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Posts posted by mathi

  1. On 4 March 2016 at 2:22 PM, xoxoprincessxoxo1000 said:

    Here's my poem of the day:


    I have nothing to say

    But here's one thing 

    So Ji Sub is Bae (btw bae means before and always...its a shortened version of baby or babe)

    Sorry girls

    Get Out Of The Way 

    He's my BAE 

    If you want a piece of bae

    There's a lot you have to pay 

    But in the end of day

    So Ji Sub probably has a secret fiance T_T 

    But that's okay

    My love grows for him everyday 


    Okay sorry my poem is really lame but I was bored and I felt I wasn't contributing to this forum a whole lot. So here's a poem straight from my heart. Maybe I'll hand it in for English class. Hopefully I'll get an A 

    Oh my god I'm such a rhyme master...


    Dear @xoxoprincessxoxo1000 you're definitely the fan who's full of surprises honey. First, the lovely Poem then, the sketch. Thanks  my dear for being an awesome Princess!!!:)

    Thank you dear Jisubbers for the juicy updates! He looks absolutely sexy in the new Marmot catalogue! :wub::wub::wub:

    @sojisubaddicted since I've tried to dive into SJS's music, I found SJS's haters criticized him awfully since the beginning. Hey Lovely, I guess it's time to defend our precious Rapper G. Please just give me some time honey! :sweatingbullets:


    ** My dears, do you remember  the other day our friends here posted SJS's special rings? Today, a nice fan found a picture where he wore one of them on his little finger. So sorry for the picture just focused on his hand only... Well, the closed up of his lips is also a very nice view, right? :lol:




    (Credit MK51)



    • Like 6
  2. Fan art



    (Credit as tagged)


    ** My dear friends, are you a brave fan?

    Please don't be surprised at the question! :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

    Ahem... Sojisubar has just posted a few good quality pictures of Mr So, among them is one unseen photoshoot for SONICe Magazine 2012

     These are the covers we know:





    Please check the spoiler for another nose-bleeding picture, my dearests!!!






    • Like 2
  3. Thanks to drama Oh My Venus, the martial art Jiu Jit-su becomes more popular. 

    On Komore.com, there was an article discussing some details on it. The sexy technique actually has a name : THE CLOSED GUARD TECHNIQUES :sweatingbullets:

    My dear friends, I guess it wouldn't be waste if we girls have some good ideas up in our sleeves.


    Protect Yourself! – Oh my Venus

    By Jinwoo Choi, December 2015

    Jiu-jitsu is a martial arts that anybody can learn. If you want to develop your confidence in protecting yourself, it is perfect for you! Basically, you learn how to overcome stronger and larger opponent using the leverage positioning.



    In “Oh My Venus” episode5, Jooeun(Shin Min-a) learns jiu-jitsu from Youngho(So Ji-sub) to protect herself from a stalker. If you have never done jiu-jitsu before, it would have been hard to understand what he was trying to teach and you would probably only remember the romantic accidental kiss!! But, there are so many techniques that you can learn from this scene. Let’s review what Youngho taught her!




    At the beginning of the training, Youngho tells Jooeun to attack him as much as she wants pretending she is a stalker. He is on the bottom and she is on the top, she tries to attack him but she cannot reach him. All of sudden, he wraps his legs around her body and pulls her down with controlling her arms. What’s happening here?
    If you don’t know how to protect yourself on the bottom, the first thing you do is trying to get up. If you are just eager to sit up, you are running into punches. But, look at him! He is on the bottom but not beaten up. What he first did was wrapping his legs around her body. Doing so, he was able to pull her down! It’s called closed guard in jiu-jitsu which is a basic position to protect yourself on the bottom. He is also controlling her arms with his hands. You can see he knows how to manage the distance well. When he has distance with her, he avoids punches ,not rushing to get up then he closes distance with pulling her down and controlling her arms from possible attacks. This is the basic thing you should know when you defend yourself on the bottom.
    One more thing! They accidently end up kissing during training but you should avoid any possible kisses or head butts unless it is not a romantic situation!!!...
    • Like 4
  4. 9 hours ago, Mwee said:


    Found this link in another thread there.  It seems it's an article about SJS's home, office and how close it is to SMA?  

    Any kind fan here who can read Korean to help us translate or give a brief summary?  Thank you so much!


    @Mwee thanks dear for the link!!!

    Mr SJS and Miss SMA indeed lived in the same building a few years back. However, SMA's fans said she had moved and currently lives in a villa.

    Wow, the interior of 51k office look fantastic with those shelves full of trophies. He's the winner in many Award Events.  Our SJS shared that he likes to design his office in a warm color. 

