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Posts posted by Jennifer

  1. hi kyonatics :-h
    just like you guys, me too i'd really want to see our princess at sbs but i guess she really can't do it due to her tight schedule & that is already confirmed :( as we can see the many news appearing/posted to the previous pages...so lets just hope her safety, good health & happiness while she's taping in Taiwan and wishing her a prosperous new year in advance & to everyone <:-P <:-P <:-P    Happy New Year!pizapcom10254471593536436561388323187343

    p.s. i love this saying of putrin unnie "miracle do comes true esp. at this thread" so who knows? our dear girl will surprise us on 31st? :x

  2. Happy happy holidays to all kyonatics out there!!! and of course to our one & only beloved, lovely, gyorgeous, amazing & fabulous pincess, Song hye kyo unnie...may your christmas & to all kyores be unbelievably merry & a safe one<:-P <:-P <:-P & i hope our princess can able to rest & enjoy together w/ her loved ones this christmas:)
     and super thanks a ton to all the updates,messages & pics!!! u guys are all awesome :-bd

    (i'd really thought i won't able to visit this thread today coz of xmas preparation & all the cooking thing :(( but of corz, can i let myself out of list here?? byaneh guys...am just happy i was able to find time , coz if not, then my christmas wouldn't becomplete!) & again i wish you all a merry merry christmas & a prosperous new year ahead :x :x :x Love you all kyonatics & hye kyo unnie :-*

  3. Best kiss scene in 2013
     입력: 2013.12.23 09:00 / 수정: 2013.12.23 00:36
    [sS탐사-2013 방송결산⑤] 화끈·달콤·풋풋…'심장어택' 키스신 10 

    <스포츠서울닷컴>이 올 한해를 정리하는 의미에서 기획한 2013 SS방송어워즈는 베스트 키스신 10를 뽑아봤다.  / 그래픽 김여진 기자
    <스포츠서울닷컴>이 올 한해를 정리하는 의미에서 기획한 '2013 SS방송어워즈'는 베스트 키스신 10를 뽑아봤다. / 그래픽 김여진 기자

    세상은 변하고 있다. 대중들의 친구인 TV도 변한다. 스마트폰, VOD 다시보기 등에 밀리며 변화의 급물살 속에 있다.

    그래서 일까. TV는 점차 자극적인 소재로 다양화를 꾀하고 있다. 남-남 커플이나 연상연하 커플이 등장하고 러브신은 더 야릇해졌다. 그 와중 '먹방'(먹는 방송)이 트렌드로 떠오르기도 하고 사극과 메디컬 드라마는 '흥행보증수표'라는 인식도 깨져가고 있다. <스포츠서울닷컴>에서는 올 한해를 뜨겁게 달군 TV 이야기를 <SS방송어워즈>로 정리해 봤다. [편집자주]

    [스포츠서울닷컴ㅣ김한나 기자] '아름답거나, 황홀하거나!'

    올 한해 안방극장은 러브신으로 뜨겁게 달아 올랐다.

    동영상 전문 사이트 유튜브 조회수를 기준으로 시청자들에게 놀라움, 설렘, 강렬함 등 3단 충격을 선사한 베스트 키스신(19일 기준)을 꼽아봤다.

    MBC 구가의 서에서 방송된 이승기-수지의 키스신. / MBC 방송 화면 캡처
    MBC '구가의 서'에서 방송된 이승기-수지의 키스신. / MBC 방송 화면 캡처

    ◆ '구가의 서' 이승기♥수지, 눈물 방울 2단 키스

    수지도 울고 삼촌팬도 눈물을 흘렸다. 지난 6월 3일 방송된 MBC '구가의 서'에서 최강치(이승기 분)와 담여울(수지 분)은 애간장 녹이는 첫 키스를 나눴다. 납치된 담여울을 되찾은 최강치는 "널 잃을까 두려웠다. 네가 없으면 난 아무 의미도 없다"고 말한 뒤 입술을 덮쳤다.

    긴 키스 후 신수의 모습을 하고 있던 최강치가 인간의 모습으로 돌아온 것을 확인한 담여울은 벅찬 마음을 누르지 못한 채 다시 입을 맞췄다. 이승기, 수지의 키스는 극중 서로의 마음을 확인하는 첫키스일 뿐만 아니라 '국민 첫사랑' 수지의 농도 진한 키스에 2분을 넘는 길이로 올해 최고의 키스에 오르는 영예를 안았다.

