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Posts posted by Camillajames

  1. 1 hour ago, hushhh said:

    I believe the truth of YH's version of her marriage to DH.

    If DH told his version, I would believe it too.


    I sympathize with them both because at one point they loved each other deeply; I don't think they would have married if  they had not.



    The word claim seems a little accusatory as if I'm transgressing by stating something without evidence to back it up.  I find that surprising since I am only speaking of my impression and not mandating that anyone see or believe as I do. If my reading of the term is the result of a dialect/connotation disconnect,  then . . .


    Unfortunately, I can't really help you with your puzzlement; clearly our experiences and frames of reference differ. 

    I sometimes have a sense of connection, respect, affection,  and deep caring without sexual interest towards people.  I tend to call those people friends or family of the heart.  When those feeling are combined with sexual desire I call those people lovers, boyfriends, life partners. 


    Love/attraction comes as it comes.  There are people whose relationship proceed as you outline.  There are people who are first sexually attracted to someone and then learn to love them.  There are still others who are sexually attracted to someone, never learns to love them [or even like them] but stay for the sex. People are as they are, live as they do.  There isn't one path that suits everyone.  Or if there is, I've never come across it. 

    I don't think she meant to be accusatory, I think she was simply saying that the same reasons you mentioned as proof to why you do not see a romantic attraction are the same basic characteristics one would find in a healthy relationship: respect, friendship, trust, and admiration. Of course, you can be physically attracted to someone first and it CAN later turn into love but all healthy relationships has friendship, trust, and admiration as the foundation. The truth is that, you can be attracted to people based on pure looks, personality or both.  I'm sorry but there were some contradictions in your reasoning, I know you are saying that there isn't just one way to show you love someone but in your previous post you stated "i don't see sexual desire" as your reason for not seeing their attraction and @joowonie was just saying that you need to have a solid foundation either way, and in the case of DH & JA, they seem to have not only the basic foundation but attraction as well. 

    I also want to say that since we never got to see how DH and YH fell in love, we can only assume that but in reality, people do not alway marry bc they are in love. What is clear is that YH does not seem to be very compatible with DH, seeing how he cannot openly communicate with her without ridicule and she doesn't seem to understand just how important his family and friends are when she wanted to move away from the neighborhood after she passed her bar exam. 

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  2. 18 hours ago, luvkstyle said:

    I have watched 'The Shameless'.  I did find it a bit slow but as @snowberry11said the storyline is good - it is thought provoking.  I think it's worth the watch - it's only 2 hours and it is Kim Nam Gil haha.  He is quite a different character in this too.

    I thought he was very hot in this movie and i dont know why but seeing him being aggressive makes me giggle bc i know he is very silly irl

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  3. Writer Yoon Nan-Joong is freaking awesome ep 7 was soo swoon first w/ CEO Ma fudging his own deal bc he was pissed off at those perverts and then SH telling BN that he should let JH make her own decisions and not make them for her. The eps just keep getting better and better and this drama just blows all of the other dramas out of the waters well ..except the Avengers Social Club. It sucks bc I never want Mondays to come lol but bc of this drama I can't wait! Also, I love that the writer did a good job with the other couplings bc I really do care about CEO Ma and SJ and their scenes are never boring bc he she always leaves him in a sense of bewilderment. When I see SJ's interactions w/ her pervy coworkers, knowing her personality, it is a ticking time bomb bc she is probably very close to being at her limit and will more than likely want to kick the crap out of those pervs and start her own company with that brilliant mind of hers. 

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  4. This ep was soo good im so sad to have to wait so long every week to watch this gem of a show. I knew she would get caught up in the "us" and start acting like they are a real couple sooner or later :( I cannot fault SH for feeling overwhelmed bc he will likely take longer to process the fact that he might like her due to his personality. Best show ive seen in a really long time, I love how realistic and enduring the characters are. 

    • Like 7
  5. In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal that has rocked hollywood in the past couple of weeks, I am greatly appreciative of the writer to take on heavy topics such as sexual harassment against women in the work place. That scene in ep 3 really broke my heart when the senior writer tricked JH into meeting the man who assaulted her. The sadness and anger she felt when everyone who knew about it was brushing it off as though it was "no big deal" really echoed the willful ignorance and shameful complicity that often occurs in the workplace and in society when it comes to women being harassed. JH's unwillingness to turn a blind eye to being assaulted for the sake of her career really speaks to the fact that sexual assault is about power and control, not about the victim somehow enticing and inviting assault. This drama is such a gem and JSM is quickly becoming one of the best actresses in her generation. Cheers to writer Yoon Nan-Joong for covering topics that are often hard to discussed but need to be mentioned. 

    • Like 18
  6. 22 hours ago, andra30 said:

    I refrain to answer you a few times but enough is enough ! You don't like nothing about HJW, her make-up, her outfit, her hair style ever her dramas or movies so I WONDER what are you doing HERE in HJW thread ?????? :angry: Go and find something that you like !! 

