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Posts posted by loujaie

  1. OH how great to hear that news, BYJ is really a very warm-hearten person. He always help those not so popular actors who were less fortunate. I admire his thoughtfulness, he had a very kind heart. Maybe there were so many celebrities and  friends out there that he had helped which were not made public

  2. Its because of her blog, for which she was and or still is so rooted with the "Damsu" couple and I presumed it since your aka-soompi name is damsu, so I speculated that your were liezle.  You see I'm still in the middle part of the total pages, its long way to go yet and I've been asking to myself, why oh why I didn't surf this "TWSSG" thread before, I could have seen all the video clips and photos that were posted which some or rather most of them were being removed. My enjoyment and happiness should be greater or greatest in those time but anyways I can't turn back the clock, and neither should I ponder any regrets, for I still enjoy it now.

  3. Hey there damsu, yes I'm enjoying and laughing for various blogs/comments its because I know the story of the drama already. I've watched "The Legend with English subtitle and also watched it in our local TV channel that was being dubbed in our national language. Some of the speculations were right and wrong ( I know that the drama was still airing when this thread was created, it was somewhat question and answer portion) and some blogs were negative thus creating havoc to some bloggers.Presently,  right now I'm on page 200 and I've read every blogs per pages and I was wondering if you damsu was liezle at those time. . . Ooopppsss sorryjust my speculation carried by my imagination.

  4. Dam-Su said: loujaie said: Hi there damsu. I was so hesitant to post this message/blog of mine, for I think it's too late but as saying goes "It's better late that never" or "Never too late for important matters that is meaningful to you".You see I became a Korean drama lover when I watched "The Legend" which was dubbed in Tagalog in our local TV channel here in the Philippines sometime in 2009 in QTV(I'm not so sure about the channel for that was 3 yrs ago). It mesmerized of the leading actor and actress which I came to love/like BYJs' and LJAs' acting, thus I bought a copy of the DVD with English subtitle for I was so eager and can't wait for the next episodes.I just came to know this forum through surfing on LJAs' and BYJs' various websites then started to blogged, then later in the M2F thread. What I did missed to surf was the drama "The Legend", maybe that was because I had already watched a long time ago.Then lately, when we/I  were/was mentioning about BYJs' for a comeback small screen project, then wishing him for another sequel of "The Legend", that started me to visit the Soompi thread of the drama "The Legend".I really enjoyed reading and viewing the photos and some video clips, and wondering . .  why oh why,  I'm so late in visiting this forum.But anyways, Its never too late for anything, and I do wish and hope that there will be a sequel for the drama "The Legend" or the Dam-Su couple will be reunitedStill I'm on two digits pages and enjoying it.

  5. Hi there damsu. I was so hesitant to post this message/blog of mine, for I think it's too late but as saying goes "It's better late that never" or "Never too late for important matters that is meaningful to you".You see I became a Korean drama lover when I watched "The Legend" which was dubbed in Tagalog in our local TV channel here in the Philippines sometime in 2009 in QTV(I'm not so sure about the channel for that was 3 yrs ago). It mesmerized of the leading actor and actress which I came to love/like BYJs' and LJAs' acting, thus I bought a copy of the DVD with English subtitle for I was so eager and can't wait for the next episodes.I just came to know this forum through surfing on LJAs' and BYJs' various websites then started to blogged, then later in the M2F thread. What I did missed to surf was the drama "The Legend", maybe that was because I had already watched a long time ago.Then lately, when we/I  were/was mentioning about BYJs' for a comeback small screen project, then wishing him for another sequel of "The Legend", that started me to visit the Soompi thread of the drama "The Legend".I really enjoyed reading and viewing the photos and some video clips, and wondering . .  why oh why,  I'm so late in visiting this forum.But anyways, Its never too late for anything, and I do wish and hope that there will be a sequel for the drama "The Legend" or the Dam-Su couple will be reunitedStill I'm on two digits pages and enjoying it.

  6. Since I missed the Dam-Su couple, I surfed the forum in Soompi the "TWSSGs" thread, in which I came across the page where there is the English version of the OST "Approval". I am touch with the lyric which make my heart sad by just reminiscing the ending of the drama wherein Damdeok left Sujini with his son and came to heaven, where the Gods belong. 
    It doesn't matter if I can't say anything,  as long as I can see you,  even If I cannot have or touch you.Truthfully, I sweep away my heart once and withstand it.
    I worry about your days, where are you? If you are well?On the suffering night swallowing the moonlight, thoughts of you keep me from sleep.I want the heavens to give Approval the day I am born again.Our un realizable love.
    Even if I cannot be next to you.I will become a lonely shadow behind you.You shouldn't look back even if you want to.You must avoid me,  who cannot give you happiness even for a little while.
    One step, two steps, walk a bit faster than me.So my two hands and also my two feet will not block your way.I wish in heavens to give Approval on the day I am born again.Our love that could not be realized.
    Oh heavens, conceal my love.Oh wind give flight to my pain.I beg of you to not let my love known my tears.