    KBS2 상어에서 방송된 손예진-하석진의 키스. / KBS 방송 화면 캡처
    KBS2 '상어'에서 방송된 손예진-하석진의 키스. / KBS 방송 화면 캡처

    ◆ '상어' 손예진♥하석진, 아찔 베드신

    첫날밤의 설렘이 녹아든 키스는 아찔했다. 지난 6월 3일 방송된 KBS2 '상어'에서 조해우(손예진 분)와 오준영(하석진 분)은 결혼식을 올린 후 뜨거운 첫날밤을 나눴다. 특히 이 장면은 조해우의 첫 사랑인 한이수(김남길 분)의 괴로워 하는 장면과 교차 편집되면서 아찔함을 더했다.

    오준영은 조해우의 어깨에 가볍게 입을 맞췄고 돌아 누워 자신을 바라보는 조해우와 뜨거운 키스를 나누며 화끈한 베드신으로 연결시켰다.

    SBS 결혼의 여신에서 방송된 장현성-클라라의 키스신. / SBS 방송 화면 캡처
    SBS '결혼의 여신'에서 방송된 장현성-클라라의 키스신. / SBS 방송 화면 캡처

    ◆ '결혼의 여신' 장현성-클라라, 뜨거운 불륜 키스

    불륜 사이이기 때문일까. 장현성-클라라의 스킨십은 더욱 노골적으로 농도 짙었다. 지난 6월 30일 방송된 SBS '결혼의 여신'에서 노승수(장현성 분)은 직장 내에서 불륜 관계인 신시아 정(클라라 분)과 밀애를 즐겼다.

    키스 뿐만 아니라 온몸을 밀착하는가 하면 쇼파에 몸이 포개져 누으면서 더욱 뜨거운 분위기를 그렸다.

    tvN 나인에서 방송된 이진욱-조윤희의 키스신. / tvN 방송 화면 캡처
    tvN '나인'에서 방송된 이진욱-조윤희의 키스신. / tvN 방송 화면 캡처

    ◆ '나인' 이진욱♥조윤희, 격정 침대 키스

    시한부를 선고 받은 박선우(이진욱 분)과 이 사실을 알면서도 프러포즈를 받아들인 주민영(조윤희 분)은 사랑을 확인 한 듯 뜨거운 키스를 나눴다. 지난 3월 18일 방송된 tvN '나인: 아홉 번의 시간여행'에서 이진욱은 서로의 마음을 확인한 후 밤을 함께 보내게 된 조윤희에게 "이게 유리 신혼여행이잖아. 선 본 사람처럼 점잔 떨고 있으면 이상하잖아"라며 조윤희를 리드하며 과감한 키스 장면을 연출했다.

    SBS 너의 목소리가 들려에서 방송된 이보영-이종석의 키스신. / SBS 방송 화면 캡처
    SBS '너의 목소리가 들려'에서 방송된 이보영-이종석의 키스신. / SBS 방송 화면 캡처

    ◆ '너목들' 이보영♥이종석, 해피 엔딩 키스

    사랑을 확인한 후 하는 키스는 더욱 달콤했다. SBS '너의 목소리가 들려'에서 그려진 장혜성(이보영 분)과 박수하(이종석 분)의 키스가 그랬다. 지난 8월 1일 방송한 마지막회에서 두 사람은 위기를 함께 지난 후 돈독해진 사랑으로 행복해 했다. 이보영은 "사랑한다는 말ㅇ에 인햇했던 것이 미안하다"고 고백하며 이종석의 사랑을 받아줬고 이에 기쁨의 키스를 나눴다.

    SBS 상속자들에서 방송된 이민호-박신혜의 키스신. / SBS 방송 화면 캡처
    SBS '상속자들'에서 방송된 이민호-박신혜의 키스신. / SBS 방송 화면 캡처

    ◆ '상속자들' 이민호♥박신혜, 18살의 애절 키스

    18살의 키스도 제법 진했다. 지난 11월 28일 방송된 SBS '왕관을 스려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라-상속자들'에서 김탄(이민호 분)은 아버지의 반대 속에 신음하며 강제 유학 명령이 떨어진 차은상(박신혜 분)에 격한 감정을 표출했다. 그는 "여권 들고 나와. 안 나오면 내가 들어가 뒤진다"라고 윽박 지른 후 차은상을 창고로 데려가 키스를 감행했다. 애절한 두 사람은 키스를 나눈 후 서로를 꼭 끌어 안으며 반대 앞에 놓인 자신들의 사랑을 서글퍼했다.

    tvN 응답하라 1994에서 방송된 고아라-정우의 키스신. / tvN 방송 화면 캡처
    tvN '응답하라 1994'에서 방송된 고아라-정우의 키스신. / tvN 방송 화면 캡처

    ◆ '응답하라 1994' 정우♥고아라, 파격 키스?

