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Posts posted by Snowy-Nights
























    Like Basket Boys?
















    How about... being a Backstreet Boys? That could also be charming to some girls I think...
















    Breakboy Physicx and KYS The End are my favorites... You can find them!  :w00t:































    I want to clarify if these are the right videos: KYS and Physicx.
















    That was pretty cool!  Thanks for the recommendations.  :D
































    Hmmm. Wow. Despite how I feel right now, I guess I'm a little glad I found this post by you Xianie. I hope you was able to find what answers you was looking for from these girls and guys to ascertain your own thoughts and feelings. At least all the responses were very sensible. I even agree with most of them, given what they know about us, our circumstances and what we've been through, which is very little beyond what you wrote.
















    Very weird to be discussing our relationship problems online, amongst strangers. But its one way to do it.
















    I had nowhere else/no one else to turn to, so I had to take the risk and ask for the opinions of others here on Soompi. What I said is the truth, but if you feel there is more that needs to be added so that your side of the story can be heard, please feel free to do so. I didn't intend for you to feel bad or anything, I didn't intend for you to find this thread. But I can't talk to you about this matter without feeling like I'm fighting an uphill battle all the time. I shouldn't feel guilty and helpless whenever I attempt to discuss such realistic and practical matters with my boyfriend, you know. We haven't spoken on the phone for over a week now, and it seems we're not going to any time soon. It's like we put ourselves on a break again (for the 100th time). The only thing I can do is to not neglect my duties and responsibilities and work hard for my future now.
















    I hope everything works out between you two.  Good luck.

















    Mother's day is coming around and I'm only getting mine a gift as an obligation not from my heart. My mother and I don't get along and not compatible at all. I gave up trying to meeting her half way or get her to understand. What i'm asking is...is it wrong to not feel any connection to her other than she gave birth to me and has hold on me because of money?
















    It's not wrong at all.  I understand how you feel..  I'm not exactly close to my mother and don't plan to bother trying anymore.  You support her financially and I think that's enough.  If she fails to understand you, I think it's wrong for people to expect you to care any more than that.       









  4. She's like 6'2". :sweatingbullets: I think I'm 6'1" but I might be 6'2" now because it's been a year or two since I checked and in that case, she's like 6'3".

    Why can't we just use the metric system? dry.gif

    Another problem is that our majors must be very different. Engineering already is isolated enough as it is, but if she really is an Art major like I think she is, then that's going to be much more difficult than I first thought.

    She also doesn't interact with people very much which is much like myself, but I actually will talk to people if I think it's best. If she attended events in our building, I also probably would do it. Is that weird?

    Hey, I think you're pretty tall!  She's unusual for being a tall girl and I think it's sweet that you like her.  I don't think height would be an issue, since you're tall.  She can't be too picky now.  ^_^ 

    Nope, it's not weird at all.  It's your desire to be close to her.  I see that you're worried about the solitary you two face in your major..  Well,  I believe that over time people feel the need to come out of their isolation and connect with people.  If she's attending events, then she is probably interested in meeting people.  Good luck.             


  5. Totally random question, but what do guys think about girls calling our stomachs, our tummies?  I was complaining, "My tummy hurts :o " and my male classmates were commenting on only girls call it that. 

  6. Sorry for posting again so soon. :sweatingbullets:

    Is height a large factor for women? Is it a large factor for tall women?

    Thank you.

    I think I'm one of the few lenient ones that doesn't mind if the guy isn't tall.  The shortest I would I accept if the guy was a couple inches taller than me and I'm pretty short.  I hate to break it to you but it's most likely that she doesn't like guys shorter than her.  Try to find out if the height difference bothers her.     

    Have you ever called an ex in the middle of the night?

    Say that you know that you two won't ever be together again. Why would you call him?

    Something must be bothering her for her to be staying up so late.  It probably made her think for awhile, drift to thoughts of you and finally led her to call you.  If I was calling a guy in the middle of the night, it means that I'm having thoughts of him and feel the need to talk to him.  Maybe I'm searching for answers, assurance/comfort, or I'm feeling vulnerable?  I would guess one of those would be what she's looking for.         
























    "Hey....is there something on your hand?"
















    Him: no
















    You: lemme see?
