    These pictures repost from dear Mwee's link above:







    *** I happened to read this article, the New Yorker moved to South Korea because she loves "all things Korea", she also mentioned a bit of our man SJS :lol:

    I’m an Alien, and That’s OK (Adventures in Korea)

    Posted on 01/19/2012 by KURLYKOLLY

    "I am writing this guest blog while drinking a bottle of soju in Daegu, Korea. (I’ve just discovered it tastes great with mango juice.) A few years ago, I became obsessed with all things Korean. I’m in love with Korean food, dramas, and music. I cannot speak Korean well so I decided that I would immerse myself in the language completely and move to the “motherland.” This way I can understand So Ji Sub clearly when he confesses his love for me. One week of vacation in Seoul just wouldn’t do, so last January, I made a New Year’s resolution: move to South Korea.

    After months of interviews and rejection letters, I left for South Korea in October to become an ESL teacher. Naturally my family was supportive.

    My father: “Which part of Korea? I can’t bail you out of jail in North Korea.”

    My mother: “You’re going to end up in a prison camp!”

    My sister: “God, you really want an Asian man that bad?”

    - Yes..."


    - Future husband--So Ji Sub-

    ** My friends, for the rest of the interesting article, please check on this link (it seemed she didn't meet SJS otherwise her story would be perfect!)


    • Like 4
  5. 3 hours ago, sojisubaddicted said:


    소지섭 So Ji Sub As A Rapper 

    “Rap is fun. I think it’s one way to communicate with my fans and we can have a good time when we are rapping. That’s one way for me to get close to my fans" (TMS interview)

    I hope someone here will write about So Ji Sub as a rapper;) ...one day. 



    @sojisubaddicted "someone" definitely heard your wish, babe :lol: :sweatingbullets:........


    An old picture of Mr Cool :wub:



    A gifts set from dear Jisub-aholic 


    tumblr_nu5hldAkdw1s6lc4do1_400.gif tumblr_nu5hldAkdw1s6lc4do2_400.gif

    tumblr_nu5hldAkdw1s6lc4do3_400.gif tumblr_nu5hldAkdw1s6lc4do4_400.gif


    • Like 4
  6. Thanks to the drama Road Number One which shooting in the first half of 2010, actor So Jisub had been at DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), border between South and North Korean, to film. The forbidden wood attracted the fearless man with many wild sceneries. He walked into it, amazed...

    A few months later, the photo essay book THE WAY by So Jisub was published, revealed to the world beautiful Gangwon-do landscapes which been forgotten for nearly 60 years.

    The Way was a best-seller.

    The Way made him a legend.

    Indeed, who else in The Republic of Korea earns a road 51 km along the nature of mountain, waterfall, flowers and wild life as him?

    As a fan who couldn't read Hangul, I'm kind of "anxious" over the book for a long time. I wish to understand how he felt during his journey. Hope one day we'll have an English version of The Way to learn more of him. In the meantime, my dear friends, I bring you this little piece.

    I have no intention of disrespect his copyright. Hope you treat me lightly, my dearests!


    PART I








    The Way photo essay book (or SJS’s Sketchbook) was released to public by 31st of August 2010. He made a lot of headlines, as usual.

    An article on Dramabeans:


    So Ji-sub’s book becomes bestseller


    “Within ten days of its release, So Ji-sub‘s photo-essay book hit the bestseller list and received a warm reception from fans. It’s already sold 50,000 copies by pre-order, and has entered its third printing.


    The book, entitled So Ji-sub’s Road, is a collection of photographs and essays. He also writes about his interactions with various writers and artists, like rapper Tiger JK. The usually taciturn and stoic So Ji-sub reveals his inner thoughts throughout the book, drawing a lot of interest from fans. It’s nice to see him take the first step past his reticent image…”



    Would you like to know some behind the scene details, my dears? SJS himself shared them in an interview on  Movieweek Magazine issue September 2010:


    "So Ji Sub Road" So Ji Sub comfortable walk


    Q. Road Number One has completed to air last July & you seem very busy.

    A. Drama filming ended in June because it's a pre-production work. Afterwards, I did get busy working on my advertising & photoshoots. Of course, besides the travel to Gangwon Province.


    Q. "So Ji Sub Road" is a photo essay. it has photos here & there with written pieces done by yourself. Do you have the habit to write down daily journal (diary)?

    A. I'm not good at writing, but i slowly/gradually began to write in preparation of this book. Nowadays, there are a lot of tools that can help one easily write a lot like cell phones & notebooks.


