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  1. ikaind said: BYJ loves to wear white clothes. From that photo he looked like was serving customers cafe hehe...dr25,  I've seen photos of LJA holding cup of coffee, eating noodles and cake.Have you seen "Lee Ji Ah: I'm Real in USA"? There she was always eating and drinking.bed

  2. Yeah, no news about him or nowhere to be seen but still happy to know that he will be coming back this year for a possible small screen project just like our dear princess. What if, the two of them would surprise us, and have a comeback pairing drama on the 2nd quarter of this year. That would be lovely, the greatest and heart-warming and thrilling news for me.(HOW"S THAT). :x <:-P [-O< Then for sure, it will make me sleepless for a couple of days or weeks or months before it airs. 8-| (:| 8-|
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Missing the Bong-Hee Couple:123.jpg
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The cute jae hee:The crying jae hee:viewimage.php?id=siyoon&no=29bcc427b6807Cr: re-posted from YSY thread

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  5. Scene in FBND:             viewimage.php?id=siyoon&no=29bcc427b6807                                                                          CR: dcinside #62360
    Scene from M2F
    5yccu9.jpg                                                                          CR: Soompi posted by naddification in M2F forum page 34

    I still prefer the acting of YSY as Jae Hee rather than Enrique on similar scenes.

  6. The bong-hee couple's earmuffs, the smiling YSY on BTS/Ngs in M2F. The happy smile of YSY, as he twitted on the night of Nov 24, 2011 (but not on this scene filming but before on this scene, ie., after eps.6), as quote and unquote " How many people in the world can do the job that personally like? Furthermore can also be well like by others through the job, this should be the happiest thing in the world. Sometimes when I'm at the filming set I can suddenly feel very happy, very grateful, even involuntarily filled with tears".meflower_photo111228154509imbcdrama6.jpgCR:  re-posted from M2F forum
    But after this film shooting:siyoonkiss4.jpg

  7. It just came to my mind that, is it the first time wuri Yong Joon treat his staff for a summer vacation? If it is so, then just my speculation, maybe there is something very important event going to be held in Hawaii. What could it be? Just my "2 cents" thought, could it be that wuri Yong Joon is having wedding celebration in Hawaii? Who would it be? He had gone to LA and New York, and my princess was also there, I wonder, what if, ahem, or I'm just paranoid for such thought since I love her to be with him ( my first priority/older than her). :\"> ;;):D :x :-h
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm very deeply rooted to the pairing of YSY and LJA despite the age gap. The two have a very strong chemistry in M2F compared to YSY current drama FBND and I don't think that I'm biased on it. But in M2F, by just merely watching the drama, I felt the strong emotion of Jae Hee to Bong Sun, it's not merely his awesome acting but really there was true feelings on him in portraying the role as if somewhat a reality drama TV show. Even during their breaks and BTS, YSY was so thoughtful and caring to LJA and also even during his interviews regarding the drama, he did not used honorific in addressing LJA when he mentioned her, when in fact he is 9 or 8 years younger than her.He also used the two finger sign language of Bong Sun during their first encounter in M2F, [ FBND to Dokmi (Park Shin Hye)] and the hand-chic caressed with Tae-Joon which also had done with Bong Sun during their hand-cuffed walk and also their  rice wine drink.Though I also enjoyed watching the FBND but still can't avoid comparing him in his awesome performance in M2F. 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  9. I've been watching the FBND because of YSY, PSH and KJJ. As to the strong chemistry of the three, I'd rather choose KKH-PSH rather than YSY-PSH. I also noticed some of the scene trends like smack kiss of Enrique with Dok-mi and the two fingers language of Enrique to Dok-mi, and the so the rice-wine drink, is quiet similar to M2F which I can't forget. The strong chemistry between Bong Sun and Jae Hee is so awesome. Even during their BTS there was really something, more on real emotion on YSY besides his acting.tumblr_m9q610kj3p1rxcrbso2_500.jpgtumblr_m9q610kj3p1rxcrbso1_500.jpg---7-4.jpg---4-2.jpg---4-3.jpgmeflowerphoto1112271746.jpga3dib.jpg

  10. When YSY said in episode 1 of the drama FBND  to the girl  " FOR THE PAST YEAR, . .EVERY SINGLE DAY, . .I REALLY MISSED YOU" . .   I felt it that those words were intended indirectly for Cha Bong Sun or Lee Ji Ah,  though  it was for the girl who is playing the guitar. You know it's already been a year from now since the M2F  drama ended (Past year, not years, so I have this thought).  I'm sorry for the avid fans of YSY, but I felt it on my nerves the he really like LJA on and off screen. 

  11. mrsbae

    said: Thanks to all you guys for your warm welcomes and responses to my April Snow question. It is a very thoughtful gesture. I suppose at the end of the day, everything shown in a film that you don't see is open to interpretation, but in this case we all seem to agree. I first became aware of BYJ through watching Untold Scandal back in 2010 and I thought his acting was incredible, but looks wise he did nothing for me! This is probably because I thought his character was a totally unlikeable scumbag. However his performance impressed me enough to keep April Snow on my must see movies list for two years, during which time my Mum (who had also seen Untold Scandal and loved it) kept insisting to me that he was totally gorgeous. After finally watching April Snow last year I fell in love due to the fact that In Su was my ideal man. :>  I really hope BYJ appears in another movie soon, as I adore him, but his filmography is far too short for my liking! I'm looking forward to speaking to more fans in the future as you seem like such a friendly bunch here.

  12. I would like to share the concept of the fashion title "An Ume Flower in Snow" featured in Vogue Korea magazine for the January 2013 issue, whose fashion stylist is Lee Ji Ah. I shared their concept in this forum for it contained similar analogy in the drama M2F. 
                               " AN UME FLOWER IN SNOW " featured in Vogue Korea Magazine, January 2013 issueA flower is delicate that must be handled with care.  If it is plucked too roughly, then you might damage not only the flower but also the plant it comes from.  If it is left alone without water after cutting it, then it will wither faster and loose its beauty.  Some women are like flowers.  They can appear delicate and alluring, but they can thrive when left alone and will fight to survive when plucked.
    When the airing of M2F, there was a question being raised in this forum why the drama was titled "Me too Flower", then I posted my comment that maybe it was referring to the main subject (as person) of the story line, which is Cha Bong Sun as an analogous to a "flower", that should be taken cared off by watering in it, so will not wither. 

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