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Posts posted by xiaholic.
























    is there an easier way to crop a person out of a picture without using the lasso tools? I have 5.0 ps so O.o. Nothing updated...because when I use the lasso tool, there's still a bit of the edges faded and you can see it. If take off the feathering, it looks choppy and weird. can anyone help me?
































    omg, that new MV was sooooo cute!








    They were having soo much fun XD








    lol, that girl is lucky >.> I envy her.








    Thanks for uploading it^^
































    haha, thanks for the pic XD








    They look so cute and dorky!








    hehe. Hye Sung's bunny ears








    are adorable XD ^^ hehe
































    aww, they must've been.








    That entry...:(








    They're concert is today. I wish I was there...








    XING Hwaiting!
































    u know...i love hwanhee....but i can't look at him the same.... i dunno...maybe his new face....o well..jus take time to get use to it...when i look at him...i jus think he's mixed or hispanic....lol....welll...i still think he looks good and he's still a wonderful singer....i hope he acts more too...i liked him a lot in over the rainbow.....:D









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