    Him: *shows*
















    You: oh all right *holds hand and cont. walkin* :P
















    The outcome will tell whether he fancies you or not :P































    I saw this post a while ago in another thread and I liked it.  It's cute.  :lol:











    The end is near although we netizens will laugh like hyenas. Mummies burn from flaming Xiah Junsu's hotness advancing towards spartans vomiting sparkles. However, Santa won't eat fries until Peewee Herman pee calculators onto ms. clause. McDonald's Sweet Tea tastes like tomatoes and slugs poop champagne diamonds through its mouth. Santa warped over boobies towards my chameleon hamburger. Falling, he takes ninjas with samurai girls into Yoshi's Island for a quick fart but suddenly Justin Bieber pulled out a kfc chicken and spit on Onew who licked Ronald Mcdonald on his shoe. "What the hamburgers, ran ran ruuuuu!!!!!" My porcupine dug holes in assumption then spit out a magical baby!" Hello Kitty ate a hotdog while trying someone's new netizen lollipop and using a Kamen Rider Transformation Belt,successfully murdered an iPhone. Meanwhile, scooby doo wanted to escape from the Joker lol, but snooki refused service, "hakuna mattata." Jack Sparrow's hairstylist glued 101 pieces of cucumber onto Ian Somerhalder's hairy back without mayonnaise. A creeper suddenly tears open the donut he was hiding in and jumps into Mordor across lolita aiming for the mad hatter'slarge hairy nipples and ugly nose for Dumbledoreeee! Life potions are like poison to our brains unless chocolate emerges from behind, giving life to sexual feelings. The situation reeks of polka dots creating an unknown dimension, which indicates that your mom wants it that way. The independent state of Alabama is under attack from flaming Q-tips launched by Chuck Norris on a seahorse. Fashion Police cultivate special herbs that prevent smelly forks from turning into spoons that infect humans with the zombie virus. Pocahontas threw octopuses because nifty bloggers molested unexpecting seahorses that are fed with viagra. Then Chuck Norris and Adolf Hitler faint together after dinner at midnight, while the women shop for unicorns and pencil shavings. Due to suspicious activity Sheldon Cooper decides to have coitus with Penny. Penny drank some mustard and accidentally on purpose insults cupcakes, which causes the Powerpuff Girls to cry uncontrollably, flooding the world! The zombies maliciously began surfing from saltwater, all sparkling. Rick Astley dances to Lucifer to impress soompiers in the hopes of pleasing his lord satan Satan, Satan SAID DANCE! His dance made all non-dancers eat MacBooks on ice. Justin Bieber is dancing with Charlie Sheen on top of Rebecca Black . Purple fingers bleeding clouds spring juicy baskets of strawberries



  9. We're lazy and/or stupid.

    Why does it have to be down anyways? Is it so hard for YOU to put it down? I mean.. we don't normally sit on it when we pee. It's a courtesy to you (the ladies) that we lift the seat up so we don't accidentally pee on it.

    #just sayin

    Hi, I don't mind putting it down if guys forget occasionally, but sometimes in the middle of the night I need to go to the restroom and I don't turn on the lights because I'm too sleepy.  One time, I plopped myself down on the toilet and it kinda hurt and felt really uncomfortable when I did that.  Good thing I didn't fall in.  Anyways, I know it seems really unfair and sexist that guys have to lift and put the toilet seat back down, but I really appreciate it.  It shows common courtesy and consideration for girls (to not let the incident of us falling in).         




    You are sensitive and indecisive at times. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you. son.





    You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You have a strong personality and you like to command, influence and control people.





    You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. We also see that you are sensuous, sexual, and privately passionate. You don't think much about yourself.


  11. You really upset me.  You haven't seen me in years and still have this mental image that I'm this timid little girl.  I've been through some tough times these past years and my heart is weary.  I'm a generally a realistic person, but what's wrong with a dream?  I've worked hard towards my dream and it's so close within my grasp.  There's no need for you to discourage me and tell me to be "practical."  If my wish is possible, then I will strive to make it happen.     



    Are CONIEFOX dresses good quality? I saw runway pictures of them and they look great, but some of them are sold on Chinese wholesale stores, so I'm not convinced that the quality is as great as it seems. The price range is pretty good too.....