    And if you only like love scene and passionate kiss scene go and watch some sexy movies or drama !!!:angry: 

    Why don't you go back and read my posts before saying these things to me? I said she could use more facial expressions!! So that means more passionate kiss/sexy scenes to you only? Lol sorry so I can't voice my opinions on what I don't like about her choices and to be a real fan I have to like everything about her right? Oh sorry, I thought this was the kind of forums where pl respect each other's opinions not put each other down just because someone else's opinion is diff than theirs. 

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  7. 9 hours ago, cynder said:

    Thank you, Andra for replying to camillajames' comment. I was trying to ignore her too. I have been a long time fan of hajiwon and most of the time I just read the comments here. Though there was a time where I would post here too (don't know if you still remember me).  Anyhow, I just want to say this for all hajiwon fans. I have seen fans come and go in this thread. More fans flock here when hajiwon is at her most popular self. And fans disappear when her projects aren't as popular as expected. But what irks me the most are those fans who thinks they know better. How hajiwon dress, kiss or pick her projects are her own choices, never ours. As fans, what do we know really about the world she is in? Me? I like everything about her. Whether it is a popular choice or not, i just support and accept what she does. So she doesn't feel like sticking her tongue out when kissing! Does that make or break the projects she is in? Not for me..sorry for the long post but in summary..i hope we as fans, can choose to be the kind of fan that we can be proud. Stop with the negativity. Let other people do that lol. Seriously, this is entertainment afterall. Be entertained and don't forget we are just looking into a bit of her life. 


    These are my opinions as a fan and if you dont like it that is fine but just because you are a fan doesnt mean you have to like everything about what she is doing or how she is being portrayed. Also, you should read my comments again before give your two cents about how she should portray romantic scenes bc I never said she has to use tongue LOL there are other ways to express the feeling of love when kissing someone. I want to see her succeed as an actress but she isnt going to be be very successful having a string of movies/dramas that are not well received or isn't critically acclaimed bc she keeps picking projects that doesn't contribute to her growth or highlight her strength as an actress. As a actress, you are responsible for making your characters and emotions come to life, the fact that that she is still having problems showing emotions in romantic scenes just means that she should pick projects where she can practice more in this area.


    Im sorry, I thought this space was to share our admirations and opinions on our favorite actress but it seems people like yourself is only looking for praises from other fans and expect them to like everything about her. I think this in of itself is very negative and not very nice at all.  I dont know what you mean by " we are just looking into a bit of her life" bc she as an actress, everything she does gets scrutinized and I am only going off of what I am seeing in her dramas/movies and I can only judge what I can see with my eyes, which is instead of being pickier w/ her projects and potentially choosing something with better content and stronger character development like Lee Kyoung-mi's "The truth beneath" she is essentially stuck doing a drama with a "love square" with younger male counterparts. If you don't like my posts, you can choose to not read it but to voice your opinion and say " oh, I was trying to avoid her" sounds like drama and is un-called for. 

    • Like 2
  8. Although I do not care much about ratings, i feel that ratings do have a lot of influence on the quality of projects that would be available to HJW. I have seen a lot of her previous works and I regard her as a true artist, trying out different roles that are both challenging and roles that are often not as conventional but lately esp after leaving Sidus, she has been doing more "fluff" than choosing something of content in my opinion. I agree that HJW is challenging herself playing a role that she has never played before as a doctor, however, her facial expressions when acting out a love scene (scene where she is either kissing someone or being shy/coy/embarrassed) still has not changed. The kiss scene in HS of course did not require her to be open her mouth but I felt she could've done more with her facial expressions than to look like her usual "statue self" :wacko:.


    I want the interactions w/ her potential lovers  to come more naturally on screen bc i've noticed it since SG, EK & TTTWNIL that her expressions are exactly the same ---she always looked a combination of half annoyed or wide-eyed/stunned lol I want her to being in more films/dramas where she is acting out more romantic scenes, so that they come out more naturally bc I have seen her in a lot of interviews and her personality is so vibrant and bubbly but they do not seem to come out when she is supposed to act out a romanic scene with someone. 

    • Like 2
  9. 23 hours ago, martanur said:

    @LyraYoo After reading some articles and comments here...  just hope LUTYN will heal his depression and has more confidence than before. This year, 2017, is his year to rise up and get some success in future *fighting

    I hope this is a successful year for him bc he definitely deserves it. The crying scene he did for last week's ep was heart wrenching. His eye are definitely very expressive!

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, yanki said:

    Yeah... I think he need to have or choose a project that the masses will like. Lee Joon Ki was able to gain more fans after his drama Scarlet Heart Ryeo became popular overseas. Gong Yoo also get that with his drama Goblin.  As much as I liked LUTYN... I do not think that it will be able to do that. He's gaining more fans because of it yes, but I don't think it will be that big.

