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Posts posted by LynneL

  1. Hi @boju.... i had read before in an article when YJ was hospitalized in February that at least 6 months treatment is required for her.So thats why i guess we would not be able to see any updates until  then about her. Hence thats why i guess Clean for Passion is also around October.

    Its going to be at least another 3 more months of waiting for YG. We might be able to see her around september/ october. :(


    As for BG, i guess ....if they are in a relationship.. wants to be with her during this difficult period for her. Everyone says...he is a very caring and kind hearted person to everyone...so i guess if it is someone that he really loves as a lover, he will definitely want to be with her....Thats my opinion....thats why he is not taking any projects and just doing his necessary public appearance. And he also worked so hard in 2016/2017..with so many FM around Asia and MC work so he also was not free.


    These few recent public appearance show him so matured and professional...that giggly..extra cuteness that he used to project before is not there much...dont know why??? Maybe he wants to be dependable :wink: 

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  2. oh my god....he has really matured within this 2 years....he has become a man from a young man full of cuteness....i think he is becoming dependable :wink: 


    Cant wait to see the changes in YJ.....does any one know when she will be back from her break. Really really looking forward to seeing her about in public now that she is a 20 years old woman..... I hope that in the following years she will get awesome projects and many wonderful costars who will help her grow as a wonderful actress....and lets see how this precious sword will keep them away...LOL....

    • Like 1
  3. On 1/30/2017 at 1:35 AM, Guest said:

    cr: chemistryfairycouple Insta


    Chingus, remember this moment at MAMA?

    Uri Bogummy smiled sweetly at uri Yoojungie before announcing the winner, GFRIEND :wub::wub:

    cr to video owner: Bogummy VNFC YT



    hahaha...this is so funny ...he stopped smiling when yoojung said he enjoyed the female group dance group,,,,,

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  4. @boju... i think DISPATCH knows about them :)

     And like you said...i guess they are actually quite open about their affections about each other,,,, Yoojung is already seem twice adjusting his clothes( which guy would let you do that..if the girl is not someone that you are close to...some more in such a big event. If Park Bogum was interested in some girls...he wouldn't be allowing this i guess)He has openly showed his happiness when she is next to him....he just becomes  so much more beautiful than he is alone. At this Baeksang awards... i just felt that he was just there to do his work but no more than that. I guess he is also not taking any projects at the moment...maybe he just want her to get well first...he really was not his usual self on the 28th... when she was hospitalized again....he had that worried look.

    i have seen in some videos that he is actually possessive of her.... he might not be looking at her but he knows what is happening around her....he is very tuned to her...i think the line that he is so much famous for now...when he says that he doesn't allow..she is his person...rings true  for him sometimes :)

    Being together for a man and woman of life is all destined.........if Park BoGum was destined to meet her only as a co star...he has already met her....as a life partner....only time will tell :) But they give me such strong vibes of  being the next SONGSONG Couple. They make us believe in love just with their smiles and eyes for each other..




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  5. hahahaha....just dropping in to just share some feelings.....read and watched a few videos shared here on this forum...and it just occurred to me that.....Bogum really is affected by the Yoojung. He cried at the KBS when she was nominated....he was not his usual happy person on the 28th feb VIP...because if i am not wrong..yoo jung was hospitalized on the 26th. He had that faraway look with something sad in his mind.

    A few things could make him feel this way:

    1. He treats her as a sister ( hence he was sad that she could not attend KBS/and also worry about her health)

    2. He treats her as a close friend

    3. He loves her a lot as a lover.


    And i can only come to one conclusion : He loves her as a woman. I think he was already attracted to her long before they started the filming. I think Yoojung only developed her feelings later and still is hesitant...because she is young. It kinds of makes me think that people around them definitely knows but they are just respecting their privacy....i think even SJK/ Cha tae hyun and Mr Kwak knows more :).....and that song" My Person" definitely holds a special meaning for them both.  I felt so sad watching him on Hyori's when they were listening to this song....they were eating.....but then he just lost it and had that far away look again :).... And i think of that bracelet that he gave RAON....it meant that the wearers would eventually be together regardless of wherever situations would take them right??? Well..... i guess this will happen to them. I just love it when they have only eyes for each other....and the lovely way they talk silently with their eyes.....just watch theirs and you can see  the love :)


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  6. i don't know about others but for me...they remind me of the SONGSONG couple in so many ways.....Yoojung though young is so similar to Song Hye kyo...beauty/acting skills and she also acts so similar to Hye Kyo when SJK and she is together. 

    If the friendship that Boyoo couple has  until now.... lasts for another couple of years...i guess they might become a reality. There are just so many things now  that is in their way to concentrate on love at the moment. Bogum has his career/ military to think about...... and Yoojung has her age / career to think about.