    Q. There are not many actors who have the chance to write something. Was there any study process?

    A. Because i tried to write. I mean, writing was not forced, i wanted to write down my thoughts in a light way. In that sense, i did 'caring' writing.


    Q. Was it the first time for you to visit Gangwon province?

    A. I remember being there before but not personally, at many times I was with fellow actors & stuff. I did not had time to tour around because of work.


    Q. You're an Incheon native. How different is it from back home?

    A. In Incheon, you can enjoy watching the sea endlessly, but there is no place where you can see the mountains. While this time it's over 1800 meters above the sea level, there are mountains, rivers, lakes, sea and other kinds of natural scenery, i really enjoyed this variety of nature. I visited Peonchibol (Coastal basin), we had to take permission from the Ministry of Environment. Really "very beautiful!"


    Q. In the beginning of the book, you reveal the hope "with no face to face, wearing slippers to go out and no one to recognize my place ". But this is not the end of travel in the Gangwon-do, did not it end up as a nice pictorial tour with the different genres of clothes?

    A. At least, it's not the same as in acting, it showed me the way I am. To put together a trip like this, while having comfortable conversation with all my "guests" as well as enjoying the surrounding landscapes. When shooting pictorial for magazines and advertisements would be different. It did feels like a comfortable rest for my mind rather than work.


    Q. There were Tiger JK, the cartoonist Park Jae, the novelist Lee Wes, photographer Lee Eun and seven other guests. Was it your first encounter with all of them, except Tiger JK?

    A. I have read about them in books & saw them on TV, I felt much more comfortable with them in person. We talked so much, that was the most memorable event: seeing such places with such gifted guests. One day, we were very concerned about the weather for filming, we had already sought for permission from the Environment ministry. But we had a foggy landscape and a storm was ready to blow, we were forced to wait until it calms down. Fortunately, the scheduled shooting with Professor Park Jae became possible in the afternoon.

     (credit movieweek - Translation by Hind)


    The sketchbook contents 336 pages, size 201*196mm, with 8 chapters (or 8 sketches). Each sketch displayed a special color which actor SJS had experienced during his way.

    Chinese fans on Huaren51k.blog even made a details route for his journey:



    He did travel a lot, didn't he?



    My friends, readers who can read Hangul (Korea Version 2010), Japanese (Japan Version 2011) and Chinese (Taiwan Version 2013) must have a very good time enjoy The Way book.

    This is a small skeleton:

     ** Sketch 1: Relax and Travel

    Jisub started from Port Daejin. Coastal life held certain interesting with busy morning at the harbour, the tetrapods, the lighthouse... made the child of Incheon thoughtful.



    ** Sketch 2: Freedom

    Spending a good time with Mr Tiger JK. Discussed about the sound of life and how he thought it might take one step to get out of the nutshell but sometimes it needed a lot of courage. 



    ** Sketch 3: Dreams

    A twenty years old girl accompanied him for the tour going to watch the wildlife in the nature and visit Museum of Red- Crowned Crane in Cheorwon

    First meeting at the train station, hiding the awkwardness, he asked:

    ** Do you have a boyfriend?

    ** No. Nowadays I like an Idol.

    ** Who?

    ** I like BEAST (K-Pop Group??)

    Scratching his head, feel like he was absolutely an Ahjussi here.



    ** Sketch 4: Healing

    Old area sure embraces a lot of old structure and abandon houses after War... The weed is still growing nevertheless.





    ** Sketch 5: Youth, Passion

    Visiting Gamsung village, been shared great stories by the novelist.





    ** Sketch 6: Memories

    Met two new young friends on a rainy day. Enjoyed walking on the hanging bridge over Duta pond; Enjoyed taking photos everywhere in the wood, from a little spring, small animals to a wild yellow lily soared with raindrops.

    Amazed to see the goats in nature.

    "The goats seem mysterious yet beautiful look..."




    ** Sketch 7: Ours, Mine

    Thoughtful Sketch over the land of war...

    Visited The Desire Bell or The Silent Bell. Got to strike The World Peace Bell.  There is a very meaningful story behind this huge bell. Hope one day we get to read it in English.

    He wrote: "It's a warm, somehow sad, and yet also a strange sound"  





    ** Sketch 8: PEACE, LOVE

    How great his day on Soyang Lake and Yong Swamp that made him thought of such a topic?

    My dear friends, please enjoy the very last part of The Way through a small story.

    The girl character here is totally from imagination but her feelings are real. These feelings may be mine or also yours, ladies, who have ever fluttered by him, So Jisub...








    Once you said you don't ever believe in love at first sight. I do.

