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Posts posted by momche2

  1. My co- instructors at the college who like YEH also  all agreed that YEH is more beautiful when doing good deed and service to others. YEH wearing simple clothes and without make up only show her true personality.her being a fashionista is a call of duty due to her line of work.she is at ease being one but also comfortable as a regular person without hesitation in holding kids and closely dealing with others.this is the YEH we like most.this is the YEH that we hold close to our hearts.momche

  2. @santaiahi think one of the great reason i so like this girl is for what she as a person, her spirit.i am not easy to get with her fashion or beauty nor wealth instead what she expressed and present to us as true person is what gets me most. her ideals, beliefs, hopes, her faith, her goals to me is impressive.i feel so in tuned with her strong mind. and i sincerly hope she finds her true purpose. you are right santaih she needs to stretch her own self and desires without any fear of what other may think or react.YEH have such great potentials if she can only show and cultivate it all i know it will bring great achievements and contenment to her.her last interview gave me satisfaction and inspiration a lot more than seing her in different photos in fashion.i am glad to feel her sincere heart and thoughts.makes her more human and closer to me.i am waiting for a definite stretch when she finally give us her next project.please YEH dont take too long.momche

  3. i am a YEH liker myself for a long time now so for me she is perfect.but i dont see anything wrong in improving herself at all.i will not make a demand but for her own progression its okay. YEH is now very in demand in countries outside korea so it will be good for her to speak and understand english.not to please the fans but for her to extend herself in english is good.it is not that fans are demanding but liking her so much maybe to converse with YEH when given the chance.i met many young koreans students here in the US. they come for 8 weeks with the sole purpose to learn english.they go to regular school here and stay with american hosts families.and in that short time i see those kids learn a lot.they always go back to korea with new experiences,lots of friends and better command of the english language.it will be an achivement for YEH mostly. i was told she can speak and understand some already. so maybe a little polishing and practice eh???

    we are all fans of YEH here pretty much.maybe some express their opinions boldly but they are still fans.


  4.  i am sure that YEH will not allow  petty useless garbage affect her sincerity in trying to comunicate with fans and friends.she knows that there will always be people who will have nothing good to say about the world not just her.that just the way their brain and heart works.there is nothing to do but to live her life the best she can .and us who loves her always include her in our prayers and continue to support her.

    its always amazing how people when first met YEH always ended up liking and respecting her. and i think its her natural kindness and acceptance of all people.


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