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    They really have come a long way from when they started, and they still have a long way to go :) Happy 5th Anniversary, Big Bang. I look forward to your new works and future releases. And thank you Soompi for hosting this contest :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i really like your version. :) the beat is very nice too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i just felt that in the rap verse, there were slight pauses that sort of made it awkward.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but it wasn't that noticable, its just me being picky i think :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    nice job though~ can't wait to hear more from you./




































































































































    i miss him. it's almost been a year =\








































































































    my dad goes tell me to be a korean singer, and my mom has no comment. but it annoys me because when i get serious about it, he's like 'oh i'm just saying it as a joke i'm not being serious' and i'm like -.-








































































































    i'm babysitting right now, but the kid is good so i'm just "studying" for my SATS as well while listening to music.








































































































    it depends on how tired i am. if i'm really itired i'd just pick up the phone and wait fo rthem to talk, but i wouldn't answer. if not then i just answer calmy first. thne wen i ask what time it is, i end up screaming 'what's your problem calling me at this time?!' or something like that :T








































































































    awwws i just caught up your story till this chapter. they're so cute >_>'' i'm still curious why she's so afraid of that dream x.x'' nice job writing this story. i feel horrible i haven't started earlier.








































































































    gahhh :( she's too late. i reread the q&a and some chapters before i dont think im confused now. i guess she really didn't know he was there in front of her all this time.
































































    gahhh. i dont think he should've gave up on her. or decide to give up on her. he should've tried harder, cause i think that she'll eventually go to him sooner in the story :]




















































    wow. im kind of clueless of who his partner is O_O" but cant wait to find out ^^ hopefully yoo jin ownt start any trouble at the party xP





  11. @soomi ~ what do you mean you got a average score of like...6.3?

    i think i know what she means. she's been asking people to rate her singing & i guess she averaged out the numbers she got ^^

    i haven't been singing a lot lately :P but that's cause i have something funny in my throat x.x i'd love to hear everyone else though :D







    im chinese & my paretns make me go to chinese school -_-' i guess you can say it's pretty fun if you've been with the ppl who are there for years. but that's about it. i like my class tho, i mean at the same time we learn we also have fun so it's alright. i want to learn other languages tho. my dad told me he was going to teach me japanese but it never happend & im hoping to learn korean frmo some of my friends :P


  13. @ sungiebaby: YG will have audition this year according to what i heard so far.

    i think they're gonna have it in LA and NYC. dunno about other places :)

    PS: kim ji eun has sucha nice voice. listen to her sings I'll be missing you with Danny. gahhh.... so frikken good.

    sooomi >:o they're coming to NYC?! you must keep me updated yo`. anyways i like kim ji euns voice too^^ i have the dled video of their performance but i just listen to danny most of the time even tho she sings wit him :b

    edits; whoots page owned!

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