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Posts posted by Snowy-Nights

  1. I'm posting here because I'm in need of help, advice, emotional support. I have liked someone for the past six months and can't get over him even though he expressed that he's happy with just our friendship. I feel like this isn't healthy of me to be so hung over this guy. I've done some rash things because I couldn't cope with my strong feelings for him like getting high and hooking up with someone else as a way to get over him. I'm able to reason that if someone does not provide me the care and time I desire, then I know they're not worth it and I should move on. But the heart doesn't match what the mind says. I believe he's going through a similar situation like me because he has feelings for someone else who also doesn't reciprocate it. I regret a lot of things, like how I couldn't be honest with him. I never directly said that I had feelings for him but more like confronted him by asking if he liked me. I was too prideful and also ashamed of my feelings for him. I realize now how stupid I was being. It showed that I wasn't really ready for anything. I'm planning on reaching out to him to make amends and give myself some closure. I want us to have a proper, honest talk and for us to be good friends but I'm scared of how it'll turn out. There's a lot of detail and other things I want to say, but I rather say it in private messaging so if you're interested in listening, please PM me. Thank you!!

  2. Ladies, what is the age limit for you if you were dating a younger guy? I always told myself I would accept it if he was a year younger (maybe 2) but I recently met someone who I feel like is my type, but he's much younger. I'm thinking of just letting it go but I also haven't met anyone I felt compatible with until I met him. 

    • Like 1
  3. writerstale said: Snowy-Nights said: So my friend has been with her boyfriend for over a year. He's gain a lot of weight due to being so busy and stressed about school. She wants to tell him this and ask him to work out. How should she do this? 
    To clarify, she's not being shallow. She has been a very loyal girlfriend, always patient and loving. She does not love him any less because he got fat lol. It's just that as a girl, she would like her boyfriend to work out for her and show her some manliness I guess. They have a little trouble with their sex life because he doesn't initiate as much as she does and doesn't feel satisfied. I figure as a guy, you would want to work out for your girl. I know a guy that recently got a new girl and he's going on a diet and trying to work out so he can impress her. Anyway, what's the best way for her to approach her boyfriend?   

  4. So my friend has been with her boyfriend for over a year. He's gain a lot of weight due to being so busy and stressed about school. She wants to tell him this and ask him to work out. How should she do this? 
    To clarify, she's not being shallow. She has been a very loyal girlfriend, always patient and loving. She does not love him any less because he got fat lol. It's just that as a girl, she would like her boyfriend to work out for her and show her some manliness I guess. They have a little trouble with their sex life because he doesn't initiate as much as she does and doesn't feel satisfied. I figure as a guy, you would want to work out for your girl. I know a guy that recently got a new girl and he's going on a diet and trying to work out so he can impress her. Anyway, what's the best way for her to approach her boyfriend?   