    키스가 아닌 입술 깨물기? 지난 10월 19일 tvN '응답하라 1994'에서는 성나정(고아라 분)이 쓰레기(정우 분)의 입술을 깨무는 장면이 전파를 탔다. 입술과 입술이 맞닿기는 했지만 술에 취해 입을을 물어뜯는 장면으로 달콤하기 보단 파격에 가까운 키스였다. 특히 평소 남매처럼 투닥거린 두 사람이 실제 남매관계가 아니라는 반전이 그려지면서 놀라움을 자아내기도 했다.

    tvN 감자별에서 방송된 하연수-여진구의 키스신. / tvN 방송 화면 캡처
    tvN '감자별'에서 방송된 하연수-여진구의 키스신. / tvN 방송 화면 캡처

    ◆ '감자별' 하연주♥여진구, 방통위도 놀랜 키스

    방송통신심의위원회도 놀라게 한 청소년 여진구의 수위 높은 키스? 지난 10월 15일 방송된 tvN '감자별 2013QR3'에서 여진구와 하연수는 첫키스를 나눴다. 서로 마음을 나눈 남녀의 키스로 다소 수위가 높았지만 더 화제를 모은 것은 16세 여진구의 나이었다. 여진구의 격렬한 키스는 연일 화제를 모았고 결국 방통위로 부터 주의 조치를 받기도 했다.

    SBS 그 겨울, 바람이 분다에서 방송된 조인성-송혜교의 키스신. / SBS  방송 화면 캡처
    SBS '그 겨울, 바람이 분다'에서 방송된 조인성-송혜교의 키스신. / SBS 방송 화면 캡처

    ◆ '그겨울' 조인성♥송혜교, 눈물 키스

    '비주얼 커플'로 함께 서 있는 것 만으로도 화제를 몰았던 조인성, 송혜교. 두 사람의 키스 역시 뜨거운 화제를 일으켰다. 지난 4월 3일 방송된 SBS '그 겨울, 바람이 분다' 마지막회에서는 오영(송혜교 분)이 오수(조인성 분)에 대한 자신의 마음을 전하며 자연스럽게 키스로 연결됐다. 두 사람은 서로의 마음을 확인했지만 이별할 수 밖에 없는 상황을 앞에 두고 눈물을 흘리며 키스했다.

    Google translate:

    'The Winter' ♥ Jo In Sung Song, tears, kisses

    'Visual couple' to be standing alone with Jo In Sung drove topics, Song Hye-kyo. Keith is also a hot topic in both human caused. Broadcast on April 3 last SBS 'that winter, the wind blows "Last week, the fifty (Song Hye minutes) Sewage (Jo In Sung minutes) regards his mind was naturally connected with a kiss. Check the hearts of two people to each other, but can be forced parting tears, kissed at hand.

    SBS 장옥정에서 방송된 김태희-유아인의 키스신. / SBS 방송 화면 캡처
    SBS '장옥정'에서 방송된 김태희-유아인의 키스신. / SBS 방송 화면 캡처

    ◆ '장옥정' 김태희♥유아인, 속적삼 키스

    속적삼 차림으로 나누는 사극 속 키스도 아찔하기는 마찬가지였다. 지난 5월 20일 방송된 SBS '장옥정, 사랑에 살다'에서 장옥정(김태희 분)은 이순(유아인 분)과 인현(홍수현 분)의 합방을 훼방 놓기 위해 이순에게 입맞춤을 시도 했다. 인현의 방으로 향하는 이순을 유혹하기 위해 그가 지나가는 길목에 속적삼 차림으로 서 있는 치밀함까지 엿보였다. 본격적으로 장옥정과 인현의 대결, 장옥정과 이순의 로맨스를 그린 장면으로 아찔함을 선사했다.

