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    i think jaejoong quit didnt heO.O well if he didnt i hope he does soon!!!!T.T hes too HOT and PRETTY to die!!!T.T
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i wonder who that lady is in her dream? maybe her mom??!?!? YeKyung and YuHwan are so cute together^^ heehee thats so sweet of yuhwan to hold her all night because she couldnt go to sleepT.T wel post soon!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so young..... but awsum i guess... more singers.... but no one can replace jaejoong! he is the best of the best and will be forever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!muhahahahhahahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol Seunghoos in love!!! must be his first love lol!^^ so cute~~hahahahhaha and YeKyung and YuHwan are so cute together!!!!!!!!!! they better confess their love soon.!!!!!!!!!!^^ lol post soon!!!!!!!!!!! and can i be on pm lsit plz plz plz plz plz!!!!!!!!!!!T.T
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    NEW READER!!!!!!!!!! this story is really awsum !!!! its sad and so dramatic! i love it!!!!!!!! YuHwan and yekyung make a great couple!!^^ well post soon!!!! and can i be on pm list plz !!!!!T.T

































































































































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