  5. I went on a date this Friday and it was absolutely great. He already graduated and is currently working in the area. Meanwhile, I'm still a student. We spent the weekend catching up with our own friends but we have been texting for a bit throughout the weekend. 
    I really enjoyed our date and I think he's great so I do want to keep this momentum going. I think for now, we're just enjoying the moment and I'm open to whatever happens. If something more happens, then GREAT! If not, I'm cool with being friends with such a great guy but at the same time I don't intend to let myself get friendzoned haha.
    We're both pretty busy and I think it's hard for us to meet. I live on campus and it's not the most metro accessible place. He lives in the suburbs so he has to commute to the city everyday for work and then go back as well. He also works long hours. I'm pretty busy as a student too. So I think we can only meet on Friday or weekends. 
    I used to be a shy, quiet girl waiting around but throughout college, I grew tremendously and learned that I have to be proactive. So first question, what can I do to keep him interested/keep this going? Would texting be okay or is that too much? And when we text should I just keep it surface level and we talk about what we do each day? I like having deep conversation and I feel like every person that I've met that I've shared my deep insight connects really well with me. But in this case, is it too soon/too risky? 
    I've done a lot of initiating. Like adding him on FB and sending him a message. He responded well and suggested that we should meet up since he worked in the area. So since I live in the city, I know it more than he does and initiated places to go for Friday and I'm sure he really liked it. He paid for dinner which was really really expensive. I paid at the dessert place and also offered to pay for our drinks at the bar later on. But it still comes out uneven compared to dinner. Anyway I walked him to the bus stop since he had a long commute home and then later texted him to check if he got back alright. From there, that's how we started texting throughout the weekend. He hasn't suggested of meeting again 
    My second question is how to figure out how much he's interested. AKA how to understand male behavior haha. So to describe him a little bit, he's good-looking. He's also mixed. He has a very social and outgoing personality. He was really involved his frat (it's an asian frat) during college. He is a people person and treats people/girls well. So all these factors makes him popular and I'm sure he attracts a lot of girls. When he texts, he doesn't say much and it's not as "lively" as me. But he does reply to me at some point. Since he's a friendly person I'm not sure if he's just being friendly or if he's displaying behavior that he's interested. He did get touchy like putting his arm around me as we walked around, hugging me at the end of the date and it was like 30 seconds. But because of how comfortable he is with people, I wonder if he would do this with anyone. 
    He also talked about his history of girls starting from his first girlfriend from when he was 17. He didn't mention anything sexual but there was this one point where he said that with this one girl it was just physical and quickly followed up and tried to clarify that it wasn't anything sexual at all. I asked one of my guy friends and he said that this guy is bragging. Which I feel like is male behavior lol. To prove something. My friend said that he wants to show me that he's casual and can talk about sensitive topics like his love life etc. At the end of his story, he concluded that he's still friends with all of the girls. I told my friend this and he said that he's just trying to show that he's not such a bad guy. Anyway that's my interpretation, but I just wanted to hear other guy perspective on why they would share their history of girls with someone on a date. 

  6. There is this guy that I became interested into this semester but I don't know his name.  I don't know anything else about him either - which dorm he's in, which school and what major, or his friends.  I know he's not a freshman because I saw him last year, but it wasn't until this semester that I got curious, especially since I see him more often.  I see him at the gym and also at the library. I don't think he hangs out with the Asian crowd because my friends would know.  I don't know any of his friends that I see him with, so no mutual friends to help introduce me and we never had classes together.  But at least he knows I exist (at least, I think so) because I work as the student guard in the library and he has to walk by me.  Also one time at the gym, he ran past me on the track.  What can I do to get know who he is and have us become friends?    

  7. Lately, I have been feeling not so great about myself and  I'm asking you ladies for advice to dealing with my insecurities right now because girls probably tend to encounter this situation of comparing themselves to their friends.  My friend has been having problems with relationships.  She was in her first serious relationship, and she got really hurt.   I was with her the whole time.  I listened to her, gave her advice, and told her she was worthy and deserved better than what he ever did for her.  And I mean every word of it.  Then she got into a new relationship with a better person (he's also my friend) but some of her bad feelings are coming up from her past relationship.  It made her feeling low about herself and that she won't be loved. But the thing is, my friend is so pretty and friendly.  Boys always talks to her; girls want to get to know her.  I comfort her and tell her that people think she's pretty and want to get to know her and be friends.  I can't help but feel bad that I feel this way, especially since my friend was hurt.  Even though she has confided in me and appreciates that I am there for her, I can't tell her this.  It's embarrassing to admit that you feel not pretty, not attractive.  I don't think there's anything wrong with me and if I don't like something, I try my best to improve.  I learned to dress nicely, wear contacts.  I'm clean, I don't have acne.  I'm thin, average height.  I'm pretty nice and cheerful and I think easy to approach.  But I feel like people aren't interested in me.  I have never been eagerly approached or pursued by guys like her, or have other girls invite me to hang out like her.  I guess I feel frustrated that it comes easier for her but she's still feels low and doesn't see that people do like her.  Because if she, a pretty girl, feels bad, then what does that make me?  I'm most likely being too hard on myself, it's just that all my friends are getting into relationships.  They have someone that wants them.  I don't think I want a relationship, it's just being surrounded by all of this makes me feel pressured and doubt myself.  So how do you girls deal with this?  Thank you!!!                                 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't say "girl".  I can't pronounce the 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    I found out that my mother aborted my "sibling" years ago just to be spiteful to the father.  She/He was about 5-6 months old. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just watched a Nicolas Cage movie, Drive Angry.  He really does have some weird mini cooper. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    John Smith - 18 clicks.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I would like to donate blood.  Unfortunately, I do not meet the physical requirements.  I think it's great that many of you donate blood and I just wanted to post my support in here.       
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ever experienced it? Share!
    I live in the United States and I just moved out to the east coast from the west.  I'm not completely shocked but it is different here.  

