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Posts posted by minwooluv78

  1. fangirl11 said: minwooluv78 said:

    Okcat was born in July 23, 2002.  Wow wow Okcat too old hahah.

    Credit to OKCatmall

    GuiGui will hit 1 million people like her facebook in a few hours or may be in 1 day, I wonder what she is going to post to celebrate the 1 million likes.   Let see how long it take for OKCat's facebook to hit 1 million, right now only over 16,000.00 likes hahah.

  2. packmule3 said: angelangie said: an updates from OkCat 
    Plz let me know your own warm place-!

    @minwooluv78 or @bluemoonlight,
    Would you kindly tell us please if  the caption for the poster (Plz let me know your warm place) is identical to what's written on the poster itself? @lmangla and I have a theory that the posters are pre-drawn/pre-arranged a few days ahead of the actual Post Date, but that the caption may be slightly altered to give a different nuance or mood or theme to the posters.  

  3. Okcat was born in July 23, 2002.  Wow wow Okcat too old hahah.

    Credit to OKCatmall

    GuiGui will hit 1 million people like her facebook in a few hours or may be in 1 day, I wonder what she is going to post to celebrate the 1 million likes.   Let see how long it take for OKCat's facebook to hit 1 million, right now only over 16,000.00 likes hahah.

  4. @minwooluv78 did you post your pic to their facebook page/twitter? Apart from the tag there, how else do they know you're from hawaii?

    DELULU MODE: OMG THERES A STALKER (BIRD WATCHER?) IN HERE!! YAY!! and omg... *remembers the pervy things we've written* X_X

    RATIONAL MODE: ahhh get a grip @leechalee, @minwooluv78 probably has it stated on her facebook/twitter 8-}

    Oh I'm sure Taec stalks this thread. :> ;)ㅋㅋ But I emailed the pic to okcatphoto@gmail.com and told'em that okcat is dreaming of Hawaii. Lol

    @bluemoonlight can't a girl just daydream... 8-> ㅎㅎ

    @packmule sorry, i should've bought the ceci magazine at the airport #-o but korean magazines are so thick n heavy...miahn hapnida~

  5. packmule3 said: Lol. That's one pampered OKCat you've got there, minwooluv78! 
    At times, I think this OkCat thing is not only Taec's alter ego, but it also provides him with a way to get a rudimentary education on taking care of an infant. kekeke. Practice, practice, practice.

    ********************************************       angelangie said: lols @minwooluv78 had collected her OkCat stuff from Korea and had flew back to the Hawaii, States with it lols see how she pamper it :D =))
    she said that pulsie is really really soft and very nice to hold :) and hug :)
    cr: @minwooluv78

  6. So since @angelangie shared that special soompi post by editors, writers, mods, admin, etc...I read most of them...haha...I have a lot of free time today and came upon this by nanasung. I'm not gonna repost hers, but this was at the end of her write-up:

    nanasung is the Japanese writer at Soompi who wrote to Santa that she wanted the biggest Okcat doll for christmas.

    nanasung wants the same thing I want for Christmas!



    @bluemoonlight Same here! I really want that big OkCat that Taec posted not too long ago. My lil'okcat is lonely...he needs a big brother, yeoncat or ghost emma. ^^ btw, i think you'll like Marriage Blues;)

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I'm thankful for TaecGui and my Micheoseo Family! <3~

  7. BiruAngel said: packmule3 said: Okay, this post should put us on the next page 1163.
    jal-mock-get-sup-ni-da is something Taec taught Guigui to say before eating. I think it means something like "I will eat well"  and it might be their version of Bon Appetit.  But I'm not sure. Let's wait for @minwooluv78 or @bluemoonlight to confirm. Then, I'll put it up in our Taecgui dictionary. 

  8. bluemoonlight said: Oh no @minwooluv78! It seems like the premiere for Taec's movie was today! :-O
    But I got the previous information from the film production company's official twitter. Here it is in Korean: 시사회는 11/12(화) 오후8시, CGV용산입니다!
    Mianhe! #-o :(
    @charliew...I think you can! You can log in with your Soompi account, then log out and log in with your Facebook account...Thank you! :D

  9. angelangie said:


    said: @packmule3wow.. unnie you have amazing memory. I am dori fish!OK, I changed my avatar back. I thought no one will remember...lol..

    OH, BTW..Taec posted that alter ego image on Facebook and twitter.He posted 2 different messages.The on on twitter got Chinese Baidu TaecGui shippers attention.

