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Posts posted by xxtine_21
















































































    Wow, i watched the m/v earlier today.. and i wus totally































































































































    :blink: @ the ending.































































































































    i dont get it.. why wus she melting? LOL! wus she an ice princess.. and then shes melting cuz.. shes no longer .. cold and evil? LOL. i thougth she was very pretty in it though.































































































































    too bad brian wusnt in it T-T
















































































































































    oh dear dongwan's ratings are not v high :(

    dongwan fighting!
































































    anyway i just read something..
































































    Story[told by minwoo]:
































































    the hostel that the 6 members of shinhwa shared was really small. and there was a big mirror hanging on one of the 4 walls and its position is such that if one will see himself in the mirror while walking to the bathroom.
































































    so one day, eric wakes up in the middle of the night and then there was a loud 'AHH!!' and then a loud tumble that followed.
































































    the other 5 wakes up and rushes to eric. they find him on the floor, unconscious. after they managed to 'revive' him they worriedly asks him if he is not feeling well.
































































    and eric says...he woke up to go to the toilet and he saw another 'him'..and so he fainted o_O































































































































    oh no... poor dongwan T__T






























































































































































































































































    i feel bad.. i havent watched it yet... :crazy: i feel like a bad fan.






































































































































































































    AND LOL LOL LOL LOL! ERIC FAINTED CUZ HE SAW HIS REFLECTION!/ LOL! oh my. eric cracks me up. :blush:

    omg.. just thinking about them going to the army and being gone for 2 years is depressing TT^TT

    on happier thought... thanks for all the news and pics everyone! ^_^ and OH YEA!!!! i just thought i'd share my experience with you guys... so i was on my vacation the other day in LA, and my cousin took me to Korea town, and i went in this cd store, and guess what i saw?!?!?!? DONGWAN'S PICTURE WITH AN AUTOGRAPH!!!!! yep yep, that's right! i started to freak out! hahaha, and i asked the lady if i could take pics of it! lol, i know, i'm lame! i took like 5 different angles of the picture! haahha XDDD it was that one pic of him from the 4th album with an unbottoned shirt!! hahaha XDDDDD and that lady was all telling us that dongwan went in that store and so she got his autograph.. EKKK, i stepped foot in the same store dongwan had stepped foot in!! and i touched the same pic he touched!! wOW, it was an amazing thought! hahaha, and that lady said that when she lived in korea, she use to live NEXT DOOR to shinhwa!!!!!!!!! my jaws like dropped to the floor!!! XD and she met them and everything!! wowowo, she is so freaking lucky!!
































































    haha, yea, that's it! keke ^___^































































































































































































    OMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LUCKY YOU ARE. LOL. i went in the same restaurant as minwooo.... and i culdve POSSIBLY have sat in the same seat, and eaten fromt he same spoon/fork/chop sticks.































































































































    HEHEHAHAHS. but wow.. that lady is REALLI lucky!












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    anddddddd SHOUT OUTS to my girlies (and DV) !! <3









  3. ^ LOL OMG CHOUA. i have those pics of minwoo in the wings.. and i never even realized he wus ewaring wings till i read ur comment LOL!

    wow thats pretty coool of him (:
















































































    donghae is quite the cutie<3































































































































    after watching a few episodes of suju fullhouse .. hes become one of my favourite sujumembers =)






































































































































































































    'you look like a .. NICHOLAS CAGE!'























































































































































































































    Oh wow, I haven't been here FOREVER. Shinhwa's having a 3RD WINTER STORY?! Awesome. Thanks to DV for telling me. Haha and the lookalike thing, they used a pic of a girl that WASN'T Hyolee. Oh and Shinwha Changjo are AWESOME for attempting to catch DongWan like that. DongWan cracks me up...but hopefully he's not hurt..?!































































































































































































































































































































    that wus suppsoed to come out like in 2005 :lol:































































































































    so they're finally going to release it eh >D






































































































































































































    LOL I WUS THINKIN THE EXACT SAME THING for the hyori thing.






































































































































































































    dongwan fans trying to catch dongwan. wow. do they realli have that fast reaction? LOL! idunno, maybe jus cuz i know that if it were me. i'd jus be frozen and staring LOL! i mean c'moN A FLYING DONGWAN its not everyday u see that -.-









































































