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Posts posted by Hapiangle
































































    back to the latest episode..






























































































































    i am curious abt one thing..































































    since i come from a tropical country...ermm..































































    when yong did that chair thing...what exactly was he trying to do?































































    no PG18 thinking here..just plain curious...  :phew:































































    is yong trying to correct hyun's posture?































































    and when the MCs did not comment on this...is this something normal?































































    Hi jnj, I think Yong did not do the chair thing purposely. At first, he tried to let Hyun understand how she should adjust the snowboard angle and the strength Hyun needed by putting his feet under the snowboard. With this action, his knee would have to bend and form a chair shape. Then, he trying to let go his feet but somehow Hyun fail to balance and felt forward. Then, the 2nd time, he tried the same thing again, but then Hyun is not ready yet and she feel very insecure if Yong let go his feet, so she sit on his lap.. :wub::wub:
































    @aneng, Yes, I notice the 'saranghae' as well. I did not notice this part during the raw video and the English sub video... I notice this part when I watch the Chinese sub video, because there is a translation there in the Chinese sub video... blush.gif
































































































































    Hi to all my GOGOMA family here. Wish you all Happy Valentine Day~~!! And to our Yong & Hyun as well, Happy Valentine Day ~~!! Hope that both of you are able to spend few hours together to celebrate this special day.
































    I've finish watching the latest episode and the same I would say this episode is DAEBAK and heart-warming. Why I would say heart-warming? Let me share some of my favourite moments in this episode, which make me feel so heart-warming.....
































    1. The scene when Hyun using Yong's goggle as mirror and she asked him back whether he needs the mirror from her as well. Yong smiled and tap her head with his glove, like saying "ok, enough, let's go". Haha, to me, this scene is so natural and yet intimate. Intimate not in term of physically, but the action/interaction between both of them only can be seen in mature couple.
































    2. When Yong suddenly dropped the snowboard and demonstrated to Hyun how to attach the board on her feet. Later on, he asked to figure it out how to detach it. Yong looks so manly and tough and strict. Hyun saying "what teacher is this, ok, I will do it myself" and she was about to carry the snowboard on her own, this is the moment I'm talking about ---> Yong just grab it and carried it for her. Haha, how sweet is this. You know, something like when a guy being strict and his voice is a little bit harsh (something like commanding in a strict voice tone) but then later on, from his action, he will do everything for you, something like that. Sweet sweet sweet... :wub:
































    3. When Hyun sliding down and she got it wrong. Yong yelled at her "again, again.. don't do the wrong thing again purposely". Hyun yelled back "no, it just goes like that, I'm not do it on purpose" (something mean like that, as I'm not able to on the video to re-check on the sub now). And then Yong soften his voice " alright, alright" and his palm waving like asking her to "come come come to me"... How sweet is this. I'd tell you, this kind of interaction... more than words... :wub:
































    There are still a lot of favorite scene I would wanted to share, it is hard to describe it one by one... so I will conclude that, the whole episode is my favorite...
































    In regards of some of your POV on Yong's distance to Hyun after the shrimp's episode. Well, I would say, there are a lot of things in between them which we are not able to see and know as an audience. Only both of them know what is exactly going on. For me, I still believe in my sense and feel that, there is definitely something mushy between them as time goes by. Undeniable, in this episode, Yong is being strict and serious b/c he needs to make sure of her safety (dangerous sport-- always safety comes first) and their determination and enthusiasm to learn at least a S turn or a C turn.. And Hyun's is indeed a fast learner and intelligent girl, I see nothing wrong with this. Anyhow, at the end of the day, it is Hyun's understanding on him is the most important, right? Don't you agree?
































































































    Guys, is it just me or maybe some of you found this.






























































































































    Hyun for airport fashion.






























































































































    Chick style + rockers vibe...































































    *quoted image*































































    Hi Zealous, just drop by and hope you not mind to borrow the pic you've posted. From this picture, it looks like Hyun a little bit tired... I read from Baidu, the pink bear keychain on Hyun's bag is actually one of the YongSeo 1st Anniversary gift from Korean fans...
































































    Edit: ho..ho..ho... after 29th post, this is the fist time my post on the top... luckily I've got something to share with you guys.. :P
































































































































    ~Happy First Anniversary to Yong & Hyun~
































    It has passed 12am in my country, so today is the day~~!!!!. Just wanted to share this. Cr: DC & Baidu
































































































    The cake is so beautiful and so meaningful. It is their first meeting attire. blush.gif Reminding us how awkward and shy but yet sweet first meeting of them in the MBC lobby.
































