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Posts posted by x3wendy







    umm it's better if you just sing acapella rather than play the song along with you singing because it'd be clearer to hear your voice than the oringal singer :] I don't even know what i'm doing now. i've been slacking off :/




    i would love to share





    but i dont wanna put up my demo on the internet for all the world to see





    and i'm planning on doing all 6 songs in one take





    so if i do put it up, i would be putting up all 6 of my songs





    ..you know?









    lols all under one take O_O wouldn't you be tired? its kk^^ you dont have to post it :b i'm so lazy i havne't even been practicing :( i think i'm giving up on myself x.x



    thanks, it wasn't my best voice :[

    and i plugged an actual microphone into my comp and sang into it--- but i think the mic is soft?










    anyways thank you.









    you can always amplify the voice after you finish :] i heard your clip but i think that you shuld be hitting the right pitch, i don't remember how the song goes x.x but keep it up =)

    i have chosen all my songs

    6 korean songs (3 girl's, 3 guys)(5 ballads, r&b, 1 dance song..i will be dancing & singing at the same time, haha)





    i'm trying to decide whether to add a song where i'm playing the piano & singing at the same time..





    should i?









    wow dance & sing at the same time that'd never be me in a million years. i guess you can do the piano & singing at the same time ^^ i wanan see the vid wen you done!


  4. since this is cleared up...

    and this has nothing to do with YG exactly, let's stop the conversations about that incident and move on shall we?


    has ANYONE sent a demo yet?

    i feel like i'm just..procrastinating. [sp]

    i hope everyone is doing better than i am. -.-

    ggahh, you're not the only one procrastinating, i said i'd practice all week but i've been on vacation x.x i will start tomorrow till new years & hopefully send a demo by then. or if not sometime in january near regents week

  5. sPark* i just listened to you. i'm not really sure about how this song goes, i havne't heard it for such along time. but at times when you had to hold the note longer, it seemed lioke you had soemthing stuck in your throat and couldn't get the rest of the note out. hmmm other than that for now, id ont know .






    i derno i remember something where the guy int he background was lioek "the l-e-x-y damn she is so fly " i liked that song tho :] i cant wait till her third album comes out. i haven't heard bout her for so long :]







    Name: Wendy Ng




    Age: 15




    Nationality: chinese




    What company you want to audition for: Yg or brosent




    What your talent is: piano & violin. a little experience of singing & dancing. want to get in for singing though




    How do your parents feel: they don't know, and if they probably did they wouldn't approve of it.




    What has been holding you back: amount of skills i have. I want to do better before i actually send in the demos. also school & parents, friends. a lot of things ....


  8. Say if you're a girl and you're a tomboy, would they mind if you dress in baggy/boy clothes? It's pretty much the hiphop style and i like wearing baggy clothes. So would it be okay?

    I hope they tell you at least if you don't make it in. Like you know some entertainments don't send you anything and it's like you gotta wait so long and then you notice you don't get in.

    aiiish i agree with you too . my friends keep saying im alwyas wearing sweats & not tight jeans x.x but yeah. & i hope they reply saying if you got in or even dont either. because it's annoying when the ykeep you waiting. then again they would probably receive thousands of emails, or mails a day for auditions. we never know what will happen.

    anyways, Happy Holidays everyone!

  9. for the people who are already singers, the dressing might be from their coordinators. if they do look at fashion, then it would be from the pictures that you send in. <well that's a 'no duh' statement x.x


    What the heck does Kamshamnida mean? xD

    So, i guess we are doing a collab together. x_X I'll pwn you.







    my friend told me it means 'thank you'

    lol I'll add my 10 cents here...I've into the fitness and health scene too so lifting weight and all that good stuff...through most fitness articles and magazines I have read the body requires up to about 1 gallon a day of water =S lol...i bet you'll laugh when you see me carrying my gallon of water around =P but anyway update of practice...I've been working on lower octaves to give my voice a better range =D -gotta try the Fany parts-..so yup...




    ;o fany from ftts? post up some clips^^ i wanna hear :D

    muahaha 2 days of slacking for me lol i am going to vegas .. heading off now to rain's concert.... byeee guys!




    awwws lucky you :P have fun & come back with lots & lots of pictures ^^




    well I can't really do anything for three days, cause I'm not home. but I would love to hear clips of any one if they have recorded ^^


  11. i want to try out for yg but i voice is more princess like which is what my vocal teacher told me. so i have a less chance of getting in right? i can dance sexy though.. hehe ... im 16 ..do you guys think my voice can change?

    maybe you can audition for being a backup dancer? i think they have that. not sure.


    lmfao this is totally irrelevant but wendy unni got to 1000th post o0o <3

    anyway xD




    i need to buy a mic too :x




    then I could..record..more..:xxxxxxxxx




    do laptops need a certain mic? o_o







    some laptops have a built in mic, but i don't think it's as great cause it records the music as well. that's what happens when I tried recording on my fathers laptop. it's better just to get a seperate mic, unless you guys are happy recording with your cameras & stuff :] kinda not on topic but yea, someone get us back on pls x.x







    ahaha. i always sing in the morning when i'm at home. then when i walk to school i mumble the lyrics & ppl think im crazyy :X for me my break is finally here! which means time to practice practice practice & record :D how's everyone else doing?


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