    ^ he said he'll try to READ our emails and MAYBE reply or get a staff to reply the questions. ^_^

    anyway, i'm feeling so giddy right now. i got a myspace cuz of brian. and omigosh! i got added as a friend! woot! :w00t: i also left a comment on his myspace. i hope he gets to read it cuz he was online just now. comments have to be approved before posted. you also need to be approved before being added as a friend. this just makes me feel so much closer to brian. :wub: i've only written one message to get added as a friend. maybe will write an e-mail another time. i think he should've gotten a GMAIL account instead of hotmail though. his inbox is gonna be flooded. :lol: *lol*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    does gmail have a lot more sapce than hotmail? LOL































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    cuz i only filled up like.. 0.1% of my inbox in hotmail.. LOL































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and i have 50+ random emails in there. LOL































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    he hasnt added me as a friend yet...................... *weeps*

    ^ oh thnx but could u tell me more specifically?? beucase i tried youtube but they had only part one. so if u can tell me the link it would be great thnx
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oooh wut video did u want? maybe i can assist you ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    wait acutally i'll backtrack.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    heres the link (the one to the brian) --> http://z8.invisionfree.com/the_brian/index.php?showtopic=51









































































    ^^i cant believe im older than you seriously(even krizza is older than you..hahaha)

    and youre a march baby too????!!!????








































    my name is too precious im not going to say it *muhahaha








































    but then a lot of people in this thread know it already which is hmm okay








































    i will post this for the nth time..








































    i started liking shinhwa when i watched their young gunz mv on mtv china BUT im NOT chinese, nor am i living in china








































    however im filipino








































    anyways dongwan's new drama is going to start airing tomorrow















































































    ah, yes yes. i am a youngin' ;)















































































    WHY? do i seem mature for my age? LOL!















































































    i doubt it.. i dont feel mature -.-






























































































































    anywhoo. oopsie daisy. thats going a bit off topic there =P




























































































































































































































































    dongwan is a hottie






























































































































    *forces self to be in dongwan mood*




























































































































































































































































































































    XD. my 3rd time doing introductions in this thread. oh but il ove it so.






























































































































































    i am xtine , short for 'christine'















































































    i havent been that active in this thread the past month or so. but check out how many posts i have in this thread ;)






























































































































































    i am 15 (turnin 16 in march) and i live in canada.















































































    minwoo and dongwan are my favourites<3















































































    ii was first introduced to shinhwa when my friend told me to read 'jaded'















































































    and yeah. LOL.















































































    hmm. dongwan was my first favourite. then it moved to both of them. then now its minwoo. LOL.















































































    watch, its going to change again pretty soon. hahaa

















    My aunt just sent me the dongbangshinki and shinhwa concert DVDs from Korea and when I put it in my American DVD player...it said: CHECK REGION CODE!! on both of them...

    I looked behind the boxes and it said REGION CODE_3
















































    What do I need to do to watch?? Is there no hope to watch on my DVD player/TV in the US?
















































    please help ASAP!!!































































































    there was a way to hack.. ur dvd player and make it play all regions































































































    LOL. if i find the link i'll pm you.






















































































































































    yes yes, junjin dated ryeowon, im sad that they're not still dating. i think they wuld make a pretty cute couple






















































































































































    nvm. i foudn it. i'll post it here.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    does brian have an official 'happy birthday' thread yet? :o !!









































































    9/1 [news] Why Japanese Middle Aged Women Like Korean Celebs (Shinhwa)
















































    puahha. this article is so cool. 80% of fans are SHINHWA fans :lol:































































































    well duhh! whho doesnt love these boys? :blush:

    why does dongwan's face look much skinnier than before? he's going through what eric was going through last year, with the drama and the concerts and whatnot.. but he looks so cute in the drama promo pictures, between the girls.. he looks shortt!!! hahahha.. i thought that was cute =P

    thanks square-boxes for the fan encounter stories.. pretty interesting to read =D
















