    Fate~ brought Yong and Hyun to meet and to start their journey together.































































    Fate~ brought us GOGOMA lovers all together from all over the world.































































    Fate~ make all of us united in this amazing thread.































































    Fate~ make all of us love Yong & Hyun more and more....































































    Fate~ created a memorable memory to Yong, Hyun, and all of us ~~!! :wub::wub::wub:
































































































































































    Almost 1 year now :) Just trying to refresh everyone's memories! 
































































    *quoted image*
































































    *quoted image*
































































    *quoted image*
































































    Yong, it wasn't even a year yet when she said, "We need to die together!" *quoted image*































































































































    Haha, quisty86 I really like your post very much. We can see how close they are not. Not even a year, YES Hyun wanted to die together, and Yong wanted to die after her (so that she won't be left alone without him). So sweet ~~~ :wub: how can we resist them.... blush.gif
































































    2 more days to their 1st Anniversary~~~ YongSeo hwaiting!!
































































    Love love love
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm sorry that have to ask this question here: is there any link on YT for this Enews video? My computer can't work on tudou... too bad....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If anyone know the YT link, pls pls pls help to share here.... many many thx in advance..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He continued, “Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities. Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Awww~~~ YongHwa ah~~ why you have such thought ? "I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me" don't you know how hurt of me and all of us here to see you said like that?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Pls pls pls, you are great for SeoHyun. Don't be low confidence here. Don't you know that you are the only man that can give SeoHyun baby many of FIRST experience?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Pls DO NOT have such thought anymore~~ Bear in mind, you have a whole village of us here to support you~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hey guys, I have helped repost the 1st year anniversary picture onto YongSeo Fan Club.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so that its easier for Gogumas who missed previous posts to be able to find it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































     Alternatively, an easy solution is just to click on any Gogumas with the display pic, save and upload it yourself. haha. at least thats what I did because I had difficulty finding the previous posts.:rolleyes:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Haha, thx yongseorockin for sharing this. I have just done as what you have mentioned... Let's all looking forward to Friday and Saturday~~  parli parli... :wub: Since our thread has been recognize by k media, just hope that, they will have a big great news across the whole Korean nation on the 1st anniversary we have for our beloved YongSeo~~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Well, 4 more days to go, our YongSeo 1st anniversary~~~ congratulations~~!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yong & Hyun, I would like to wish both of you, stay healthy and love each other more and more day by day. Looking back the pass 365 days that both of you've passed, how both of you walk thru this year, from 1st meeting at the MBC lobby, awkwardness & shyness expression and be seen on your faces. Slowly, both of you have develop a slow and steady trust and relationship with each other and now, after 1 year, it is so glad to see both of you are so close and caring for each other. This is the memory that belong to both of you. And of course, this is also a great memory for me to grow with both of you throughout this one year.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm glad to came across YongSeo couple in WGM and they are the first couple I watch in WGM. I wanted to thank you for bringing me such a romantic and beautiful love story. Once again, both of you, plzzzz love each other more and more. Fate has brought both of you to meet, so pls treasure this opportunity and make it real, cos I know, you both deserve to have each other. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    YongHwa ah~~ pls send her a bouquet of roses, hug and kiss her on your 1st anniversary. If you can't make it on that day, pls do it on Valentine day. [if you have done all this already (off cam), just ignore my sentence here...]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Love is all around in this thread~~ Love Love Love~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Happy 1st Anniversary to Yong & Hyun~~!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ‘우결’ 우리 서현이 변했어요, 바른생활⟶익살쟁이
































































































































































































































































                            //                          뉴스엔                      | 뉴스엔                 | 입력 2011.02.06 15:37                                                                                                                                          [뉴스엔 박정현 기자]
































































































































































































































































    최근 '우결'에서 가장 눈에 띄는 변화를 보인 것이 서현이다.
































































































































































































































































