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Posts posted by x3wendy

































    Hm, I still wanna hear you though XD <3
    lols maybe some day :X...

    so close to owning a page again
































































































































































































































    Seoyeon ; i didn't upload anythign lol. that was the instrumental for people who wanted it.

































































    SRPING? T_T i thought it was suppose to be this month..

    i guess too much is happening right now..
































































































































    so they're all busy..
































































































































    well all the more time for him to practice n mesmerize us again..
































































































































    thanks for the info































































































































































































































































    at first i thought the same too. but when i went to the cd store near me, the guy at the store said it wuld be out in 2007 during the spring :]

































































    thanx. ^^ Tell us when u upload it.
































































































































    i uploaded it yesterday, if you didn't see the link it said click but here it is again
































































































































    Mandy Moore- Only Hope: http://www.sendspace.com/file/cd3lg9

































  5. haha i suck at speaking in public too, but i still try my best to get it over with LOLS.

    lols force that finger and SEND SEND SEND LOLS.

    my name = SALLY happy.gif

    after i send mine in i'll be a living zombie ahahahaha. i'll wait patiently for a nicely written harsh rejection letter =]

    lol. if you're gonna be a zombie then what am i going to be IF i send mine ><'' & i don't know if you had said before, but i have bad memory, when are you planning to send your thing again? i want to hear ^^ :D

  6. Seoyeon- Yeah, I guess I have to chill a bit. I still haven't decided what I want to do. One of the options is to send it. If I do plan on sending them a clip I plan to do it before summer of 07. My friend said to do it on this Christmas break, but I don't think that's possible >< & I'm not as shy as i used to be, I speak more often. :D

    *Gonie- thanks for the long comment ^^ i seriously didn't think that was harsh at all, cause i know it's true. i know things like that happen a lot & i let a lot of the things people do pass away. But I guess cause I take this as a one time thing. If i don't do good then I'd probably just give up x.x I guess one side of me isn't taking this very seriously but the other side of me is. I want to do it, but then I don't. I guess I'll just gain some more self confidence, take a speech class or something. :X thnks again, I think you helped me a lot. Kind of like giving me a boost <3

  7. haha SEND SEND SEND happy.gif be confident. u never know until u try. dont regret it later by not clicking that simple 'SEND' button.

    lols. thanks for the comments =]] i think i sound angry more than sad but yea i'll try to practice more on the other parts but my tongue always gets tonguetied in the easier parts so its like =..= LOLS.

    ahh sorry sPark* i didn't see your comment before ><'', lols i'm not even confident in myself when i speak in public i don't know what I'm going to do. but then again, i don't know if i want to try. it's my hand that won't let me click the send button >< btw what's your name? i don't want to keep quoting your user ><'' sorry. lols & my tongue always get twisted, especially when it comes to rapping x.x

    Hm...actually, I had that problem too. :x

    But if you think about it, once you do it, it`s over with...and you never know until you try, right?

    Plus, the longer you wait, the more harder it`ll get...:x

    Fighting!! <3 =]

    I think that I may be able to click that send button, but not be able to wait. I'd go crazy, I'm always so nervous about posting things too, and now if i was to send htem a clip. I would probably faint in the middle of class getting all worried about how it'll turn out :( your name's Seoyeon right? may i call you that ^^

    wow i'm actually starting to post more & more :D

  8. I think you`re scared of what other people are going to say.

    You know what? Just screw them. biggrin.gif

    Only look out for yourself, and if people give you advice, take it like money and spend it wisely. ^^

    If you never get over your fear, you`re just going to live your life as a "what if" type of life..

    I think it`s not the trying out part that`s making you think you`ll regret..I think you`re gonna regret on not getting over that fear.

    maybe you're right ><' but yeah still can't get rid of it. but i'll try my best. -_-' gotta go look at lyrics now :X i'm always so close to owning a page but never first.

  9. i never really wanted to audition because im a "chicken" lols, but i feel like... no, i KNOW that if i dont.. i'll regret it forever so im going to audition til i know its too late or something.

    im still not very confident.. but haha im still going to try happy.gif

    i wish i could think like you x.x but even when i practice so much im still doing so terrible >< & always afraid to post. aghs what to do what to do. i know i'll regret it if i dont try but, then again i cant. my thoughts contridict each other ;X

  10. soomi :] im glad you're having fun . i want to send in clips but i dont have enough confidence in myself ><' i'm willing to try, but i can't click the send button. my hand wont let me ;/

    sPark* i dled the t-memories cuase that was the only song i knew ;X i thought u did a pretty good job on the rapping. but cause the clip was so short i dont really know what to say x.x

  11. gluck sachiko_x :] & saranghae ... mimi dont be sad. just know you tried your best. if you really want to do it then you wuld continue to practice harder. but since you said you've kinda moved on then feel better soon =D

  12. gahh, the pictures are so hot! i'm so mad i was going to fly all the way to cali from ny just to see him >< but unforetunatly i couldn't :( i got so depressed in school and my friends called me stupid and everything kinda like you 1tym_kangta oh wells...

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