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Posts posted by minwooluv78

  1. bouquet78 said:

    chinly Lin said:

    bouquet78 said:

    chinly Lin wrote: »

    angelangie said:

    chinly Lin said:

    angelangie said:


    OMG.....BUBBLE TEA!!!!! ***********GRABBBBB ONEEEE************

    eeeemmmmmmm...........***sigh***......I'm alive now!!!!

    Since you love bubble tea, if you ever visit Taiwan, there is one that is made with real milk not powder.  Taste different but still good ^^

    oh dont worry Jie i be visiting Taiwan....just not sure when ROFL...

    my mom love the hokkien series that taiwan broadcasting over here in Malaysia so mom had put that on a must visit list for me to take her go....lols tell me the stall name and i save it so that when i when there i will definitely look it up....btw Jie do you have WeChat? add me???  

    so in case i go there i can just pm you  

    Seriously?  Does she understand Taiwanese (hokkien)?  I can understand it but I'm rusty speaking it ^^I'll have to get back to you with the stall name...got their menu at the office.Unfortunately I don't have wechat but if you do ever come by Taiwan, just message me.  I'll pass you my phone # directly ^^

    lin, I am going to taipei this coming October....

      Basically, most of bubble milk teas through out Taiwan are good but these are 2 of my favorites ones from stalls (also opinion from my colleagues as well):

    1)  www.mr-wish.comThe bubble thing is sweeter so I usually ask for half sugar.  

    2)  www.dayungs.com.tw

    Plain, no sweetness on the bubble thing.

     seriously?  PM me your e-mail address.  Someone was going to Korean towards the end of the year?  Is that you too?

    That would be me.
    I'll be in Korea in from 11/11(pepero day)~28.
    Lin unnie, fly over!!
  2. b8l8 said: when I found this thread, I think it was already on the mid 400+ pages. I wanted to find a way  where we could access the gifs, pics, videos, analyses, etc easily within the thread. i found none. there were so many wonderful photos, vidoes, gifs, commentaries "buried" within the earlier pages of the thread that are now almost impossible to remember where they're at unless you have a photographic memory. how much more when we reach 2,000 pages? to make the long story short. I created a blog where I can have everything in one place. I guess you could say, a more easily accessible archive of this thread. Most posts are cross-indexed to the comment here on the thread. At first it was a private blog for my own use but i thought I should share it because the posts were mostly not mine. for the same reason, I don't think I can make it a public blog. i feel it's not mine to share. that's why I've been asking you guys to pm me your email. so I could include you as readers. I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier. I think I started when we reached 600 pages and I started to panic hahaha. The blog is only for archiving, comments are disabled there. I don't want to draw anyone from the conversation going on here. like that's even possible. lol. so if you want to, let me know, if not, it's ok. If you don't want your posts to appear there, let me know, I'll take it off the blog. 
    from your friendly neighborhood librarian/custodian/archivistb8l8

  3. chinly Lin said: bouquet78 said:

    angelangie said:

    chinly Lin said:

    angelangie said:


    OMG.....BUBBLE TEA!!!!! ***********GRABBBBB ONEEEE************

    eeeemmmmmmm...........***sigh***......I'm alive now!!!!

    Since you love bubble tea, if you ever visit Taiwan, there is one that is made with real milk not powder.  Taste different but still good ^^

    oh dont worry Jie i be visiting Taiwan....just not sure when ROFL...
    my mom love the hokkien series that taiwan broadcasting over here in Malaysia
    so mom had put that on a must visit list for me to take her go....lols tell me the stall name and i save it
    so that when i when there i will definitely look it up....btw Jie do you have WeChat? add me???

    so in case i go there i can just pm you

    Seriously?  Does she understand Taiwanese (hokkien)?  I can understand it but I'm rusty speaking it ^^I'll have to get back to you with the stall name...got their menu at the office.Unfortunately I don't have wechat but if you do ever come by Taiwan, just message me.  I'll pass you my phone # directly ^^
  4. Lmangla said: @angelangie -- I love this breeze.. it is so nice when your hair flies around gently rather than when the wind is blowing full force and you are drowning and blinded because of your hair....

    @minwooluv78 -- is that man also coming to make us the late night food snacks.. I would rather he cook than one of us slaving over a grill and ruining our party dresses...


  5. Have room for more food? Brought some pupus!

    Garlic Edamame

    Spicy Ahi Poke

    Everyone grab your glasses, shots, yogurts, bottles! Cheers~

    And our late night snack :@)
    Simon brought his food truck to make us some Moroccan sandwiches!! It's delicious! For those who don't like meat, how about a vegetarian banh mi? (ignore the meat pictured in the banh mi ;) )

  6. Woohoo! I learnt how to post a video from youtube. Thanks @minwooluv. I can't believe I am excited over a virtual party but you gals are fantastic with all the scrumptious food and setup. I think I am cra...zy! lol! Anyway, my contribution is JYP's (boss of 2pm, an extremely talented composer and singer)

    latest song "Love is the best". It is a groovy r&b tune....enjoy!


    cf. BubbleFeetBeatCH6

    Mianhae..but he's ugly..

