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    47800 petaling jaya

    selangor, malaysia

    general +603 7681 1111

    direct fax +603 7681 1112

    website www.oneworldhotel.com.my

    TIME : 6.00 p.m.

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    general +603 7681 1111

    direct fax +603 7681 1112

    website www.oneworldhotel.com.my

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    Yeah in Ep. 3, my first thought was - heyyyyyyy that's so Hollywood following "have faith" walk ...Harrison Ford's thingy! aigooooooo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But all in all I've enjoyed with subs till Ep. 3 - Thank you Saguek Oppa and WithS2 subbers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    See ya all around AJA
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks Mily2 !!! - We all ardent Korean Drama fans all so appreciate all the subbers do for us.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Mister X......, Thanks so incredibly much...you're the best... you are taking so much on to yourself...OMO....take care of your health, no matter how much i LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE my dramas, and you are undisputed champion and authority of Sagueks... I rather have my subs slower and you with us for years to come! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    WithS2 subbers - don't know how you all do it, sacrificing your time and energy on subbing while we enjoy them. I feel rather guilty really, no skills for subbing *sighs*... I hope my tiny donations would help keep subbing alive!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Onwards Ep. 2 - Sung Il Guk shi AJA *Waves to all Sung-Il Guk fans* Dramaok dear, are you doing summaries for this like you did for Jumong? I have have already ordered so many boxes of Chocopies for ya!! (or maybe you have already?? will schroll back!) Oh I see the usual SIGookers here! *Waves to all* Wonder where is Arrowking1 our secret agent??!! LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    E aka Kiongna E
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    S. Oppa, What happened...? I don't see it on Aigoo any longer for downloads???!! OMG
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It was there this morning and now it totally vanished?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMO !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I finished watching Ep. 1 and finished downloading ep. 2 this morning and now....it's GONE?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMO !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OH :( only 15 pages of lurve for this drama?!? The injustice of it all!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This is a warmly refreshing drama that twinkles, gently tantalizes, I love the pace of it all!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Alot of people do not like Eun Soo, but I can understand her and for me Choi Kang Hee did a great job.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ...............*admits* I read the ending spoiler by Shirley *waves*.....Shirley, you so had me laughing when you said quote "(dun panic they never missed each other )" LOL LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks to all the subbers :)








































































































































































































































































































    Thanks for the synopsis AUG05 !
























    This is such a enjoyable drama! I like SB & Hose pairing although TP is a loud sweetheart!
























    Cheering for the drama allllll the way!
























    Thanks Soy and Soshi-subs! Fighting! *sighs* I don't have any posts at Soshisubs....gonner...
























    I would like to say a little something regarding the subs. It is really wonderful that Subbing teams does such amazing jobs in providing us all great English subtitles to our beloved K-Dramas. And I was so grateful that Soshisubs were doing such a wonderful job of providing the subs SO incredibly quickly and could be shown on You Tube ...until recently...I wouldn't mind getting to know Girl Generation (I hear of them ALL the time on POPSEOUL etc. they seem to be really doing well and gaining more and more fans *two thumbs up!*) but if one is not into Girl groupies, how do I put 50 posts in their website and sound genuine at the same time??!! I have totally NO idea! Now, 10 legit posts I might be able to manage but 50?? OMO in a short span of time is nearly impossible for a normal curious person. As for me, it would be so utterly impossible - especially when I have watched up to like Ep. 46 already - AND hoping to watch the following episodes asap! So it means if I really WANT to watch this lovely drama I would have to lie and bluff and pretend and make bogus posts of up to 50 posts in a few days to enable me to watch the new episodes.... *sighs I sadly - I cannot and would not :( *sighs again* I totally understand the dedication and love Girl Generation fans have for their idols, it is truly marvelous! but making it this way and forcing it down our throats just isn't fair nor humane.)
























    I am a hard core K-drama addict and any Korean singing group that landed in Malaysia I go with my other K-Drama pals and we go watch EVENTHOUGH we might not know WHO they are!!! OK we went to RAIN's concert, then we went to DBSK concert (not knowing ANY of their names until we were there and were given complimentary fan with their pictures on it! LOL they are cuties) - us semi ajummahs screaming our lungs out amidst teenage girls singing away KNOWING all the songs word by word!!! incredible ! and that to that FT Island concert (totally no clue of them in the first instance, still went as a chingu loves them!) that by the way was CANCELLED #$%^^&& we bought tickets already and didn't even get a FULL refund ^^&& ok that's another story! So Soshisubbers -If Girl Generation were to hit our shores - I PROMISE you, I WILL BE THERE! good enuf?? NO? *sighs*...at least I tried AND I am being HONEST with you guys/gals.
