    I guess that Bogum  being a nice guy to everyone is treating her the same way. I sometimes think they are just being very good friends now and Bogum is protecting her from the public. He doesn't want any bad negativity for her  at this age. Thats why..i guess in Cebu...they were spending more time with others... and also the distance between them. And people make a big deal of the picture at the airport...but looking at it ...it looks normal of Bogum to hold her hand and help her with the crowd. And as for the long hair that Bogum has now....it makes me think that he might be thinking of enlisting soon as he said in an interview...that he is keeping this style as he doesn't know when he can keep it.....so well don't know whats going on between these two????? We as fans are only making a guess from the small signs and gestures that we get or feel when they are in public...  and the recent public appearance of Bogum...doesnt tell us much except he is a bit more matured and reserved about something :(


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  7. @boju....thank you for writing......i believe that this page will be active and long running until one of them is officially with someone :)

    Though they are not very active at the moment....there will be lots of other projects that we will see in the future for them i guess together or with other people. However i believe that they have something special for each other. It might be admiration/love/respect/or just a sibling affection....but whatever...something is there and i guess quite a bit of people know...hehehe... and i might be wrong but he is very sad about the Yoojung's health at the moment. And the song " My Dearest/My Person) holds some deep meaning for him i guess....because it affected him in Hyori's ...and even in the FM...when singing ...he is affected. I feel sad actually....

    • Like 2
  8. Hi everyone.... just an opinion from my side....I just feel that both are still too young for any commitment to anyone except for their work. Both are professionals and Kim Yoojung has just come an adult....so i guess thats why though they seemed close in many NGs, not much attention was given since she was still a minor around 2016/2017. And the media and people around them didn't make much issue about it.

    Park Bo Gum might have been attracted to her....but seeing her age and her still being accompanied most of the time by her mum...he might have just brushed it off. There are many men waiting for Yoojung to grow up i guess both in the KPOp and in the actors section.

    She has everything...beauty/ matureness/womanly figure/good acting background and she is the face of many good organizations like UNICEF etc..... so she has  the world ahead of her. As for Park Bo Gum.... yes he is a very good actor but doing this movie with Yoojung was his turning moment in life just like Song Joong Ki's when he did with Song Hye Kyo. Park BoGum is still very playful and sometimes too cute i think....and that might not be what matured and homely Yoojung wants. Anyways....only time will tell..........I guess we saw a bit at the 2018 new years eve when they presented together. Park Bogum was definitely affected by the new womanly Yoojung as he was the one standing so closely to this new womanly person. Don't know how he felt when he first saw Yoojung coming out dressed like that....but being a man....i guess he must have been affected a bit to some extent.

    Well... like i said only time will tell if they will be together....just wish that Yoojung will have someone as loving and who will be there for her whenever in trouble just like the crown prince in Moonlight :)



  9. Hi everyone.....Lets not judge the movie IAQ without watching it first. We really don't know what the storyline is and what it is about. and we also don't know what role SHK is playing.
    I believe that she has morals and wouldn't just do any films that would just use her beauty and body exposure. We have so far only seen the guy bare chested and SHK with her bare shoulders........I don't believe that she would go all the way.....she is shy and it would matter to her alot about her image that she has so far maintained for herself.
    So lets just calm down...as for Annie...she is a spunky lady and she might her own way of promoting her movie. If she does any error ....then she will be responsible for it and take as it is...SHK has already done the movie  and finished it and she is all right with it...so it might not be as shocking as we are really imaging it to be :)

  10. Thats awesome news @freshspring .....Welcome back and really glad that you chose to come back and contribute to updating all the rest of us who are so eager for SHK news but have no clue where to get them.
    You have just gone through what SHk has gone through....its good that you chose to rise up and come back stronger....just like SHK has done many many times :)>-If all people all around the world had a similar thought and feelings.....wouldn't this world be so boring and peaceful...=))So just do what you do best and ignore those that try to pull you down for things which is worthless arguing and fighting for.....Most of us here have only one sore point.....and that is SHK's private matter...which she also has no hand.......its her destiny and her heart which will chose the man who is already destined for her in this lifetime for her..........
    So lets us enjoy and be with her... in her journey until that day comes and i guess its coming soon...heheheheh :)>-

  11. Wow!!!!!!! @Ngoc Chieu Lucky you!!!!!!!!!!Please go with your family...go with your friends...go with your boyfriend...Go with your work colleagues....Go with your husband if you are married .... go with you kids if you have...go with your grandparents...... Please Please go as many times as possible and support MPL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And YIPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope that SHK will get the role next to Nicholas Tse......wow wow!!!!!!! SHK's on the roll.!!!!!!!!! :P

    P.S .... this message is for all those fans in......Vietnam, China, HongKong and Taiwan !!!!!!!!!!!! Go as many times as you can....and if you have any pandas...go with them too....they might be looking forward as well....hehehehehe =))

  12. ok lucky fans...in China, HongKong, Vietnam and Taiwan.......... <:-P
    Please please...go out all your way and try to catch the movie when it comes to your countries....hope it will do very well overseas compared to Korea!!!!!!!!!!Go with your family...go with your friends...Go with your boyfriend...Go with you husband...Go with your kids...and Go with your grandkids  if you have.....and please please share your experience and view of the movie with us....poor poor fans...who have to rely on DVD and YouTube... :((

  13. yes...everyone.....i am really wishing that come award nights....SHK will win some... - Award for MPL in Korea- Award for The Crossing in China...or maybe in Cannes
    As for IAQ...we have not seen any trailer yet....so we have to wait and see....But really have a good feeling.................... :)>-

  14. WoW!!!!!!!!!! awesome.......this is the rainbow after the rain that she had to endure....All the best...i really hope that The Crossing will earn her respect and admiration from all over the world and especially Korea.
    Really really excited for her.....Great things are on her way...her career and i believe in her personal life too :)She trully deserves  the pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow for all the things that she has gone through and still remain professional and strong :)

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