    ;))keke good thing he's talented. I like this new song by him. It will be on repeat. ^^Thanks for sharing!

  7. "We are micheseo and we love it!" Sorry to keep y'all waiting.  especially @Lmangla ;) I have a bottle of Condition just for you. Don't want you to have a major hangover. lol

    I love every picture, mv, gifs of Taecgui but this scene is one of my all time fave. Episodeg045-vi.gif
    Just love how she uses her aegyo on Taec.  Total gwiyomi!!!  (@angelangie thanks for the link ;) ㅋㅋ)

    @yokalana are you providing the shoes for the party? If so, I'll take a pair of flats.
    :> but since the party is on the beach I also packed my rubbah slippahs. hehe

    What @Lmangla has been waiting for...


    Here's some more yogurt drinks in case you run out of yogurt soju.

    For our non-drinkers and young dongsengs, here's some watermelon punch. Feel free to grab some yogurt drinks too. ;) there's plenty!!!

    Let's take a quick shot before I get back to work...hana, dool, shet~ gun beh, ganbei!!! Try not too drink too much. Don't want you guys to be all passed out before I return. :))  Remember soju doesn't hit you right away. ;)

    Almost forgot...here's the bottles of Condition. You're supposed to drink this before or after drinking to prevent a hangover. Worked for me~ :)>-

    @chinly Lin I'm grabbing a jasmine milk tea to go~ xie xie!! :x

    I'll be back with some late night snacks. lol Have fun!! \:D/

  8. angelangie said:

    Okie girls....this is going to cause a stir.....how true im not too sure but i got the news off this websites.....it just a very brief mention for both couple for the GWGM so lets us all keep our finger cross??? this new is posted by someone into gui gui facebook and thanks to @minwooluv78 unnie for finding it out :D

    if this is true i tell u honestly even hongna fans will jump in joy and same here :) so girls u can actually skip all the article and just zoom into the one that i had highlighted just for us :D

    cr: http://english.khan.co.kr/khan_art_view.html?artid=201309031948307&code=710100We Got Married: Global Edition which airs on MBC Everyone is creating a stir overseas including China and Thailand. Taecyeon, a member of 2PM and Gui Gui (Wu Ying Jie), a Taiwanese actress and singer appear as a virtual couple portraying the life of newlyweds along with Lee Hong-ki, a member of FT Island and Fujii Mina, a Japanese actress. Thanks to their popularity, they are expected to join We Got Marriedon MBC from the new season later this year.

    Oh no don't tell me this is true too.  What happen to me and Thao, we feel something coming and now all come at once.  If this one is going to happen I for sure look 10 years older than I'm now because of heartache and love sick about this two, but I love it. 

    @Thao:  Where are you??  We are not dreaming, something is going to happen soon hahah.  GuiGui already changed her Ava picture too.

    Let's all keep our fingers n toes crossed n pray!! :>

    ps thank yous to the ppl that posted that tid bit on guigui's fb.

  9. BiruAngel said:

    On 'Radio Star', the MCs asked J.Y. Park if it was true that Suzy made 10,000,000,000 KRW (approximately $9.1 million USD) all by herself. J.Y. Park confirmed, "Of course. She does that by herself, through just the CFs alone."
    Yoon Jong Shin then asked, "I hear that 2PM's income is incredible, as well." J.Y. Park answered, "2PM makes much more. They make more than double [of what Suzy makes]".

    I think the MC asked something about TY, but JY Park said he's not TY.  Can someone translate this, please?Not translate whole vid, just this last part where TY was mentioned.
  10. Can't remember if these MVs have already been shared...but all are awesome! :>

    MV credits to lovemain1028

    @chinly Lin @angelangie My shirts came in just in time for the beach party!! :-bd \:D/ geundae...a little snug :@)  I'll have to start my diet (again!) after the weekend.ㅋㅋㅋ

    @jenj Thanks for bringing the watermelons!! ;) I'll make some virgin cocktails for our under 21 dongsengs. See everyone tomorrow!!!  <:-P

  11. angelangie said: minwooluv78 said: drft said: @Lmangla lol whoa whoa hold on I'm tooottally down for some samgyupsal!!! Did I ever tell you guys I visited Korea twice? once in 2010 with my cousin and my friend during a 10 week backpacking trip. made some friends there and visited again in 2012 of January. Although I am from Canada, I found it pretty cold at that time! I had samgyupsal as much as I could. Have any of you girls been there yet? It's such a fun city.