    ..so I guess it would be good-bye to this drama or watch it without subs from Ep. 47 till 100 over???!! OMO mitchin would be what I would be! LOL *sighs* I wouldn't put it pass me as I have been enjoying this drama rather alot AND liking the Girl Generation singer turn actress - SB... ok I cannot remember her name...CHAKAMAN...scrolls upwards...IM YOONA - you are doing very well as SB all the best in the future. (I'm being genuine here *no rolling of eyes subbers!! LOL) although I AM trying for brownie points!! LOL ha ha - but tis the truth - she's quite a natural in this role and I truly like her!
























    All the best and ADIOS everyone on this thread....








































































































































































    Found this, probably alot of you know of it already, but just in case you want to read it, it has full episode by episode summary of what happened...with pictures some more!
































































































    Already on Ep. 47, @ K-pop it - http://www.kpopit.com/?s=You+are+my+destiny%3A+episode+47
































































































    Just randomly found it while surfing in the net, does not even say who the writer is, if like Dramabeans, at least we know it is by Javabeans. Maybe the writer's name is K-pop it? LOL First time at that blog!
































































































    Thanks to the writer whoever she or he is!
































































































































































































    Ep. 45 Ending - SPOILER - someone at You Tube said that Hose found proof of SB's innocence, something about the submission date of her design was before the magazine was published! So SB could not have copied from the magazine! YAYYYYYYY I'm so enjoying this drama! I do like Hose and SB together but wouldn't mind if she ends up TP, he's actually quite a sweetheart, LOUD, but sweet. I kinda pity Soo Bin, her jealousy has turned her into the wicked witch of the west's evil step mother or somethin' *sighs* she's actually not a bad sort really *shrugs* what to do, Green Eyed Monster lurks within many of us! It's how we squash it down and don't let it get the better of us that makes us a decent human being!

































































    Don't Care Who YJ Ends UP With...as long as I end up with GP (2 votes) - Auntie Mame, ct1234
































































































    Pssssttttttttttttttttttt Auntie Mame & ct1234 - hey as your vote does end with GP what say you that just in case votes for GP does NOT get more than SH - wanna jump into our YJ/GP bandwagon??!!!! :P:lol::rolleyes::ph34r::blush::phew::vicx: See Thundie - I also can campaign yes for GP yes!!??? loved the pics you posted at our forum *High Fives* GP U LA LA you sure are hot in this drama!!
































































































































































































    I'm for GP ! Gooooooooooooooooooooo GP !
































































































    First saw him in Green Rose as the baddie, then in Hello God - so far all that I've seen - he didn't get the girl so...........I'm rooting for you 100% this time!!!! AJA fightin'!
































































































































































































    Just had to stop by...






























































































































































































































































































































    Thundie & Everyone in WithS2 and especially Mister X - Kamsahamidahhhhhhhhhhh






























































































































































































































































































































    *Two Thumbs Up*

































  18. Heartiest Conglatulations Song Il Kook Shi.....I'm so extremely happy for you and your new bride!

    Wishing you a very happy married life ahead, with bountiful joy, good luck, bliss, great health and don't cha forget - many many many children! Have a most blessed life ahead!

    A traditional wedding - how wonderful - perhaps paying back to the 2 great Dramas that were Saguek that have enriched his life so or being into the Saguek roles, he embraced the period of his ancestors and the values that they passed on to him.

    *Taiyingne* *smiles blissfully*

    *Waves to all Everyone here*

    HUGS E
































































































































































    Ep. 3 & 4 - OH the drama is unfolding so nicely! What I like most - Prince Choon-Nyeong and his teacher/master, Prince Choon-Nyeong and his love for his servant *sobs*, Prince Choon-Nyeong with his eldest brother the crown prince..So far these 3 prong relationship has build up so well. I especially like his relationship with his eldest brother the crown prince, flashback pictures when they were little boys, the crown prince wanted to protect and take care of his brothers during times of trouble - what a great ko ko (hyung), big bro...
































































































    And the ending climax on Ep. 4 - so can't wait for Ep. 5 !
































































































    Kim Sang Kyung shi - bpali bpali come out! Ep. 6 ? Ep. 7? The young man acting as young King Sejong aka Prince Choon-Nyeong *claps* what a sweetheart he is!
































































































    I can even enjoy the palace politics and intrigues!
































































































































































































    *Waves Back at Dramaok*
































































































    Caught Ep. 2 on KBS World..missed Ep. 1 - wedding dinner to attend aisahhhhh.
































































































    1. Grand Prince Yang-Nyeong (oldest), Grand Prince Hyo-Ryeong (2nd), Grand Prince Choong-Nyeong (3rd, Sejong), and Grand Prince Seong-Nyeong (4th):
































































































    Young prince Choon-Nyeong (Sejong) - so enjoying seeing his development, wanting to right the whole world, and that in the world 1+1 = 2 with the right mind, intellect, learning from books - wisdom to undo all the wrong in the world would be possible. He would see that what he has been taught and learnt from books are not the only things needed to get him through life successfully and overcome obstacles and gain the love of his people. .... and boy does he have the pure hearted courage of the young! Guess even princes have to learn things the hard way....everything he goes through would be a learning...he needs it to survive in the palace - aiyo the politics - keeps me scratching my head sometimes wondering what the heck are they cooking up, all the talk with double, tripple meaning, gets me confused and guessing and LOLing....
































































