    1.  It's GREEN.  O_O  I've never seen so many trees in my life.  It may not sound out of the norm for some of you but there aren't very many trees where I'm from.  It was dirt and brown.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2.  The weather is completely opposite.  I've never lived in a place that snowed and I'm not ready for this upcoming winter...  :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The summer is hot and humid in the east.  I've always experienced dry heat and temperatures that vary from 80 to over 100 degrees.  I heard it's worst to experience humid heat.  The heat may only reach in the low 90s (and not as high as where I'm from), but the humidity is probably 70%, so it feels more hot than what the temperature reads.    
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    3.  The infrastructure.  I'm used to easy nagivation because of the grid system and it was flat whereas the roads in the east follow the geography (rivers, mountains, etc.).  I've never seen a lot of body of water like this before and there is alot of bridges and tunnels to get around places.  I could always tell what direction I was in, but I think I'm going to be relying on a compass for awhile. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    4.  The architecture and landscape.  The east is more traditional.  Most of the houses are two stories and have that old-fashion style.  I lived in neighborhoods with one-story houses and they were wide, not narrow.  There are also a lot of suburban communities and the HOA.    
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    5.  The food.   Well, I haven't experienced the difference yet, but I know pretty soon I'm going to be missing a lot of the stuff I normally eat and have crazy cravings.  I won't be able to get the stuff I like as easily.  :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I haven't been here in the east long and I'll post more, but these few points will start off the thread.  Share your experiences, even reverse culture shock.               
















































































































































































































































































































    I wonder if that's really HERMIT in his avatar... 
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I once drank two-year-expired Nyquil.  It was so nasty.   
































































































































































































    Good luck to everyone!  I wonder if there is anyone on soompi with longer hair than me.  My hair is halfway past my butt.  :P
















































    Awee, I want a penpal (or e-pal?)!  I'm very good at keeping touch.  ^_^








































    I had a tragic dream.  The world was infested with zombies and I was the zombie slayer.  There was another girl.  I never met or seen her in my life.  I felt like she was my best friend.  We were so similar and she was also a zombie slayer.  We fought side by side but then she was caught by them.  Since she was a zombie slayer, she didn't turn into a low-level zombie like them.  She became their queen and it was up to me to kill her.  I charged her palace and went through an army of zombies before I confronted her.  We battled equally and then I slayed her.  I wept because I felt that I killed my best friend.  Then I woke up. 









  19. Ladies (particularly the asian-cultured ones),

    Do the relationships portrayed in the dramas and the asian films really reflect what girls fall for (mind you, fall for doesn't mean want)?

     It makes me think that everything that happens goes against everything I've seen in real life, but then again I live in North America so I have no idea how people in Asia/people who've lived and had relationships in Asia act.

    I haven't watched Asian dramas in a long time.  My mother watches these bad dubbing, traditional dramas and they have really cheesy stuff about true love .  Having said that, I don't know what kind of relationship they depict other than the corny true love.  Would you mind elaborating?   

    Hey ladies, what does it mean when you hold her/ cuddle for a long bit, and she opens up to you. But then the next few days she completely ignores you i.e. no msn/ facebook/ cellphone response at all.

    I'm thinking cold feet?

    She felt vulnerable when she opened up to you and that feeling can be terrifying.  Or maybe she felt embrassed about her vulnerability and doesn't want to be reminded of it.  I know you're having a hard time contacting her right now, but I think you should assure her that you won't betray her.  She confided in you and you must maintain that trust. 








































    But those are missing the new crazy moves they've had lately...
















    KYS is really amazing especially if he doesn't "crash" a lot... (unfortunately, he does crash a lot...)
















    Physicx is insane and he doesn't even crash that much, plus, he can really kill the beat... :P
















    Whenever I wanna try some power moves and freezes, I look at them as inspirations...
















    Physicx's trailer is shorter here (but old as well):







































    and more popular...  B)































    (Wasn't sure what power moves and freezes were until I looked it up wikipedia-style..)
















    Heh, I liked watching the video.  Oh, are you a BBoy? 









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