    Joining the photographers team as a local guide, see you with my own eyes, my heart has gone for good.

    16 years’ gap, geography, social standards are all cruel things standing between us…

    Yet, here I am, a little girl on the prairie, sending my love to the strong wind that embrace you hard in the afternoon. Jisub oppa, Son of the Wind, I love you!…










    June 2010

    My boss told me to guide these special guests to Soyang Lake and Yong Swamp on a bad day when a thunderstorm is coming close…

    ** “Why?!” I asked.

    ** “Well, these Seoul customers of ours won’t step back in any kind of weather”, he said with a mysterious smile.

    He sounded like Seoul people are all Iron men, LOL. Okay then, Boss. Let’s see how it turns out.

    Since finished High school, I’ve worked for a tiny tour guide business in this tiny village of Gangwon-do. I live on my own, trying to be a good girl. Mom and Dad sure bless me from the Heaven and give me strength.

    How’s the life of a girl 17 years of age who lives alone, you wanted to know? A part from work, a TV, an old computer and the little cat Kato are my best friends.




    I love the clearing in Gangwon-do.

    I love the lake which changes color under the sky, love the purple mountain standing protectively at our border.

    And, I love this one man in MISA drama who always makes me miss Mom so much.

    Oh, to a small girl, Cha Moo Hyuk Ahjussi was absolutely perfect.




    Remember that day I turn 11 years old and scared to see my first period. It’s also the first time I watched him in MISA, felt like something hit me hard on the chest. I liked the man who cried his heart out over his Mom! I liked his cool look and everything! I believed he’s waiting for me somewhere till the day we meet.

    “One day I’ll be grown up and get to see you Ahjussi. The real life you must be awesome, please be my great protector!”

    Time flies, the childish thought remains. Who knows one day he would come with the rain…




     As planned, we use 2 boats to pick up Seoul guests by Soyang Lake then head to Yong Swamp of Daeum Mountain, one boat for the “models” and the other for the photographers and me. They’re getting off the van and walking toward us. A tall man in white shirt has immediately caught my eyes.




    The air about him is somewhat overwhelmed. He’s cool, confident, strong and gentle at the same time. And he looks familiar! Ah, what’s with me?

    I spring into action, greet the team and happen to meet the tall man in the eyes. The whole world suddenly turns upside down but him in front of me. Lost in his deep eyes, I found myself swimming in this sea of happiness. Tide after tide hit me on the face but I triumphant yell to the sky that I found him at last…

    He’s So Jisub, the man I love ever since. Oh Ahjussi, are you for real?

    A hand touches me on the shoulder sends me down to earth from my own frenzy.

    He nods to me while someone chimes in the background that he’s actor So Jisub; that they work on a photo journal book in my area; that my local sceneries are quite wild and natural… blah blah…

    Oh dear, many thanks for the compliments but I don’t feel alright at all. I’m on the ninth cloud, LOL… Talking of clouds, the sky seems threaten us with a very dark color. However, these Iron men from Seoul are like “No problem here!” though.

    Jisub oppa asks me in concern:

    ** “Are you alright?”

    Oh, he’s so nice!!! His deep voice sends a new wave of emotions to my poor heart. I blush, unable to utter a word.

    Oppa then helps the old gentleman on board and we all get ready to cross Soyang Lake.




    His standing on the boat looks like the General of our troops, my hero.




    With some beard on the chin, hair tousled in the wind, he’s utmost handsome beyond words. Hearts keep shooting out of my eyes.




    The Lake welcomes us peacefully but my mind is far from calm. Why only him makes my heart fluttered? What’s so wrong to adore a man nearly double my age? Not any man but the famous actor So Jisub! Would he see me as a normal fan girl like other million fans of his or worst, just as a kid? An unknown girl in a remote area dreams of touching the brightest star on the sky. Is it possible???

    I put one hand into the lake, feel cool water soothing on my skin. As long as there’s love, it doesn’t matter, right?




    The weather is bad. An obscure sky promises a heavy rain.




    People said a thunderstorm is coming soon. But we don’t have time to change schedule, do we?

    Definitely the trip across Soyang Lake to Yong Swamp would be an interesting one with or without raining.




    I feel good on rainy days but I don’t know why,

    maybe because of the earthy smell and the sound of the falling rain….

     When I was younger, I used to go out drinking soju on rainy days. Somehow I felt lonelier while I’d been drinking in the sound of raindrops on the street stall’s roof.

    The rain often brought back these “ancient” memories for no reason.

    I remembered I had ever been waiting for someone for a really long time.