    최초 바른생활 이미지를 고집하며 가상 남편인 정용화 앞에서 어색한 모습을 보여 눈길을 끌었다. 그러나 시간이  지나며 서서히 그간 보이지 않았던 부분이 드러나기 시작했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































        2월 5일 방송된 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'(우결)에서 서현은 정용화와 함께 병원을 찾아 건강검진을 받았다. 정용화는 이미  어린이  이미지를 갖게 된지 오래다. 투정을 부리는 정용화에게 서현은 마치 엄마처럼 달래기 시작했는데 과거의 말 한마디 건네지  못하던  모습과 비교하면 놀라운 변화라고 할 수 있다.
































































































































































































































































    이날 방송에선 두 사람의 스킨십도 눈에 띄었다. 두 사람은 마사지를 받는 과정에서 손을 잡았다. 정용화의 새끼손가락을  서현이  붙드는 장면으로 많은 팬들을 즐겁게 했다. 서현은 정용화와 말장난을 하며 "(부부인데) 함께 죽어야죠"라는 말까지 했다.  이미  과거의 서현에서는 찾아볼 수 없는 분위기다.
































































































































































































































































    변화는 천천히 찾아왔다. 서현은 독서를 좋아한다고 했다. 반기문 유엔사무총장을 존경한다면서 그에 관한 책을 읽었다. 정용화에게도  독서를 권장해 시청자에게 신선함을 전했다.
































































































































































































































































    많은 팬들이 서현의 그런 "요즘 아이들 같지 않은 바른 모습에서 매력을 느낀다"고 말해왔다. 고구마와 건강에 좋은 음식을  좋아한다는 것도 특이할 만 했다. 제작진은 오래전부터 서현의 변화를 목격해왔다. 최초의 목격지점은 서현이 씨엔블루의 차량에 숨어들어 그들을 놀라게 하는 장면이었다.
































































































































































































































































    제작진은 "평소 진지한 모습만을 보여왔던 서현의 표정에서 장난꾸러기의 그것을 느꼈다"고 밝힌 바 있다. 그렇게 캐릭터에 변화가  왔다.
































































































































































































































































    그러던 중 스킨십도 시작됐다. 서현은 일본 여행에서 정용화의 팔짱을 끼어 시청자에게 충격(?)을 안겼었다. 당시 정용화 역시  놀란  듯 보였으니 굳어진 표정과 굳어진 팔이 이를 증명했다. 어색한 스킨십이었으나 이후 그 모습은 점점 자연스러워졌다. 손을  잡아도  팔짱을 끼어도 두 사람의 표정에선 어색함을 찾아볼 수 없었다.
































































































































































































































































    프로그램에 출연했던 서현의 매니저는 "서현이 그렇게 변화한 모습에 놀랐다"고 밝혔었다. 그런 스킨십이 5일 방송에서  새끼손가락을  잡는 달달한 장면으로까지 이어졌다. 이제 남은 과제는 자연스런 반말 밖에 남지 않은 상황. 혹은 최강커플 '아담'에  이어서 깜짝  키스신도 기대해 봄직하다.
































































































































































































































































