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Posts posted by bORicha.

  1. Loser. See if I ever like you again. HEH. :tongue2:

    If you're mad at me then you're a pansy- and I hope you're not because then I'd be embarrassed to ever have liked you.

    .. But, yeah, I hope you're not mad at me. I'm sorry.?

    Please tell me you avoided me out of embarrassment and not hate. asdfjkl;

  2. Interesting. I pictured all of the vampires to be caucasian since they're supposed to have gorgeous, pale skin, but he looks like a good laurent to me. haha

    I can't wait for thissssss.

    aww, I'm kind of disappointed about rosalie, but I think alice is gorgeous.

  3. omg you FINALLY updated. @__@ I thought you died or something-- either that, or you decided that you hated me and decided to not PM me or something. :tears:

    Cute update. =) LOL I love the pic- it's like cool gangster but then there's a huge "POOPINESS" sign on it. :P

    I feel bad not writing a lot but I don't really have much to say.

    I feel so anti-social compared to some girls in here. :(

    & isn't your name Ruth or something? I remember reading that on a reply somewhere..

  4. (Sorry to bump this topic. lol)

    Hi! Well, I recently quit a dance team and I pretty much have nothing to do with my life anymore. :P

    I've been wanting to take up some form of martial arts for a long time and thought that this would be a good opportunity to, so yeah.

    Any suggestions of what form of martial arts I should go for?

    I'm a super beginner in this (except I took tae kwon do for about a year when I was little- but I don't really remember anything so.. >>).

    Basically, I'm just asking for some forms of martial arts that others find to be fun. =)

    Thank youu~ ^^

  5. omg she's really good. o_o

    looks gorgeous playing the piano too. is she part of an entertainment company??

    eck, i'm glad she got exposure from being in anyband. she deserves being noticed. (:

  6. sorry if posted but i found this... taeyang...


    when my sis first see this pic, she was like " eh, shindong from suju?" LOL.. ᄏᄏᄏ so cute!

    OMG that looks SO much like shindong. O_O lmao. xDD

    omg i LOVE the butt gif of taeyand. :lol:

    i think his jacket makes his butt looks like it's stocking out even more cause it flops up. hahaha

    thanks for sharing all the clips and pics, everyone. ^^

  7. YEP!! I made those button things this morning. I think it helps people look for certain sections better.

    AHAHA new name? hm.... what do you suggest? Because I'm leaning toward gym socks ;]

    YES, a new name.

    what? now i'm a PANTY?? -___- lol

    do something like princesses. I want to be a princess. :lol:


    omg tricks? lmao is that even possible? O__O

    awwww the poor fat guy. T0T so mean. LOL

    fat people are fun. =D

    the poem was so sad. did you lose a girlfriend recently or have something bad happen to you?

    don't go emo on me now. lol

    thanks for FINALLY updating. D< haha

  8. oh, I have single eyelids and several people have just STARED at my eyes and went "whoa... your eyes..."

    then they'd ask me like how I blink and such WHILE saying that it's cool- as if that'd make me feel any better. >>

    it just made me feel like I was some freaky looking animal that little boys think are awesome.

    AND... I specifically remember a little kid calling me FLAT FACE in elementary school. :tongue2:

    meanies. T__T

  9. ^ yeah, the pop up says that you don't have permission to write/comment.

    I think that maybe they just made it so that no one could comment because, well, celebrities' sites would be over flooded with comments. ^^;

  10. OMG. i just watched the last episode and was nearly crying myself..

    especially with all of those goodbyes and everything


    NOOOO it can't be over!!!

    how am I gonna live without my weekly hana kimi episodes?

    nakatsu! sano! ghost boy! everyoneee. T__T;;;;

    mann it feels so weird to know that it's over. D:

    i'm gonna miss it so much.

    I want a special ending so badly. Is it possible that they'll make one?

    because like with all of the guys coming to california and all...


    but yeah.


    and everyone who uploaded and made graphics and gifs and everything. thank youuu!!

    and one last thing.



    okay. byebye. :tears:

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