    Sometimes I’d been crying waiting for my mom,

    or sometimes I’d been waiting for the girl I was in love with,

    since I was a bit expecting of her coming, I paced untired around the subway station or in front of her house.

     Nowadays, we can call up to tell someone if we’ll be even 5 minutes late.

     Actually I still don’t care of waiting for someone…”

    (Rainy days, The Way page 203,

    English translated by Jisub-aholic)


    The lake is vast. Open water wanders sheepishly under the dark sky. Humid hangs thick in the air.




    Since I’m an ex-swimmer, people might think I’m always at ease in the water. Well, sometimes it’s not. 

    “When I was a child, I lived in Incheon.

     Those days the concrete tetrapod hadn’t been placed on the coast of the town,

     I’d used to run around there, and sometimes followed other ahjussies.

    Sometimes my friends and I even flopping down to fish at that coast since we were not afraid of anything.




    However, honestly I really fear of the sea by now

    (though I even swam across Korean Strait with The Korean Dream Team long time ago). Everyone seems always surprised at this.

    Those who have experienced of swimming in the ocean will know.

    There is nothing but fear at how deep and dark under the sea…

    No one knows what hidden inside it.

    Although people have tripped into space, yet, nobody has ever learnt enough of what under the deep blue sea.”

    (Fear, The Way page 22,

    English translated by Jisub-aholic)


    I turn to check on the other boat and happen to meet her eyes again…

    Maybe my legs are shaking because of standing on the little boat for a while, or maybe because of the way she silently gazes at me. Mesmerized, I found myself sit down at the front of the boat, don’t dare to bat another side glance at her.




    The sincerity in the beautiful young girl’s eyes ties a knot in my stomach. Is it possible that one-day travelling to the end of the world and I found love in the shape of a little girl? You’re so young or I’m too old?!…

    The wind blows to my face coolly. Please also blow away my awkwardness, dear Wind!




    The wind is getting stronger than ever in the clearing. Yong Swamp or the sea of green flowing endlessly to the skyline. And there is fog. My prairie now looks like a scene in a cartoon where the Witch is about to release her terrible anger on the handsome Prince who dares to rescue the Princess, her hostage. Though I’m not exactly a Princess but Jisub oppa is definitely the most handsome Prince in my dreamland.




    My Prince is not afraid of the wild upcoming thunderstorm at all.  He looks up at the sky, smiles widely enjoy the scene. Such a brave man! Professor waves his arms like a big bird that about to fly off the ground. Oppa walks behind him protectively.




    Then they stop for the shoot.




    I sit on my prairie watching him from afar, feel strangely happy. Oppa’s in front of me now in flesh and bones. Oh, he’s much more awesome to my expectation. His every move is beautiful! A natural-born model.




    How come a simple white shirt looks so attractive on him?   




    I’m thinking of myself, a girl who has nothing but this newfound love boiling in my heart. I’m thinking of my turning 18 years old soon. Then I can approach him legally without causing him any trouble. More than anything in the world, I want to make him happy!

    The trip might end here but our own way just starts, Jisub oppa. That would be a long sweet journey for the two of us.




    I’m not a novelist, nor a photographer but I’m doing this work with great joy.




    It’s the first time in my life I have a chance to stand in such a wild nature. The sky, the strong wind, the sea of grass and me… Feel like the whole world is mine.




    Whether So Jisub is an introvert or not, popular or not, Mother Nature would feed me the same fresh air. Face up to the sky, I close my eyes, feel absolutely refreshed. Sooner or later, wish you feel the same, dear readers!




    I’m always pondering, "who am I?”, and I seek my answer through travels and meeting new people. However, there is no “right” answer in life, isn’t it?

    I think a 100% correct and perfect answer does not exist.

    We feel anxious when we make a choice, but we are paving our own way through all these decisions we made. Therefore, what I strive for is not 100%,

    but the 51% that promises all the possibilities.



    I hope you, my readers, would never regret the choices you’ve made along the way;

    don’t feel too worried and unsettled of the choice you are making for the future,

    be happy while walking on your own way, right there, right now.

     May your future time be a happy journey…   

    (Preface, The Way Taiwan version,

    English translated by Sokingdom)


    My journey would end nicely here.

    I walk back to the team. Really, I can’t thank them enough for their hard work in such weather!




    Thanks the staffs, thanks Professor and also thanks the local guides for your help!

    The little girl is sitting thoughtful behind them. She stands up at my approaching, shines on me by the intense brightest eyes ever. She doesn’t avoid my gaze but looks deep into my eyes. Behind the young age, her pure strong spirit somehow makes my legs trembling again. What have I done to deserve the sincerity of yours, young Lady?