    박정현 pch46@newsen.com
































































































































































































































































    기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
































































































































































































































































    copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지
































































































































































































































































    original souce LINK
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    now they can understand each other's messages through pinky finger?  :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yongseo is the only couple i watch in WGM, so i don't know how other couple interact. not trying to compare with other couple because every couple is different and special, but do all WGM couples interact like yongseo??i don't know how tho explain it in english. but they really 有默契.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sorry to cut your post short, scatterbrain. But I really have to agree with you. YongSeo is really 有默契. :w00t: I watched Adam couple and Khuntoria couple as well, somehow, I just could not find those feeling compared to YongSeo. Sorry, really no offence here, I'm just saying my own POV.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I guess this is what brings me to our YongSeo so much and make me love them more and more. Looking forward to tomorrow's GOGOMA days~~!! :w00t:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think I have to apologize here, for making a hu-ha few pages back when I read that stup** anti fake article. I guess I will learnt how to control now and post wisely. Sorry about that... pabo me... 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    * 정용화-서현, 커플 마사지 데이트 중 무슨 일이?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    용서부부가 커플 마사지를 받았다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    지 난 주, 서현은 병원에 가기 싫어하는 용남편을 설득하기 위해 병원에 간 다음 용남편이 가자고 졸랐던 마사지숍에 가기로 제안 했었다. 평소 마사지 받는 것을 좋아하는 용 남편과는 달리, 현부인은 이러한 마사지는 거의 처음이었다고 한다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    더군다나 현부인은 간지럼을 많이 타는 편이라 마사지를 받기 전까지 무척 긴장하는 모습을 보였었는데, 하지만 걱정했던 것과는 달리 조용한 마사지 숍의 분위기 속에서 커플 마사지가 진행되었다는 전언.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    그러던 중, 현부인은 용남편에게 새끼손가락으로 무언의 커뮤니케이션(?)을 건넸고, 용남편은 그것으로 현부인의 속마음을 읽을 수 있었다고 하는데.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    과연 두 사람이 간지러운 마사지에 대처하는 방법은 무엇일지, '용서부부의 커플 마사지 데이트'편은 설 연휴 다음 날인 5일 오후 5시 10분에 MBC [우리 결혼했어요]에서 공개될 예정이다.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm translating based on the chinese translation from Baidu. cr to 百度红薯夫妇吧
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What is happening in the couple massage dating of WGM Jung YongHwa, SeohHyun?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Last week, due to Yong that reluctantly go to the hospital, Hyun suggested to go to the massage spa after he went to the hospital with her. Unlike Yong who oftenly went to massage, this is the first time for Hyun to went for such massage.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hyun is very nervous before the massage as she is scared of itchyness (sorry, I'm not very sure about this word). But the situation turn out to be ok, that they enjoying the couple massage dating in a peaceful atmosphere. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Throughout the massage, Yong and Hyun use their pinky finger (?) to passing message to each other. Yong understand clearly Hyun's message.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    How both Yong & Hyun overcome the itchyness during the massage? YongSeo couple massage dating will be aired on 5th Feb, 5.10pm WGM. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hello all gogumas 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I found on DC  please translation
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credit : DC;WGM
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    '용서커플' 정용화-서현 스케쥴상 문제로 4월 중 하차 확정
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    용서커플 정용화와 서현의 스케쥴상 문제로 4월 중 하차한다. 팬들의 아쉬움을 사고 있는 가운데 ‘우결’ 제작진이 당분간 새멤버를 투입하지 않겠다고 밝혔다. 용서부부가 하차하는 이유는 바쁜 스케줄 때문이다.'우리 결혼했어요2’의 강궁 PD는 “가수 활동 일정이 겹치면, ‘우결’ 촬영시간을 조정해줄 수 있었지만 일본활동이 심화되면서 “어떤 날은 2~3일씩 밤을 새고 녹화장에 오기도 했다 , 그럴 때는 준비한 아이템을 진행하는 게 미안할 정도였다”고 말했다.이런 식으로 계속 하게 되면 결국 출연자의 심신이 피곤하게 된다는 것이다.강 PD는 최근 한 언론과의 인터뷰에서 “좋은 인물이 있다면 만나볼 계획이지만 일단 닉쿤-빅토리아 한 커플로 끌고 갈 예정”이라고 밝혔다. 이어 “한 커플의 방송 분량도 꽤 있다”면서 “그렇다고 새 커플을 투입하지 않겠다는 말은 아니다”라고 덧붙였다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    네이트 연예기사에 떴네요 ㅠㅠ































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMG!! the unwanted day has come~~~ I'm so disappointed and feeling sad... why so fast~~ I feel like crying after reading this....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I believe all of you here will have the same feeling with me now~~~ Sorry guys, I have to excuse myself.. to rearrange my emotion~~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And just because I'm weird.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I stared at the picture for a minute and noticed that the angle seems wrong. Seohyun's eyes said it all. For me. You see, I easily get deceived on pictures like this. I can't clearly distinguish if it is a mirrored picture or not.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But I am not sure, okay. However, I checked the preview and Yonghwa's hair fall like that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And luckily, someone at dc married made this:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    *quoted image*