    연예팀 ssent@media.sportsseoul.com


  4. freshspring dearest, a big thanks for the update on pc about the crossing, i was upon expecting to see hye kyo  unnie tonight :( anyways,  about her role in the movie, as said a "princess", she do really truly a princess in our hearts...am pretty sure our princess did & will do an excellent portrayal on her role. fighting kyo! dir.jw never go wrong on choosing our princess to play on this role:) thanks a lot too khxy for the trans & following update in pc:)

  5. hello kyonatics....
    putrin unnie tnx for the pretty random pics & freshspring dearie for the pics of hye kyo unnie in taiwan, i was thinking the same like putrin unnie about the person whom sheltering her...if it could be mr trans byj look a like 8->...if its him, wow...it means he's always accompanying our dear girl, wherever she goes in taiwan :-O he must be oh so lucky?/ or our girl must be lucky :-/ :))
    & tnx meiyan for the presscon update & beautiful fanarts...deaborj & O2yoxanoh for the comments & necie for ur lovely fanarts :x

    1 day to go....its christmas.... MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL <:-P <:-P <:-P

  6. agree to u kababayan kai...not just with her mom but to her friends & loved ones too...
    advance merry christmas to our dear princess & to all kyonatics <:-P <:-P <:-P

    cr photo-owners
    thanks putrin unnie & meiyan dearie for the updates of the crossing....and freshspring dearest for the laneige pics

  7. ahhh...that info from jasan dearie makes me sadden :(... :(( :((...but SBS held on 31st right? so still crossing my fingers tight, really hope she can be able to attend....but if time really won't permit our dear girl... :-/ we have no choice... & i'm with you jjeennyy dearie..hoping she still wins...TWTWB was one of SBS's great drama this year...like kai dearie said even top excellence award :D

  8. tiny_mu..i also noticed that, celebrities only attend to a drama awards if they are the winners...after getting addicted to K dramas/movies..i learned a bit about the K entertainment...& it's one of them....

    kailoveskyo..i do agree with you...LBY is a strong competitor to hye kyo unnie for any SBS major award or the daesang perhaps? hehehe...as the APAN panel of judges said before, they had a hard time discussing who will be there deasang winner bcoz LBY too is an excellent actress..and i also watched her two latest dramas ( my daughter seoyong & I hear your voice)..and i must say she did a good job there...now, i can only hope hye kyo will attend the SBS...& wish her all the luck in the world if that day comes [-O<
    count me in mexteur....that's one of my fave hobby this year...and maybe next year? haven't done watching all her projects...
    thanks a ton khxy for the trans...grace for the vid, cocomhe for the beautiful fan arts, as always..putrin unnie for the pic, mexteur for gif & to all dearies for the comments...thanks :x

  9. putrin unnie...that's what makes me sad a bit...but still am hoping & looking forward to see her in that particular awarding ceremony...hehehe and regarding the pic you re-post how sweet of mr. trans to help our dear princess putting her jacket  >:D< :x..ahhh...what a gentleman creature indeed ;;)
    and speaking of FH  and seeing the gif...am done re watching FH...she never failed me to laugh out loud...and i really love the contract signing & the rewriting of new contract scenes....and seeing their facial expressions at that moment wherein it so serious...i ended burst out laughing =))....and many many more scenes.. :)) :)) :))
    and thanks for the news about mr. trans hclover chingu :D
    O2yoxanoh...yes..he really is handsome...and to become a celebrity? not bad...yeah..who really knows ;;)

  10. hello everyone....thanks a lot for the new updates, pics, links, comments & trans and like freshspring dearest said i'm also in mr. trans aka byj look-alike fever >:D<..he looks very adonis...kekeke...the handsomest translator ive seen so far...wow!!!  hye kyo unnie is very lucky...meiyan dearie was precisely right our dear princess was surrounded by good looking guys ;))
    putrin unnie i'm still crossing my fingers & hoping that hye kyo unnie can attend the coming SBS drama awards w/ jis...? [-O<..i do really missed seeing them both again together :-< :-< :-<..i hope UAAP can fixed her crazy/tight schedule:) hehehe
    happy monday to all... :D

  11. hello kyonatics :D..gahd..i missed this thread so much..how come i bear not visiting here for about 3 days :-/..oh well...just done backtracking and just like you guys, me too do agree about the shipping thing and lets just be optimistic as we are :x and respect to everyone's individual opinions to a certain topic/thing e.g. (the most popular) "shipping" ..hehehe..byaneh guys and as we all know "we can't please everybody"!!!!.....so lets just always spread peace , love & happiness here in hye kyo unnie's thread :D

    thanks a ton to all {seniors, dongsaengs, newbies( welcome to everyone) & dearies} chingu kyonatics for all the unending updates, pics, vids, fanarts, gifs, trans, links & comments to our dear princess...i can't thank enough to all of you & i owe you guys a lot :x :x :x  and
    happy 2500 page to hye kyo unnie's big happy family thread...we deserved a celebration kyonatics  <:-P <:-P <:-P
    cheers to everyone