    We’re ready to leave Yong Swamp. I found myself linger behind the team, behind ... her.  

    She walks in front of me, gracefully; I'm trailing behind, uncertain steps...

    A few rain drops have perched on her hair like some tiny pearls. Lovely jewellery for lovely girl! I want to say something to her but couldn’t find my voice. The wind must have blown my confidence far away already. Instead, I gently put my coat around her slender shoulders. Lend you some warm, dear Lady. Please, let me do something for you, at least. The Beauty looks up at me in surprise, then, dazzles me once again in this fairy-tale land of Gangwon-do, she smiles…

    Oh Gangwon-do, I have more than one reason to come back here. I’ll definitely come back. Because, of all awesome memories Gangwon has gifted me, there is a beautiful smile of a little girl on the prairie has captured my heart…



    Of all ways on the earth, I wonder if the greatest one is the invisible way that leads the man to his lady's heart? I wish my SJS soon found his other half and lives happily ever after!!!






    (Pictures and clip credit to The Way Photo Essay Book by So Jisub.

    Many thanks to different sources online for promoting SJS's book with love!)

    • Like 7
  7. 19 hours ago, cccsub said:


    Q: I would like to see you in a romantic comedy. Do you have any plans for that?
    A: I’ve been doing very serious roles, I want to be in roles where I can let go of the burden. When I was a newbie, I did roles that are more relaxed and cheerful. I’ve been in comedies, as show hosts and have been guests on many entertaining programs. Due to the popularity of my dark role in What Happened in Bali (2004 SBS) and Misa (2004 KBS),  my bright cheerful image has been forgotten. I'm looking forward to the day where I can be in a cheerful role. 



    @cccsub thanks my dear friend for the interesting interview!!!

    A bit of the cheerful image he mentioned above 





    ** Gang-pae in Rough Cut was definitely a dark character. However, our dear Mr SJS sure had some fun behind the scene.

    Making poster with actor Kang Ji-hwan for Rough Cut 2008






    (Credit to owners via  Easternspirit.org)


    ** @sojisubaddicted thanks Lovely for those happy smiles! You made my day! 28558.gif

    • Like 8
  8. 1 hour ago, sugarmay said:

    I learnt more details about OMV bts DVD from that Japan link.
    * OMV region code : 3 
    I'm afraid we international fans can watch OMV bts DVD region code is not all?
    So please confirm and check out your countries region code.
    → Learn more region code via wiki

    *Release date
    OMV bts DVD is scheduled to be released on 10/5/2016~31/5/2016 in Korea.
    Then the delivery will be about 3~5 days after that released in Korea.

    But International link said 1/4/2016...? I guess if DVD might be released close to date it'll be released in Korea..

    FYI and Hope we all can enjoy it!!:)

    Thank you so much all friends for your great sharing daily basis!!:wub:


    My sweet @sugarmay thank you so much for your info honey!!! Please have a cup of capuchino with SJS :lol:




    Whatever you do, you're handsome!!!:wub:




    (Picture and gifts credit to owners)

    • Like 5
  9. 26 minutes ago, nani-lyfe said:

    @mathi do you know if the 3 disc dvd includes the drama itself with bts or just strictly bts? 


    Dear @nani-lyfe the website describe the set as Oh My Venus Making DVD

    It would be perfect if the set is the drama plus BTS, right? However, since they press on MAKING, I guess 3 discs are about BTS only. It's my first time to order the making set like this though :sweatingbullets:

    I'll get back to you as soon as they give more details, my friend!

    Cheer!!! :)

    • Like 4
  10. Some fan arts




    (Credit Sojisub_11/4 and saukey06)


    Thanks dear @Kittiya Kantasirikul for the link to pre-order OMV Making DVD set

    Some more links to try:

    International: http://bit.ly/1UgZudy
    Japan: http://bit.ly/24lHl2M

    The international website informs if the quantity of pre-orders are not enough, they might cancel making the set. 

    The Making DVD set includes 3 DVDs, 100 pages photo book and post cards is sold at price 51.32USD, not include shipping fee, from the international link above.

    Let's make it happen, my dear friends!!!:)


    • Like 3
  11. Cuteness overload!!!:lol::wub:



    (Credit via Gillchan)


    ** Thank you so much my dear friend @Kittiya Kantasirikul You're superb, sweetie:)!!!!!

    ** Good news Good news

    Latest update for OMV Making/NG DVD: Good news is that there WILL be 3 DVD disc + 100 pages of photos (high five!!), price is 55000 won. Pre-order starts on Feb 22nd and ends on March 10th on 4 Korean sites: HM, innolife, yes24 and interpark. Links to be announced.