    *quoted image*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And tell me, am I just obsessed with this couple or this is really how a real couple takes a selca? I mean...okay, I'm obsessed.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @aneng, I have to agree with your point. I think the first pic shown was a mirrored pic, while the one that someone at dc married made one is the real one....  As I can see, Hyun's hair fall is to her right not to her left.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    They are too sweet to be together, I mean look at the pic, aren't they just like real couple... Tomorrow is GOGOMA day again~~ enjoy the show and happy spazzing~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And to M3, thx in advance for the live translation that will be happening tomorrow and thx in advance to Dduk for the full translation later of the show~~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Before I leave, I wanted to wish every Chinese GOGOMA, who will be celebrating Chinese New Year in next week, Happy Chinese New Year~~ Gong Xi Fatt Chai ~~!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So lucky of Thai fans there~~ and of course, you guys are really DAEBAK as well with all the gifts to YongSeo~~ applause ~~!! Hope that we have some fan cams later on to see on the performance... so sweet~~ :wub:
































































































































































































































    Oh, regarding Yong's new hairstyle, I personally feel that his hair is a bit short but with the black color of his hair, it brings out the sharpness of his features-- handsome~~ Guess I have to re-adapt his black color hair image since I first saw him starting WGM is not black.. :lol:
































































































































































































































    I was wondering, did Yong tel Hyun about tonight that he is going to sing the banmal song?? Wondering will he recorded his performance (you know, perhaps with those staff's help or his manager's help for video recording) to show to Hyun? His first ever "live confession" to Hyun~~~ :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































    Oh ottoke~~ so sweet~~:wub:
































































































































































































































































































    dropping by just to share this...
































































































































































































































    enjoy watching!..
































































































































































































































    Fan MV YongSeo Couple (Lovely Skinship 39-41)
































































































































































































































    cr: Ichigokawai2
































































































































































































































    i really like to watch yongseo fmv's.. because it is all precious memories to our couple...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just happen to drop by and I saw FanMV sharing... Clicked and watched it.. Like it very very much, especially with the nice song- A perfect day to confess my love by Younha, such a match song with our YongSeo love story..:wub:.. Well done to the owner of this video.. Kamsamida~~
































































































































































































































    I personally like this scene very much (cap from the FanMV). The feel of freedom, joy and happiness can be sense from this capture, I don't know why I have that feeling, the feeling just came to me when I first saw this. Both of them went on a long journey together and now finally, they are confident to show us how proud and happy they are to be together.
































































































































































































































    I may not able to have a very great description by words, but let me attach this capture, hope you guys will feel what I wanted to mean~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    P/S: If this is night time with fireworks sparkling in the sky, how great and wonderful this picture will turned out to be..? :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































    First of all, big thank you to M3 for the real-time translation and the full translation... and to those fanfics, screen caps, fanvid owners (sorry that I couldn't spell out each of your name...), thank you very much...
































































































































































































































    This week episode, what to say, another good one~!! Well, I think my favorites moments are the same as you all here.. the seagull moments, the naturally held hand moments, the boat riding moments, the necklace bickering moments, the friend's meeting moments in car and in the cafe.... all of them~~ my favorites moment of this episode.
































































































































































































































    Oh, here comes my message for the 1st anniversary and the valentine days~~
































































































































































































































    Happy 1st Anniversary:
































































































































































































































    Yong & Hyun, I wanted to sincerely thank you for letting me know you. Through out this year, I really learn a lot from you. From bottom of my heart, I really hope both of you stay healthy, stay close and appreciate each other well. Down the road, when both of you look back, you will know how precious these memories were. Memories that only belong to both of you~~
































































































































































































































    Happy Valentine Day:
































































































































































































































    Yong & Hyun, wish both of you are able to celebrate your valentine day together despite your tight schedule. Happy Valentine Day~~!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yong~ pls do me a favour, pls kiss Hyun and ask her to be your girl on that day~~!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Love ~ SFern from Malaysia...
































































































































































































































    Cheers!! Thx!!
































































































































































































































    Edit: Forgotten to Thank bezbezbez. Thanks bezbezbez for your initiative and hard work on the project. Appreciate it~~ love you..
































































































































































































































































































    here's the chinese translations.
































































































































































































































    容和*quoted image*徐贤:我男人的女朋友(?)
































































































































































































































