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    sense of humor.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Harajuku set... not good. lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Marc Jacobs - Daisy
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Chanel - N. 5
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    by his last name LOL cause i like saying it.

































































  13. So i been in the touch phase with a guy for a few months, every time i bring up another guy, hes like that's your boyfriend huh? he knows its not, and i m pretty sure he knows i like him, but does he like me? he always makes fun of me , but at the end of the day its all hugs and kisses. its driving me insane but will we ever move forward? or will it always be friends with benefits?

  14. i missed him... i was suppose to fly over from LA this morning to greet him and give him some support... but my friend was busy T.T couldnt fly me over!!!

    i hope he does well in seattle. Maybe i will go visit him during winterbreak..

    JAY park fighting!!!

    2pm will never be the same again

  15. confession time.

    i first found out bout dbsk from reading my pingpong boy...

    yoonjae was said to look like jaejoongs twin and i went to search up who jaejoong was... this was 3~4 years ago, when i first got into kpop by my friends. hahahaha

    and when i saw pics of the group.. and my first Mv ( my destiny ) i wasnt all that impress.... till i saw hug... Jaejoongies sexy cuteness and amazing voice hit me at full blast. and i loved him ever since!! hahahaha

    and i use to not like junsu... but now i love all 5. because they belong together and shouldnt be apart.


    ^ omg i m so glad from reading that above!!!

    they can keep their name even if they leave!!T.T my god i m so happy. i hope they can finish this problem nicely and stick together as 5

  16. SM is rotten to the cores.

    i cant believe this!!!

    the boys are human. all the artistes in SM are Human!

    why are they treated as slaves!

    man i pray to budda that their lawsuit passes. so jae susu and chunnie can save all the people in SM, it is not right to treat a person like that.

    they will not disband. it wont be allowed by ASIA!!!!!


    lsm.. go suck yourself.

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..