  12. chloebelle dear...too much for that..u make me feel so flattered ;)) hehehe..seriously, i really agree w/ you & i do really liked to thank hye kyo unnie's thread too from the very bottom of my heart , coz  just like you chloebelle dearie ( can i call u belle 4 short?:) hehehe) , i found & felt this thread so homey..and i am more vocal/open here unlike to my bias thread..sorry:( and i can say that i truly found a home here in soompi, and i'm proud to say that its here! here in SHK lovely & amazing big happy family thread. everytime i visit soompi, i'm craving to check this lovely thread and leave a not that informational/newsy post and i'm so happy & thankful that it's ok to all of you chingu kyonatics...really thank you!!!  ( i'm just being true to myself, sorry)anyhow...hehehehe...thanks for what?..it seems that ur getting impatient to our project, :(  but if not..hmmmnn then why are u suddenly want to take this to final step??? are u tired. hehehe...jowk :)>-..we're still the same i experienced white? out effect (ww)...i can't still see nothing :-B :-B :-B by the way, am finished watching worlds within last night ;) i love the story how it goes...i love how they faced the obstacles/challenges they encounter as an individual & as a couple..i love everything about the drama >:D< ,i have many firsts in hye kyo unnie's dramas..TWTWB, WW & FH too...and speaking of full house i re-watched it today together w/ my elder sister...what a beautiful laughtrip monday to us   :)) hye kyo unnie really acts very natural in a rom com...:) i hope to see her again in it...i love to collect hye kyo unnie's merchandise too...but i think this is not the perfect time to me for that and thanks a lot for ur suggestions :D..and about the bf thing, (am 21) so true...you are right belle dearie...even if i'm innocent or  yet didn't experience this kind of relationship personally, i admit am not that ignorant. of corz, i learned something about this to my family/ friends experiences...... :) i'd like this saying of yours "better to have 1 really good bf than having lots of crapy bfs, that's headache!" hehehe, i love it:) ( sorry guys 4 the off topic:( )and again just like you of course i will be happy and will support to that guy also...just make himself clear & promised he'll be careful not to hurt our dear girl's feelings =(( coz if he won't :-w i'll turn myself into this >-)hehehe :P

    freshspring dearest its my pleasure :) you really are awesome...how did you able to find that rare pic on the set of TWTWB :-? you're the one dear :-bd no doubt..hehehe
    tnx ria dearie...and everyone thanks for the posts, pics, vids & updates to the princess in our hearts >:D<

    edit: sorry for a long post....

  13. good morning kyonatics
    chloebelle dear, how i'd love to get & own one of hye kyo unnie's photobook too (can you help me, where i can buy it? please?) oh thank you, its nothing..needless to say i learn it in ww when hyun bin (ji oh) said to hye kyo (joon young) that she's thoughtless, and i don't want to be like that, hehehehe...wow!!! CONGRATULATIONS then, so can you join me again to our unfinished zooming project which i think the final step is too far?, hope not that far as i think..hehehehe...me? i've been bz this past few days cleaning & decorating our house and watching K dramas as always i'm already on the half ep of ww...and did u know? of all the k dramas i've watched so far ww is the only drama that makes me realize how boring my life is, for having No Boyfriend Since Birth, but to think it more deeply am not...but a part of my heart & mind says that i am...byaneh guys...oh well..maybe i was just brought by the drama too much..coz this ex real couple (right?) just portrayed their role very well, that's why out of the blue i just suddenly felt this...huhuhu ( just sharing) party?game? so where's the venue? heheheof course i'll watch camellia...so i guess ur bet is KDW for our dear girl? or only for team up? anyhow....easy easy i can feel you chloebelle..and i hate u for that, u make me feel thrill & excited to watch love for sale....i'm still inside in ww world, and i want to take slowly it & feel the every scenes here :)) heheheand thanks for the video ;)
    thanks a lot chingus for the updates, vids & comments.. :D happy sunday to each an everyone...Godspeed :x

  14. good morning kyonatics...i was wowed by the new cf of hye kyo unnie ,she's the true meaning of elegance, luxury ( so i was wrong then when i read the meaning of the word luxury in Philippine Tatler mag few years ago?) bianeh guys:) and she looks very stunning...though i just heard the J estina now but as i read deaborj post j estina is not that simple?common?typical jewelry boutique? correct me if i'm stating wrong guys.