    为了享受属于两个人的约会来到海边的容和*quoted image*徐贤!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    cr. baidu goguma forum
































































































































































































































    opps, i top the page.
































































































































































































































    looking forward to tomorrow's wgm. :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    cr. to baidu goguma forum
































































































































































































































    Thx Cilipadi_22 for posting the chinese translation.
































































































































































































































    I will based on the Chinese translation to translate:
































































































































































































































    Yong & Hyun : My man's girlfriend?
































































































































































































































    YongSeo went to the beach for a date. But the happiness is short due to the attack of the seagull~
































































































































































































































    YongSeo went on a board ride and they slowly felt for the nice scenery and bliss of the ocean~ but Hyun complain on Yong's "un-sensitiveness", what is the reason behind of Hyun's complain?
































































































































































































































    It is time to meet up Yong's closest friends. What is Hyun's reaction of meeting Yong's only girl-friend?
































































































































































































































    Can Hyun use the satoori well to get closer with Yong's friends?
































































































































































































































    Cheers!! Looking forward tomorrow GOGOMA DAY~~!!! blush.gif
































































































































































































































































































    Someone from dc married posted saying that this was how filming occurred last night:
































































































































































































































    Myeongdong-Yonghwa Gag concert-Myeongdong-Yonghwa Gag concert-Myeongdong-Skating
































































































































































































































    Okay, Yonghwa. I hope you're still alright. You got to spend your night with your wife, so it's alright, right? XD































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh!! Meaning Yong was going back and fro 2 places? Wondering why they have schedule with gag concert & Myeongdong 2 times? Is this 2 places very near? Yong must be tiring... But it's ok since he is able to see his wife for whole night... Moreover, he must be missing her so much as long time no meet up...  YongSeo hwaiting!!! Thx for all kind hearted gogomas here for posting all amazing informations !! I love u all..
































































































































































































































































































































    Wow, great... They have filming today...
































































































































































































































    I really surprise with our Gogoma power and ability... good tracking :lol:
































































































































































































































    They look so lovely together and Yong is so caring as a boyfriend/ husband to carry all the goods for Hyun~~ :lol:
































































































































































































































    They did not hold hand???!! :(
































































































































































































































































































































    @pinkksoupp: haha!!... they did interlock their fingers right? Actually I'm seeing the same, but just that I'm not able to confirm, that's y I need all of your eagle eyes here to help me confirm it...
































































































































































































































    There was once a test or some short like an article I've read before (Is that ok if I did not credit as I've forgotten from where I've read before, but it is up to you guys to believe it or not). It is actually saying that, when a couple holding hands, the person's thumb that is on top of the "held-hand", is the person who is taking control in the relationship, while the other person will be the follower.... I've tried and tested on myself and my friends around me, it is true!!....
































































































































































































































    Well guys, seems like Hyun's thumb now is on top (I do not think it is a coincident she has to put on top purposely or what, as when it come to hold hand, the fingers crossing is happen naturally without your notice, believe me..). Don't you agree that, Hyun is controlling the whole relationship now? Yong is the one who is patiently waiting her slowly step by step to come to him... Hyun is controlling... don't you agree?
































































































































































































































    Pls share your thoughts... ;)
































































































































































































































    Pls let me know if I've violating any rules... Thx!
















































































































































































    Another DAEBAk episode~ The same thing I would say, every moment in this episode is my favorite...Although I hardly can pick which scene are my more favorite, I try my best to list out some blush.gif:
















































































































    1. The relief look on Hyun's face when she found that MIL favorite color is really wine color when MIL tried on Yong's present- sunglasses. She felt relieve as her present (scarf) is also in wine color, she felt glad that she have chosen the MIL favorite color. (P/s: MIL really looks good in wine color :rolleyes:).
















































































































    2. The cute face on Hyun, when she hardly swallow the raw seafood (I don't know what is that). Yong's caring look, asking her is it feeling bitter, MIL anxious look, asking her is it feeling weird with the smell. Hyun hardly swallow and hardly answer their question, just the 'hmm' sound... so cute~~~ and I notice that Yong and MIL finds it funny, as they both break into laughter...
















































































































    3. Yong's affectionate gazing eyes when feeding Hyun... How on earth he would look at her that way~~!!! OMG, that is totally LOVE... I don't know how to describe it.... That look is priceless...
















































































