  7. I like and love it the video clips you had uploaded jeunn. He looked cute and naive in those mannerism pouting and lip wetting. LJA seemed to have the same kind mannerism. I think most of his fans do love the long haired BYJ for he did look handsomest of all his hair trend looks. The more I've seen his photos the more I miss him. Hoping for his comeback in small screen drama at least on early part of next year.

  8. It's nice to hear and see that our BYJ always been going in and out in USA and most specially  the place that he visited was LA. I do hope against hope, that in my wildest dream, that my greatest wish be granted, that is, he might be passing by and visited my lovely LJA, since its been quiet awhile that we/I haven't heard her lately, no latest news on whatever might be her activities this year.

  9. tumblr_lxgumeO2E81r8ggcjo1_500.png
    It's like the fanfic story that I made, that the re-birth Damdeok will be the president of S.K while the re-birth Sujini is a special elite member of the task force in the Intelligence Agency/Unit (NIS) who has a special assignment to act as special presidential guard  due to the information they receive that there will be an assassination plot from the terrorist to assassinate the President.  For sure,it would be difficult to love a commoner especially she is one of his guards but nightmares and some kind of memories that is unknown to him keeps on bothering in his state of mind that seems he is somewhat familiar to this women when in fact it is the first time he meet this woman. ...... (HOW'S THAT) 

  10. Its been quiet a while that I want to re-upload this photo, but now, with "no holds bar", wishing that the "damsu" couple would be alive again , this time "Shadows of Love -the Re-birth of the guardians of Gods in the 21st Century"..tumblr_lxgumeO2E81r8ggcjo1_500.pngCR. LJAs Tumblers uploaded by westfarthing

  11. Hi there jeunn, but then I"d rather like or prefer him to be with that long hairs of him, just like on the above photo clips. He was and is the most handsome Korean actor I knew, but the very big problem is that he really doesn't know me. Hu . .hu. .hu how sad.

  12. Hi there ysy94 and database, It seemed that only YSY promoted their drama M2F which already available in Japan (maybe already dubbed in. Japanese language). Why is it only him not with Lee Ji Ah, maybe its because LJA is no longer with KEE agency, for the production of the M2F was when she was still with KEE.I've noticed YSY is slimmer these days or recently, maybe due to his hectic schedules in filming  the short drama/CF regarding "Brand Guardians" brand in Japan then to and fro (vice versa) and in Korea. He is more handsome when he has a chubby face.Well its nice to see him for another drama and ee for it if he will have a strong chemistry with Park Shin Hye. I also like PSH but I rather have her paired off with Jang Geun Seuk.

  13. OH how contagious when he laughed, it made us viewers join him laughing too. He is so handsome in those video clips and the handsomest was when his hair was long and he also look much younger compared to his blond hair in Winter Sonata drama. In my deepest and heartfelt opinion, he was rather most handsome and manly in portrayal in "The Legend" drama and also in the movie "Untold Scandal".
    He also look amazing in uniform, it seemed that it was an aviation uniform, please correct me if not.
    How I wish that he will have another small screen project before the year ends or maybe early part of 2013. My greatest desire is that he will act as the president of S.K. 

  14. What happened to my blog. It was erase when I upload the link regarding the article about the manager of KEE @ enews. The said manager was really a culprit which evidence were found on the DNA test conducted by the police. I do hope that this kind of incident will never happen to any Entertainment Industry not only KEE. I hope that our BYJnim will be more strict on employing managers to handle their artists. This Mr.Lee was one of the managers who handled Kim Soo Hyun, for KSH were not only handled by one manager.

  15. Hello to Bae-sisters, I've read this article "Do not blame other countries when political outcome is bad" at the Liberty web global. One of the topics in that article is about "Japanese people are flexible and accept Korean dramas" and also "Abandon the past resentment and openly recognized what is good, as good", for which he mentioned about Bae Yong Joon being the lead role in "Winter Sonata" which was been been broad-casted in the recent years on NHK which had great influence among Japanese women, either young and old with regards to the "Innocent love" as the basic concept of the drama. It also mentioned about "The Legend" which is presently aired in NHK.You can surf it on BYJ spacenet.com

  16. Hello!  I know that it would be perfect for BYJ to have a role or act as President. As far as I have watched his dramas and movie, he had not yet portrayed the role as President, it would be awesome for him to do so. Then LJA would be his presidential guard or a member of NIS wherein has a special assignment to act as one of the presidential guard due to the information they got/received that there will be an assassination plot of the president. Then later love will blossoms but encounters so many hardships or obstacles and so on and so forth.

    HOW ABOUT THAT . . . .

  17. Yeah. . . I'm one of those who also like to have the Dam-Su together again, a reunited BYJ and LJA. If TWSSG II will be impossible to be materialize then another type of small screen project will also be better or best, as long as the two will end up together in the drama.When BYJ was been interviewed at that time, he did mentioned that there was a possibility to have a sequel of TWSSG. I wish and hope, though that was quiet years had past, but if BYJ will be interested to make it possible, why not. For sure the Dam-Su fans will love it.

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