    The Crown Prince Yang-Nyeong - I think I've seen him before in another role - also as crown prince in The Immortal Admiral Yi Soon Shin! He certainly has that regal good looks about him, here he is depicted (Ep. 2) so far as short tempered, cares for his sibling (Younger prince Choong-Nyeong), not very wise nor very clever....I look forward to seeing more on him too.....This actor, in IAYSS had a different backbone about him, but that could be because that other crown prince was supposed to be respected for his matured intellect even from a young age (teenager)...I'm happy enough to see him again.
































































































    The story so far, great pace, unfolding well for me - where dialogues are abundant, they were intriguing, where it was dramatic, had my heart pumping...what a great start...I'm going to regimentally stick with it!
































































































    .....Can't wait for Kim Sang Kyung to appear! *Shallow* LOL
































































































    P/S Baduy - I've read many of your thoughts at the INSOON IS PRETTY thread and many people there (myself included) enjoyed having you around as you contributed loads in terms of thoughts and interpretation of the drama, story, cast crew and all, you have that no nonsense style about you..that is quite enlightening....and sometimes a wee bit alarming..LOL..LOL but once I got used to it LOL...it was a great ride!... and so I hope that well, regardless on what has happened here - how you had somehow struck on certain sensitive cords on this thread on your beliefs on the Korean Language based on your investigation/knowledge. how it was depicted on the front page and how it came about whether created by King Sejong or his scholars...I hope you would stick around here still on this thread.....how about letting bygones be bygones everyone and let us all just enjoy what looks to be a GREAT SAGUEK drama, together? - you gals and guy if i am not mistaken (baduy) seems to be a smart and interesting lot, how about we all put our energies into happily watching our K-dramas and rant and gush away......AJA
































































































































































































    Tonight I was bawling when I checked into KBSWorld awaiting King Sejong Ep. 1 and it said it would be showing a SPECIAL PROGRAM! I was so disappointed like mad and kept ranting away and when the timeslot of 8.40 p.m. came about my more practical hubs said, why don't you check again and thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn viola! It was a SPECIAL PROGRAM on THE GREAT KING SEJONG!!!! OMO OMO luckily I didn't miss it! It showed the Cast and Crew, the makings of the drama, the costumes, the technology, the PD, etc. oh I was glued to it all!
































































































    TOMORROW NIGHT 8.4O P.M. - BPALLI BPALLI come! I had earlier made a mistake on this King and another one...so many Kings in olden day Korea and I can't wait to see the story of this most beloved King. Wah to go KBS!

































































































































  22. Congratulations Jang Hyuk shi! Some dear Chingus informed us also of this grand event, we are all so happy for you! A few also have remarked oh how they respect you more and that you have climbed notches in their eyes. Baby before marriage and to an older woman - it takes alot of maturity, solid personality and guts to do that, what more with your star status. I too feel exactly the same! Taiyingne, Here's to wishing you a wonderful fulfilled life ahead! AJA
































































































































































    *Waves* Dramaok , Huangsy and EVERYONE on this Thread!!! OMO OMO OMO I'm so excited to be able to now follow a SAGUEK drama from Episode one on KBSWorld!!!!! Taking over from the awesome Dae Jo Young that is going to finish! You can betcha I will be on this thread for the next 100 Ep. you said Mic? WAHHHH
































































































    Mic, I happened to be in the INSOON IS PRETTY thread when I read you mentioned this drama! So just had to find whether the thread is in action already YIPPPEEE it is!
































































































    First OFF - Kim Sang Kyung!!! OHHHHH I adore this actor from Lawyers :w00t::w00t::lol::P;) fame, now a KING! How WONDERFUL CHUTHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
































































































    *Dancing and doing a jig*
































































































































































































    I love melodramas ! With KSW in it U LA LA - In Ep. 5 when she had a stomach ache my first instinct wailed *NOOOOOOOOOOO, No stomach cancer please!* OMO ha ha
































































































    Watched some raw and very very very briefly subbed (eg. 10 mins - 5 sentences sort of !) on Youtube - it does look like it has the classic elements of Korean "melodrama" - BUT I'm sticking to it! *blush* hopeless romantic that I am! Can't wait for Mon next, think it would be 9.00 p.m. Malaysian time on Astro KBSWorld channel.
































































































    Melodramas with a heavy love story theme sells well in Malaysia abeit it being not so popular any more in Korea (if ratings are anything to go by). Ask my local CD shop and with hot KSW face on the cover - automatic sell ! Witch Joo Hee was SOLD OUT withiin a few days and that drama was OMO *slaps on head* ALAMAK!

































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