    I hope the success of his current drama will bring him even better roles bc he's soo talented. Also, it makes me sad that he doesn't think he's very handsome bc he's damn hot and super charming. Honestly, oppa is the whole package: talented, sexy tush, caring, good singer, tall, beautiful smile and a great sense of humor. From the kiss scene in LUTYN, I think he is also a good kisser :wub:

    • Like 3
  11. I don't see the chemistry at all btw HJW and KMH. I still see a brooding high school student in him and the other young actors just merely exist. HJW and the other veteran actors are hard carrying this show :( I really hope there is no romance btw the two leads bc it's not believable at all. I'm also watching LUTYN and can't help but want to swap KAJ for HS and HJW for LUTYN. HJW and KNG ( Bidam and Damo) :wub: they need to do a sageuk or movie together please drama gods!!  

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    • Confused 3
  12. I can't believe I only recently heard of KNG through LUTYN. He is soooo talented, he has perfect timing for comedic moments and the heavier scenes make my heart ache. He deserves nothing but the best scripts bc he will act he hell out of it! Also, oppa is super sexy!!! This is the only drama I'm currently watching at the moment and I'm soo glad I gave it a try. I really hope he does a project with HJW :)

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  13. Loving the drama bc of HJW and the veteran actors. Still think KMH's acting and looks are pedestrian :( Loving her looks lately, just wished she'd wear some splash of color more often and the Lacey black dress was very sexy in particular. I want to see her in strappy sandals as well but I can understand why she wears a lot of platforms. I think her make up could still improve just a bit more bc she looked a bit washed out. 

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  14. I think the drama would've been ok with jo hyun jae being the male lead. Everytime I see KMH's character or any of the young male "doctors" I think to myself "just wth is mbc thinking?!!" casting these actors that don't match HJW's talent. The storyline is really boring and predictable :( she might need a new manager bc her latest projects have been underwhelming and her wardrobe choices have been less than desirable.  I feel she has been on a decline since leaving Sidus. This industry is so unforgiving, I'm so worried for her! She needs a kickass movie to make up for all of this!  Please dramagods!!

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  15. At the press conference, HJW looked noticeably older than the rest of cast and I want to kill whoever dressed her!! Seriously? She looked so frumpy! If this isn't proof that her stylist sucks Idk what is!! It's fine if she wanted to do a medical drama but why can't they cast age appropriate actors/actresses as leads?! MBC has really lost! Sorry guys, I'm just so over this drama already and esp pissed that her stylist made her look so much older in those pictures. I hope the drama is a success for her sake :/

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  16. Seeing this script reading thing gets me excited even though I loath this experience for her. I would love for her next role to be one where she is in deep passionate love lol bc the girl ready needs to practice romantic scenes without looking completely wooden. Or a femme fatale, she needs to put those beautiful triceps and buns to good use like the heroine in Atomic Blonde or Ghost in a shell!! If ever Korea decided to do a remake, she'd be great for it. 

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  17. The hair is a bit too short and the outfits still look so strange but I'm happy she is continuing to act and not being bothered by having to beat the biological clock. She doesn't seem too concern with marriage and that's something that I really admired about her. I saw a comment on NB about what SJK's dad said about SHk's age and it really pissed me off. The double standards of our society :( 

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  18. 13 hours ago, andra30 said:

    So what if she play with young actors/actresses ??? She has played before too with young actors with less experience and their work was a success, Jang Keun Suk, Lee Seung Gi, Ji Chang Wook !!! We must be more optimistic !!! I believe in Ha Ji Won and in her talent to determines her co-actors to become more involve in their characters and she is known for her talent to help on grow new actors...and I thing that one of the most appreciated qualities of a great actor is to form new talents and Ha Ji Won are, she was and she will be one of the GREAT Korean actress.

    She has a great artistic career and No one will ever take back the awards she has received...and in artistic career for ever will be up and down moments...even for Hollywood big Stars.

    And in Kentertainment there are a lot of  "unknown child/young" actors/actress who play very very well  in their fist movie or drama !!!!! 

    Sorry to say this but she has NEVER been surrounded by mainly young and inexperience actors like this time. Jang Keun Suk was maybe young when he acted beside her but his role was not a main role, Lee Seung Gi was an already established actor with several dramas under his belt and same for Ji Chang Wook, so sorry it is not equivalent! 2/3 are idols turned actors whose previous works were limited to either playing a singer or a high school student, while the other is a rookie. The problem lies in casting not one but three inexperienced actors. It's looking more like Heirs but on boat at this rate. Also, as a fan, it is very hard to see her in something that has the potential to fail :(

     Her last 3 works were not that successful and this industry is not very unforgiving to woman her age. I'm worried this could tarnish her star quality :( She was considered queen of dramas and with just one bad drama, no one uses that phrase anymore. In this industry, people tend to remember failed projects more than successful ones sadly. She is too talented to be babysitting that is all. 

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