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    I guess YC was really was pushing him hard to do his filial duty, but that's a man's test. He nearly failed it. I prefer a guy that mans up under pressure, not one who's word is his bond... until it isn't. Pffft. I guess they are younger than they seem and learning these things is part of life, so I'll cut them some slack. But wow, that was a close one. Not attractive.Can anyone imagine having that crazy bossy the cow for a mother? YJ's mother, I mean. Gah, how unattractive and desperate can a woman be when she only has power through money anyway? When she gets to yammering away in that harpy authoritative voice I just want to body slam her and give her a boot to the face, metaphorically speaking of course. Well, maybe really, but since she only exists on our monitors, it's cool. Peace.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    rikimaiu said: Arishia said: So is the lead guy really going to go back on all his promises and offer to marry the rich woman, and even kiss her? For money? How do you recover a leading man from that kind of fail?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So is the lead guy really going to go back on all his promises and offer to marry the rich woman, and even kiss her? For money? How do you recover a leading man from that kind of fail?

































































































































































































































































  4. @GaeinaLee → Yes, I'll be bumping into everyone here on many threads, though I don't often post much on dramas I'm on a team for. I just read and check insightful, awesome, or lol. I love reading what everyone has to say, and the dramas wouldn't be half as much fun without all of you. Great end to IoM, and I'm going to miss it (and the team). Bye bye (from this thread) everyone! *waves*  See you on the others!! Look for my avatar at the bottom of the posts and you'll know I'm here.
    PS: KJH is an excellent actor! (and very handsome)
































































































































































































































    GaeinaLee said: @arishia and @morwena, ahaha, I seek refuge here after getting all riled up in there. Are you all cool? Working on to get my mood back, have Gu and WAML to do but haven't touch this week. I do need "bulk" to be able to work faster, sadly no longer there.. *pout*

































  6. Hannahmiriam said: @IBELIS I don't know how investors react in this kind of situations, but I don't think those couple of hundred bucks are the problem. The problem are the investors and the public because those people withdrawing their money make it seem like the bank has some troubles they (the investors and he public) don't know about. It's not about the amount, but about the number of people withdrawing their money. It will not go down because of their money, but because the investors will start ask for their investments and the shareholders will panic. It's not a real problem, but they are manipulating the people who have the money.Regarding the suspicion about those homeless coming to deposit money, I've also found it fishy, but she couldn't have known that those people were depositing he same amount if somebody hadn't told her. So there should have been a manager or somebody to tell her, but they didn't really like her - let's not forget she used to be a clerk of the same bank and those people who were supposed to report to her were once her superiors - or maybe the guy was busy playing Cha Don. :D
    So I'm not necessarily happy with the "intrigue", but I can live with it. :D
    Just a random thought: I didn't like or dislike Hyuk until now, but I might fall for him in tomorrow's episode. 

  7. GaeinaLee said: Hyuk!!! Love it! Thank you sooo very much for the pics, @pechumori. It's my pleasure to fill in on your behalf. Am happy doing it, but what concern me the most is the rest of friends who are not so use to me and my style. 
    Sorry friends, my writing style is either formal (as in report/official writing style) or fangirling style. I use (and choose) the later in my unofficial time.. ^^
    @morwena and @arishia, are you the 1 whom I think you are? I mean.. in V? Whether you are or not, am happy to know and chat with you in this thread ladies!
    @lmangla: Ugh, I need to ask Hyuk first where did he get his book.. Come and join me, harrasing questioning him?  ;)

  8. I like how CD motivates JI by jabbing her in a weakness and making her angry. Lazy by nature, she needs a bit of a shove now and then, to set a goal and work for it. She uses her anger constructively, does the hard work, and proves him wrong about the jab, which is why I think he jabbed her in the first place. To get her to accomplish a particular thing. I think he is proud of her, believes in her, and does it because he cares for her. I'm not sure he knows that, though I have a suspicion that he does.

  9. Orion said: If they are series-related, I understand posting about them. Just like clothes the characters wear are indeed part of a show.

