy thinking about what you're supposed to be singing. :P

    but after a while of listening to your own recordings, you get used to it.

  6. bORicha.: You can never be too young!! Unless the law says so, in that case, don't report me!! We're homies!!

    Yea it's pretty awesome to hang out with me, and I've been telling everyone that, yet they're not interested! So friggin baloney!!

    hahahahaha oh yes. homie. :P

    if i could never be too young i'd be driving right now. -__-;

    lol. i love the way you spelled bologna. you sound so proffessional. haha

    oh pm list mee. :)

    and for the trivia question...

    i have no clue. is it that the background is gray?

    btw, i think that last one is amazingly cute. haha

  7. bORicha.: Yea I use my eyes to lure in female viewers, *seduces you with my eyes* is it working?

    hahahha oh yes. *swoons* ;)

    very cute.

    i love coming to this thread. ^^;

    you're so silly. *pinches cheeks*

    and all of your comics are so loveable. =)

    hm.. i'm not sure about the third one--

    i was never really too good at those kinds of fill in the blanks things.

    ... uh... ...

    okay i've looked through a bunch of the comics again and i have no idea.

    i give up. T__T

  8. ^ you have to download LAME mp3 encoder...

    you can find it on google easily.

    it's like... less than a mb i think. if not, i know it's no more than like.. 3.

    then all you have to do is click

    file>>export as mp3

    and theres going to be some kind of pop up saying you need lame

    and if you have it downloaded, click "locate lame"

    then that should do it. :)

  9. how do i convert the song file to mp3 to upload on soundclick?

    help please.

    do you use audacity?

    when you use audacity, just export it as an mp3.

    file > export as mp3

    you have to download lame though. ..

    but its only a little over one mb.. not too big of a deal.

    but if you dont use audacity then you have to download an audio converter.

    I've been using audacity

    but then I tried to "fiddle" with it..and now..

    When I open the instrumental and press record the instrumental doesn't play.

    So I don't know when to start singing..etc.

    ..am I making sense.?

    Help..? ^________^;;;

    that's strange.

    did you check the volume settings?

    ..or maybe.. is the instrumental on mute?

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