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Posts posted by Jennifer

    WOW!!! time really goes fast. Can't believe i'd been following our beloved SONG HYE KYO unnie for a year and over!!! For sure, my 2014 journey wouldn't be complete and fun and happy if i'm not here, if i didn't know kyo this much, if i didn't find this harmonious thread, if i didn't meet the sweet, lovely, friendly, resourceful, talented and brilliant KYOnatics. So thank you thank you so much guys for everything you had shared in this thread and to my life as well. Thank you for the fun and laughs, thank you for the exciting feeling everytime our kyo had onto something, thank you for the picture overload, video overload, gifs overload, updates overload and etc...Thank you thank you thank you so much guys!!!!
    And 2014 was so good to our girl...maybe i could say it's one of her amazing year ever, she had 2 movies released this year and were both blockbuster and also 2 movies filmed this year and to be released next year, hopefully. Tons of advertisements, lots of red carpet occasions, gracing many fashion magazine cover and loads of movie presscon and promotional events.I am so much thankful for all the countless blessings our girl had received. She's really one of a kind and she deserved all the blessings God showered to her. I do really believed that BEST things happen to BEST people!!! And hye kyo unnie is one of that people!!! And for sure this 2015, it would be a best year for her too. So here I am Wishing her a bountiful, fruitful, peaceful, prosperous and healthy new year ahead. And unnie continue to inspired people and be a role model to everyone. We love you so much amd we are so proud of you Song Hye Kyo ssi!!!! Wishing you love, peace & happiness !!!! :x :x :x >:D< >:D< >:D< <:-P <:-P <:-P

  2. @freshspring dearie ...and tomorrow will be 19th unnie. ..wow so happy for you unnie and also to Jolie and at the same time so envious with you guys too ..first My Brilliant Life was shown in your country last month , for sure you did not missed it unnie and now TC!!! Wondering why they didn't released it in my country ...to think that we're just neighbors and also there are many international movies shown here...hhhyyy *sigh* ...sorry guys don't have that wide knowledge about entertainment :)>-

    Uhm, hoping that wherever the crossing will be release it will be a blockbuster hit ! Fighting ! Kyo unnie Fighting

    Kyonatics thanks a lot for all the updates!

  3. Thanks @sunflower91 and @freshspring dearest for the bits and pics and vids and @ZhouYunfen‌ too thanks a lot for all the awesome sharings and a warm welcome also here at song hye kyo unnie's big happy family thread :-h :D and to all my seniors, Chingus, newbies and dearies coKyonatics thank you thank you guys for keeping this thread kicking and so alive ... :x

  4. @AnnW agree to you that vid is so funny and cute ..on the 4th question kyo was not so sure that's why she paused for a while and think for a moment and still her answer is yes ...though don't understand it , I think the question had a relations to her past loveteams ..as it was shown in the vid ...hehe

    @freshspring :D

  5. Thanks a ton @freshspring dearest and jolie dearie for the pics ,vids and bits. .two thumbs up for you Chingus. . :-bd

    @khxy‌ unnie and @hclover96 dearie thanks a lot for the trans guys ..without you we can't understand what our kyo is saying, your efforts and hardworks unnies are very much appreciated :D

    And to everyone thank you for the comments...I had so much fun and I enjoyed reading all your sweet words to our kyo unnie.

  6. Thanks a ton KYOnatics for all the wonderful updates of our gorgeous kyo unnie ..you know who you areguys and also for all the translation ...thanks so much for the hardworks and efforts senior dearies it was all appreciated. ..

    AgAin thank you thank you Chingus just silently reading and lurking on the pages made my eyes full and leave a smile on my faces. .Song Hye Kyo ssi please dont mesmerized me that much, hehe ANYWAys, wishing all luck in the world that TC will do good on the box. ..Fighting !!!Fighting kyo !

  7. Thank you thank you for the flooding pics of our gorgeous kyo unnie tonight on TCs promotional event @freshspring @utkim @putrin unnies and to all kyonatics, and I'm so agree with you guys that our kyo had a more different aura now, she's more vibrant, blooming and so refreshing :x :x :x

    If seems that kyo looks something new..wonder what happens to her birthday :D hehe

    Again thank you guys for all the efforts !

  8.               HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY 33rd BIRTHDAY SONG HYE KYO!!!!!

    Saengil Chukha Hamnida!!!!!!!I wish you nothing but only the best on your special day unnie...So happy and thankful that God gave you another wonderful & successful & countless blessings year this year. :x :x :x And we KYOnatics are so so happy that God gave us YOU as our great inspiration and a role model to all dearies, moms, sisters, wives and to all Song Hye Kyo heart dying avid fan out there!!!! We love you so much and we support you to the best that we can unnie and we can assure you unnie that were always here behind you, cheering, fighting and loving you no matter what and our support and love for you gets even morestronger as days goes by... :D :x ;)
    You're the most gorgeous, compassionate, kind, down-to-earth, loving and beautiful person inside and out w/c i can proved and say it loud to all people how genuine person are you, and the person i know so far without seeing in person...and that's all because of the resourceful kyonatics here...and for that i can't thank you guys enough..super super thank you for bringing kyo and for sharing how and what kyo in person is to all fans that had no means to dig her and travel here and there just to support her every projects and of course to see her in person....and i'm one of that avid fan. :D :x 
    Again happy happy birthday unnie, hope you had a blast tonight celebrating your birthday despite your crazy and busy scheduleto you're family, friends and loved ones. May you have the happiest birthday ever today unnie.... <:-P <:-P <:-P make a wish sweetie....oops..i forgot my cake, can i bake it tomorrow :)>- :)) :)):)):)) :)) :))

    pizapcom14166594592921_zps420498c1.jpg  cr: to the owners

    edit: welcome back frehspring unnie dearie..we missed you here and your refreshing update on kyo so much...i was so shocked in happiness seeing you again unnie, can't believe you're already back...a big hug for you...hehehe :D:D:D

  9. Hi kyonatics ....a million thanks to all of your wonderful updates from the Jimmy choo event which she always look fascinating and drop dead gorgeous as ever ..super duper thank you for the pics, vids and gifs. ..and for the news on TC's sold out tickets...wow I'm so so happy for the crossing team..and of course to hye kyo unnie. ..their hardworks are all worth it ...crossing my fingers tight for this movie to be a blockbuster hit!!!