    But activities of the actors that are not related to the series can easily be viewed on their own threads, for those who do like the cast and choose to learn more about them. Or then maybe put them in spoiler tags so that those who just want to read about this series and not general issues don't have huge posts to go through and big loading times to wait for. ;)

  10. Can BGH give up his status? Or, they can run away to China and get married. The Emperor of China makes her high rank there, as reward for BGH saving the Queen (I know... I just don't like the idea of concubine). Then some illness in Joseon makes the nobles beg them to return and save them, and the noble's agree to restore her noble status, as the term for them returning? I'm reaching here... I want to see that wedding and some babies. ♥

  11. I usually just lurk around Soompi, but thought I'd post something, even though I don't have much to say, because this show doesn't get many comments. I'm loving the show and read here each week to see what others have to say. One of the things I like best about IoM is that it moves along at a brisk pace, and manages to keep the long term story lines interesting. The characters are all likeable, even with their character flaws and conflicts with other characters that I also like. Some of the humor is just hilarious, like the Empress of Korea bit and manager's '6yr old' custodian act. They manage to blend the funny with the drama so well. I always look forward to watching it, more so than some other dramas. Madam Bok is one of my favorite characters. She's down to earth and classy at the same time, and has so much compassion mixed with realism. She's basically a loan shark, but I'd adopt her as my Mom any day.

  12. I, too, hope Dowager Queen learns that LMH was a vet and a commoner, involved in killing of royal family member, resultant killing of Kang Dojun, killing of KJN's father and Dr. Ko, repeated attempts to kill BGH, endangered the life of the Princess, framed numerous people, killed the doctor that could incriminate him in the royal murder, has been in cahoots with Viceroy guy in much of this, repeatedly lied to the King only to benefit himself and causing so much turmoil, and that, in contrast BGH is the noble by birth. Maybe THEN she will finally butt out of affairs of state, not because she is a woman, but because she realizes that she is so stupid! Wow, now that's a run-on sentence! Whoo-hoo!

  13. nikachan2008 said: Arishia said: I think LSH and the Princess would be adorable together. She's spunky enough to nurture his sunny side and move him past his longing for/sense of loss over KJN. He has plenty of qualities that she would admire and they have many values in common. Then the two couples could be besties. They should only commit to a relationship after bad dad is gone, though. LMH aware of blocking his son's path to marrying the Princess would be fun to watch. Maybe that could be the impetus for him to vanish from the country after clearly having lost the upper hand.

  14. I think LSH and the Princess would be adorable together. She's spunky enough to nurture his sunny side and move him past his longing for/sense of loss over KJN. He has plenty of qualities that she would admire and they have many values in common. Then the two couples could be besties. They should only commit to a relationship after bad dad is gone, though. LMH aware of blocking his son's path to marrying the Princess would be fun to watch. Maybe that could be the impetus for him to vanish from the country after clearly having lost the upper hand.

  15. Grumpy82 said: Korean drama Character 1: *walking at family home, accidentally trips and get a scratch*

    Korean drama Character 2: "Oh my God...you've been really hurt...we have to go to the hospital and get you special medicine so that you never ever scar.  Oh God, you mustn't - you won't get married". How could I have raised such a son/daughter?

    Old Korean drama Character 3: *Beating their breasts* "Aigoo...Aigooo...what is to be come of us?! *Aigoo"  If she is scarred we will never live the shame down. Why have the heavens done this? *Fall on floor, clutching at heart* "Aigoo".

    **Audience narrows eyes and.....backs off slowly**

  16. Oh noes. Another episode of the same ole same ole? Gah... Weasels throwing their weight around with impunity... again? What's with that face-off? That's never gone well in the past. That King guy needs to get out of the palace more. He's living in a fantasy land of the Weasels' making. Even his women are corrupt, exception Princess.  More people are loyal to BGH than to the King. Sad state of affairs for the King. I sure want to see some forward progress that doesn't fall two steps back each time, or end with BGH being besmirched, maligned, or framed, almost dead, being tortured, in jail, surrounded by thugs, or fleeing for his life. Something new, please.

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