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Posts posted by LynneL

  1. oh my god.....sometimes i wish BOYOO's drama were at different months....it is so stressful. No matter what you can still see people taking sides...

    Please let us enjoy which ever drama that you like of theirs and lets stop talking about their costars.....Let them do what work that they like...whoever they have to work with...it is just their job to act with whoever they have been paired up with by the production company. I have not seen any crazy fans like this in any other like Hollywood/Bollywood/ japan ent....why only in Kent we are so much into this????

    As long as they improve their acting and do their job well....that is all as a fan i ask for :)


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  2. Hi to all....

    I guess everyone is enjoying the dramas of Boyoo at the moment. I am and my mondays and tuesdays are filled with laughter and happiness.

    Personally i don't even know why we are comparing their choice of work.  Before MDBC they have also done  work which were very different. I just wish them success in their own work and hope both are healthy and give us many more interesting works in the future :)

    I am actually very much excited for what 2019 will bring for them. For Bogum...we know until june he has Asia Fan meets but wondering what Yoojung will be doing after January 15 2019 :) 

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  3. Well sorry Boju.....i am the one who said Encounter is draggy.... that is my personal opinion. I have already mentioned here that Bogum will be the sucess finale of 2018 and i am very happy for him because it seems that for 2019 he will be very busy with hosting and his Asia fan meet. I guess until June/July 2019 he is very busy with his fan meet.


    I am actually little bit sad as well as i feel that this is a sign that he will be enlisting soon. He might do one more project or none at all before he enlists.... so i am really glad that : Encounter is doing a fantastic job with the ratings and viewership. I love SHK from Full house and she has had up and downs  like Yoojung and hence she is the older version of where i wish Yoojung would achieve in future.

    I am also very glad for Yoojung because it seems that she is with good people who likes and takes care of her. So i hope that she enjoys filming of the drama in this cold time and have a wonderful experience and give us a pleasant ending to her drama :) 

    And i know this is BoYoo shipping but as always.... it is destined whatever is to happen will happen... it is all written out who will meet in our life and who is the one in the end. Bogum's time is now....he will achieve all success and Yoojung's time is coming.

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, martina123 said:

    Is it possible that kim yoo jung has cameo in bo gum's drama

    encounter ??? 

    Like suzy had in my love from another star?? 


    No I don't think it is possible.... for some reason....Park Bogum and Kim Yoojung  after MDBC has no relation it seems. I mean that it is how it is being made out in K ent at the moment. I mean I have seen Bogum surprising his friends with message of encouragement...popping up at fan meets to support them...sending them message on their fan meets...


    But what about for  yoojung??? Nothing...........

    Its like no mention of each other to the other in the media. Full stop. We saw at AAA...MAMA 2016 and Baeksang 2017 and even KDA 2018 that they are good friends....but then after that nothing. No support for each other that we know off....I mean Bogum even msg his costar from wonderful mama recently..........

    So sorry no chance of Yoojung as a cameo.... thats like trying to shoot the moon.

    • Like 1
  5. i don't know if it is just me... but there are so many similarities between the dramas of Boyoo at the moment....it is just that CWPFN is a youthful  one and the " Encounter" is the middle aged category.


    Both are very competitive in things that they do....and they try to give their best. So i am very happy that both dramas are doing very well. Bogum's drama was expected to do well....that i have already mentioned even before the start. It has the power of the big star leads....if it didnt do well...it would have been strange as both Bogum and SHK are known to very selective of script and only accepts that they feel are good. It will be the star of 2018..... perfect ending for ParkBogum and his costar ( Whom i like very much too)


    As for Yoojung's drama.... i am really rooting for some surprise increase in rating. It is really a nice drama that reflects the normal life of a young adult . ( I have watched it 3 times now eps 1-2 and it still makes me sad when yoojung says about the 97 pencils in the bucket) I hope that CWPFN will also have a high rating though it has less star power...the cable network is less known and the week day is also least popular. I think it is usually like this in any entertainment industry....the dramas or movies with big names and powerful acting usually draws in the crowds.


    But i pray for a miracle that Yoojung and her costar too will have a perfect ending in 2018. ( They deserve it) Lets see....sometimes miracles do happen in the end. And i guess some miracles have all ready started....  the unexpected casting of a good actor....the good rating start... the good chemistry of the leads....the good vibes among the cast..even the director looks such a fun and happy man. Good luck BOYOO :)


    • Like 4
  6. 45 minutes ago, martina123 said:

    Seriously. Kim yoo jung has transformed really well. I am so loving it. I am really wishing that she should be next park ji eun or kim eun sook actress. Please dramagods cast her with jjang scripts. She is ready to slayyyyyyyyyyyy. 