    hello ms.shanda, you're also known as in that name, right? Philippines have no winter season but its getting colder here especially in the evening and dawn, its very cold, maybe bcoz its christmas season....considering this is a tropical country :D and happy to hear that ur son is recovering well, hope he will recover and gain his health completely:) and also i just view the links you post above and i found out in the 2nd link that you have a twitter account, i was just a bit shock,hehehe, sorry and so i follow you, i didn't find the one you said instead i find out ur twitter account :)) and i'm bz reading ur tweets and viewing the links

    thanks a ton everyone for the new updates, pics, vids and comments :x hello freshspring dear welcome back?:)

    edit: ms.shanda, oh, i see it now that hye kyo unnie wore J.estina pearl in TWTWB..its just that i didn't scroll down the mouse, hehehe sorry...i was really excited about the twitter :P

  15. cocomhe said: Jennifer said: hello kyonatics...thanks a lot for the updates, comments,pics, fanarts and vid... :x :D
    hi cocomhe, i haven't yet watch love for sale and just like you i'm curious too how the story goes in that movie, as hclover chingu and utkim unnie said its too short and a bit weird..but whatever it is, i'm still gonna watch it, later? coz i'm watching 2 dramas at a time now.. :)

  16. hello kyonatics...thanks a lot for the updates, comments,pics, fanarts and vid... :x :D
    hi cocomhe, i haven't yet watch love for sale and just like you i'm curious too how the story goes in that movie, as hclover chingu and utkim unnie said its too short and a bit weird..but whatever it is, i'm still gonna watch it, later? coz i'm watching 2 dramas at a time now.. :)

  17. poonie..oh thank you for telling me...i just searched it in google just now..and you're right am not watching my sweetheart my darling...its Hooray for love rather...omoo...my fault..its bcoz am not watching it in an original dvd copy..i read that hooray for love is also known as "the thousand affection" and that's exactly what i'm watching..but i'm confused why my copy has 159 eps when it has only 57, that's why i thought i'm watching my sweetheart my darling...
    really sorry mdsy & cocomhe...i'd really thought i'm watching MSMD :-O what a reckless act of mine ^#(^

  18. mdsy, yes! i'm still watching My sweetheart  My darling at this moment and am so sorry  guys (cocomhe too) i can't share it wd you coz am not watching through link or in youtube, i'm watching it on TV since i accidentally found its copy here in my place..ahh..i wish you can watched it again w/ eng sub coz it has a great story (only my opinion), i love it already even if I still didin't finish it, and that's why i'm eager to take this to the end ASAP coz i'm looking 4ward what will be the twists and turns in the middle and what will happen in the end "if she might reunite to her ex husband whom she's still in love? or she will end up to her lawyer who helped her fix her divorce papers (ep1-14)...and oh, in the early episodes of this drama, i first heard LBY speaks in english, that's when they are in Guam for vacation, she really can spoke it very well/fluently and it amazed me...oops, sorry. i might spoil the person who will watch it too... and the 2nd time was in MAMA 2013.

    shaym, uhm, i donno what to say...heheheanyways, its okay..she portrayed her role there well, not too good not too bad..am sorry am not really good in judging :( i said that bcoz i'm expecting that she will end up to hyun woo & since i was frustrated i didn't impressed that much, in short i am more into the story,.that's it...sorry shaym hope you get me...but the bottomline is i love Lee Bo Young unnie herself (period). :D  and honestly, the reason behind why i'm so eager to watch this drama before was i wanna see if LBY & JS had already this kind of rapour/chemistry/pairing during their youths... and before is too diff. at present moment/today..hehehe  :D

    sorry for the late reply :)>-

  19. i'm so late with the fun...anyways, i am happy that KDW will be the male lead in hye kyo unnie's upcoming big screen project..haven't watch their first big screen team up camelia, though i didn't see personally their chemistry...but through your posts guys i feel like i knew KDW a little and i do believe the'yre the perfect combination/match/parents in this movie ( sorry to all who has his/her own bet for hye kyo unnie in this movie)...i hope its big SUCCESS...song hye kyo ssi really surprises us when this thread gets quite...love her so much :x :x :x

    ria..i'm wondering where's freshpring dearest too... :-/ freshspring dear hello :-@ :-@ :-@ :P...ooh, and
    chloebelle too ;;)

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