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Posts posted by Arishia

  1. @arawni - I also don't like amnesia as part of drama plots. Seems so arbitrary and not like in real life. I've seen a lot of people (real life)... that can't remember a short period of time leading up to and including the accident and shortly after... that do eventually remember, but it's not particularly drama worthy stuff. When I see amnesia in a drama I get negative feelings about the plot right away. It just seems like a lazy device. Sometimes it is ok-ish though. The stuff about resuscitation or advanced cardiac life support is usually off the wall and cringe-worthy.  Ha ha, also, screaming "Come to your senses" over and over while shaking an unconscious trauma patient is bad advice too. Or shocking asystole. I could go on. Hopefully nobody takes this stuff seriously. It's kind of too bad to blow a perfectly good opportunity to educate and instead mislead. All that said, I'm enjoying this drama even if some of the medical stuff is silly.

  2. Arawni said: lmangla said: On a random note -- at a wedding, I actually met someone who ended up with complete amnesia after being in an accident. She had to learn everything from scratch like a child. She was in 20's and and was doing very well in her job when this accident happened. Her family rallied around her and helped her transition. So after meeting her, I realized that amnesia is real; we see it so much in dramas and movies that we tend to think of it as a storytelling device rather then an actual medical condition

  3. huyen chautran said:
    Arishia said: I think solving the tetanus in surgical patients problem is going to be his big breakthrough. BGH will now isolate serum from animals (or humans?) that have survived tetanus, inject it into his surgical patients, and they will develop immunity to tetanus. How long will this take him? Looks like he won't be going home any time soon. I suppose they could just skip to him doing this quickly because he's gifted and was a veterinarian. He might ask himself "What is different with this patient and the c-section patient? Ah! This man works in the dirt and the lady barely steps a foot outside her house. Tetanus must be in the dirt and poo." Goes to the stables... blah blah blah. And, voila! He figures it out experimenting on animals.

  4. I think solving the tetanus in surgical patients problem is going to be his big breakthrough. BGH will now isolate serum from animals (or humans?) that have survived tetanus, inject it into his surgical patients, and they will develop immunity to tetanus. How long will this take him? Looks like he won't be going home any time soon. I suppose they could just skip to him doing this quickly because he's gifted and was a veterinarian. He might ask himself "What is different with this patient and the c-section patient? Ah! This man works in the dirt and the lady barely steps a foot outside her house. Tetanus must be in the dirt and poo." Goes to the stables... blah blah blah. And, voila! He figures it out experimenting on animals.
















    marie67 said: Sorry but some things I left out because they were not that important, but the ex-gf is very clingy and she definitly wont let R go back to NB. I also dislike the fact that they beg R and his ex-gf to let R go to NB because she cant live without him. The grandma wants to see R and she is kinda fine as long as he comes home, so she is not that worried about NB. But the mother is hurt, I think she feels guilty just like his father.








    I hate it that they all will only accept R back if he gets together with NB again, like it doesnt matter that he is cheating on her or that he pretended to be dead. They are really crazy. I also dislike the fact that R gave NB his blood because maybe NB will wafer...I just want ASAP NB and JW together.








    And the F* grandpa of JW annoys the H#ll out of me because of his manners and how he talks with that annoying screaming just like YS botox face.








    Do you guys think YS did that to NB? And will WJ go back to YS because to save NB? I dont hope so please! Just NO marriage between YS and JW, or else....





  6. @shedevil777 Hi woman! *waves* --- Rant: If you guys find the human aspects of MQ nonsensical, as I do, let me tell you the technical parts were a richard simmons to edit. That presentation in 36? Was it lost in translation? I can't, for the life of me, figure out what they were presenting there. A tri-cone bit with sintered diamond inserts, and something about the primary gauge cutters? Or they added a reamer (which could be added as a sub)? Or did they mean something about the secondary gauge cutters? And the power point on the screen is from Smith Bits' website, literally. http://www.slb.com/~/media/Files/smith/product_sheets/bits_catalog.pdf  Pages 35-49 (45 especially) And the bit produces oil? Are you kidding me? *tears out hair* End of rant.

  7. @jaewon fan  Well, IH needs her mother, DH and GH are one true loves that were split apart by the olds and I removed the rape problem. They can repent by doing right by HJ, and it gets rid of awkward memories in your face. I just made two complete families, lol. Plus, GH just doesn't seem to fit in there with HJ's family, but she does with the family she's been with all these years. Remember when CH told GC that the person at the center of DH's family with the say was GH? Without her, they are broken. I went with the "families are not blood, they are the people you work, eat, sleep, hurt, starve etc. with" (or however HJ's foster dad told her that day at sea).  Plus, think how happy it will make HJs foster mom to be the chosen (top) mom with no competition from the "Cheonji Madam" "real mom". She's struggled with that quite a bit. This way she can just be the loving, if somewhat goofy, mom she is today. Everyone heals.