    Interviews might be included (not face-to-face), not confirmed. But there's little chance OST instrument music would be included.


    (From Sojisubar)

    • Like 7
  12. OMG, thank you so much my chingu @cccsub for the awesome translation!!! You're amazing!!!s1.gif?s2.gif

    The girl said she's not a fan, yet her thoughts embraced him adoringly from his small face, handsomeness, using handkerchief to the way saying goodbye...

    Thumps up for both you and her, my dear friend, for  bringing such lovely memories to us! 




    4 hours ago, cccsub said:

    Q: Which part of you do you think is the most attractive?
    A: Everybody say it’s my eyes, so, my eyes


    May I add that his eyebrows are also very special? Love them!!! chirub_pachi.gif



    (Gifts credit to owners)

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  13. Shared via Sojisubar:

    The fan started by praising how handsome Jisub was: nice skin, small face, tall nose, sharp profile, etc. She said Jisub started wiping sweat with his handkerchief, which is kinda cute. 





    Q&A lasted 30 minutes: 
    Q.Anything similar between Youngho and Jisub?
    A.Both work out a lot. 
    Q.What's your ideal type?
    A.A sincere person. 
    Q.A girl with perfect mack-up vs. a girl with simple outfit and no make-up, which one do you prefer?
    A. As long as she's a sincere person, putting on make-up and dressing up nicely is OK too. 
    Q.Did you spend a sexy and lovely year? 
    A. Being healthy comes before being sexy. It's important to be healthy, so that you could be happy. 
    Q.The most charming part about yourself?
    A. Everyone says it's my eyes, so be it.


    Happy weekend dear all Sojisubbers!!!:)

    • Like 6
  14. These Ahjussis are famous Korean Artists. They spent sometimes with our dear Mr So in 2010 for his Photo Essay Book "The Way" and also couldn't resist his charm!

    ** First meeting: The Teacher pull him into a warm greeting liked an old friend.




    He said: "I can't hold the pleasure that So Ganzi comes here to see me!"




    ** A goodbye hug




    ** In this picture, he posed for quick portrait drawing by the Cartoonist




    He wrote:

    "How to me...? I turn my head like this?

    It feels so awkward and in a restless mood though I used to stand in front of the camera.

    He looks at me while gently drawing. Feel like the Teacher's eyes see through my whole.

    Without compromising, the moment is memorized in a pen and paper by his constantly sketching. 

    Artist's eyes look at things and the world seems a bit different. 

    It should express the true thoughts and feelings in writing or painting. Awesome!... "

    This was the result:




    Among those hand writing on the sketch, the teacher marked his words of So Ganzi as "GORGEOUS"

    (From The Way photo essay book by So Jisub, 2010)

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  15. 23 hours ago, willenette said:

    ... Me, the part of him that I like are his fingers.....SJS has these very slender & long fingers. NICE. I read an article before that people with long fingers are patient and love detail. They enjoy fine, intricate work and have a meticulous character which can make them fussy and finicky at times.  :P


    Some more info of those artist hands :)



    (cr as tagged)


    *** From So Jisub History Book:

    His handprint Exhibition was opened on 20/12/2008 in Universal Studios Japan.




    The Bronze Statue of his hand was displayed in October 2009. The picture is too small, so sorry!!!:sweatingbullets:




    Note from his book on May 2009: "Being produced hand bronze statue. First photos after shooting drama..." (Cain and Abel)




    • Like 5
  16. Wow, thanks for all fantastic updates dear Sojisubbers!!! The staff at the airport had a chance to look into his eyes upclose... What's a lucky girl B)

    @cccsub thank you chingu for your info!  :) So, his ring was given at midnight show in Taiwan, how thrill!!! One moment being Mrs So, many sleepless nights followed... 


    10 hours ago, pikasjs said:

    @mathi Thank you for sharing, what a lucky fans..wish Mr. So will come to Vancouver one day.

    @cccsub I haven't watch the video, do you have the link?



    @pikasjs You're very welcomed honey! Based on your cheerful avatar, I guess you're a warm hearted girl despite the coldness in Vancouver. Let's hope he'll be at your hometown one day, for work, for holiday or even for a honeymoon, who knows :lol:


    *** Another Reading Script Image for One Sunny Day ~ The Bearded Man, as usual ^_^:) 




    After: He's the man who always surprises you each time he shaves his beard, our dear Mr So!!! :wub:




    (Picture credit to owners)

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  17. On 15 February 2016 at 8:01 PM, sojisubaddicted said:

    Dear @mathi Happy valentine my dear friend. I think you should be Sojisub's wife. I could see how much you love him. 