    Twitter Chinese translation see Baidu:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2692317884


    ~啊不是这个..听了成时京nim的歌想到的..喵唔..Okcat想学会分身术!吼吼!一个工作.一个休息..主人们也是这么想的吧?(图:我有两个身体就好了 Okcat最想拥有的超能力是分身术 那样就肯定不会辛苦了 工作的okcat 补充能量的okcat 爱一股 真好)

    English translation for highlight: It would be so nice if I can hold your hand and walk with you till the end of the road.

    Anyone has the full english translation?



    Are you thinking what  am thinking?

  10. A - AVAILABLE: Yes
    B - BIRTHDAY : August 8
    D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Lemon water
    F - FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT: 반짝 (Twinkling) a.k.a. Other Half by Seo Young Eun & Magical Hat Parade
    G - GUY/GIRL: Lady
    H - HOMETOWN: Honolulu
    I - IN LOVE WITH: TaecGui lol
    J - JUGGLE: no more than two balls
    K - KILLED SOMEONE: Not worth the jail time
    L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: San Jose to Vegas
    M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: if it's Kona Coffee
    N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 1 brother
    O - ONE WISH: For TaecGui to be dating :x
    R- REASON TO SMILE: TaecGui, 2PM
    S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Someone I know by San E
    T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 7am
    U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: Navy Blue
    V - VEGETABLE(S): as long as it's not leafy...
    W - WORST HABIT: procrastination, sleeping late
    Y - YOYOS ARE: not my thing
    Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Leo
    Random Questions About You: let's go!
    Spell your name without vowels: Cynth
    Your favorite number: 8
    What color do you wear most: Black
    Least favorite color: Yellow, orange...which is suppose to be my lucky colors :? guess i need to get a new wallet. ^^
    What are you listening to: Songs on my phone
    Are you happy with your life right now: happy cuz my vacation starts soon!
    What's your favorite class: I would like to take a baking or cooking class. ^^
    When do you start back at school/college: maybe later
    Are you outgoing?: only with my friends :D
    Favorite pair of shoes: My Tieks
    Can you dance: My friend tells me not to dance. so...i guess not :(
    Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth: If the stem is long, then possibly
    Can you whistle: Yes
    Write with both hands: yes, but my left handwriting would be even messier. ha~
    Cross your eyes: yes
    Walk with your toes curled: Why?
    Do you believe there is life on other planets: yes
    Do you believe in miracles: Yes
    Do you believe in magic: yes
    Love at first sight: maybe
    Do you believe in Santa: when I was younger
    Do you know how to swim: Yes
    Do you like roller coasters: I do!
    Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows: >.< no thanks!
    Have you ever been on a plane: Yes
    Have you ever been to the ocean: I live on an island...
    Have you ever painted your nails: Yes. getting a mani & pedi today! maybe i'll show you guys ;)
    What is the temperature outside: Looks sunny so should be warm
    What radio station do you listen to: KORL 107.5
    What was the last restaurant you ate at: Kim An
    What was the last thing you bought: A sausage burrito from McDonalds
    What was the last thing on TV you watched: don't watch TV...but caught a little bit of kdrama Beautiful Mama
    Who was the last person you IM'd: my cousin
    Who was the last person you took a picture of: My aunty's passport
    Who was the last person you said I love you to: My dog, Piggy
    Ever really cried your heart out: yes
    Ever cried yourself to sleep: yes
    Ever cried on your friend's shoulder: no
    Ever cried over the opposite sex: yes
    Do you cry when you get an injury: only teary eyed if it hurts
    Do certain songs make you cry: yes, when watching the music video
    Are you a happy person: most of the time
    What is your current hair color: brown
    What shirt are you wearing: I'm wearing a black dress
    Pants: usually in jeans
    Shoes: black flats/slippers
    Necklaces: Yes
    Underwear: navy blue
    Favorite eye color: Any
    Short or long hair: Short!
    Height: Tall
    Been in jail: No
    Mooned someone: not intentionally, but maybe at a sauna :> haha
    Laughed so hard, you cried: yes..usually when something is super funny my back starts to hurt. keke
    Cried in school: maybe
    Thrown up in a store : not in a store... :\">
    Wanted to be a model: If i was taller and slimmer
    Seen a dead body: yes
    Been on drugs: no, thanks!
    Gone skinny dipping: nah

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