  8. Well, the best outcome (in my mind) is for DH to feel so guilty about his actions, and so much pride in HJ, that he and GH move their family unit, IH, CH, IM, & GC, out of the country after signing the shipbuilding company over to KS and HJ - and are never heard from again except for the occasional letter from GH. Kang San, being like Hak Soo, will accept HJ as she is and heal her with his love... and HJ's family will be the real family as they always have been... and they will all live happily ever after producing drillships, drilling packages, and start their O&G exploration and production. Oh... I almost forgot. BH and Yoon will get married first, and be part of the happy KS & HJ family. + lots of babies all around... The end.

    Edit: It turns out it wasn't rape it was mutual passion because GH and DH are one true loves from childhood, and she just was feeling guilty for cheating... and DH and GH decide to leave because it's best for their love child HJ, and for the other children and GC. And it's a win win, because DH fulfills his dream through his bloodline in HJ, for whom he has always felt affection and admiration, and affinity... CH and IH get a fresh start, individually and together, away from HJ and San, IM will mature (or not? who cares), and GC will get equal status in the family at last.

  9. @mekeo117 That would be one way to think of it, but with this writer, who knows. CH needs to be on good terms with IH, or DH will boot him out. Did someone interfere with the DNA test yet again? Wasn't DH looking at GH funny when she went to replace his toothbrush or whatever she did to get his DNA?  This writer could give us that twist, no?  I'm still trying to wrap my head around GH marrying her rapist right after the killing of her husband and loss of her child. **Shudders** This is some sick stuff.




















    South Korea's "Big 3" shipbuilders are to record the largest amount of quarterly order this year, owing to deep-sea drillship orders.

    Analyst Jun Jae-Chun of Daishin Securities said the "Big 3" - Hyundai Heavy Industries, Samsung Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering - contracted a total of 11 drillships during the first eight months of 2012.

    This month saw additional three drillships contracted and eight more orders are expected to be contracted during the fourth quarter.

    "During Q4, orders for drillships, offshore production facilities and LNG carriers will be flooded and Big 3's quarterly order is expected to exceed USD11 billion," he said.

    It is forecasted that the three ship builders' earnings will slowly recover from 2013 onwards.





  11. The technology used 27 years ago is old old old. It would make more sense for Cheonji, or San et al, to use wide azimuth towed streamer (WATS) and ocean bottom node based wide azimuth survey with towed, parallel, streamer based WAZ acquisition to locate oil reservoirs, than to cause all this ruckus over that old microfilm.

  12. KS and HJ's revenge consists of honorably succeeding whereas GC and CH's revenge has been immoral and unethical, so far. Now that CH has almost all of the historical pieces, what will he do? Turn his life around honorably and risk paying the price for his and his father's complicity? Or stay on the path to destruction? GC's confession to HJ is the tease. They haven't told HJ everything yet, nor have they gone to the DA. Funny thing to me is that even though IH is a rich brat, I think she will side with her husband's turning onto the right path, at the expense of her father. Il Moon will probably end up in a slacker bromance with TS... They will be working for KS and HJ in some lowly position, working their way up from the bottom.  IM will  reunite with YJ (probably preggers) who will dominate him for the rest of his life.  Ha! He'll be sucking up to DS, who will smack him around regularly for his uselessness, but he will finally feel loved and a sense of belonging within a family. The end. Oh, and the DP thrusters, drillship and drilling tech? God help us with the technology in this series. If you can't do it right, don't even go there. One of us just made up subs for the technology segments so their head wouldn't explode... but shhh.

  13. Ah, CH. He's not much different than those guys that go into a building with a cache of weapons and start firing away. "Poor me." "My life sucks." "The world isn't fair." Tantrum. Can I see the dominoes as they were set up, pushed, and then fell, so to speak? Yes. Do I feel empathetic? Yes. Should he rot in hell? Yes. Unless there is some twist the writer has planned for us where he wins everything, gives it to San and HJ and BH and JW, exposes all of the baddy's crimes, then leaves the country with IH forever and makes her happy, in which case, he gets a full pardon.










    @awesparkle:  I thought TS was giving the information and the thugs were doing the deed, so he stole them first, having felt the pangs of conscience for the first time. Or, he could change his mind after what happened to Kang San and Hae Joo. Somehow I don't think DH will end up with the design from this.  I guess it will become clear when there are English subs for us English peeps. 












    I thought the reason DH wanted HJ back working in thruster r&d was so he could say that KS propeller design belongs to CJ shipbuilding, that HJ used CJ shipbuilding r&d to construct the prop at KS's factory. This way he can claim rights to the design, bankrupt KS, and get rid of HJ in one swoop. But silly son IM screws that up again by stealing from KS, and the accident will open PD investigation. I thought CH was following IM to get info on his activities to rat to DH, but things went wrong for his plan when the driver floored it and hit KS. He of course saved HJ out of his feelings. TS finally did something smart by stealing the successful design blueprints and model prop before IM's thugs arrived.



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