    I clicked on your second link and it has the exact same dress that strawberry.llamas is buying from ebay.  Her post is on this page.  Maybe ask her for the quality of her dress? 


    Helloo guys, my school is having prom (second year running) I live in London and well prom isn't all that common in all honesty.


    However, everyone at school is geared up for it, I mean extremely excited (:. I'm wearing this dress that my sister wore:


    I was wondering how could I possibly do my hair? My sister thought I should do an updo, but I don't know...


    These are the three hairstyles I'm interested in, if you guys have any suggestions please tell me!


    Hairstyle 1 Hairstyle 2 Hairstyle 3


    Thanks in advance!



    Yes, do an updo!  So pick either Hairstyle 2 or 3.  I think Hairstyle 3 suits that dress well. 


    I've got two dresses I like both, need help on deciding what one to wear? Thanks :D


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us



    I love the second one!  Wear it!


    I just got my dress yesterday!


    I feel like EVERYONE is going to be wearing a long dress :/ but long dresses don't appeal to me and I'm kind of short so... I think I'd have more fun in a short, cute dress like this :) what do you guys think of it?


    what color shoes would be best? I'm thinking silver... and how about jewelry? I like how the model is using pearls.. it makes the dress look very elegant :) and I'm thinking of doing a curly bun/updo type of thing :D



    For shoes, click on the shoe suggestion in my post.  You and jenjenx both have a very light pink colored dress and I think it matches the pumps better than my dress.  :(


    Anyways, if you're interested in those shoes, go to Sears and they have them on sales.  I think it's a pretty good price for pumps.  :P


    I also agree with the white pearls.  You should do it. 


    If you're going to wear white pearls, I don't think wearing silver shoes would be the best.  It would only work if you wore silver jewelry. 




    this is what I'm getting :]


    what shoes and accessories should I wear? Makeup??



    If you are going to wear a necklace, I suggest you wear a heavy necklace.  Since it has so much neck and chest exposure, a thin necklace would fail to stand out.  I'm thinking a silver colored necklace.  But wear simply earrings.  Don't wear gaudy ones.  Those black shoes that the model is wearing looks good.  I don't know much about make up so I can't help you on that.  :( 


    I have no idea how to do my hair guys. I'm thinking loosely curled and having one side pinned back, but I'm not sure if I should have it all lifted up? My hair being down flatters me more physically I think, but up-dos are also more formal?


    Hairstyle ONE








    Keep in mind that my hair is long, black, and that I'm probably going to be doing it myself...cause I'm to cheap for a salon. aha


    My dress:





    I can't see the third and fourth hairstyle.  It says it's forbidden.  :unsure:  But rule out the first hairdo. 


    This is my dress. IMO, it looks better on me than in the pics. I absolutely love it, and I'm going to be tanner than I am now, so hopefully it'll look even better.


    What shoes should I get? I want high platform ones, that are fabulous. Should I go strappy? Closed-toed? Peep-toe? What color? I think gold would be too matchy-matchy, black would be too harsh, and white is just always tacky.  But at the same time, I'm totally feeling those glittery Steve Madden platforms posted a few pages back.


    Also, what accessories?


    And what hair? I was thinking long curls.


    Oh, and what nails???


    Omg haha so much to decide!



    Would you mind posting a picture of the Steve Madden platforms?  But I think they sound really good! 


    It's really hard for me to suggest accessories but I'll try.  I think you should wear a thin chain necklace.  I do not like the dangling design of the necklace on the model.  But I think you should wear dangling earrings.  I don't think you should wear a bracelet.  Long curls are pretty but I also think an updo will do as well. 



    Oh...thanks for all the feedback guys! I really do appreciate it all!  ^_^ I'm just going to move on and forget he ever asked (:!!! I think that seems like the best path to follow for now; even though I really do want to go shopping with him..haha. Oh well!! Must not fall into it D:<


    Girly!  DO NOT SUBMIT TO THE TEMPTATION!  fury.gif





    I bought this dress and it wasn't costly.  I posted two pictures so you can get an idea of the dress color and compare it to these shoes.  What do you think of the colors of these shoes with this dress? 


    New York Pumps - Blush (color)


    Any other suggestions are welcome!



    With Flash On







    With Flash Off








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