     Don't worry...... In 1-2 years when she is around 22-23.... i believe that she will be very popular with writers....it is just that she is still young...only 19 years international age and she has achieved so much... and many have noticed her talent. I believe it is just time. She is definitely going to give us many more successful dramas and movies that will definitely will hit milestones like Park Bogum is doing now.

     Kim Yoojung's time is coming  to be really successful like what Cha Tae hyun has said.... and i believe him :)


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  7. Am i the only one hooked on Monday drama....really cant wait for eps 3 to come on Monday :( 

    As for Boyfriend....both SHK and PBG are my favourites for long time....but sorry i found it a bit draggy and boring... so might only watch later.


    I want to have some relatable drama like CWPFN first than a fictional sad romantic drama....... have fun first :) 


    P.S..... by the way i am really loving the actings of the leads in CWPFN ;) 

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  8. Hi everyone...........

    i guess everyone is excited for both BG and YG's drama. Not so many days left now.

     There are many of us here who are both YG and BG fans and other who support the other more and then after MDBC came to ship them because of their chemistry.


    I just want to say my feelings today as their dramas are coming together and many people will definitely compare them.

    First of all.... honestly i know that BOYFRIEND will do well.... Both good actors with good acting skills and looks to die for...scenic atmosphere  and good old love  story i guess... 

    So Boyfriend has everything going for them..... even the media is watching so closely and if i am not wrong both SHK and BG will do a magazine for BOYfriend promotion.


    And what about Clean With Passion...........  Young actress who just turned 20 in korea ( not international) ... paired with a 30 something actor( who has been called not good looking enough the moment he was mentioned....)... simple story with some comedy and romance i guess... and all based in some local area in Korea....and it has alot of young actors....

    And everyone....even the media keeps emphasizing  on the age and how the skin ship will come about..... it was also the same in MDBC. IS it because we keep putting YG in that child category.... come on she is grown up and need to do  work with grown up... and most good looking....popular....good actors are above 27 years old in Korea. And i think YSK is a very good actor...cute and he can do well. So i am sorry guys............. i am praying more for YG and her team as i believe that she needs it more to finish 2018 with a BANG.

    Go Girl..... and show it to all who try to put you down>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and i believe if BG has been with her throughout these years after knowing her in 2016.... i believe that he does pray for both of them :)



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  9. sorry guys.... for me  personally...both this events are just work for them. Yes their partners are beautiful in their own way but it just didnt do it for me.

    BG partner in the video was pretty but just bland....and YG at Apan was like seeing her with an elder brother . Felt like she was with a family member rather than a possibly shipping couple.

    Something just didnt click somewhere.... to me it just felt that they were just doing their work and nothing much.



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  10. is it only me?.... but i feel that Yoojung looks so delicate and like a doll. Her hair is so long and beautiful.... and it feels that she has not aged at all....she still looks so young and delicate.

    As for BG....he has really matured and looks so manly now.....if you put them together...they still look so beautiful. However makes me feel that BG might still have to wait for YG to become more adult :)  and maybe have to fight off many other males.... LOL..

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  11. Hahahaha.... this was a dead give away  that both Park Bogum and Kim yoojung knew that people shipped them.

    Looked at BG when the MC mistakenly said Kim Yoojung after him when it should have been Im Yoona.... and BG is so cute... he looked at YG and became shy and laughed....so i guess they know and they are fine with it :)

    This Video always makes me smile and makes me believe that BOYOO is REAL.

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  12. wow....even Cuba update....fans are awesome :) i thought maybe we wont know anything for 1 month over there.

    As for Skinship....it will be as required as the story i guess but most SHK drama doesnt really have that sensual skinship and still the drama does well. 


    They are professional and they have to do what the script requires i guess. Cant wait for the the first glimpse of the teaser :)


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  13. park-bo-gum-and-kim-yoo-jung-could-be-se




    This is my favourite picture of young BOYOO. It just makes me SMILE :)

    Hope and wish that the coming year will bring lost of success...good health and happiness in both her private life and her career.

    I hope that she will get the opportunity as an actress with offers with diverse roles and also the chance to work with many good actors. I hope that she becomes a great actress and become very popular. My other favourite actress is SHK and she went through alot to become where she is now and she is now happily settled down with a good man and is recognised for her work. I hope and wish the same for KIM YOO JUNG.


    May she find a very good partner in life who loves only her and respect her too. It may be PBG or someone else...its not in the fans hand....it is all destined. The people she will meet in her life is all set out...hope she has an enjoyable and lucky life.


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