    My mom's from Thailand, and we used to have a Thai restaurant many years ago where I learnt to become a cook. So I can make some Thai food for you all? Best curry prawns in the city said a newspaper review ;) lol
    @minwooluv78 what's the recipe of that watermelon cocktail?? that looks pretty impressive

  12. drft said: @Lmangla lol whoa whoa hold on I'm tooottally down for some samgyupsal!!! Did I ever tell you guys I visited Korea twice? once in 2010 with my cousin and my friend during a 10 week backpacking trip. made some friends there and visited again in 2012 of January. Although I am from Canada, I found it pretty cold at that time! I had samgyupsal as much as I could. Have any of you girls been there yet? It's such a fun city.

    My mom's from Thailand, and we used to have a Thai restaurant many years ago where I learnt to become a cook. So I can make some Thai food for you all? Best curry prawns in the city said a newspaper review ;) lol
    @minwooluv78 what's the recipe of that watermelon cocktail?? that looks pretty impressive

  13. Several pages back @BiruAngel posted about Taec & Guigui's astrological signs. Here's a compatibility report for the two. Just for fun.. :>

    I (Guigui) am Leo, My Lover (Taecyeon) is Capricorn

    Here you have a pairing of a generous aristocrat (you, regal Leo) and an ambitious workaholic (Capricorn). Can the two of you find happiness? Very possibly, but you are going to have to give it your all.

    You both love attending glittery events and know many successful people in the arts and big business. Together you enlarge your circle of friends and your social schedule dramatically! Still, you aren't quite as success-driven as your lover and may find Capricorn's hours away from you hard to take, even though you will love the lifestyle his or her salary will ensure.

    Capricorns are ruled by Saturn, and therefore have a more cautious and serious view of life. You have a bright, sunny perspective on things, which they like. This is because you're ruled by the golden Sun. Because you don't have Capricorn's practical, grounded orientation (Lions just want to have fun), you probably unconsciously drifted to your Goat to pick up some pointers. However, since you're a fixed sign, will you take advice? Time will tell. At the very least, the Goat has the key to your bigger success -- they know how to climb mountains -- so you might try swallowing some pride and following their lead once in a while.

    Your Capricorn's humor will tickle your Leo funny bone. Some of the best comics are Capricorns. Leo loves to be entertained and you've got quite a sense of humor yourself. Together you are likely to have each other in stitches, with tears of laughter rolling down your cheeks. Ultimately you will be good for one another, for laughter is one of the best stress-reducers known to man.

    Your Capricorn is a wizard with money and may frown on your extravagant ways. While Capricorns love to partake of fine food, art, entertainment, and tend to frequent only the best shops (buying wholesale isn't really your thing or theirs), they also like to save and see their stash grow. It is you who have the greater need for continuous consumption!

    Sexually, your lover will adore your concentration and admiration of them. Before you can begin to lure a Capricorn into your den, you are going to have to relax your lover and divert his or her energy away from work, toward you and pleasure. Capricorns' sense of responsibility is so strong it covers their hidden sensuality, and you need to gently peel back their layers of resistance. Go slowly, without too much Leo exuberance. Outwardly, Capricorn is always very reserved, but you can bet inner raging passion and earthy lustiness are dying to come out. :)) Who better than a warmhearted Leo to light up Capricorn's all too duty-oriented days?

    This is an unusual pairing, but one that can work if you both admire each other's qualities and accept each other's spiritual gifts. At the very least, your Capricorn can stabilize and strengthen the framework of your life -- if your Leo pride will allow it, that is.

    I (Taecyeon) am Capricorn, My Lover (Guigui) is Leo

    This relationship isn't supposed to work by astrological terms, because you are an earth sign and your lover, Leo, is a fire sign. Earth usually puts out fire, but when you look at what makes this union tick, you see surprising similarities between the personalities of both. I think you have a good chance to make a go of your union.

    Both of you like to socialize, although Leo might be a bit more exuberant and outgoing, whereas Capricorns, as a rule, are reserved. You two socialize for different reasons: You want to network to get ahead, but your Leo just wants to have fun. Both of you dress beautifully and attend all kinds of cultural functions, and your Leo will bring out the sparkle in your personality. In turn, you will ground your Leo and grip the purse strings tight when Leo forgets you two don't really have a king's ransom to keep your lover in the style to which the Lion or Lioness can become accustomed! Leos can be impractical as well as inflexible -- two factors which will get the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on end. They will find you a bit too stodgy and serious about your work. Still, if you love one another, you can work these things out.

    In bed, Leo wants to feel adored and cherished, and you will be thrilled to oblige. Leo will make lovemaking festive with champagne, flowers, chocolates, luxurious sheets, and sexy gifts like lingerie. You have a healthy need for sex and so does your Leo -- even more so, in fact!

    If you two have children, your Leo will be a wonderful parent -- they stay interested, involved, and willing to provide endless playful attention. You'll be a good parent, too -- Capricorns respect family and heritage -- but you will do better when the kids get a little older. By the time they're ready for college, you are in top form, having not only saved the money to send them to college, but you're also ready to accompany them to every campus to help them make their choice.

    So even though your Leo's stubbornness can drive you up a wall, you do have lots in common. If you want it to work, you can make it happen!

    Interesting, no? ;))

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