    Thanks my chingu :lol: I guess that's what many fans are dreaming about. I'm one of them,.. *cough* :wub: BTW, since I'm a small girl (1.6m), maybe I need a ladder to kiss him LOL...

    ** The ring which SJS himself put on fan's finger in his Fan Meeting 2014




    II was mentioned in an article about Taiwan FM 2014:

    "He even drew a lucky fan as 'Mrs. So' and gave her a ring. He gave another fan the earring that he had worn. He joked that he had worn those earrings and tried to clean them before giving them away...", kkkk

    What would be your reactions if you were chosen as Mrs So there? Fan shared that there was this brave girl who looked very calm on stage and the most surprise was: she gave him the ring finger on her left hand...

    Before the drawing in Seoul by the end of August 2014 and one of lucky girls





    The full article on Dramafever.com referred to Taiwan FM 2014, including fan's video reported the cute man and his other Mrs So :P


    6,000 fans crowded under So Ji Sub's "shelter of comfort"

    for a fan meet in Taiwan

    by Nancy Z on Thu, Jul 03, 2014






    Korean star So Ji Sub's fan meet on June 28 in Taiwan was so hot that it was sold out as soon as it started selling, so he eventually agreed to a second show to be held at midnight. The requirement for the midnight meet was that the fans had to be adults. In all, 6,000 lucky fans were thrilled that they had the opportunity to hide in So Ji Sub's "shelter of comfort," made famous by him in the popular romance drama The Master's Sun.




    So Ji Sub was certainly very impressed and touched by his fans' devotion. He remained energetic throughout the back-to-back shows, and even shook hands with every fan. He sang many of his new hip-hop songs at the fan meet, including the new "Boy Go."




    During the Q&A session, he kept his cool and answered his fans' question in a very candid manner. The 36-year-old heartthrob was asked about his marriage plans. He said he did not have someone in mind yet, and he turned the question around to his fans asking if they would change their heart (about him) if he got married. The fans said, no, they all would support him getting married and having children. He was very happy upon hearing that and said, "You are definitely my fans!" He did admit that he would like his girlfriend to be someone considerate and understanding of his work. He will not reveal who he's dating until it's someone he has decided to marry.

    On the other hand, this single man-god demanded that his fans only love him and not leave him to marry someone else. He even drew a lucky fan as 'Mrs. So' and gave her a ring. He gave another fan earrings that he had worn. He joked that he had worn those earrings and tried to clean them before giving them away.

    And guess what, here's a video of the lucky drawing session. You can totally scream and squeal along with the Taiwanese fans at the totally cute So Ji Sub:



    It wasn't clear which age was considered adulthood for the midnight show by the event's organizers. In Taiwan, voting age starts at 20, but males at 18 and females at 16 can marry with parental consent. It really doesn't matter, because fans of all ages would like to share the protective shelter with So Ji Sub.

    His fans also include Taiwanese actors. Peter Ho of Summer's Desires sent him a flower basket with this message: 'Welcome to Taiwan, Wish you all the best.' Even Taiwanese actress Mandy Wei, star of DramaFever's Deja Vu, posted this selfie and shared her excited thoughts: 'I have lost my soul after meeting So Ji Sub. My eyes are still hallucinating and I'm in a daze. So Ji Sub gave me the same feeling in person. He is so sincere and honest in the way he treats his fans and his work. Let's all keep supporting him!'




    As So Ji Sub left Taiwan, he left this Weibo message: 'Taiwan's fan meet has safely concluded. A very blessed time. Very thankful for your voice of encouragement. Oh yes, mango ice is good!'




    There's not a much better combination in the world than having delicious summer mango dessert in the So Ji Sub shelter. You just have to share it with several thousand other people.






    (All pictures credit to owners)

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  18. Dear friends, thanks for your fantastic translation and updates!!!! :wub:


    These are the links to watch So Jisub in Infinity Challenge Shows in full episode:




    ** Episode 264, full English sub 1 hour 13 minutes




    ** Episode 265, No English sub, 1hour and 7 minutes.

    At the beginning of this show, all members tried to seduce him :sweatingbullets:, the winner would be his partner for the next challenge. Poor man was absolutely cute and shy...




    ** Episode 360, "Introducing My Lonely Friend" , aired 15/12/2013

    After the Master's Sun, people expected to see his handsome clean cut like Joo Jong Won, however, this was So Jisub's real life style, moustache and all :lol:




    They got excited talking of him since the minute 43th, and our dear Mr So appeared at 44:50 in the clip. 




    (Cap, gift and clips credit to owners)

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