    *steals eric's ciggs*
















































    *stomps on the ciggs and blend it in xtine's blender before throwing them away*































































































    perhaps, hes been stressed out so his face is getting skinny T_T































































































    or maybe its part of dongwans cheek-exercises :lol: ! I SWEAR. THAT MAN DOES EXERCISE HIS CHEEKS..































































































    how else wuld his cheeks get so pretty..















































































































































    mommie alice LOL LOL LOL. reason 1 made me laugh like no tomorrow. older than ur son's age XD































































































    like you, their music appeals to me too. for some reason, other singers like dbsk, suju, ss501.. i'll like.. maybe like just one song from them. but other then that, its nothing. although at one point in my life, approximately, exactly last year from now. i realli ilked dbsk, however.. idunno. i never found THEM, their personalities, to be that appealing. they just seemed like just another one of those good-looking boys. but yeah. it was shinhwas crazy, over-the-top goofiness that got me real hooked. :wub: .































































































    And me too, I respect shinhwa for their closeness. heck, they aren't close as jsut friends, they arent close as brothers, THEY'RE SO CLOSE LIKE LOVERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! theres just something about their closeness, maybe its just korean culture, but damn. even i wuldnt be taking a dump at the same time as somebody showering o_o































































































    however i used to do #1 when my sister brushed her teeth... LOL































































































    BUT NEVER #2 !!





















































































































































































































































    okay i'll shut up now before i get off topic.






















    ^ im going to try my best to answer ur questions. lets see..



















    the junjin girlfriend thing. i never knew he had one.. LOL.. well i think he could possibly have a girl friend, but it hasnt been revealed to the press or anything. abotu the marriage.. ir eally doubt it. it would probably be known.. its very hard to like have a private wedding when you're a celebrity.






























    as for shinhwa smoking. i thikn they all at one point tried to quit.. however most (if not all) were unsuccessful. and yeah, i'm guessing eric still smokes. and minwoo does. junjin, andy, hyesung they all still smoke. and dongwan only smokes when under a lot of stress. however i culd be completely wrong.. LLOL.






























    maybe some1 else can answer that better than me.


























































































































































    no.. no..







































    shinwhas not going to the army. iw ont let them! I WONT LET THEM. IL'L GO TO KOREA NAD JUMP INFRONT OF THEM T__T






























































    they cant.................................




























































































































    im jus gon have to watch all of my shinhwa clips. over and over and over and over again. =(




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    btw.. anyboyd know WHY minwoo was laughing so hard? LOL




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    omg. on star golden bell. when that lady used her stomach and hit brian. holy. he like 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    meh, i have nothing to share.. but i'm gonna keep lurking around for a bit until my computer is done being ill.. =P
































































































































































    hah!! i found something to share!! funny version of eusha eusha!!
































































































































































































































































































































    - minwoo farting
































































































































































    - jin ah!! don't play with fire!!
































































































































































    - hyesung cheating and showing middle finger O_o































































































































































































































































































































    i love the performance, i remember that ^_^































































































































































































































































































































    soo incredibly cute. hehe. and aww i see u're using my avvie (:

    as u know, or may not know, i only joined this thread towards the later months of 2006 and missed out on alot!!!!!

    so, i have a few questions!
































































































































































    1. what is 'shinhwa forest'???? if theres shinhwa forest, i wanna live there!
































































































































































    2. whats CJ music??? i thought shinhwa are with goodemg? everytime i see cj i think shinhwa changjo cos of changjo=cj
































































































































































    3. whats 'lamodo style' star zone???
































































































































































    4. whats day after day??? is it a shinhwa song? which album is it in???
































































































































































    5. 8th fanmeeting, 8 people in 8 different places. heard about it but, do u guys have n e pics???
































































































































































    6. 'sweet guy' a drama??? HUH??????? i never knew about this! where the hell was i? LOL so its a drama with eric? all ive herad of is firebird, super rookie and ksa!
































































































































































    hope u guys can help me!!!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    #1) shinhwa forest was either the name of their fanmeeting or the theme. remember that fanmeeting they had.. where junjin performed a solo? and he sounded so good! it was celebrating eric and andys bday.. but eric culdnt make it (wolf accident)































































































































































































































































































































    #2) cj.. is this music producing company i think?! LOL.































































































































































































































































































































    #5) its actually 6ppl in 6 differnet places.. i think that thing is wrong o_o cuz theres only 6members... LOL. as for pictures, i have none :( it shows clips from it on the special edition!































































































































































































































































































































    #6) i've never heard of it either. maybe it wus jus like a one-epi appearance?

































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