    4. Hyun is really a good and caring DIL. She even bought presents for the whole family... She is indeed a beauty (from inside and outside).
















































































































    5. Mother's advice to Yong that Hyun is a good DIL and they both matches well... directly approves Hyun and indirectly asking Yong to appreciate her and "grab" her (perhaps...).
















































































































    6. Mother's touched look and nearly teary eyes after reading Hyun's letter to her. She even look at Yong, feeling from her eyes, she is like telling Yong that, "I'm so touched, you have a good wife...."
















































































































    Too much moment to write, and I don't think I can continue (as I'm not that good in expressing in english)...
















































































































    I have a question:































































































































































































































    They are holding hands, but is it interlocked? Or Hyun just playing with Yong's thumb? Plzzz someone have an eagle eye help to me answer it.... Oh, too sweet~~~ :wub:
































































































































































































































































    Hope can someone translate this, thx ....Love,love,love....^^
















































































































    " 정용화 어머니, 며느리 서현에게 정용화 어린 시절 폭로
















































































































    지난 주, 해운대의 한 일식집에서 시어머니와 첫 식사자리를 갖게 된 용서부부. 시어머니께 정식으로 인사드리는 자리는 처음인지라 잔뜩 긴장했던 서현은 정용화 어머니가 폭로한 남편의 학창 시절 이야기에 웃음을 되찾았다.
















































































































    정용화가 12년 학창시절 내내 고수했던 특유(?)의 행동 때문이었기 때문. 더군다나 결혼 후 아내 앞에서는 180도 돌변한 모습이어서 방송으로 지켜보셨던 어머니는 그런 아들의 모습에 큰 충격을 받았다며 서현에게 아들의 과거를 거침없이 쏟아내셨다.
















































































































    정용화의 어머니가 며느리 서현에게 털어 놓는 아들의 학창시절 비화는 무엇일지, 결혼 후 180도 달라진 모습은 과연 어떤 것일지, 2011년 1월 15일(토) 오후 5시 10분 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'에서 공개 된다. "































































































































































































































    I based on the Chinese translation from Baidu (http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=976282354) credit to the owner of the Chinese translations..
















































































































    Last week, Seohyun and MIL having their first meal together in a Japanese Sushi Restaurant at Haeundae. Seohyun nervousness formal greeting with MIL. MIL revealed Yonghwa's story during his school time causing them laugh happily.
















































































































    MIL revealed that Yonghwa have a special habit (I'm not very sure about this, sorry) during his 12 years student life. After getting married with wife beside him, he has a 180 degree of changes, causing Yonghwa's mother who often watching his show (WGM) get a great shocked. Because of this, MIL revealed to Seohyun all the past story of Yonghwa.
















































































































    MIL telled all the secret of Yonghwa during his study life and what will be Yonghwa's 180 degree changes? It will be revealed during 15-Jan-2011 WGM broadcast....  
































































































































































    OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!
















































































































    This song is really sweet and amazing and I can say that, Yong is really confessing to Hyun~~
















































































































    Yong is really a talented person. His voice is nice, the arrangement of this song and the emotional throughout the song, from entry until the end~~~ really brings out the feelings and the real meaning of his to his Hyun.... I personally like the bridge part (the last part), really touching and meaningful....
















































































































    Honestly, I got tears in my eyes when I'm listening to this song, though I'm totally not understand Korean language. The voice, the emotional inside the song... make me tears....
















































































































    Yong & Hyun, you both are meant to be together~~~ Truthfully hope both of you really dating for real and have a happy ending (get married of course!!)... I love you both~~
















































































































    @Faith_memory: Yea.. I notice the 3:33 of this song as well.. haha.. really is LOVE LOVE LOVE....
































































































































































    Thanks Mountainmadman for the translation... Appreciate it.. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































    Looking into your eyes, my two eyes































































































































































































































    they're talking to you































































































































































































































    I love you
















































































































    Isn't this already tell??!! this song is really a confession from Yong to Hyun~~ Aren't they often speaks with their eyes? their eyeship!!!
















































































































    AHHH!!! I'm going to die because of diabetes.... Too sweet~~~
















































































































    I love this song~~!! I even love both of them to be IN LOVE~~~

















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