    And 2 more days before our dear girl's birthday. ..

    Advance happy birthday unnie. .may your desires on your special day will be granted!!!!!love you so much :x

  10. hello hello everyone. ...i missed this lovely thread for a while and i missed our girl hye kyo unnie  so much. ... : :x :x :x
    i thought we can able to see our queen tonight reading our kyonatics post from the previous pages but still this doesn't failed me to say thank you guys for all the bits, mvs, pics, vids, links, infos and etc.  :D kyonatics really are the best! !!!
    and though i knew that this was so late l still want to give  my warm welcome to all newbies here 
    :-h  :-h  :-h welcome welcome welcome guys! !!!!

    sfc12, welcome to the "superstar club " chingu  >:D<

  11. putrin unnie, thanks for your warm welcome on the superstar club unnie....really appreciate it :D hehehe i don't know that saying thank you makes me become a superstar :)) :)) it's just now that I've come to realized it, hehehe
    jolie dearie, hahahaha....thanks for comparing me like our kyo that i'm a ninja, it's an honor for me jolie, hahahaha :)) well, it's just that last weekend i have some things to get it done & i need to visit here once in a while for the happenings at the same time :D
    sunflower91 dearie, wow!!!always envious with you chingu, you already saw our queen in person for 2 times??? wow wow wow 8->... so what's your reaction for the second time seeing our girl dearie? did you're jaw drop or lock? were you speechless? due to her overly gorgeousness? what? i wanna know....hehehe sorry dearie, i was just so overly happy for you >:D< :D
    and to all dearies and unnies here...super super duper thanks a ton for the flooding pics last weekend....my eyes are so full seeing those beautiful & cute pics overload of our hye kyo unnie...i'm loving her smile & laughs & the cuteness & the prettiness...i still can't get enough of her beauty 8-> promise!!!  :D
    and thanks everyone for the pics, vids, gifs, links, collages, gist, trans & updates >:D< :D :x it's all appreciated!!! You really are the best guys :-bd
    -------------btw, where's our beloved freshspring dearie??? how can she miss this kind of event of our kyo? unnie, are you all okay? hope you can visit us & bring some refreshing update, or even if there's no update at all, just visit us here coz we all missed you. A single hello from you is more than enough for all of us, right guys?  ;)

    goodnight everyone...may you have a beautiful & sweet dreams...and hope there's something surprising will happen tomorrow for us, just like our kyo will grace at HIFF? hehehe

  12. Happy happy sunday morning kyonatics, just woke up and had a very beautiful story at my dreamland...coz i only dreamt of kyo for the whole sleep :)) :))
    and would like to thank all kyonatics here for all the pics last night...and now looking for more and more pics, gifs & vids....and can't wait for tonight's mpl showing in HK and the SG. 8-> 8-> 8-> thanks everyone for all the hardworks, i won't get tired of saying thank you to all of you guys coz that's my only worth in this thread. :D
    anyways, still can't get enough of kyo unnie's beauty, she's indeed a goddess. How can she be this beautiful & stunning, lovely & adorable lady :-O :-O :-O hehehe

    sorry if this is a repost:)

  13. thanks hclover unnie, putrin unnie & jolie dearie for the more bigger & clearer pics of kyo i love it :x and like some of kyonatics here i so agree that our kyo looks like to our beloved Oh Youngs last twtwb which i missed a lot and also i noticed that, maybe our kyo choose to wear that elegant yellow dress to show her support to all the people in hongkong for their democracy protest?? ( sorry guys, just thought that there was some relevance, just my opinion though) :)>- :)>-

    and yes!just promoted from a superstar!!!!!  >:D<

  14. wow i'm so happy seeing our kyo again in public, together with some of the lucky heart dying avid  fan of her out of the million kyonatics in the world !!!! wow ! they must be oh so so happy tonight 8-> 8-> 8-> so envious with them. but on the positive note, i know that this kind of once-of-a- lifetime opportunity will soon to be happen on mine....hehehe *optimistic mood*.hehe :D sorry chingus but i do really believe on this   ;))

    ----------------------------and thanks a lot chingus for all the awesome sharings of this event of our kyo & mr kang at hong kong....all the pics updates video clips trans & etc...:x
    :x :x it was highly appreciated :D
    hoping & crossing my fingers that MPL will be a  blockbuster in HK!!! FIGHTING MPL! FIGHTING kyo!!!!!!

  15. hello hello KYOnatics...so much excited for tomorrow's event of mpl at hongkong... 8-> 8-> 8-> Yey!!!! it means we got to see our dear queen after her few weeks rest >:D< >:D< hope hongkong people stop for a while on their democracy protest ( if its not done yet, sorry i wasn't updated) and instead support our kyo unnie & the mpl movie showing in their contry  :D:)>-
    and super duper thanks a ton everyone for all the pics, vids, gifs, bits, collages, trans, MV's & the constant update on IAQ, TC & MPL ...super appreciate it much guys...Kyonatics really rock \m/ You're the best chingus!!!  ;)

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