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Posts posted by Arishia










    @ck10z - hehehe, that's me alrighty. Men and equipment!  Aja! -- Anyway, about today's episode... The apple doesn't fall far from the tree in the Park family. They must carry the weasly cowardice gene. Dear Drama Gods, please let this be the end of that relationship. If you, production staff, end that long suffering crap with CH and HJ now, I'm good with the extension. If you got an extension to prolong it in any way, then a pox on your houses.



  2. I haven't read all the posts since 22 aired but... I hope the black hatted woman with the long straight hair that took Deok Heung away was a future Eun Soo... and she's taking him back to a future with her, after leaving the antidote. Doek Heung won't be a problem for people in the future... just a transparent weirdo [that can't cope with modern society]. It's even possible that the Yuan fellow disposing of all of Hwata and Eun Soo's objects from the future, whether out of faith (prefered) or falial duty, will relieve her of being constantly persued and allow her to remain in Goryeo with Choi Young and our palace cohort. I get this feeling Yaun fellow is there to see how she thinks and acts, and will help her be able to stay in the end... but maybe he's not. He does give off good guy vibes, and could be a time traveller. Anyway, that's my 'how to have our happy ending' scenario.

  3. Spoiler: I think she told HJ who her mother is, and maybe even who her real father is. Foster Mom knows all this now. The book: I think it's notes about the organization, what was it, Japanese intelligence?  that Do Hyeon blamed the raid on, to get the subsea deposit information from HJ's dad. I think he framed KS's dad for that, and killed both KSs parents the same day, or around the same time. KS's grandpa probably believes  his son is guilty of that, and that is why he hates him now, in part. KS and HJ were talking : HJ says she could get through losing CH because she had her family, but now that is gone/problematic too, so very difficult situation for her. KS tells HJ that he doesn't know his parents either, I think, so bonding moment for two orphans. KS tells her at least she knows her father well, which he doesn't. After this comfort is when she finds out she doesn't even have her father, and her mother is the wife of Do Hyeon. Poor thing. Time to become a living azimuth thruster, or more accurately , a dynamic positioning system, to weather the storms of life, like KS does My Korean is spotty at best, so take my words with a grain of salt.










    awsparkle said: @mararu I agree on a time jump. There has to be some time that goes by in order for a relationship to develope between HJ and KS. I think this writer is telling this story in sequences of 8's The first 8 eps introduced the parents and their children and how they would all be connected. Bonds and relationships were formed. Starting at ep 9 A 15 year time jump puts all the childred back together as adults. The connection and misdeeds of the parents starts to affect the lives of the adult childred from EP 9 through 16. ( Another 8 eps.) Starting with Ep 17 relationships will change and bonds will be broken.  I think a time jump has to happen sometime in ep 18 or with 19 to push this story forward where new relationships will be formed.












      @libby5602 "Is it wrong of me wanting YJ and II Moon together?...they actually ooze chemistry and was cute watching them bicker."  Well, I thought they were adorable together, and she is the first person I've seen make him react that way, all ♥??? 0.0 ???♥. She's the one woman (so far) who can handle that man. Here's hoping she can kick start his character arc. As for CH and HJ, heart wrenching. I just don't want to wait for as long as it takes people to heal from a 15 year relationship, until we get to see TS and HJ get going. I also see CH going postal now, unfortunately, but hey, if that's the choice he makes, sucks to be him and yay that they broke up. Only, now he's going to be her brother-in-law? Yuck. I'm also not fond of bio-mum, even though she has been grieving ever since losing baby HJ. Don't they call it "her illness"? She's too much a snotty chaebol wif for me.  I do have respect for her husband though. He's breaking eggs to make a cake, and though he's at times evil to the bone, he doesn't play his cards until absolutely necessary and let's others make their own choices. He's a smart businessman and he takes care of his workers and contractors. Without people like him, minus the killing part, I doubt the Korean shipbuilding industry would have gotten off the ground, and without the next generation with stronger morals, it wouldn't be number one in the world today. So, let's go build some Korean made azimuth thrusters, DP3 systems and drill towers. If Korea is going to stay number one, they have to compete with lower wage cost competitors, and complex systems ships like drill ships and naval vessels is the market to corner to make that happen.



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